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“Narrative for

Young Learners”

Dosen Pengampu:

Putu Santi Oktarina, M.Pd.


Nama : Ni Wayan Werniti Saputri

NIM : 2011031081
Absen :9
Kelas : PGSD B2
Semester : III (tiga)
Mata Kuliah : Aplikasi Bahasa Inggris






Vocabulary lists:

1. Golden Snail; 9. Old woman;

2. Palace Garden; 10. Fishing;
3. Threw it away; 11. Surprised;
4. River; 12. Curious;
5. Old and powerful witch; 13. Beautiful woman;
6. Transform; 14. Holy gamelan;
7. Drift; 15. Prayed;
8. Caught into net; 16. Maditated;

a) Rearrange the letters to get the words from the vocabulary list.
1. ftrid; 5. prisedsur;
2. nghifis; 6. riouscu;
3. revir; 7. dlo manwo;
4. oldegn nslia; 8. olhy lanmega;

b) Listen to the audio contained in the link and answer the questions correctly.
1. What is the relationship of prince Raden Putra and Dewi Limaran?
2. Why did Dewi Limaran throw snails into the river?
3. Why did the witch cursed her?
4. What did the golden snail do to the old woman?
5. How did prince Raden Putra get the holy gamelan?
6. What did Prince Raden Putra and Dewi Limaran give to the old woman for her

c) Decide if the statements are True or Flase

1. Prince Raden Putra and Dewi Limaran were brothers and sisters. _____
2. The spell can be broken if Dewi Limaran hears the holy gamelan._____
3. An old woman was fishing and used her net to catch some fish. _____
4. When the old woman woke up in the morning, she was surprised that her house was
in such bad condition. _____
5. The golden snail he caught in the river turned into a beautiful woman. _____
6. "I can change back as a human only in the morning," explained Dewi Limaran ____

d) Who said that? (Dewi Limara, Old Woman, or Old Witch.)

a) "Yuck!” _________
b) "Who are you, young gril?” __________
c) "The spell can be broken if I hear the melody from the holy gamelan,” _________

e) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brockets

Prince Raden Putra and Dewi Limaran (1) ____(are) husband and wife.
They (2) ____(live) in a palace. Prince Raden Putra's father (3) ____(is) the king of
the kingdom. One day, Dewi Limaran was (4) _____(walk) around in the palace
garden. Suddenly she saw a snail. She could transform herself into anything. The witch
was angry to Dewi Limaran. The witch put a spell on her and (5) _____(chang) her
into a golden snail.

The golden snail was (6) _____(drift) away in the river and got caught into a
net. An old woman was fishing and used her net to catch some fish. She was
(7) ______(surpris) to see a golden snail in her net.

The floor was (8) _____(mopp). And she also had food on the table. She was thinking
very hard. "Who did this to me? The person is very kind." It (9) ______(happen) again
and again every morning.
The old woman was very curious. One night she (10) _____ (decid) to stay up
late. She was (11) _____(peep) from her room to know who (12) _____(cook) for her.
Then, she could not believe what she saw. The golden snail she caught in the river
(13) _____(turn) into a beautiful woman.

The old woman (14) _______(approach) her. "Who are you, young girl?" "I am
Dewi Limaran, Ma'am. A witch cursed me. I can change back as a human only at night,
(15) ______"(explain) Dewi Limaran. The old woman then (16) _____(rush) to the
palace. She talked to Prince Raden Putra about her wife. Prince Raden Putra was so
happy. He had been looking for his wife everywhere.

He then (17) ______(pray) and (18) ______(meditate). He asked the gods to

give him the holy gamelan. He (19) _____(want) to break the witch's spell. After
several days praying and meditating finally gods granted his wish. He immediately
brought the holy gamelan to the old woman's house. He (20) _____(play) it beautifully.
And then amazingly the golden snail (21) _____(turn) into the beautiful Dewi Limaran.
The couple was so happy that they could be together again. They also
(22)_____(thank) the old woman for her kindness. As a return, they asked her to stay
in the palace.

