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Osmeña Avenue, Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119


LESSON 1: DepEd Guidelines on Lesson Planning


In this lesson, you will be able to:

 determine the legal basis for instructional planning in the Department of Education
 identify key features of instructional planning, and
 explain how the instructional planning strategies could be integrated in with the DepEd


With the promulgation of Republic Act N0. 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act
of 2013, the education sector has changed. It was moved from a competency-based
curriculum toward a standards-based one. Furthermore, the way learners are assessed and
evaluated under the new curriculum, has also changed with the K to 12, putting more
emphasis on performance and outputs, rather than simple pen-and-paper tests. It is
therefore imperative that planning for instruction would also change.
In this lesson, we are going to look at the guidelines from the DepEd on instructional
planning and look at some of its more salient features.


 Instructional planning is fundamental to ensure the delivery of teaching and learning in

schools. It is a means to make sure that the teacher could visualize the lesson before it
could be delivered to the learners. As such, DepEd released guidelines to ensure that
instructional planning is done in an orderly and regular fashion.
 Instructional planning comprises three major steps advocated in the policy namely:
1) Planning instruction
2) Delivery of instruction , and
3) Assessment of learning
 This process expects the teachers to come to class prepared to organize and develop a
plan, implement it, and determine how well the plan was implemented.
 The features of the K to 12 Curriculum include the spiral progression of content,
constructivist view on learning and meaning making, and use of differentiated instruction
and should be reflected in lessons the teachers plan for.

1st Sem AY 2022-2023


Elements of the Learning Plan

The lesson plan serves as the teacher’s map in attaining the objectives of the lesson. As
such, it should be carefully crafted, containing the necessary details to tackle the particular
topic. Essentially, the lesson plan should answer the following lessons:

 What should be taught?

 Content Standards
 Performance Standards
 Learning Competencies

 How should it be taught?

Teachers are encouraged to use strategies that address the learners’ cognitive
abilities, learning styles, readiness levels, multiple intelligences, gender, socio-economic
background, culture, ethnicity, physical ability and special needs, etc.

These strategies include:

 Direct instruction, where a material is taught in a sequential manner. The

strategy is usually used in teaching facts, rules, and action sequences.

 Indirect Instruction is a strategy that directly involves the learners as a more

active participant in the classroom rather than a passive one.

 Interactive instruction involves the learners in the learning experience. They

become part of the learning process rather simply a recipient of learning, thus the
teacher puts more emphasis on the process rather than the product.

 Independent study, where the teacher’s control of the learning experience is

reduced, and gives the learners the reign on their interaction with the content.

 How should learning be assessed?

 Lesson planning not only involves planning for the execution of the lesson, it
should also convey an assessment plan in measuring student learning. The
policy refers to DepEd Order # 8, s. 2015 entitled Policy Guidelines on
Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

 The guidelines put premium of the use of formative assessment as a tool to help
learners identify their strengths and weaknesses. It also helps learners make
adjustments to their teaching as areas of concern are identified.

Learning Plans
 DepEd Order 42, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K
to 12 Basic Education Program) recognizes that teachers acquire more experience
and competency as they progress in the teaching profession. It provides different plan
templates for different teachers.
 Newly hired teachers without professional teaching experience will be required to
prepare a daily Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) for one year.
 On the other hand, teachers with at least one year of teaching experience will be
required to use the weekly Daily Lesson Log (DLL)

1st Sem AY 2022-2023


Parts of a Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

1. Before the Lesson

 This part describes the preliminary activities prior to the actual introduction of the
lesson. In this part, the teacher reviews the previous lesson and clarifies
concepts from the previous lesson that may have been unclear to the learners.
 After doing so, the teacher introduces the new lesson and makes a connection
between this lesson and old one in order to establish a purpose. Finally, the
teacher states the lesson’s objectives before the class.

2. The Lesson Proper

 The teacher presents the new material to the learners.

 She/he employs various strategies and methods to convey the new concepts,
skills and competencies to the learners.
 It is also here that the teacher checks for the learners’ understanding, and
provides them with feedback.

