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Sergio Alejandro Sandoval Robles

Instituto Técnico Distrital Julio Florez


Society has to be trained to have the capacity to accept mistakes and to put

itself in the place of others, to begin with we have to inculcate the feat of not

trampling on anyone and with this we have to demonstrate that we have to stop

believing that not accepting bad things is right.

Harari Y. N. (2018) states in 21 lessons for the 21st century. Israel. “most

people today tend to believe that they are the center of the world” (p.150) and

therefore, believe that they have no responsibility in society, this is not completely

true because no matter what just by your presence you already have some

responsibility, even if it's just living together, this because ever since Harari Y. N.

(2018) states in 21 lessons for the 21st century. Israel. “Humans populated the

entire planet, adopted agriculture built the first cities and invented writing” (p.153)

they made the decision that they were going to be responsible for the life they

wanted to live. Albert, G. P. (2022, June 9) La Humildad es la nueva inteligencia

en la era de las maquinas inteligentes. Retrieved from

de-las-maquinas-inteligentes.html The age of intelligent machines is here.

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are on the way to surpass the cognitive

abilities once considered exclusive to humans, this makes people increasingly stop

doing things by themselves and rely on external things and those who have

enough money pay for them to do what they once learned to never use again.

Carey, B. (2019, October 26) El Orgullo de Ser Humilde. Retrieved

virtudes-psicologia.html Studies find that humility is not the boldest of personality

traits, but it is important. And, according to psychologists, it is very difficult to

pretend because people always believe that they are more than someone but in

reality, they do not realize that not all people have the same life story, this leads

them to criticize and judge. without noticing that they are causing damage that

goes beyond the physical, but humility is a characteristic that has almost just

arrived in social and personality psychology, at least as a trait or behavior that

must be studied in isolation, the People who obtain high marks in the aspect of

humility are less aggressive and less critical, which is why they do not point out

any person without first knowing them and really knowing what the truth is

behind each of them.

Finally, we can say that Monserrat, D. D. (2017, October 17) Los

Beneficios de Ser Humilde. Retrieved from https://www.ceteco-


0cualquier%20curaci%C3%B3n humility is a Strong and Determining personality

trait. It is a necessary strength to be happy, to constantly learn, to improve social

relationships, to forge effective leadership and with this affirm that he who

manages to be humble manages to be a person.


El orgullo de ser humilde:


La humildad es la nueva inteligencia en la era de las máquina inteligentes:


Los beneficios de ser humilde:



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