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Name: Setyono Deni Handika

Class: XII IPS 4

No: 29

Cause and Effect

1. They came to London … he got a job there.

a. because of

b. because

c. due to

d. thanks to

e. therefore

2. He crashed his car … he was driving too fast.

a. due to

b. thanks to

c. therefore

d. because

e. because of

3. I love Switzerland … the weather.

a. Because

b. As

c. Because of

d. Since
4. He got to work really, really late … he missed his train.

a. Due to

b. Because

c. As

d. Since

e. Hence

5. The incrase in tropical stroms in recent year has been … global warming.

a. Put up with

b. Put down to

c. Set down to

d. Both

e. And

6. The restaurant closed down … the recession.

a. because

b. because of

c. since

d. as

e. that is why

7. He found working in Japan very difficult … the language problem.

a. because

b. because of
c. since

d. as

e. that is why

8. I can not eat the seafood … my allergy.

a. Because

b. Because of

c. As

d. Due to

e. Since

9. We could arrive at the school late … we missed the first bus.

a. Where as

b. Now and then

c. Due to the fact that

d. So that

e. Therefore

10. Rico finished his job earlier due … bad weather.

a. To

b. In

c. For

d. By

e. And
11. … my car was stolen, I will have to rent a car fot the next few days.

a. Because

b. For

c. Because of

d. Then

e. And

12. … his lack of courage, Nathan didn’t participate in the competition.

a. Because

b. Because of

c. And

d. Since

e. Why

13. The new law was introduced … conditions in prisons would be improved.

a. when

b. then

c. so that

d. Since

e. Why

14.… he was so keen on cooking, he went to do a chef course in Paris.

a. that

b. because

c. why
d. when

e. then

15. … the apartment is so new, it should sell for a good price.

a. so

b. though

c. seeing as

d. because

e. since

16. … the company didn’t offer Jeanie a new pay rise, she left and found a new job.

a. since

b. for

c. so

d. therefore

e. as result

17. We expected the money … he had promised it to us.

a. for this

b. while

c. as

d. because of

e. due to

18. The man lay awake in the bed … he was exhausted.

a. but

b. because

c. although

d. therefore

e. because

19. The streets were filled with water … the rain.

a. because

b. due to

c. caused

d. as

e. since

20. They can’t attend tonight’s meeting, John … not being members.

a. on account of

b. when

c. in case of

d. therefore

e. that is why

1. The new law was introduced … conditions in prisons would be improved.

2. We could arrive at the school late … we missed the first bus.

3. Rico finished his job earlier due … bad weather.

4. He found working in Japan very difficult … the language problem.

5. The incrase in tropical stroms in recent year has been … global warming.

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