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Versos Dourados de Pitágoras

Em Grego Antigo para Inglês e para Português
Com transliteração

1. Grego Antigo para Inglês

2. Grego Antigo para Português

3. Transliteração de Grego antigo para alfabeto latino

4. Grego Antigo transliterado com Inglês

5.Grego Antigo transliterado com Português

1. Grego Antigo para Inglês

1. ᾿Αθανάτους µὲν πρῶτα θεούς, 1. First, honour the immortal Gods, as

νόµῳ ὡς διάκεινται, is defined by The Law;

2. Τίµα καὶ σέβου ὅρκον, ἔπειθ᾿ 2. And respect the oath, and thereafter
ἥρωας ἀγαυούς, the illustrious heroes;

3. Τούς τε καταχθονίoυς σέβε 3. Respect also the terrestrial divinities,

δαίµονας, ἔννοµα ῥέζων. performing their due rights,

4. Τούς τε γονεῖς τίµα, τούς τ᾿ ἄγχιστ’ 4. Honour also your parents and your
ἐκγεγαῶτας. closest relations. 5. Among all others,
make friends with those who have
outstanding virtue;
5. Τῶν δ᾿ ἄλλων ἀρετῇ ποιεῦ φίλον
ὅστις ἄριστος.
5. Among all others, make friends with
those who have outstanding virtue;
6. Πραέσι εἶκε λόγοις, ἔργοισί τ᾿
6. Comply with their measured words
and beneficial deeds;
7. Μηδ᾿ ἔχθαιρε φίλον σὸν
ἀµαρτάδος εἴνεκα µικρῆς,
7. And, do not hate your friends for
their small wrongdoings,
8. ῎Οφρα δύνῃ. Δύναµις γὰρ ἀνάγκης
ἐγγύθι ναίει.
8. as much as you can; for strength
resides close to necessity.
9. Ταῦτα µὲν οὕτως ἴσθι• κρατεῖν δ᾿
εἰθίζεο τῶνδε
9. Know all this well, and make it a
habit to control the following:
10. Γαστρὸς µέν πρώτιστα, καὶ
ὕπνου, λαγνείης τε
10. First of all your stomach, as well as
sleep, lust and anger.
11. Καὶ θυµοῦ. Πρήξης δ᾿ αἰσχρόν
ποτέ µήτε µετ᾿ ἄλλου,
11. Do nothing shameful, whether with
someone else or by yourself.
12. Μήτ᾿ ἰδίῃ• πάντων δὲ µάλιστ᾿
αἰσχύνεο σαυτόν.
12. And more than anyone else, respect
13. Εἶτα δικαιοσύνην ἄσκει ἔργῳ τε 13. Next, exercise justice in all your
λόγῳ τε. works and words,

14. Μηδ᾿ ἀλογίστως σαυτὸν ἔχειν 14. And do not make a habit of being
περὶ µηδὲν ἔθιζε. thoughtless in anything.

15. Ἀλλὰ γνῶθι µὲν ὡς θανέειν 15. But know that death is appointed to
πέπρωται ἅπασι. all;

16. Χρήµατα δ᾿ ἄλλοτε µὲν κτᾶσθαι 16. And that wealth is sometimes
φίλει, ἄλλοτ᾿ ὀλέσσαι. acquired, while at other times it is lost.

17. Ὅσσα τε δαιµονίῃσι τύχαις 17. Whatever misfortunes the Divine

βροτοὶ ἄλγἐ ἔχουσιν, may send you as a mortal being,

18. Ὧν ἂν µοῖραν ἔχῃς, ταύτην φέρε 18. Whatever your fate may be, bear it
µηδ᾿ ἀγανάκτει. with patience and do not become

19. Ἰᾶσθαι δὲ πρέπει, καθόσον δύνῃ.

