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Ghazal # 5 from the Diwaan-e-Moin Maa talabgaar-e-to aim o to gorezani ze maa Maa basuyat moqbal o to ruye gardaani ze maa

Im seeking you out, but youre running away from Me, Im looking towards you, but youre turning away your face from Me. Maa berun az shash jehat waz sad jehat juyaan to Chand khud raa har taraf mashghul gardaani ze maa I'm beyond the six directions, but you are seeking Me everywhere. How long will you keep yourself occupied thus by turning away from Me? Har kojaa khwaahi shodan baa maa to ham ai bikhabar Maa namimaanim az to gar to' maani ze maa O, ignorant one, you are seeking Me to be with Me, But I'll not forsake you, so abide with Me. Maa chu bahr o to chu abri baar-e-maa kash gham makhur Baagh raa khandaan koni gar chand geryaani ze maa I'm the ocean and you are the cloud which has arisen from it. Don't be unhappy, You make the garden bloom with your tears because of Me.

Goftamash taa chand dar parda nehaan khwaahi shodan Waqt aan aamad ke digar ru napushaani ze maa I asked Him: How long will You remain hidden behind the veil? Has not the time come to reveal Yourself to me? Goft man bi pardah am gar pardah bini aan toi Taa to hasti dar hazaaraan pardah penhaani ze maa He answered: I am not veiled. It is your existence, which creates a veil. As long as you exist youll be concealed by a thousand veils from Me. Chun toi pishat haqiqi chand naam in o aan In wojud-e-aarezi baashad ke besetaani ze maa How can you be admitted to Gods presence by reciting this or that name? It is your temporal existence which is separating you from Me. Gofta cheshtam ze meraati ke zaaher shod Mo'in Man che guyam kaz ke shod chun khud hamidaani ze maa It was asked: 'What is it, O Mo'in, that has been revealed to you in the mirror?' I answered: 'Why do You ask, when You know Yourself what has been shown to me?'

Ghazal # 6 Chu man ze baadae-eshq-e-to mast o bikhabaram Hama jamaal-e-to binam ba-har che dar negaram Because of Your wine of love Ive been intoxicated and unconscious. In whatever I look at I only see Your beauty. To har hejaab ke khahi foru gozaar ke man Ba-nara-i ke zanam sad hejaab raa bedaram You may veil Yourself as much as You like, But with just one cry Ill tear apart a hundred veils. Chu dar miyaana namaanad hejaab maane chist Ke par bar aaram o az haft charkh dar gozaram What obstacle is there, because in our midst no veil remains, When Ill put on wings to cross the seven heavens? Che jaaye haft falak kaz faraaz taaram-e-arsh Hazaar manzel-e-digar ba-yak qadam separam How can the seven heavens hinder me to travel beyond the highest limits, When I can travel a thousand such stages in just one step? Chu arz nist baram haft charkh o hasht behesht Sazaast gar do jahaan raa ba nim jaw na-kharam

Since the seven spheres and the eight heavens have no value for me, Ill not even buy the two worlds for half a grain of barley. Derakht-e-omr maraa bar omid didan-e-tost Agar baghayr to binam ze omr bar na-khuram My tree of life consists of the hope to see You. If Id look to someone else but You Ill not enjoy any fruit in my life. Moin nazar ze khodaa baaqist ay wallaah Ke arsh o farsh nadarand taab-e-yak nazaram Moin, a vision of God confers eternal life, by God! So that by the light of one glance of mine heaven and earth disappear. Ghazal #7 Chu qasd baargah-ye-kebriya konad del-e-man Faraaz-e-arsh buwad kamtarina-ye-manzel-e-man Because my heart has the intention to reach the court of the Almighty, Even the highest summit of the heavens is but an insignificant stage of my journey. Maraa ba-jaazeba-ye-eshq mikashad su-ye khod Kasike dast-e-mohabbat nehaad dar gel-e-man It is He, Who attracts me to Himself by means of love.