3. After the Lesson

 This begins with a wrap-up activity where the teacher provides a summary of the
lesson or asks the learners to summarize the lesson for the class.
 It is also where the ideas learned are reinforced, or whether the learners have
mastered the day’s lesson

Parts of a Daily Lesson Plan (DLP)

1. Objectives – They describe what the teacher intends to attain for the day based on the
curriculum guide set by DepEd.

 Content Standards are facts, concepts, and procedures based on each of the
learning areas that the learners need to learn

 Performance Standards are the tasks that learners need to perform based on
what they understood about the content.

 Learning Competencies are the knowledge skills, and attitudes that learners
need to demonstrate in the duration of the lesson. These competencies are
coded in the curriculum guide and should be reflected in the teacher’s DLL/DLP.

2. Content – this describes the subject matter of the lesson

3. Learning Resources – this pertains to the references and other sources of

information the teacher will use for the lesson.

4. Procedures – For the Daily Lesson Log, procedure for delivering the lesson shall be
composed 10 steps:

1) Reviewing of previous lesson or presentation of the lesson

2) Establishing purpose for the lesson as a form of motivation

1st Sem AY 2022-2023


3) Presentation of examples for content and competencies in order to clarify

4) Discussion of new concepts, leading to the first formative assessment
activity prior to the deepening of the lesson
5) Development of the concept to deepen learners’ understanding, leading
toward the second formative assessment
6) Deepen understanding of the learners on the lesson’s concepts to lead
toward mastery. This is through implementation of group and
collaborative activities
7) Helping learners find practical ways to use the knowledge and skills they
have learned in the lesson
8) Making generalization and abstractions about the concepts and insights
from the lesson
9) Evaluation learning to assess whether the lesson objectives were met
10) Providing additional activities for the application of the lessons learned or
remediation for learners who may have had difficulty with the lesson.

5. Remarks – This part indicates the special cases, such as continuation of the lesson or
reteaching due to lack of time or suspension of classes

6. Reflection – This is where the teacher reflects on what transpired during the lesson:

 How many learners got 80% in the evaluation:

 How many learners need additional activities?
 Did the remediation activities work?
 How many require additional work?
 Which strategies used in the lesson engaged the learners?
 What are the difficulties encountered by the teacher and learner before, during,
and after the lesson?
 Which of the practices that is used in this lesson could be shared with my

Here is the sample of the Daily Lesson Plan prepared by the students last year during their internship :

Colegio de Sta. Ana de Grade

School: Grade 6
Victorias – Integrated School Level:
GRADES 1 to 12

Abenia, Jerylyn
Bonda, Judy Ann Learning
DAILY LESSON Teacher: Science 6
Cantong, Cris Joy
Garito, Jerrica Marie D.
Hornalin, Lovely Jean
PLAN Teaching April 4, 2022
Date and Quarter: Fourth Quarter
Time: 8:20-9:00 a.m.


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of how the major

organs of the human body work together to form organ
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful
habits that promote proper functioning of the circulatory

1st Sem AY 2022-2023


C. Learning Competencies (LC)/Objectives The learners should be able to
1. Explain how the organs of Circulatory work together S6LT-
Write the LC code for each. lla-b-1
2. Explain how the organs of Circulatory System work together
Lesson 1 Understanding the Human Body
Circulatory System


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide (TG) Pages My Distance Learning Buddy (Science) pp. 237-241
2. Learner’s Material (LM) Pages pp.237-241
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, pictures, charts, YouTube video ( )


A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or presenting the new Ask the following questions
lesson.  What have we discussed last week?
 What are the parts of the Respiratory System?
 What organ is commonly called as the voice box?
- Larynx
 These are the main organs of the respiratory
system. - Lungs
 What happens to your chest during inhalation?
- chest moves outward and upward to expand

B. Establishing a purpose for the new lesson. Question and Answer Strategy

 Are you wondering if how the nutrients from the food

we eat reach the different parts of the body?
 Are they distributed well?
 What organs are responsible for the distribution of the

C. Presenting examples/ instances of new lesson. Present the image of the Circulatory System

Circulatory System – is the body’s transport system

it is responsible for distributing
nutrients, oxygen, and other essential substances to all parts
of the body.