Ὧδε δὲ φράζευ• 19. But remedy your misfortunes, as
much as you can. And think about the
20. Οὐ πάνυ τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς τούτων
πολὺ µοῖρα δίδωσι.
20. Fate does not give much in the way
of misfortune to the good.
21. Πολλοὶ δ᾿ ἀνθρώποισι λόγοι
δειλοί τε καὶ ἐσθλοὶ
21. You will hear many words being
spoken, some noble while others
22. Προσπίπτουσ᾿, ὧν µήτ᾿ unworthy;
ἐκπλήσσεο, µήτ᾿ ἄρ᾿ ἐάσῃς

22. Do not let them surprise you, nor

23. Εἴργεσθαι σαυτόν. Ψεῦδος δ᾿ reject them thoughtlessly.
ἥνπερ τι λέγηται

23. And if you hear a lie about

24. Πράως εἶχ᾿. ῞Ο δέ τοι ἐρέω, ἐπὶ something, bear it with patience.
παντὶ τελείσθω.

24. That which I am now declaring,

25. Μηδεὶς µήτε λόγῳ σε παρείπῃ fulfil it unwaveringly:
µήτε τι ἔργῳ,

25. Let no one, with speech or actions,

ever persuade you
26. Πρῆξαι, µηδ᾿ εἰπεῖν, ὅ τι τοι µὴ 26. to do or say something that is not
βέλτερόν ἐστι. advantageous to you.

27. Βουλεύου δὲ πρὸ ἔργου, ὅπως µὴ 27. Think, before your every action, so
µῶρα πέληται that you do not appear a mindless fool;

28. Δειλοῦ τοι πρήσσειν τε λέγειν τ᾿ 28. A person who acts mindlessly and
ἀνόητα πρὸς ἀνδρός. says mindless things, is characterised
as a fool.

29. ᾿Αλλὰ τάδ᾿ ἐκτελέειν, ἅ σε µὴ

µετέπειτ ἀνιήσῃ. 29. Only do and say those things for
which you will have no regret later.

30. Πρῆσσε δὲ µηδὲν τῶν µὴ

᾿πίστασαι, ἀλλὰ διδάσκευ 30. Do not do anything that you have
no knowledge about, but learn

31. ῞Οσσα χρεών, καὶ τερπνότατον

βίον ὧδε διάξεις. 31. whatever you must, and in this way
you shall live a most enjoyable life.

32. Οὐδ᾿ ὑγιείης τῆς περὶ σῶµ᾿

ἀµέλειαν ἔχειν χρή. 32. Do not neglect the health of your

33. ᾿Αλλὰ ποτοῦ τε µέτρον καὶ σίτου

γυµναστίων τε 33. But eat, drink and exercise with

34. Ποιεῖσθαι• µέτρον δὲ λέγω τόδ᾿ ὃ

µή σ᾿ ἀνιήσει. 34. And by measure, I mean that which
does not induce pain.

3 5 . Ε ἰ θ ί ζο υ δ ὲ δ ί α ι τ α ν ἔ χ ε ι ν
καθάρειον ἄθρυπτον. 35. Make it a habit to live a clean and
imperishable life.

36. Καὶ πεφύλαξό γε ταῦτα ποιεῖν,

ὁπόσα φθόνον ἴσχει. 36. And avoid doing anything that may
provoke envy.

37. Μὴ δαπανᾶν παρὰ καιρόν, ὁποῖα

καλῶν ἀδαήµων• 37. Neither, out of season, be wasteful
of the good you have as would the
38. Μηδ᾿ ἀνελεύθερος ἴσθι. Μέτρον
δ᾿ ἐπὶ πᾶσιν ἄριστον.
38. nor deprive yourself, because
measure is the best in everything.
39. Πρῆσσε δὲ ταῦθ᾿ ἅ σε µὴ βλάψει• 39. Only do those things that will not harm
λόγισαι δὲ πρὸ ἔργου. you, and deliberate before you act.