“As good as you can cover up the crime, one day it will also be
revealed. Always do good and keep away from envy jealousy
then you will be safe in living life”
Answer key:
a) Rearrange the letters to get the words from the vocabulary list.
1. Drift; 5. Surprised;
2. Fishing; 6. Curious;
3. River; 7. Old woman;
4. Golden Snail; 8. Holy Gamelan;

b) Listen to the audio contained in the link and answer the questions correctly.
1. Husband and Wife.
2. Because Dewi Limaran thinks snails are ugly and disgusting.
3. Because Dewi Limaran did not know that the snail that was thrown into the river
was actually an old and powerful witch.
4. The house is cleaned, the floor is mopped, and she also provides food on the table.
5. Raden Putra prayed and meditated. He also asked the gods to give him the sacred
gamelan. After several days praying and meditating, finally gods granted his wish.
6. In return, Raden Putra and Dewi Limaran asked the old woman to stay in the palace.

c) Decide if the statements are True or Flase

1. False, because they are husband and wife
2. True,
3. True
4. False, because he was surprised that his house was in such a good condition, not
5. True
6. False, because Dewi Limaran change back as a human only at night.

d) Who said that? (Dewi Limara, Old Woman, or Old Witch.)

1. Dewi Limara.
2. Old Woman.
3. Dewi Limara.
e) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brockets

1. Was 12. Cooked

2. Lived 13. Turned
3. Was 14. Approached
4. Walking 15. Explained
5. Changed 16. Rushed
6. Drifting 17. Prayed
7. Surprised 18. Meditated
8. Mopped 19. Wanted
9. Happened 20. Played
10. Decided 21. Turned
11. Peeping 22. Thanked
for grade 1 students


A class teacher asked her students to name an animal that begins

with an “E”. One boy said, “Elephant.” The teacher then asked again for
an animal that begins with a “T”. The same boy answered, “Two

The teacher was getting irritated the boy’s answers and sent him out
of the class. After that, she once again asked her students for an animal
beginning with “M”. “Maybe an elephant!” shouted the boy from the other
side of the wall.
“Maybe an

Vocabulary lists:

1. Teacher = Guru 5. Maybe = Mungkin

2. Animal = Binatang 6. Elephant = Gajah
3. One = Satu 7. Irritated = Kesal
4. Two = Dua 8. Out of the class = Keluar Kelas

Les’t go to the


I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

1. Guru dalam bahasa Inggris adalah …

a. Student c. Education
b. School d. Teacher
2. Elephant dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya …
a. Harimau c. Jerapah
b. Gajah d. Kuda
3. m – a – i – a – n – i
The correct word is …
a. maybe c. Animal
b. Irritated d. Butterfly
4. One, ……, three, four, five, six, seven. Titik-titik tersebut diisi …
a. Eight c. Two
b. Ten d. Nine
5. Out of the class.
Bahasa Indonesianya adalah …
a. Keluar kamar c. Keluar rumah
b. Keluar kelas d. Keluar sekolah
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer

A class teacher asked her (1) ______to name an animal that begins with an
“E”. One boy said, (2) “______” The teacher then asked again for an animal that
begins with a “T”. The same boy answered, (3) “_______”
The teacher was getting (4) ______ the boy’s answers and sent him out of the
class. After that, she once again asked her students for an animal beginning with
“M”. (5) “_________” shouted the boy from the other side of the wall.

1. Maybe an elephant! 4. Elephant

2. Students 5. Irritated
3. Two elephants

III. Decide if the statements are True or Flase!

1. A class teacher asks students to name a fruit that starts with the letter "E".
2. 2. The teacher is pleased with the child's answer and asks him to leave the
class. _____
3. The teacher then asked again for an animal that begins with a “T”. The same
boy answered, “Three elephants.” _____
4. “Maybe an elephant!” shouted the boy from the other side of the wall. _____
“Answer key”

II. Fill in the blanks with

I. Choose the correct
the correct answer
answer by crossing (x) a,
b, c, or d!
1. Students
1. D 2. Elephant
2. B
3. Two elephants
3. C
4. C 4. Irritated
5. B 5. Maybe an elephant!

III. Decide if the statements

are True or Flase!

1. True
2. Flase
3. Flase
4. True
for grade 5 students

“The Ant and the Dove”

One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking
around for a moment, she came to a water spring. To reach the water
spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up,
she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water.

She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her.
Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a
tree and dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant.
Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried
her safely to dry ground.

Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing
out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way.

Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bite him on the heel.
Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away
quickly from net.
Sumber :

“The morality: One good turn deserves another”

Vocabulary lists:

1. Ant = Semut 7. Leaf = Daun

2. Dove = Merpati 8. Hunter = Pemburu
3. Hot day = Hari yang panas 9. Trap = Perangkap
4. Water Spring = Mata air 10. Net = Jaring
5. Climbed = Memanjat 11. Bite = Gigitan
6. Slipped = Tergelincir/terpeleset 12. Flew = Terbang

I. choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

1. What is the text about?

a. The ant and the dove c. The dove and the hunter
b. The hunter and the ant d. The hunter’s pet

2. The first paragraph tells about …

a. Various type of ant c. The ant in the water spring
b. What does the ant drink d. The dove help the ant

3. What is the character of the dove?

a. Careless c. Dangerous
b. Helpful d. Thankful

4. How does the dove help the ant?

a. The ant saw the dove c. The dove flies low near the
above the trees water spring
b. The dove saw the ant and d. The dove drop a leaf
thinking and swim to the

5. Why did the hunter cry out with pain?

a. His gun was dropped down. d. His head was bitten by the
b. His gun was exploded. dove.
c. His leg was bitten by the
II. Let’s read and choose.

water spring hot day dropped hunter slipped

1. One, ______ an ant was seeking for some water.

2. To reach the ______, she had to climb up a blade of grass.
3. While making her way up, she ______ and fell unintentionally into the water.
4. The dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and ______ it immediately into the
water near the struggling ant.
5. Not long after at that, there was a ______ nearby who was throwing out his
net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way.

III. Let’s match and draw lines.

To reach the ant water spring The dove is threatened by a

must? hunter's trap

Why do ant fall into the water? Feeling sick from being bitten by
Why does the ant bite the hunter's
heel? Climb up a blade of grass

The hunter drops his net Because slipped while climbing the
“Answer key”

I. Choose the correct

II. Let’s read and choose.
answer by crossing (x) a,
b, c, or d!
1. Hot Day
1. A 2. Water spring
2. C 3. Slipped
3. B 4. Dropped
4. D 5. Hunter
5. C

To reach the ant water spring The dove is threatened by a

must? hunter's trap

Why do ant fall into the water? Feeling sick from being bitten by
Why does the ant bite the hunter's
heel? Climb up a blade of grass

The hunter drops his net Because slipped while climbing

the grass


Let's scan this code with your camera phone.

1. To open the video, scan the code above.
2. Read aloud together with the video.
3. Play it for 3 times.

“Where there is a will there is a way”
Les’t go to the

Exercise 1
Listen, read and repeat after your teacher speaks!


6. Excited
1. Hot day

7. Beak
2. Thirsty
3. Crow

8. Brilliant idea

4. Water drink
5. Bottle

9. Pebbles
Exercise 2
Check ( ) the correct answer!

1. Story name is?

o Crow and water o The thirsty crow
o Crow and bottle o Dog and crow
2. Which one is “crow”?
o o

o o


One ______ day.

o Rainy o Hot
o Cold o Night

4. What do you mean “thirsty”?

o Want to eat o Want to drink water
o Want to sleep o Want to fly

5. At first, can the crow drink the water?

o Yes
o No
How crow solved his problem?
o Panicking o Thinking and then working
o Asking help o He gave up


What did the crow to do drink water?

o Waiting for rain o Throw pebbles into the
o Fly away bottle
o Drinking in the river

Finally, did the crow drink the water?

o No
o Yes

9. Crow the thoughtful and persistent.

o True
o Flase

10. Moral of the story is that?

o We must not try o We must give up if situation
o We must never give up in seems difficult
the life and try to solve o We must panic
Exercise 3
Colour the path to get the drink water!


Let's scan this code with your camera phone.

1. To open the video, scan the code above.
2. Read aloud together with the video.
3. Play it for 3 times.
Always use your presence of mind to take
care of difficult situations and
do not listen to others without first using your brain.
Les’t go to the


Exercise 1
Let’s listen, match and draw lines.