It is He, Who holds me in a loving embrace. Ba-goftamash ba-to waasel ke mishawad goftaa Ze khish har ke ba-borried gasht waasel-e-man I asked Him: How can I attain union with you? He answered: Everyone who detaches from his ego, can attain union with Me. Chu maah budam o bas jaama-ye-siyaa shodam Chu aaftaab-e-rakht raft az moqaabel-e-man I am like the moon and my dress will become very dark, When the light of the sun is turned away from me. Khosuf-e-man na ze bahr-e-qosur-e-khurshid-ast Wale zamin-e-badan gashta ast haael-e-man My eclips is not because of a fault of the sun, But my earthly nature changed into a screen for me. Ghazal #8 Suye man aa ke toraa yaar-e-wafaadaar manam Har che daari ba-man aawar ke kharidaar manam Come to Me, because I am your true Friend. Bring what youve got to Me, because Ill buy everything. Gar to shaadi o delat azm-e-tamaashaa daarad Bar man aay ke bagh o gol-e-golzaar manam

If you are joyful and your heart longs for pleasure, Come to Me, because I am the garden full of blooming roses. Wa gar az ranj-e-maaasi del-e-to gashta malul Suye man aa tabib-e-del-e-bimaar manam And if your heart is dejected and troubled because of your sins, Come to Me, because I am the Healer of sick hearts. Na hamin saaheb-e-sajjaadaye khalwat gaaham Saaqiye maykada o motreb-e-khomaar manam Im not only the One Who is worshipped at the place of retreat, But Im also the Cupbearer of the tavern and the Troubadour of the intoxicated ones. Ay ke dar sawmahaa dar talabam mi paayi Ku berun aayi ke andar sar-e-baazaar manam O you, who in search of Me have stayed in hermitages: Come out from there, because I am also present in the midst of the market. Hawas-e-kherqa-e sad paara o taaj-e-dibaaj Be-neh az sar ke toraa joba o dastaar manam Put away your desire for the patched frock and the golden crown; It is My cloak and turban that is yours to wear.

Bideli kam kon o az bikasiye khish manaal Ke toraa dar hama jaa delbar o deldaar manam Reduce your despair and dont complain about being without friends, Because Im in all cases both your Beloved and Lover. To be-har marakaye raaz-e-del-e-khish magui Ke be-khalwatgah-e-jaan mahram-e-asraar manam Do not confide the secrets of your innermost heart to everyone, Because I am the confidant of the secrets of the solitary place of your heart. Taa be-kay noqta sefat daaerat mi be-namaayye To chu markaz be-neshin gerd to parkar manam How long will you go on showing yourself as the central dot? Sit at the centre and then youll see that I am the complete circle. Gawhar-e-madan-e-surat khazaf-e-hasti tost Dar tag-e-bahr-e-maaani dor-e-shahwaaar manam Your existence is like a piece of earthenware, but looks like a jewel from the mine. I am however the most precious pearl at the bottom of the sea of meanings. Hizom-e-shakhs-e-moin sukht chonaan ze aateshe-eshq

Ke shodam akhgaar o goftam magar naar manam The wood of the person of Moin has been burnt by the fire of love, So that Ive been reduced to ashes, but I say that perhaps I have become fire. Ghazal #9 To khaasa ze maa baash ke maa niz toraa aaim Dar har do jahaan maqsad o maqsud-e-to maaim You are special to me and I am also there for you. I am your goal and your final destination in the two worlds. Gar yak qadam az kuye talab suye man aai Maa sad qadam az raah-e-karam pish-e-to aaim In case you take but a single step towards Me in your search, I will take a hundred steps out of kindness towards you. Maa ganj-e-nehaanim o to meftaah-e-fotuhi Ham az to baraaye to dar-e-ganj koshaaim I am a hidden treasure and you have the key to open it, So that for you alone I can open the door to the treasure. Maa bar sefat-e-khish toraa jelwa namudaim Taa ze aayena-e-zaat-e-to khud raa benamaaim

