Morphologysemantics Activity

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Context: students had just come in from recess and small groups were about to proceed. A student
yelled she need to use the restroom over and over .Teacher said no we just got back from recess. Then
student proceed to say the following.

“Ms.S, you are racist for not letting me use the restroom.”

Definition: “of, relating to, or characterized by the systemic oppression

of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of
another (Merriam-Webster. (n.d.).
” Student intended it
to be said to be
unfair. instead she
used a word she
hearsalot when
someone is being
Context: I was having a conversation with a student about how hot it was and
they replied “ no cap”

Definition : Slag term meaning “no lie’ or “for reals”

Context: Students were talking about soccer and mentioned that Messi was the

“Nah man Messi is the G.O.A.T, not Renaldo.”

Definition; An acroynm meaning the Greatest of all time. Used to praise exceptional
Context: Girls were watching something funny during freetime and proceed
to say “ oh my god, I am dead"

Definition : Conveys something with a strong emotional reaction. Typically used for
something funny (Later Social Media Marketing. (n.d.).
Context: Girls were conversing and one of them proceeds to say
“Lucia girl that was so out of pocket”

Definition : Conveys something with a strong emotional reaction. Typically used for
something funny (Later Social Media Marketing. (n.d.).
Context: Girls were sharing candy and one of them was eating a snack and
said bruh that's fire.

Definition : is a slang term used to describe something that is exciting, outstanding,

or gaining popularity quickly (Later Social Media Marketing. (n.d.).

Context: Some boys were talking about their soccer game and arguing that
one of the boys couldn’t score and another students said “bet”.

Definition : is a slang term used to agree with something or show understanding.

Context: Ms. you are a whole vibe. As I have Starbucks in my had, papers, and
a crying kinder in one hand.

Definition : is a slang term used to mean that I am a whole feeling or energy.

Context: Ms.she is such a pick me girl. Referencing to one of her female
Definition : someone seeking attention and validation.
What struck you about the language being used
by the teenagers whom you observed?
What did you expect going in?
How did your expectations live up to the results?
Going into this assignment, I understood that teenagers in this day and
age do not talk in
proper sentences. It is all paraphrased and slang. I was expecting nothing
but slang words coming out of their conversations. Sure enough all the
words were slang, I am not to familiar with all the slang words they used
but when researching and asking students it made much more sense.
Why do teenagers have their own set of
vocabulary? Be sure to consider the
developmental stages of adolescence, and what
is being accomplished intra- and inter-
personally, by creating a shared language.
In a none professional tone, I think teenagers have this type of limited vocabulary
because they want to fit in socially. If they speak like everyone else then they are more
likely to fit in. In a professional stand point, the more you practice vocabulary and
reading, the more you pick up new language skills. Unfortunately, due to the lack of
vocabulary practice and reading at home students have a limited vocabulary span. Also,
Distant learning also created a delay and set back in the education of our students.
In this aspect, studemt socialize with each other so they are feeding and taking in other
vocabulary and mimicking it.

What comparisons/connections can you

make to your own adolescent linguistic
Did you engage in similar language
creation when you were that age?
Do you see similarities between your
development and the development of the
teens whom you observed?
I am not sure if I see similarities between myself and the students I observed. I think we
had our own langauge growing up as kids but it was coherent and full sentences none of
the slang. In the sense of development, linguistically they are more regressed then what
I remembered as a kid. They are still having trouble spelling and using more difficult
How will you apply this information in your future
Does this learning change the way that you will approach
students from a linguistic perspective?
In my future classroom , I plan to have my students speak to me in complete sentences in the
correct format. I want to focus on disecting words and using them in their proper context. I want to
focus using the words we learn and disect in our writing. This will help students understand the
vocabulary and use it in a way that benefits them.

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