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title "VirtualGIS" ;

vgis_screen("New Windows Appear On"): "default"

"Images appear on"
enums {
"default" "same screen as title bar"
".0" "screen 0"
".1" "screen 1"
".2" "screen 2"
".3" "screen 3"

viewmode("Navigation Mode"): "position"

"Set Default Viewing Mode"
enums {
"position" "Position"
"target" "Target"
"dashboard" "Dashboard"
"terrain" "Terrain Following"
"selection" "Selection"

backingstore("Use Backing Store"): "no"

"Use Backing Store to improve refresh"
boolean "yes" "no";

colldetection("Collision Detection"): "yes"

"Detect and avoid collisions with the terrain"
boolean "yes" "no";

tiling_method("Raster Tiling Quality"): "Best"

"Quality of seams between display tiles of Raster Imagery"
enums {
"Best" "Slowest Performance, Most Memory Consumption."
"Better" "Slower Performance, Average Memory Consumption."
"Good" "Best Performance, Least Memory Consumption."

updatefromlink("Update From Linked Eye-Target Selector"): "onupdate"

"Update from eye/target when the selector is released or moved"
enums {
"onupdate" "Update when selector is moved"
"onrelease" "Update when selector is released"

selectorcolor("Eye/Target Colors"): 255, 0, 0

"Default color for Eye/Target icons displayed in Viewer";

default_symbology("Default Symbology File"): ""

"Default Vector Symbology File"
maxlength 256;

coordpref("Show Coordinates As:"): "Map"

"Show Coordinates as Map or Lat/Lon"
enums {
"Map" "Map"
"Lat/Lon" "Lat/Lon"

positionscolor("Color of Saved Positions in Recorder"): 255, 0, 0

"Color of Saved positions displayed in Scene";

flightcolor("Color of Flight Path"): 255, 0, 0

"Color of Saved positions displayed in Scene";

alwaysshowdem("Always Render Elevation Model"): "no"

"Renders Elevation Model even when there is a raster layer overlayed"
boolean "yes" "no";

showflightinfo("Report Motion Performance Information"): "no"

"Reports Frames Per Second in Session Log after Flight"
boolean "yes" "no";

conservememory("Allow Color Fallback Mode"): "yes"

"Consumes more memory but allows the Color Shaded Fallback Mode."
boolean "yes" "no";

usepageproc("Use Multi-Threading"): "yes"

"Use separate processes for paging and rendering"
boolean "yes" "no";

hudcolor("Heads-Up-Display Color"): 255, 0, 0

"Color Of Heads-Up-Display in VirtualGIS";

backgroundtype("Background Display Type:") : "Solid"

"Type of background to use in VirtualGIS"
enums {
"Solid" "Solid"
"Faded" "Faded"
"Image" "Image"

solidcolor("Solid Background Color"): 0, 0, 0

"Color of Solid Background";

startcolor("Faded Background Start Color") : 255, 255, 255

"Color used at the horizon when using the faded background type";

endcolor("Faded Background End Color") : 132, 206, 249

"Color used above the horizon when using the faded background type";

faderange("Faded Background Range (in Degrees) ") : "20"

"Range of fade above the Horizon"
enums {
"20" "20"
"30" "30"
"40" "40"
"50" "50"
"60" "60"
"70" "70"
"80" "80"
"90" "90"

imageback("Image Background filename") : ""

"Default Image to use for Background"
maxlength 256;

windows95movieinvert("Invert Movies on Windows 95"): "no"

"Fixes error in OpenGL Driver if Movies are being created upside down."
boolean "yes" "no";

windowsntmovieinvert("Invert Movies on Windows NT"): "yes"

"Fixes error in OpenGL Driver if Movies are being created upside down."
boolean "yes" "no";

extensions("Disable Extensions"): "no"

"Disable the Use of OpenGL Extensions"
boolean "yes" "no";

textobject(" Use Texture Object Extension"): "yes"

"Optimizes rendering"
boolean "yes" "no";

textdepth(" Use Four Bit Texture Extension"): "no"

"Allows for more textures to reside in memory simultaneously"
boolean "yes" "no";

use_multisampling(" Use Multi-Sampling Extension"): "no"

"Produces a smoother, anti-aliased image"
boolean "yes" "no";

use_texturetable(" Use Color Table Extension"): "no"

"Provides realtime color table adjustment when supported in hardware"
boolean "yes" "no";

use_hardwarefilter(" Use Filtering Extension"): "no"

"Provides Realtime adjustment of Convolution Kernels"
boolean "yes" "no";

use_stencil_buffer("Use Stencil Buffer For Draping"): "yes"

"Creates better visual quality for some systems, if stencil buffer is
boolean "yes" "no";

use_polygon_offset("Use Polygon Offset For Draping"): "no"

"Automatically offsets draped lines and polygons, but may cause some
boolean "yes" "no";

polygon_offset_factor("Polygon Offset Factor"): -10.0

"Polygon Offset Depth Slope Factor"
min -1000000.000000
max 1000000.000000;

polygon_offset_units("Polygon Offset Bias Units"): -5.0

"Polygon Offset Bias"
min -1000000.000000
max 1000000.000000;
use_mipmapping(" Use MipMapping Extension"): "no"
"Uses more memory but increases visual quality"
boolean "yes" "no"
hideon pc
hideon unix;

use_annotation_mipmapping(" Use MipMapping Extension For Annotation"): "yes"

"Uses more memory but increases visual quality"
boolean "yes" "no"
hideon pc
hideon unix;

maxdatacache("Maximum Nodes To Cache") : 1000

"Maximum Number of Nodes to cache. (Improves performance)"
min 10
max 2000
hideon pc
hideon unix;

windows95movieinvert("Invert Movies on Windows 95"): "no"

"Fixes error in OpenGL Driver if Movies are being created upside down."
boolean "yes" "no"
hideon pc
hideon unix;

windowsntmovieinvert("Invert Movies on Windows NT"): "yes"

"Fixes error in OpenGL Driver if Movies are being created upside down."
boolean "yes" "no"
hideon pc
hideon unix;

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