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When an individual goes to see a

healthcare professional, it is usually
because they are experiencing
symptoms that they would like to be
reduced or eliminated. There are
many different healthcare fields (i.e.
medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic,
physical therapy, homeopathy,
oriental medicine, etc.) where one
might go looking for help.

477 Lancaster Ave. Malvern Pa

While all healthcare fields serve a
purpose and can provide benefit 19355 | 484-318-7921

depending on the condition(s) being

treated, it can be said of any field that,
unless the root cause of the condition
is found and fixed, the symptoms will
persist after treatment has been
rendered. Chiropractic is no exception. CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE A
At Align Chiropractic, we specialize in CHIROPRACTIC
structural correction of the spine. If it It's a conversation, not a
is found that abnormal structure is
the underlying problem, we will work
with you to fix the root cause, not
mask your symptom(s).
Traditional Chiropractic Our Goal Objective Testing
Traditional chiropractic has three goals in mind: Our goal at Align Chiropractic is not to treat Structural Radiography
decrease pain, increase range of motion, and secondary conditions, rather it is to fix the primary
decrease muscle spasms. To achieve these goals, condition which is the root cause of the secondary BEFORE AFTER
the chiropractor might use adjustments, massage, conditions. In order to assess the structure of the
stretches, and various therapies including muscle spine, we use objective structural assessments and
stimulation, laser, and ice/heat. Although this type tests. These include structural radiography, structural
of care is likely to produce good symptomatic digital photography, and muscle tension analysis.
relief, it is rarely, if ever, long lasting. The reason These tests allow us to analyze if a structural shift of
for this is because the symptoms being treated the spine, aka subluxation, is present. Objective tests
are secondary conditions that have a primary also allow us to track patient progress over time
cause that is likely being ignored. objectively, rather than based solely on symptomatic
changes which can come and go.

Our Approach Normal Spine

At Align Chiropractic, we specialize in structural
correction of the spine. Just as there is a normal
blood pressure, body temperature, and hormone
levels, there is a normal spinal position. When the
spine is not in its normal position, a condition
called subluxation, many secondary conditions
(aka symptoms) can occur. These symptoms can
include, but are not limited to, back pain, neck pain,
numbness and tingling along the spine or into the
extremities, headaches, disc injuries, TMJ issues, Surface Electromyography
loss of balance and dizziness, digestive problems,
breathing difficulties, and the list goes on. BEFORE AFTER
Patient Care
Every patient in our office is treated as uniquely as
they are. Just because two individuals present with
At Align Chiropractic, the same secondary conditions (i.e. low back pain),
we specialize in that does not mean that they need the same care!

structural correction The care we deliver and the recommendations we

make are based off of each individual patient's exam
of the spine and objective tests. Modifications to treatment and
recommendations are determined by patient
response and progress.

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