Microcontroller Based Coin Operated Printer

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Microcontroller Based Coin Operated Printer

A Capstone Design Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the
Information and Communications Technology Program
STI College of Meycauayan

Jherome Lourence M. Baisa

Jaztin R. Belga
Walter Borja
Jae Clark B. Dela Torre

October 2023

TITLE OF RESEARCH: Microcontroller Based Drive-Thru Parking

System Using RFID and IR Sensor

NAME OF PROPONENTS: Jherome Lourence M. Baisa

Jaztin R. Belga
Walter A. Borja
Jae Clark B. Dela Torre

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
has been examined and is recommended for Proposal Defense.


Engr. Noel Jason O. Lusung, MIT

Capstone Design Adviser


Engr. Noel Jason O. Lusung, MIT

Capstone Design Coordinator


<Program Head's Given Name MI. Family Name>

Program Head

October 2023

FT-ARA-020-00 | STI College of Meycauayan ii


This capstone design proposal titled: Micro Controller Based Drive-Thru Parking
System using RFID and IR Sensor prepared and submitted by Jherome Laurence M.
Baisa, Jaztin R. Belga, Walter A. Borja, and Jae Clark B. Dela Torre, in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer
Engineering, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance an approval.

Engr. Noel Jason O. Lusung, MIT

Capstone Design Adviser

Accepted and approved by the Capstone Design Review Panel

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

<Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name> <Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name>
Panel Member Panel Member

<Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name>

Lead Panelist


<Capstone Design Coordinator's Given <Program Head's Given Name MI. Family
Name MI. Family Name> Name>
Capstone Design Coordinator Program Head

October 2023

FT-ARA-020-00 | STI College of Meycauayan iii


Title Page i
Endorsement Form for Proposal Defense ii
Approval Sheet iii
Table of Contents iv
Introduction 1
Background of the problem
Overview of the current state of technology
Objectives of the study
Scope and limitations of the study

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Schools, office works, and finding jobs requires a lot of paper works. When we say paper
works, it requires printing and copying hard copy files. We’ve come up with the idea of a
COIN-OPERATED PRINTER a special machine that lets you print and xerox copy,
using e-wallet, coins, and bills to use it. It can be placed inside the school campus,
offices, internet cafes, or in any public places. The machine has a small computer inside
it, microcontroller and a coin slot that checks if you put in the right coins. When you put
in the correct amount, the computer makes the printer start working. This makes it easy
for people to print things quickly, and the people who own the machine can make money
from it.

Background of the problem

Nearby printing shops are in scarcity or expensive and sometimes you need to take a long
queuing time or may experience slow service. We couldn't wait much more if we are near
on our deadline. But just like this Coin Operated Printer, we may experience some
minimal challenges:

 Coin Recognition Issues: Coins might not be recognized or accepted by the coin
acceptor. Incorrect readings from the coin acceptor leading to payment errors.

 Printer Connectivity Problems: Issues in connecting the printer to the

microcontroller. Communication errors between the microcontroller and the

 Microcontroller Programming Errors: Bugs or mistakes in the programming

code controlling the coin-operated system. Inconsistent responses to coin inputs.

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 Mechanical Failures: Physical issues with the coin acceptor, such as jammed

 User Interface Problems: Lack of clear instructions for users on how to operate
the coin-operated printer. Confusing or unresponsive user interface.

 Security Concerns: Potential vulnerabilities in the system that could lead to

tampering or unauthorized access. Difficulty in securing coins within the

 Maintenance Challenges: Difficulty in maintaining and servicing the system

over time. Lack of proper documentation for troubleshooting and repairs.

 Transaction Record Errors: Inaccuracies in recording the number of prints or

transactions. Difficulty in tracking payments and usage.

 Enclosure and Physical Security: Issues with the durability and security of the
machine's enclosure. Risk of theft or damage to the components.

Addressing these problems may involve a combination of hardware adjustments,

software debugging, and regular maintenance to ensure the smooth operation of the coin-
operated printer.

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Overview of the current state of the technology

They usually have a regular printer connected to a small computer called a

microcontroller, like Arduino or Raspberry Pi. To use them, you put coins into a slot, and
a special device called a coin acceptor checks if the coins are right. The microcontroller
manages how the coins make the printer work. These systems have basic displays to
guide users. They use standard connections like USB or cables to link the printer and
microcontroller. There are measures to keep the machines safe, but some might be old
and not as secure. Some printing shops have authorized personnel to assist you and pay
via cash.

Objectives of the study

General Objectives:

The general objectives of coin-operated printers revolve around providing convenient and
accessible printing services while also creating a viable business model.

Specific Objectives:

 Easy Printing Access: Make it simple for people to quickly print things in places
like libraries or cafes without needing complicated sign-ups or payment steps.

 Make Money from Printing: Help the people who provide the printing service
earn money by charging users based on how many prints they make. This money
can be used to keep the printing machines working well.

 Easy for Anyone to Use: Design the printing machine so that anyone, even if
they don't know much about it, can easily use it without any problems.

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 Keep Things Safe: Use special features to keep the printing machine safe from
people trying to mess with it, get in without permission, or steal things. This
keeps the hardware and the money collection process secure.

 Always Working Well: Make sure the printing machine works well and doesn't
have many times when it's not working. This means doing regular checks and
fixing problems when they come up.

 Smart Spending: Create a setup for the printing machine that doesn't cost too
much to run but works really well. This helps the business keep going and stay

 Change to Fit Different Places: Let the printing machine be changed to fit
different places and match what people want from it. This makes it useful for
different needs and preferences.

 More Ways to Pay: Explore and use different ways for people to pay for
printing, not just with coins. This could include using bills and e-wallet, so more
people can use the machine.

 Help and Information: Make guides and support for people using the printing
machine. This helps them fix problems, take care of the machine, and overall have
a better experience.

 Keep Up with New Technology: Stay updated on new things in technology and,
when possible, add new features or ways of doing things to make the printing
machine better. This could include making it safer, faster, or more useful for

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Scope and limitations of the study


Coin-operated printers are kiosk machines you find in places like libraries or cafes where
you can quickly print things. The main idea is to make printing easy for anyone without
needing complicated sign-ups or lots of money. The people who own these machines can
make money by charging a little for each print. They also want to make sure the machine
is easy for everyone to use, and they try to stop bad things from happening, like people
trying to break or steal the machine. The goal is to keep the machine working well, and
they might add new things to make it better over time. They also think about how to
make it work in different places around the world.


Dependency on Local Currency: Coin acceptors are typically configured for specific
local currencies, limiting immediate use in regions with different currency systems.

Space and Aesthetics: The physical size and appearance of coin-operated printers may
pose limitations, especially in environments where space is limited, or aesthetic
considerations are crucial.

Limited User Guidance: Providing comprehensive guidance to users, especially those

unfamiliar with the technology, might be challenging, potentially leading to user

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Print Volume Control: These printers may lack sophisticated mechanisms for
controlling print volume, potentially leading to misuse or overuse by some users.

Initial Setup Costs: The initial setup of coin-operated printers, including the purchase of
hardware and system development, can incur significant upfront costs.

Maintenance Requirements: Regular maintenance is essential for the reliable operation

of coin-operated printers. Neglecting maintenance can lead to malfunctions and

Change for bills: When the machine uses up all its coins for change, bills might not be

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