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(AC-S09) Week 09 - Task: Assignment -

A success story from Peru


Ríos Sarmiento, Jesús Andree Manrique santos Steven William

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Ordinola Matamoros, Diana Carolina

S: Good morning teacher, my classmates and I are going to present a dialogue. My
name is Steven Manrique
C: Hello teacher, my name is Carolina Ordinola
A: Hello teacher, my name is Andre.

A: Hello Steven and Carolina, how are you?
C: Hi Andre, we are here talking about some things with Steven.
S: Hi Andree, we are good here.
A: I have to do an assignment about the A success story from Peru. Could you help
C: Of course, Andree
S: Sure, what should we do?
A: Thank u, for you, which would be one of the Peruvians who have been very
successful in recent years?
S: We talk about Cesar Vallejo
C: Yes, He’s a Peruvian poet and writer. He was born in the Andean city of Santiago de
Chuco on March 16, 1892. He has finished his high school in the city of Huamachuco.
Has studied at the university of Trujillo and got a degree in letters.
A: Could you tell me more about his, please?
S: Of course, well, He traveled to Lima to study for a doctorate at the Faculty of Letters.
He has published his first book with the title of "Los Heraldos Negros" César Vallejo
A: Interesting, could you tell me more about her life?
C: Has died in Paris on April 15, 1938. His great work and dedication as a poet and
writer has left a legacy that endures to this day.
A: It’s very interesting, I also have in mind a person who has been successful in recent
C: Tell us Andree, who are you thinking?
A: I'm thinking of chef Gaston Acurio
S: Yes, Andree you are very right but we want to hear more from him.
A: Of course, Gaston Acurio was born on October 30, 1967 in Lima, Peru, the son of
former senator and former conservative minister Gastón Acurio Velarde and Jesusa
Jaramillo Rázuri. After finishing his studies on July 14, in 1994 opened his first
restaurant, Astrid & Gaston. In 2005, he launched La Mar in Peru, his first cebichería,
which was very well received. Also, he received in Stockholm, from the hands of Prince
Carlos Felipe of Sweden, the Global Gastronomy Award 2013, for leading the Peruvian
gastronomic movement. In that same year, the English publication Restaurant
Magazine launched the Latin American 50 Best Restaurants list and Astrid & Gaston
was the Best Restaurant in Latin America, accompanied by its other restaurant, La
Mar, in 15th place.
C: Yes, that Gaston was very successful in these last years.
S: I think it's late and I have some things to do guys.
A: No problem, Steven, I also have things to do.
S: Yes guys, we'll talk later. bye.
C: Bye Steven

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