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7A The results of a laboratory consolidation test on a clay specimen are given in the table. Total height of Pressure, o” specimen at end of {kn fon) consolidation (mm) 25 17.65 50 1740 100 17.03 200 16.56 400 16.15 800 15.88 Also, initial height of specimen = 19 mm, G, = 2.68, mass of dry specimen = 95.2 g, and area of specimen = 31.68 cm*, a, Draw the e-log 0’ graph. b. Determine the preconsolidation pressure. €. Determine the compression index, C, 7.2 Following are the results of a consolidation test: e Pressure, a’ (kN/m*) Ll 235 1.085, 50, 1.055 100 1.01 200 0.94 400 0.79 800 0.63, 1600 a. Plot the e-log 0’ curve. b. Using Casagrande’s method, determine the preconsolidation pressure. . Calculate the compression index, C,. 7.3. The coordinates of two points on a virgin compression curve are given here: = 190 kN/m? e, = 1.75 385 kN/m* ey = 149 Determine the void ratio that will correspond to an effective pressure of 500 kN/m?, 7A Figure 7.33 shows a soil profile. The uniformly distributed load on the ground surface is Aw. Estimate the primary consolidation settlement of the clay layer given these values: Hy = 15 m,H)=2m,H;=25m Sand: e = (1.62, G, = 2.62 Clay: e = 0.98, G, = 2.75, LL = 50 Ao = 110 kNim™ 78 Repeat Problem 7.4 with the following values: Hy = 15m,H;=2m,H;=2m Sand: ¢ = 0.55, G, = 2.67 Chy:e = 1.1,G,=2.73, LL =45 Ao = 120 kNim™ Ag 7.6 7 73 19 710 TAL Repeat Problem 7.4 for these data: Sand: yay = 14.6 kN/m’, yuo = 17.3 kNim* Clay: yuu = 19.3 kKNim*, LL = 38, ¢ = 0.75 Ifthe clay layer in Problem 7.6 is preconsolidated and the average preconsal- idation pressure is 80 kN/m?, whal will be the expected primary consolida- tion settlement if C, = HC, Given are the relationships of e and o° for a clay soil: e oo Cetin?) 10 20 a7 50 Oss 180 073 320 Por this clay soil in the field, the following values are given: Hl = 2.5 m, af, = 60 kNim?, and o, + Ao’ 10 kKN/m?. Calculate the expected settlement caused by primary consolidation. Consider the virgin compression curve described in Problem 7.3. a. Find the coefficient of volume compressibility for the pressure range stated. b, If the coetficient of consolidation for the pressure range is 0.0023 cm*/see, find the hydraulic conductivity in (cm/sec) of the clay corresponding to the average void ratio. Refer to Problem 7.4 Given c, = 0.003 cm*see, how long will it take for 50% primary consolidation to take place? Laboratory tests on a 25-mm-thick clay specimen drained at the top and bot- tom show that 50% consolidation takes place in 8.5 min. a. How long will it take for a similar clay layer in the field, 32 m thick and drained at the top only, to undergo 50% consolidation? b, Find the time required for the clay layer in the field described in part (a) to reach 65% consolidation. 72 713 74 TAS 7.16 79 A 3-m-thick layer (two-way drainage) of saturated clay under a surcharge loading underwent 90% primary consolidation in 75 days. Find the coefficient of consolidation of clay for the pressure range. For a 30-mm-thick undisturbed clay specimen described in Problem 7.12, how long will it take to undergo 90% consolidation in the laboratory for a similar consolidation pressure range? The laboratory test’ specimen will have two-way drainage. A normally consolidated clay layer is 5 m thick (one-way drainage). From the application of a given pressure, the total anticipated primary consolida- tion settlement will be 160 mm. ‘a, What is the average degree of consolidation for the clay layer when the settlement is 50 mm? b. If the average value of ¢, for the pressure range is 0,003 em’/sec, how long will it take for 50% settlement to occur? c. How long will it take for 50% consolidation to occur if the clay layer is, drained at both top and bottom? In laboratory consolidation tests on a clay specimen (drained on both sides), the following results were obtained: * thickness of clay layer = 25 mm © o', = 50kN/m’ e, = 0.75 0.61 * time for 50% consolidation (. Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the clay for the loading range. A continuous foundation is shown in Figure 7.34. Find the vertical stresses at A, B, and C caused by the load carried by the foundation. Given width of foundation, B = I m. Refer to Figure 7.28. For the construction of an airport, a large fill operation is required. For the work, the average permanent load, Agi»), on the clay layer will increase by about 70 kN/m’. The average effective overburden pressure on the clay layer before the fill operation is 95 kN/m*, For the clay layer, which is normally consolidated and drained at top and bottom, H = 5 m, C, = 0.24, ¢9 = 0.81, and ¢, = 0.44 mimo. a, Determine the primary consolidation settlement of the clay layer caused by the additional permanent load, Aay). b. What is the time required for 90% of primary consolidation settlement under the additional permanent load only’? ¢. What temporary surcharge, Aap, will be required to climinate the entire primary consolidation settlement in 6 months by the precompression technique? 72 722 7.23 ‘The diagram of a sand drain is shown in Figure 7.32. If r, = 0.3 m, d. = 6 m, ¢, = ¢,, = 0.28 m’/mo, and H = 8.4m, determine the degree of consolidation caused only by the sand drain after 7 months of surcharge application. Estimate the degree of consolidation for the clay layer described in Prob- Jem 7.21 that is caused by the combination of vertical drainage (drained on top and bottom) and radial drainage after 7 months of the application of surcharge. A 4-m-thick clay layer is drained at top and bottom. Its characteristics are = ¢, (for vertical drainage) = 0.0039 m°/day, r, = 200 mm, and d, = 2m. Estimate the degree of consolidation of the clay layer caused by the combi- nation of vertical and radial drainage at r = 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, and 1 yr.

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