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Skyscraper pinnacles rip great holes in the rubber balloon bag of the sky ...

do spears kill quicker than

printed words? ... midnight lies and cobra fangs ... ask me if civilization produces new forms of biting
and tearing and killing ... see three million whites and two hundred thousand blacks civilized in

From the Congo

to Chicago

is a long trek

—as the crow flies


I’m a grown-up man today Chicago

My bones are thick and stout

(when I moved to new districts bombings couldn’t break them)

My flesh is smooth and firm

(look—the wounds you give me heal quickly)

See how the muscles ripple under my night-black skin

My strength comes not from resting

You should be proud of me Chicago

I’ve got a lion’s heart and a six-shooter

I’ve got a fighter’s fist and five newspapers

I’ve got an eye for beauty and another for cash

Nothing you’ve got I can’t have

A song dashes its rhythms in my face like April rain

My song is a song of steel and bamboo, of brick flats and reed huts, of steamboats and slim canoes,
of murder trials and jackal packs, of con men and pythons

My tune I get from automobiles and lions roaring, from the rustle of bank-notes in a teller’s window
and the rustle of leaves in Transvaal trees

I ask you to find a better song; a louder song, a sweeter song—

Here’s something Wagner couldn’t do

State Street is a wide gray band across Chicago’s forehead

At night a white-faced mother moon clothes skyscrapers in gray silk

At night when clocks yawn and hours get lazy

At night when the jungle’s symphony in grays ...

Oh mother moon, mother of earth, bringer of silver gifts

Bring a veil of stardust to wrap this Congo in

Bring a shawl of moon mist to clothe Chicago’s body

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