Donkey Makan
Fox Ladang
Wolf Kaki
Eat Keledai
Field Serigala
Foot Kelaparan
Lean over Lapar
Look Berpikir
Kick Muda
Foolish Gemuk
Starving Pikiran
Hungry Bersandar/membungkuk
Think Lihat
Young Tendangan
Chubby Bodoh
Thought Rubah
Exercise 2
Practice the dialogue with 3 friends in turn!

"Hi there? I've never

seen you before. Who "Hi! I carry heavy
are you?" loads around

"Oh, I see.
What's your "My name? It's on my
name?" foot. Would you like to
take a look?"
Yaahhhhh “Hey wolf, you look so
hungry. I think i just saw
"I'm starving."
a young and chubby fellow
over there."

"Hi! I carry heavy

loads around
Exercise 3
Arrange the letters, adjust them to the vocabulary!

x o f
t a e
l o f w
t o f o
k i k c
v i n g s t a r
n g r y u h
l i s h f o o
u n g o y
h u b b y c
Exercise 4
Let's answer the crossword puzzle!

A. Read the short story and fill in the blanks with the correct words!
The Greedy Dog
Once there lived a (1)______ dog. He was (2)______ and
was looking for something to eat. He walked across a
(3)________. He started (4)______ and spotted a bone. "A, this
looks a (5)______ bone". He picked up the bone in his mouth
and ran towards his house.
While crossing the bridge he looked down the water. He saw his own
(6)______ and mistook it for another dog. He thought to himself. "The dog in
the water also has a piece of bone. If I (7)______ his bone. I will have two
bones". He (8)______ looking at his reflection. The reflection too, growled back.
Then he (9)______ at the reflection. "Woof! Woof! As he opened his mouth, the
bone fell into the water from his mouth. The water (10)_______ and only then
the dog (11)_______ the other dog was his own reflection. But it was too late,
Alas! he had lost the piece of bone because of his (12)_______. Now, there was
no way, he had to go hungry.

Splashed = Terciprat Realized that = Menyadari bahwa Greedy = Rakus

Greedy =
Sniffing = Mengendus Greed = ketamakan/keserakahan

Delicious = Lezat/enak Growled = Menggeram

Greedy = rakus

Hungry = Lapar Reflection = Cerminan/bayangan

Snatch = merebut
Greedy = rakus
Barked = Menggonggong
Wooden bridge
Greedy= Jembatan
= kayu
Greedy = rakus

Greedy = rakus
Greedy = rakus
Greedy = rakus
B. Use the prompts to create sentences using the four narrative

1. at 4.30 / arrived home / Martin / in the afternoon

2. bananas / Andi and I/ liked
3. when the alarm / she was / went off / sleeping
4. is stared raining / they were / when / playing
5. went to school / he / yesterday / he had finished / before / his
6. elementary school / he had not been / last year / until / student
7. for five year / he said / here / that he had been/ studying
8. Doni came / playing / I had been / when / basketball

C. Complete each part of the story below using four narrative tenses
based on your own ideas!

The Quiet Queen

In country very far from here, there was a white castle on top of a
mountain. The king and his beautiful wife lived in the castle. One day, a
naughty little boy jumped into the garden of the castle and he met the
queen. She looked very sad. “What’s wrong?” the boy asked.
“I’m not ready to be a queen. No one likes me,” the queen said. “I’m
too quiet.” “It’s ok to be quiet,” the boy said, “I’m sure you have other good
The queen thought and said, “Yes, I’m smart, honest, and helpful.
You’re right, it is ok to be a quiet queen. Thank you!” “You’re welcome. I’m
sure people will like you if you do helpful things for them,” the boy said.
After that, the queen was more confident. She helped many people in her
country, and everyone loved the Quiet Queen.
The Quiet Queen

In country very far from here, there was a white castle on top of a
mountain. The king and his beautiful wife lived in the castle. One day, a
naughty little boy jumped into the garden of the castle and he met the
queen. She looked very sad. “What’s wrong?” the boy asked.
“I’m not ready to be a queen. No one likes me,” the queen said. “I’m
too quiet.” “It’s ok to be quiet,” the boy said, “I’m sure you have other good
The Quiet Queen

In country very far from here, there was a white castle on top of a
mountain. The king and his beautiful wife lived in the castle. One day, a
naughty little boy jumped into the garden of the castle and he met the
queen. She looked very sad. “What’s wrong?” the boy asked.
The Quiet Queen


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