40. Μηδ᾿ ὕπνον µαλακοῖσιν ἐπ᾿ ὄµµασι 40. Never allow gentle sleep to reach your
προδέξασθαι eyes,

41. Πρὶν τῶν ἡµερινῶν ἔργων λογίσασθαι 41. before having reviewed, three times,
ἕκαστον. your actions of the day:

42. Πῇ παρέβην; τί δ᾿ ἔρεξα; τί µοι δέον οὐκ 42. Where did I go astray? What did I do?
ἐτελέσθη; What of all my duties did I not

43. Ἀρξάµενος δ᾿ ἀπὸ πρώτου ἐπέξιθι• καὶ

µετέπειτα 43. Starting with the first then go on to the

44. δειλὰ µὲν ἐκπρήξας ἐπιπλήσσεο, χρηστὰ

δέ, τέρπου. 44. and for the errors you committed,
reprimand yourself, and for the good,
be pleased.
45. Ταῦτα πόνει, ταῦτ᾿ ἐκµελέτα• τουτῶν
χρὴ ἐρᾶν σε,
45. All these things you must endeavour to
do, study them and love them.
46. Ταῦτά σε τῆς θείης ἀρετῆς εἰς ἴχνια
46. They will place you on the path of
Divine Virtue.
47. Ναὶ µὰ τὸν ἀµατέρᾳ ψυχᾷ παραδόντα
47. Yes, I swear it by Him who gave to our
souls the Tetractys,
48. Παγὰν ἀενάου φύσεως. Ἀλλ᾿ ἔργευ ἐπ᾿
48. the source of Eternal Nature. Begin,
therefore, any work by praying
49. Θεοῖσι ἐπευξάµενος τελέσαι. Τούτων δὲ
49. to the Gods for its completion. As long
as you hold fast to all these things
50. Γνώσῇ ἀθανάτων τε θεῶν θνητῶν τ᾿
50. you will come to know the constitution
of the immortal Gods and of mortal
51. Σύστασιν, ᾗ τε ἕκαστα διέρχεται 51. how all is governed, and how all is
ᾗ τε κρατεῖται• maintained.

52. Γνώσῃ δ᾿ ᾗ θέµις ἐστι, φύσιν περὶ 52. Then you will come to know, as is
παντὸς ὁµοίην, just, that the nature of all things is the

53. Ὡστέ σε µήτε ἄελπτ᾿ ἐλπίζειν,

µήτε τι λήθειν. 53. Such that you should not hope for
the hopeless, while nothing escapes
54. Γνώσῃ δ᾿ ἀνθρώπους αὐθαιρετα
πήµατ᾿ ἔχοντας
54. You will meet people who are
suffering hardships that they have
55. Τλήµονας, οἵ τ᾿ ἀγαθῶν πέλας created,
ὄντων οὔτ᾿ ἐσορῶσιν

55. Unfortunate are they that, although

56. Οὔτε κλύουσιν • λύσιν δὲ κακῶν good is nearby, they can neither see
παῦροι συνίσασι.

56. nor hear it. Few people know how

57. Τοίη µοῖρα βροτών βλάπτει to solve their difficulties.
φρένας• ὡς δὲ κύλινδροι

57. This fate of theirs harms their

58. Ἄλλοτ᾿ ἐπ᾿ ἄλλα φέρονται, mind, and they roam around like
ἀπείρονα πήµατ᾿ ἔχοντες. cylinders

59. Λυγρὴ γὰρ συνοπαδὸς ἔρις 58. here and there, they suffer
βλάπτουσα λέληθεν, unending hardships, because they do
not realise

60. Σύµφυτος, ἣν οὐ δεῖ προάγειν

εἴκοντα δὲ φεύγειν. 59. that Eris [discord] who is within
them, is a disastrous companion that
harms them,
61. Ζεῦ πάτερ ἧ πολλῶν κε κακῶν
λύσειας ἅπαντας,
60. and that they should not encourage
her, but avoid her.
62. Εἰ πᾶσιν δείξαις, οἵῳ τῷ δαίµονι
61. Father Zeus, undoubtedly you can
free all from many sufferings,

62. if you were to reveal to each the

Divine Spirit within them.
63. Ἀλλὰ σὺ θάρσει, ἐπεῖ θεῖον γένος 63. But be courageous, because the
ἐστὶ βροτοῖσιν, genus of the mortals is Godly,

64. Οἷς ἱερὰ προφέρουσα φύσις 64. to whom sacred Nature presents
δείκνυσιν ἕκαστα. and reveals all.

