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PE 3 CRIM-1:00 PM-4:00 PM

Republic Act No. 9850, also known as the "National Arnis Law," is a Philippine
law that promotes and recognizes Arnis as the national martial art and sport of
the country. Republic Act No. 9850 was approved by the Philippine Congress
and signed into law by former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on
December 11, 2009. Here is a summary of the key provisions of this law:

1. Integration of Arnis in the Physical Education Curriculum - The law mandates

the integration of Arnis in the physical education curriculum of schools
nationwide, from elementary to tertiary levels.

2. Recognition of the Philippine Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation (PEKAF) - The law
recognizes the PEKAF as the national sports association responsible for
regulating and developing the practice of Arnis in the country.

3. Promotion of Arnis as a Form of Self-Defense - The law encourages the

practice of Arnis as a form of self-defense, particularly among women and

4. Preservation of Cultural Heritage - The law recognizes the importance of Arnis

as a cultural heritage of the Philippines.

5. Promotion of Arnis Tourism - The law aims to promote Arnis as a tourism

product, encouraging the development of Arnis training facilities and the
organization of Arnis-related events and competitions to attract local and foreign

6. Establishment of the Technical Committee on Arnis - The law establishes the

Technical Committee on Arnis, which is tasked to develop and implement
policies and standards on the practice of Arnis in the country.

7. Incentives for Arnis Athletes and Coaches - The law provides incentives for
Arnis athletes and coaches, such as scholarships, training grants, and cash

8. Protection of Arnis Intellectual Property - The law provides for the protection of
Arnis intellectual property rights, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights.

Overall, the National Arnis Law aims to promote and recognize Arnis as a
national martial art and sport of the Philippines, encourage its practice and
development, and preserve its cultural heritage.

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