I have shown My splendour through My personal qualities, So that in the mirror of your own soul I manifest Myself. Chun zang-e-gel az aayena-e-del bezdinad (?) Jaan nara bar aaward ke maa nur-e-khodaaim When the rust of your earthly existence is removed from the mirror of your heart, Your soul cries out: I am the light of God! Joz nur-e-jamaal-e-to dar aayena che taabad Aan dam ke ghobar az rokh-e-aayena zedaaim What other light of beauty than Yours can shine in this mirror, When the dust is cleaned from the surface of the mirror? To bahr-e-qedam budi o maa shabnam-e-emkaan Maa baa to chonaanim ke gui hama maaim You are the eternal sea and I am but temporal dew. You and I are like this that You can say: I am all! Dar aalam-e-tawhid na yaarim na aghyaar Aan lahza ke az parda-e- hasti badar aaim In the realm of unity there is neither friend nor foe, At that moment when I come out of the veil of existence.

Az shash jehat-e-kawn gozasht moini Az jaa chu bordnaim che guim kojaaim Moin has passed beyond the six directions of the world, But what can I say about the place to which Ive been taken and where I am? Ghazal # 10 Khazinahast maraa por ze naqd-e-elm o adab Kojaast aah-e-sahargaah o naala-e-del-e-shab My treasury is full of the coins of knowledge and good manners, But where are the sighs coming from the heart during night and day? Ma-baash teshna-e-lab andar be-waadi-e-esyaan Ke bahr-e-rahmat-e-maa mawj mizanad bar lab Do not remain parched-lipped in the valley of sinners, Because the waves of the ocean of My mercy will moisten your lips. Zohur-e-nur-e-robubiyat az baraaye to shod Az aan zamaan ke toraa gofta am alasto be-rabb The divine light has manifested itself to you, And at that time you testified that I am your Lord. To banda-e-man o man rabb-e-to be-hashr bas ast Ze maadar o pedarat chun konim qat-e-nasab

You are my servant and up to the day of resurrection Ill be your only Lord, But how can I ask you to cut your relations with your mother and father? Hazaar daam kashaadam ke karda am saidat Garat konun be-robaayam ze daam-e-khod che ajab A thousand times Ive spread My net to ensnare you in it: Its no wonder that now Ive seized you in My net. Hazaar baar jawaab-e-to gofta am labbaik Be-daan omid ke yak baar guyam yaa rabb A thousand times Ive answered you, saying: I am here for you, Hoping one day Id make you say: O Lord! Nazar be-rahmat-e-maa kon makhur farib-e-amal Chu shod padid mosabbeb moattal ast sabab Keep My mercy in mind: dont deceive yourself that youre the doer, Because it is evident Who is the ultimate Causer of all causes. Jamal-e-zaat be-hosn-e-sefat be-yaar ayam Hejaab bar feganam bas be-guyamat faarghab (?) Ive manifested the beauty of My essence with the beauty of My qualities. Ill remove the veil if you really call upon Me with

great longing. Maraa majaw ke nayaabi be-baagh-e-aalam-e-qods Darun-e-sina-e-suzaan-e-aasiyaan be-talab Do not desire to find Me in the gardens of paradise, Search for Me in the burning hearts of the sinners. Be-waqt-e-dard o talab lotfhaaye-man didi Qeyaas kon ke che bini be-waqt-e-aish o tarab Youve seen My kindness during the painful time of your search. Just imagine how much more youll see during a joyful time of delight! Moin ze naam o neshaan dar gozar ke dar rahe-eshq Gholaamiye-saq-e-kuyash toraa bas ast laqab Moin, leave name and fame behind you, because in the path of love To be the slave of the dog of His street is enough as a name for you. Siraj A dervish is a friend of God and a friend of a friend is a friend, so why not become a friend of a dervish?

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