65. Ὧν εἴ σοί τι µέτεστι, κρατήσεις 65. If you partake in this, you will
ὧν σε κελεύω, achieve all that I have instructed you,

66. Ἐξακέσας, ψυχὴν δὲ πόνων ἀπὸ 66. And having freed your soul from
τῶνδε σαώσεις. all these hardships, you will save it.

67. Ἀλλ᾿ εἴργου βρωτῶν, ὧν εἴποµεν, 67. But avoid those foods that were
ἔν τε καθαρµοῖς, mentioned in the Purifications

68. Ἔν τε λύσει ψυχῆς κρίνων, καὶ 68. and in the Deliverance of the Soul,
φράζευ ἕκαστα, with reason. Discern all things well,

69. ἡνίοχον γνώµην στήσας 69. and let the height of your reasoning
καθύπερθεν ἀρίστην. mind be your charioteer from above.

70. Ἢν δ᾿ ἀπολείψας σῶµα ἐς αἰθέρ᾿ 70. And should you leave your body
ἐλεύθερον ἔλθης, and go into the Free Aether,

71. Ἔσσεαι ἀθάνατος θεὸς ἄµβροτος, 71. You shall become immortal, an
οὐκέτι θνητός. imperishable god—a mortal no more
3. Transliteração de Grego antigo para alfabeto latino

