Barbarian - Path of The Carver

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Primal Path
Path Eerie Effigies
3rd-level Path of the Carver feature
At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path feature, which Your strange craft extends beyond just carving faces, as you
offers you the choice of a subclass. Here is an option for that fashion uncanny bodies to house them. As a bonus action,
feature: Path of the Carver. you can raise a scarecrow in an unoccupied space within 10
feet of you. Its head is a jack-o'-lantern whose light behaves as
Path of
of the
the Carver
Carver specified in your Hollow Head feature. It is enchanted to
The Path of the Carver is a path taken by those who are magically resemble you (with a pumpkin head), though it is
resonant with the voices of the dead. Able to hear their silent unnaturally still. When the scarecrow takes damage, its true
wails, barbarians who follow this path often act as guardians nature is revealed as the illusion fades. It lasts until it is
to the afterlife, escorting lost souls to a peaceful rest. They destroyed or until you dismiss it as a bonus action.
serve as arbiters of the underworld, punishing those who Your scarecrows are objects (same size as you) with AC 11,
were wicked in life with searing torture beyond the grave. hit points equal to twice your Barbarian level, and are
The psychic cacophony of the damned can be a harrowing immune to psychic damage. When a creature that you can
song, however. Those who follow this path carve jack-o'- see within 5 feet of your scarecrow moves at least 5 feet away
lanterns as ceremonial masks, channeling a particular from it, you can use your reaction to make an opportunity
emotion to steel their souls against the turbulent tide of the attack against that creature as if you were in the scarecrow's
departed. When a carver rages, their soul burns bright with space, the flame in your jack o' lantern dimming and
such fiery emotion that it singes nearby souls, reflected on reappearing in the scarecrow's head. If the opportunity attack
the flickering faces of their mask. hits, the target must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or
become frightened of the scarecrow until the end of their
Hollow Head next turn.
3rd-level Path of the Carver feature You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
You don a blazing pumpkin as a helmet in battle, sickly light proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
seeping from its haunting expression. As a bonus action or as you finish a short or long rest.
a part of your rage, you can sprout an enchanted jack-o'- Haunted Visage
lantern around your head that sheds bright light within a 5- 6th-level Path of the Carver feature
foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet. The
pumpkin appears to house an inextinguishable flame (your You draw upon the unextinguished will of the restless,
choice of color) where your head would be and lasts until you renewing them as will-o'-wisps to channel their fleeting
are knocked unconscious or you dismiss it (no action emotions. As a reaction to when a creature dies within 30
required). feet of you, you can imprison its untethered soul in a jack-o'-
When you enter your rage, the jack-o'-lantern's bright light lantern (yours or a scarecrow's). Its face twists into a new
radius grows to 15 feet and sheds dim light for an additional expression, activating one of the following effects:
15 feet. Additionally, creatures of your choice within 5 feet of Joy. A wicked grin spreads across the jack-o'-lantern's face,
you must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or take fire toothy with glee. Creatures within 5 feet of the jack-o'-lantern
damage equal to your Barbarian level and become frightened must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or fall into a laughing
of you until the end of their next turn. fit as if affected by the Tasha's Hideous Laughter spell.
Whenever this subclass requires a saving throw, the DC Woe. The jack-o'-lantern's expression wilts, whispering of
equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. despair and failure. For 1 minute, creatures within 20 feet of
the jack-o'-lantern have disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks. When a creature within the area fails a roll,
they take psychic damage equal to your Barbarian level.
Ire. The pumpkin's glower blazes with burning rage.
Creatures within 10 feet of the jack-o'-lantern must succeed a
Dexterity saving throw or take a number of d6 equal to your
proficiency bonus in psychic or fire damage (your choice) and
spend their next action attacking the nearest creature.
The wearer of the pumpkin is immune to these effects.
Additionally, a soul affected by this feature is not considered
free for resurrection for 1 hour.
Bump in the Night All Hallows' Harvest
10th-level Path of the Carver feature 14th-level Path of the Carver feature
Your foes cannot flee your nightmarish hunt as your presence The foolhardy dismiss tales of a headless harbinger as
lurks in every unseen corner. You can use half of your nothing more than a bedtime bogeyman, blind to how its
movement speed to teleport to an unoccupied space within 5 teller’s hands tremble as they lock up for nightfall. For the
feet of a frightened creature within 30 feet you can see or to duration of your rage, you can gain the following benefits:
swap places with one of your scarecrows that you can see.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your You summon and mount a Nightmare under your control,
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when riding it during your rage. It cannot make attack actions or
you finish a short or long rest. fly, and disappears when your rage ends.
Your weapon twists into a soul-reaping scythe, blade, or
Phantasmagoria chain, maintaining its special properties and damage die.
10th-level Path of the Carver feature You can choose to have it deal fire or psychic damage
You sow gnawing doubt among your foes, who learn to fear instead of its original damage type, and hitting a creature
the faces of loved ones and dead men alike. Souls you with it rips away a shard of their soul which counts as a
capture are not free for up to 24 hours, and during this time captured soul for this subclass's features. The weapon
you can use an action to transform the wearer of the soul's always returns to your hand at the beginning of your turn.
jack-o'-lantern (you or a scarecrow) into an illusory duplicate Once per turn, you can activate your Hollow Head feature
of the dead creature if it was a humanoid. Their appearance after making an attack. Additionally, you can toss your
and voice is identical to the original. The transformation lasts head as a natural ranged weapon attack that deals 2d6
until you dismiss it as a bonus action. fire damage on a hit. You can recall your head to your
Additionally, while wearing a jack-o'-lantern, you can freely hands or neck (no action required).
detach your head without being harmed.
Homebrew Designer - Piggby
Feedback - Pepus

Art Credits
Cover Art - Aleksandr Plikhta
Page 1 - Jason Nguyen
Page 2 Top - Daniel Kamarudin
Page 2 Bottom - DevBurmak

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