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How do u feel about school dress codes?

1. How do you feel about school dress codes?

2. Background- In Scholastics ARTICLE “Are school dress codes fair” many students give their
opinion on dress codes being fair or unfair.
3. Thesis- Dress codes in schools are fair because…. Dress codes are unfair because….
4. Body Paragraph- Dress codes are beneficial because they keep people from thinking or
wanting to do certain things because of how someone dresses. Dress codes in school are fair
because if you wear a certain thing someone might take offense to it and get mad about it and
want to fight. Also, because it keeps anybody from voicing their own opinion because they do
not have the same opinion as u do about your clothes. School dress codes might promote
student discipline because, in the work world, u cannot just wear whatever u want so u might
as well get used to it. Dress codes could help students concentrate on their schoolwork and not
talk about what other people are wearing. Lastly, it is fair to prevent bullying because one of
the students talks about how someone gets bullied in the Article because of what they wear
based on the money they spend on their clothes.

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