1. Athanátous mèn prō̃ta theoús, nómōͅ 18. Hō̃n àn moĩran ékhēͅ s, taútēn phére
hōs diákeintai, mēd aganáktei.
2. Tíma kaì sébou hórkon, épeith 19. Iãsthai dè prépei, kathóson dúnēͅ .
hḗrōas agauoús, Hō̃de dè phrázeu•
3. Toús te katakhthoníous sébe 20. Ou pánu toĩs agathoĩs toútōn polù
daímonas, énnoma rhézōn. moĩra dídōsi.
4. Toús te goneĩs tíma, toús t ánkhist’ 21. Polloì d anthrṓpoisi lógoi deiloí te
ekgegaō̃tas. kaì esthloì
5. Tō̃n d állōn aretē̃ͅ poieũ phílon 22. Prospíptous, hō̃n mḗt ekplḗsseo,
hóstis áristos. mḗt ár eásēͅ s
6. Praési eĩke lógois, érgoisí t 23. Eírgesthai sautón. Pseũdos d
epōphelímoisi, hḗnper ti légētai
7. Mēd ékhthaire phílon sòn 24. Práōs eĩkh. ῞O dé toi eréō, epì
amartádos eíneka mikrē̃s, pantì teleísthō.
8. ῎Ophra dúnēͅ . Dúnamis gàr anánkēs 25. Mēdeìs mḗte lógōͅ se pareípēͅ mḗte
engúthi naíei. ti érgōͅ,
9. Taũta mèn hoútōs ísthi• krateĩn d 26. Prē̃xai, mēd eipeĩn, hó ti toi mḕ
eithízeo tō̃nde bélterón esti.
10. Gastròs mén prṓtista, kaì húpnou, 27. Bouleúou dè prò érgou, hópōs mḕ
lagneíēs te mō̃ra pélētai
11. Kaì thumoũ. Prḗxēs d aiskhrón 28. Deiloũ toi prḗssein te légein t
poté mḗte met állou, anóēta pròs andrós.
12. Mḗt idíēͅ • pántōn dè málist 29. Allà tád ekteléein, há se mḕ
aiskhúneo sautón. metépeit aniḗsēͅ .
13. Eĩta dikaiosúnēn áskei érgōͅ te 30. Prē̃sse dè mēdèn tō̃n mḕ pístasai,
lógōͅ te. allà didáskeu
14. Mēd alogístōs sautòn ékhein perì 31. ῞Ossa khreṓn, kaì terpnótaton bíon
mēdèn éthize. hō̃de diáxeis.
15. Allà gnō̃thi mèn hōs thanéein 32. Oud hugieíēs tē̃ s perì sō̃ m
péprōtai hápasi. améleian ékhein khrḗ.
16. Khrḗmata d állote mèn ktãsthai 33. Allà potoũ te métron kaì sítou
phílei, állot oléssai. gumnastíōn te
17. Hóssa te daimoníēͅ si túkhais brotoì 34. Poieĩsthai• métron dè légō tód hò
álge ékhousin, mḗ s aniḗsei.
35. Eithízou dè díaitan ékhein 52. Gnṓsēͅ d hē̃ͅ thémis esti, phúsin
katháreion áthrupton. perì pantòs homoíēn,
36. Kaì pephúlaxó ge taũta poieĩn, 53. Hōsté se mḗte áelpt elpízein, mḗte
hopósa phthónon ískhei. ti lḗthein.
37. Mḕ dapanãn parà kairón, hopoĩa 54. Gnṓsēͅ d anthrṓpous authaireta
kalō̃n adaḗmōn• pḗmat ékhontas
38. Mēd aneleútheros ísthi. Métron d 55. Tlḗmonas, hoí t agathō̃n pélas
epì pãsin áriston. óntōn oút esorō̃sin
39. Prē̃sse dè taũth há se mḕ blápsei• 56. Oúte klúousin • lúsin dè kakō̃n
lógisai dè prò érgou. paũroi sunísasi.
40. Mēd húpnon malakoĩsin ep 57. Toíē moĩra brotṓn bláptei phrénas•
ómmasi prodéxasthai hōs dè kúlindroi
41. Prìn tō̃ n hēmerinō̃ n érgōn 58. Állot ep álla phérontai, apeírona
logísasthai hékaston. pḗmat ékhontes.
42. Pē̃ͅ parébēn? tí d érexa? tí moi 59. Lugrḕ gàr sunopadòs éris
déon ouk etelésthē? bláptousa lélēthen,
43. Arxámenos d apò prṓtou epéxithi• 60. Súmphutos, hḕn ou deĩ proágein
kaì metépeita eíkonta dè pheúgein.
44. deilà mèn ekprḗxas epiplḗsseo, 61. Zeũ páter hē̃ pollō̃n ke kakō̃n
khrēstà dé, térpou. lúseias hápantas,
45. Taũta pónei, taũt ekmeléta• toutō̃n 62. Ei pãsin deíxais, hoíōͅ tō̃ͅ daímoni
khrḕ erãn se, khrō̃ntai.
46. Taũtá se tē̃s theíēs aretē̃s eis íkhnia 63. Allà sù thársei, epeĩ theĩon génos
thḗsei• estì brotoĩsin,
47. Naì mà tòn amatéraͅ psukhãͅ 64. Ohĩs hierà prophérousa phúsis
paradónta tetraktún, deíknusin hékasta.
48. Pagàn aenáou phúseōs. All érgeu 65. Hō̃n eí soí ti métesti, kratḗseis hō̃n
ep érgon, se keleúō,
49. Theoĩsi epeuxámenos telésai. 66. Exakésas, psukhḕn dè pónōn apò
Toútōn dè kratḗsas tō̃nde saṓseis.
50. Gnṓsē̃ͅ athanátōn te theō̃n thnētō̃n t 67. All eírgou brōtō̃n, hō̃n eípomen,
anthrṓpōn én te katharmoĩs,
51. Sústasin, hē̃ͅ te hékasta diérkhetai 68. Én te lúsei psukhē̃s krínōn, kaì
hē̃ͅ te krateĩtai• phrázeu hékasta,
6 9 . h ē n í o k h o n g n ṓ m ē n s t ḗ s a s Digite para introduzir texto
kathúperthen arístēn.
70. Ḕn d apoleípsas sō̃ma es aithér
eleútheron élthēs,
71. Ésseai athánatos theòs ámbrotos,
oukéti thnētós.

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