1st Sem AY 2022-2023


D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new

skills # 1. Discuss the parts and functions of the Circulatory

- It beats 70-
80 times per
minute to distribute
blood to the
different parts of
the body

Chambers of the
- the atria
- the

Valves of the Heart

- atrioventricular valves
- semilunar valve


Blood is considered the “river of life”. It delivers vital

nutrients and oxygen to all the cells in the different parts of
the body.
Red Blood Cells – carries oxygen from the lungs and
delivers to different parts of the body.
White Blood Cells – soldiers of the body
Platelet – important role in blood clothing
Plasma – liquid part of the blood

Blood Vessels

1st Sem AY 2022-2023


These are tubes that serve as passageways for blood to reach

the different parts of the body.
Artery – carries oxygen rich blood away from the heart
Vein - carries oxygen poor-blood from the different parts of
the body back to the heart
Capillary – connects arteries and veins

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Very good class, since you already identify the different parts
skills # 2. and functions of the Circulatory System lets move on to the
types of blood circulation.


Pulmonary Circulation

- Is the movement of deoxygenated blood from the heart

into the lungs.

- Pulmonary circulation is for the blood to get oxygen in the

lungs and release carbon dioxide

Systemic Circulation

- Is the movement of oxygenated blood from the heart to

the different parts of the body.

- Systemic circulation is for the blood to supply oxygen and

nutrients in it to the different parts of the body

1st Sem AY 2022-2023


F. Developing Mastery Let us find out what you have learned

Answer the following briefly:

1. What are the components of the circulatory system?
What are their functions?

2. Differentiate systemic circulation from pulmonary


G. Finding practical application of concepts Presentation of video – Healthful habits that promotes proper
and skills in daily living. functioning of the circulatory system

H. Making generalizations and abstractions  What is the definition and importance of the
about the lesson Circulatory system?
 What are the different organs of the Circulatory
 What will happen to our body if one of the organs of
the circulatory system is damage or not functioning
 How are you going to do to keep our circulatory
organs healthy and properly functioning? What
should you avoid?
I. Evaluating learning

5 = 100% Name:____________________________ Date:__________

4 = 90%
3 = 80%
2 = 70% Refer to the illustration below and write the letter of your
1 = 60% answer on the space before the number.
0 = 50%

Rating = score x 50 + 50
# of Items

Proficiency Level = 80%

40 students who took the test

80% 0f 40 = 32/40
_______ 1. Which part of the heart can withstand highest

_______ 2. Which of the following parts receives an oxygen-

poor blood?

_______ 3. Which of the following parts ensures that oxygen-

poor blood flows in one direction only?

_______ 4. Which of the following parts ensures that oxygen-

rich blood flows in one direction only?

_______ 5. Which part of the heart prevents the mixing of

oxygenated from deoxygenated blood?

J. Additional activities for application or Advance Reading on Nervous System on page 243
ML:_26/28__ = 93% 2/28 – 7%

1st Sem AY 2022-2023


Instructional Decision : _Proceed_/ Reteach the lesson



A. No. of learners earned 80% in the 26 students earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who required 2 students require remediation

C. Did the remedial work? No. of learners
who have caught up. Yes the remedial works and they have caught up.
D. No. of learner who continue to require
remediation. 0/2
E. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Discussion with the integration of digital tools like power point
presentation, images and graphics.
F. What difficulty did I encounter which my none
principal and supervisor help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I We used power point presentation, with pictures, graphics,
use/discover which I wish to share with other and charts in order to make my lesson more engaging and
teachers? interesting.

Checked by:
Mrs. Antonette A. Ang
Intern Supervisor

Deadline: Nov. 9, 2022

Group Members:
_______________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________ _________________________________

With your group, write your reflection and conclusion by completing the following statements:
We learned that:
We realized that:
We think there is a need to:

1st Sem AY 2022-2023

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