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Product: Camping and Trekking Club

 Problem/Desire to Solve:

The problem/desire that this club seeks to address is the lack of opportunities for University
UIDE students to have experiences in nature, learn camping and trekking skills, and connect
with people who share their interests, regardless of their major or semester. Many students
may feel disconnected from nature due to their daily routine, stress, and academic workload.
This club provides a solution by offering them the opportunity to explore natural environments,
acquire new skills, and make friends with similar interests.

 Unique Value Proposition:

The unique value proposition of the University UIDE Camping and Trekking Club lies in several

1. Nature Experiences: The club provides students with the opportunity to escape the urban
environment and immerse themselves in nature and new dynamic environments, allowing
them to disconnect from academic stress and revitalize.

2. Learning and Development: Stepping out of the routine and immersing themselves in the
dynamic environments offered by the club contributes to personal growth, clarifying thoughts
and ideas, and acquiring new skills.

3. Community and Friendship: It facilitates the creation of a healthy and close-knit community
where UIDE students can make friends who share their love for outdoor adventure and nature,
which can even lead to building strong relationships for the future in business or networking.

4. Access to Exclusive Locations: The club organizes excursions to trekking and camping
locations that many people may not have known existed. The goal is to engage in dynamic
activities and enjoy the natural environments that our country offers, providing members with
unique experiences in places like Molinuco, Quilotoa, Papallacta, Teleferico, Pululahua, Parque
Jerusalem, Cascadas el Tingo, etc.
 Differentiation from the Competition:

Access to University Resources: Being linked to the university, the club can leverage resources
such as access to the soccer field for the traditional campout or welcome picnic, and the use of
the university's facilities like the coliseum or terrace for promoting and raising awareness about
the club.

University Community: It specifically targets University UIDE students, creating a sense of

belonging and allowing members to interact with people who share their academic context,
regardless of their major and semester.

Effective Communication: Getting to know the members, activities, and important information
of the club is very easy, as all relevant information is communicated through the university's
Yammer and the club's exclusive WhatsApp group. It's important to have high-quality
promotional material to reach University UIDE students quickly and non-invasively.

 Buyer Persona:

Name: Maria/Carlos

Age: 17-22 years

Occupation:University UIDE Student

Interests: A student who loves nature and adventure. Enjoys exploring new places and learning
about the natural environment. Also, looking for ways to relieve academic stress and connect
with people who share similar interests, regardless of their major or semester.

Needs and Desires:The student seeks a way to escape the university's urban environment,
learn survival skills in nature, and connect with other students who share a passion for
camping and trekking. They want to find a group they can trust for safe and exciting trips to
exclusive locations.

Behavior: They are a committed student but want to break free from their routine by seeking a
balance between academic responsibilities and their passion for nature. They spend their free
time following outdoor adventure blogs on social media and have previously participated in
camping and trekking activities with family and friends.
Goals and Motivations: The student wants to make the most of their time in university. They
want to create meaningful memories, develop skills relevant to their career, and keep their love
for nature alive by connecting with people who have similar interests. They feel important
being part of the club and believe it's the perfect opportunity for unique experiences.

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