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Final Outcome Reflections – Harvey Ramoso

Rhetorical Situation and Genre

A. analyze, compose, and reflect on arguments in a variety of genres, considering the strategies,
claims, evidence, and various mediums and technologies that are appropriate to the rhetorical

For the outcome of rhetorical situation and genre, I decided to compose a storybook for my MWA 1. This is
because pictures allow for the audience to visualize and connect with the story better. In addition, I included
dialogue and sensory details in my memoir to help keep my audience engaged. Moreover, I included a plot
with an introduction, a buildup to the climax, and a leadup to the conclusion which allows friends and family
to follow through with the story because of its organization. Finally, using simple vocabulary helps give a
casual tone and makes the story easier to understand. In another project, I used rhetorical situation in my
review as I described my experience visiting Five Below as a primary source to persuade the audience to go
there. In addition, I used a website as a secondary source to get reviews from others to help build my
argument. I also used other websites to learn about the history of my place and when that store opened in my
area to add context to the review. Furthermore, since I chose the audience of teens, I chose a blog format to
make it feel more personable so that other teens can make a connection with me. Lastly, I added pictures so
that the audience has a better understanding of the place I described.

Writing as a Social Act

B. describe the social nature of composing, particularly the role of discourse communities at the
local, national, and international level

Since the Animal Crossing community is online, that means that someone can learn a variety of perspectives
and ideas from around the world. The game also has online play and local play which shows that you can
play the game with people close to you or far away from you. Moreover, introducing the audience to a game
that is relaxing might give them a chance to escape the hardships of reality if they choose to play it. Finally,
talking about Animal Crossing and the community is a social act because having a community for a game
allows people to enjoy the game more and allows for making connections with people who have a similar
interest. For another MWA, I did a blog which means that more people can access the information as it is on
the internet. However, my target audience was at a local level to inform the local community that there is a
Five Below that they can check out. In addition, I talked about Five Below which has stores from around the
world, meaning that many people can experience what the store has to offer.

Writing as a Process
C. use multiple approaches for planning, researching, prewriting, composing, assessing, revising,
editing, proofreading, collaborating, and incorporating feedback in order to make your
compositions stronger in various mediums and using multiple technologies

For the outcome of writing as a process, I first started with free writing to help brainstorm my ideas for
MWA 1. At first, I wanted to do the topic I wrote about in the free write on a happy memory but decided
with something else as I began to think about more happy memories. Then, I began drafting and once I
finished, it was analyzed in peer review. Through peer review I was able to revise my reflection by
expanding on my ideas. After revising, I edited any spelling and grammar mistakes and used synonyms of
words that I felt I repeated too much. Lastly, after making these edits, I was now ready to begin making my
final draft by embedding pictures and audio along with my text. In my next MWA my process involved first
visiting my place and writing down notes and pictures. Then, I wrote the body paragraphs and conclusion
based on the notes I took and looking at my pictures. Next, I researched some websites about the history of
Five Below at a national and local level and put that in my introduction. After that, I sent my draft to peer
review and revised my draft based on that. Finally, I pasted my draft into my portfolio and added the

Grammar and Usage

D. improve your fluency in the dialect of Standardized Written American English at the level of the
sentence, paragraph, and document

For the grammar and usage outcome, I used the spell checker on Microsoft Word to make sure that I did not
misspell any words. In addition, in the editing process, I made sure to use present tense to describe my
experience and past tense to describe the history of Five Below. Also, I added more detail to some sentences
to make sure they made sense and were not fragment sentences. Moreover, I used a variety of sentence
lengths so that the audience would stay engaged. Finally, I improved flow by adding transition words in the
beginning of my sentences. To talk more about this outcome, in the MWA 3 project I noticed that the script I
wrote has more formal writing compared to the text interview where it was more informal. This means that
grammar is different based on whether the language is spoken or written, which is important to recognize.

E. analyze and describe the value of incorporating various languages, dialects, and registers in your
own and others’ texts

Including words that are used in the community and explaining them in simple terms prevents confusion to
anyone viewing the project. Moreover, talking about the community’s language gives more information
about the discourse community. Lastly, using casual language throughout the project gives the effect that the
community is approachable which makes someone more likely to join. Additionally, in my first MWA, I
added a different language format in the form of dialogue, which immersed readers in the story more. As a
result, including different language in my writing keeps it interesting and it may allow the audience to
connect with me better.

F. evaluate your development as a writer over the course of the semester and describe how
composing in multiple genres and mediums using various technologies can be applied in other
contexts to advance your goals

To reflect on my writing process, I first wrote the body paragraphs and conclusion as that involved my
firsthand account of going to the place. Then, once I researched and found secondary sources, I was able to
add the introduction as that involved the history of the place. Therefore, I learned that you do not always
have to start with writing the introduction and end with writing the conclusion. In my review I tried to
change my language for the audience by using the word chill to better appeal to the teen audience. Lastly,
experimenting with trying to change my writing based on audience would help me in the future as I will have
to write differently depending on if I am communicating with a boss, a coworker, or a client. As I was
completing my third MWA, I realized that reading aloud helped make sure that my sentences made sense
and if I needed to add commas or break up sentences. I also learned that having other perspectives like peer
review or interviewing someone are an important part of the writing process because they can point out
things to improve or add to my project. Therefore, I plan to have a second eye look at my work in the future
to improve my writing.

G. use writing and research as a means of discovery to examine your personal beliefs in the context
of multiple perspectives and to explore focused research questions through various mediums and

For the outcome of research, I asked myself personal questions like what are some happy memories I have?
With this question I was able to decide on a topic. I then asked myself how this memory taught me a lesson?
This helped me know what to include in my conclusion and helped me understand the lesson that I want to
give to the reader. Furthermore, I had to look up the trailer of Skylanders on YouTube so I could revisit it
and describe it accurately. Moreover, I learned about Sway and Pixabay through class which are resources
that I can use to make my storybook and include stock images in it. When developing my second MWA, I
thought about what place to visit based on convenience and content. This made me pick Five Below as it was
close to me, and since it is a store, I can write about the various things that they sell. Finally, I visited the
place and looked up the history of the place and reviews to help build an opinion on if I should recommend
the place or not.

H. integrate others’ positions and perspectives into your writing ethically, appropriately, and
effectively in various mediums and technologies

I did an interview to get another person’s perspective to help inform others about the community and
encourage them to be a part of the community. I also cited the interview in the works cited page to
give them credit for their ideas. Finally, making the interviewee talk about their ideas makes the
audience more engaged as it is not just my voice in the project. In my first MWA, incorporating my
peers’ perspectives allowed me to improve my project as they pointed out any confusing parts and
gave suggestions on what to add. Furthermore, adding stock photos in my storybook helped push my
narrative while also being convenient to cite because the owners’ names are already embedded in the

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