My Timetable Explained

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My timetable Explained

Today I will explain why my timetable has 6 days and why these courses caught my attention,
because the hours, and Because I put some things I don't like.

We will divide as follows:

: Because the 6 days

: Because Sunday for workshops (Division of point 1)

: Why not Saturday for workshops (Division of point 1)

: Why are those Courses

🦢: Common Courses and why I put them (division of the point above)

🦔: Uncommon courses and why I put them (division of point 2)

: Because the hours are set like this

: Because I put some things I don't like


- Personally, I consider that the first 5 days of the week are important and as it says in my
timetable, Sundays are optional for those who are interested in any of the workshops.

It is subdivided into:


⛄.-I did not put the workshops in the afternoon, because I experience that it is to finish school
and enter again I do not complain I just say that it is tiring to stay late and have to write after a
long day and get home to study or do homework, projects that tire, emotional energy is
exhausted and physical too .... I'm just saying that for me it would be better on Sundays
because they rest an afternoon or day and those who want to enter would arrive with desire

and not tired or exhausted..


☃.-As I said before I get tired sometimes I feel so exhausted after school days apart from the
circle and I would not want on Saturdays to have to go again would be annoying so that's why I
put it Sunday so the students (I) do not exhaust themselves so much and have a day off and so
more people would be encouraged.


Personally I like these courses I feel that for me they are indispensable and should put them I
do not say that school schedules are bad they are also good only that they do not attract my
attention I like them but they do not call my attention and then following the above that is
what I like the most and as mentioned in the last point some I do not like or I like little that I
will clarify in due course.


- Biology: Personally I love and adore Biology it is easy and simple for me to study it apart from
that I have fun I would not get tired never I am struck by everything belonging to this.

- Economy.-I would like to start knowing how to organize myself economically in the future
since I want to lead a quiet life and I would be interested to know about this course they say
that we will take it but in the end I hope it happens and I personally believe that it is a course
of great importance since now the world is not handled without money and everything
revolves around this and that is why I think this course would be very helpful.

- Arithmetic: It is a course that I love and it is not as difficult and complicated as other
mathematics courses and that is why I would like it to be in my timetable since I love this
course, it does not carry so many formulas and they are mostly things applicable to life.

- Technology: It is an area that I love, learning data and curiosities in the jobs they leave is very
nice, for me it is very useful because now mostly everywhere they use technology and
programs such as Word, Excel, Power Point among many more.

- Dpcc: It is a course that teaches me a lot and because of that I like it teaches me values,
emotions, how to behave, and prepares me for life.
🦢.- Grammar: For me it is the most important course in the communication area because it
applies more to life and teaches me a lot about communication and I love it is important
because now the way of writing is very important without it we could not have advanced to
this time of the world.

- English: It is the course that I love in terms of being bilingual because it is so easy and
complicated at the same time and I like that and I think it is important because now speaking
more than 2 languages is important to be able to have a stable job and I love how beautiful
English is and I think I earned a worthy place in my timetable.

🦢.-Chemistry: Now comes my favorite course in terms of science I love chemistry when I do this
course is like entering a room of useful and eternal knowledge in summary I love chemistry as
well as the other courses is so nice to learn and learn in a few words is useful for the
information it gives us.

- Sport: It is a course that I do not love so much but I find it important because without it there
would be a higher rate of obese and cases of diabetes and thanks to this and good nutrition we
stay in good health.


🦔.-Learn to cook: A course that covers delicious meals that one since childhood would learn to
prepare I would have loved to learn from 10 but they never taught me and I did not learn and
give them in my fictitious ideal timetable an opportunity I would love to love the subject of
cooking and it is not very common so it caught my attention to put it.

- Animal care: It is a course that I would love to take because I love animals and I would love to
know more about them and not have to wait until college that is what I encourage myself to
put it and personally I think it is a course of great importance because there is currently a lot of
hunting, Animal abuse and extinction of many species, taking this course would lead more
people to protect them instead of killing them.

🦔.-Pastry: How to say that I do not love everything that has to do with this profession and its
area I personally love what has to do with doing sweet, beautiful, and unique things that
brighten the day of others and if I took this course I would love it is very rare to see it as a
course they only take it in some schools and being children but as soon as they grow this type
of courses disappears.
- Face care: what more for the girls that this course would be wonderful do not put it much to
me personally I really like to take care of my face and that more than I would not adore that
they teach us to do it correctly in school unfortunately no school takes it and that is why I
encourage myself to put it.

- Care of the mind or mental health: Today children, adolescents suffer from low self-esteem,
early depression, anxiety, permanent fear and many more problems, of course today
psychologists were added in schools an achievement. Since there was no this before, but ... Do
a few words really help?

Unfortunately not, this does not help, but maybe they teach us things to be well. Not words
but acts that encourage us to move forward for that and more I put it.

- Body care: By this I do not mean that they teach us to be more "THIN" or "PHYSICALLY
BEAUTIFUL" ... no by this I mean that they teach us to take care of ourselves, today many
students cut, suffer from A.T., overeat by T.A or stop doing it that is not solved by going a few
times to the school psychologist ... This does NOT deserve a place since it is as important to
take care of yourself as to study.

That they teach us to take care of ourselves would be the most appropriate thing not to take
us sometimes to the psychologist (a) and for that and more I put it.

- Swimming: Of all the sports it is the one I like the most because it is an area that I would like
to take because when I have contact with the water I forget everything is a relaxing way to get
away from all worries, stress, fear (sometimes) and other things that's why I put it.

🦔.-Volleyball and Soccer: it is an area of sport that I do not like very much because it does not
relax me but stresses me but as I said before at a certain time I will explain why I put things
that I do not like very much but ... I put it because of its importance.

🦔.-Board games: I put it because a little fun would relieve the stress that is generated by a lot of
effort to me I would like to have it as an area is a good way to make friends and also to
discover that you like it.

- How to make movies: It would be a course that I would love since it catches my attention and
others also love horror movies and I would like to know how to make one that scares me even
my serious something that would also relieve stress and bring us many laughs.

- Team games: it would be very nice an area that fosters union as a school and classroom, an
area that encourages companionship and physical and cognitive capacity, that brings joy and
sadness, victory and defeats but... Always the union.
- Music; It's a common course but I forgot to put it () But it's a nice course I really like to play
my ukulele and the harmony it generates that's why I put it.


🍁.- The time of entry I put it like this because I am a person who has a hard time waking up and
getting out of bed (but it costs me to get up early) and because for me it would be the
indicated time and the rest of the hours is calculated to last long enough to enjoy each class
and I calculate them from the time of entry with 5 minutes between going up and down and
each class so they can relax or communicate that does no harm to anyone.


🌹.-Personally I would not like to say what they are for my personal opinion but I will say why I
put them.

I put them because they are mostly important but others because in general most people like
it and in my time table I would like not only to put things that I like but also some that others
like so I do not like in a few words I accept different opinions.



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