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5 Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Depression

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Mark L. Hatzenbuehler and Katie A. McLaughlin and Mark L.
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Females and lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) populations are twice as likely to develop depression as
males and heterosexuals, respectively. This chapter reviews the descriptive epidemiology of sex and
sexual orientation differences in depression, and discusses explanations for these group differences,
including neurobiological (e.g., differences in limbic system reactivity), individual (e.g., cognitive and
affective processes), and interpersonal processes (e.g., victimization experiences), as well as structural
influences (e.g., state-​level policies that differentially target gays and lesbians for social exclusion). The
chapter summarizes common vulnerabilities to depression in females and sexual minorities and offers
several directions for future research, including the need for multimethod, multilevel approaches that
can increase our understanding of the emergence and persistence of differences in depression based
on sex and sexual orientation.
Key Words: sex differences, sexual orientation, group differences, cognitive/​affective processes,
neurobiological processes, interpersonal processes, structural influences

According to the World Health Organization Epidemiology of Major Depression by Sex

(2008), depression is the leading cause of disability and Sexual Orientation
among any disease or illness. Depression is not uni- A number of epidemiological studies of depres-
formly distributed in the general population, how- sion have been conducted in large, representative
ever. Females (Nolen-​Hoeksema & Hilt, 2009) and samples of the United States and other countries,
sexual minorities1 (Meyer, 2003) are twice as likely including the National Comorbidity Survey
to suffer from depression as males and heterosexu- (NCS) and Replication (NCS-​ R), the National
als, respectively. In this chapter, we describe the epi- Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
demiology of differences in depression based on sex Conditions (NESARC), and the World Mental
and sexual orientation, with a focus on differences Health (WMH) Surveys. In this section, we
in lifetime prevalence, age of onset, and persistence/​ review evidence concerning differences in depres-
chronicity. We also review explanations for these sion based on sex and sexual orientation in three
differences. We take a “cells-​to-​society” approach, domains: (1) the lifetime prevalence of depres-
describing factors that range from neurobiologi- sion; (2) the age of onset/​developmental trends of
cal influences (e.g., hormones, differences in lim- depression; (3) and the persistence/​ chronicity of
bic system reactivity) to structural influences (e.g., depression.
state-​level policies that differentially target gays and
lesbians for social exclusion). We conclude by sum- Lifetime Prevalence
marizing common vulnerabilities to depression in One of the most consistent findings in the psy-
females and sexual minorities and offer directions chiatric epidemiological literature is the 2:1 sex
for future research. difference in the lifetime prevalence of depression;


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women are diagnosed with depression at twice the and rises most dramatically between ages 15 and
rate of men in adulthood (Kessler et al., 2003). 18 years (Hankin et al., 1998; Kessler et al., 2003).
Although the lifetime prevalence of depression Although the prevalence of childhood depression is
varies cross-​culturally, women exhibit higher rates similar for boys and girls, females are more likely
of depression compared to men across cultures as than males to develop depression beginning at age
well as across sociodemographic groups within 13 years (Hankin et al., 1998; Nolen-​Hoeksema &
cultures (Weissman et al., 1996). Epidemiological Girgus, 1994). The risk for depression then remains
studies in the United States suggest that major elevated among females relative to males through-
depression will affect one out of four women out adolescence and adulthood (Kessler et al.,
and one out of eight men in their lifetimes. For 2003; Kim-​Cohen et al., 2003). By age 18 years,
example, the NCS-​R reported a lifetime preva- the 2:1 sex difference is apparent; it remains stable
lence of major depressive disorder as 21.3% for throughout adulthood (Eaton et al., 1997). (For a
women and 12.7% for men (Kessler et al., 2003). further discussion of the emergence of sex differ-
The NESARC reported slightly lower, but simi- ences in depression during adolescence, see Hilt &
lar lifetime prevalence rates: 17.1% for women Nolen-​Hoeksema, 2009.)
and 9.0% for men (Hasin, Goodwin, Stinson, & In recent studies using nationally representa-
Grant, 2005). Although the 2:1 sex difference in tive or community-​based samples, sexual minor-
depression has remained constant over many years, ity adolescents have been found to be at elevated
the lifetime prevalence of major depression has risk for depressive symptoms and major depres-
increased in both men and women in more recent sion compared to their heterosexual peers (e.g.,
cohorts (Kessler et al., 2003). Hatzenbuehler, McLaughlin, & Nolen-​Hoeksema,
Recent epidemiological research has also indi- 2008; Russell & Joyner, 2001). Depressive symp-
cated that sexual minorities are at increased risk toms may also emerge earlier in the life-​ course
for psychiatric morbidity across a wide spectrum of among sexual minorities relative to heterosexuals.
outcomes, including major depression (for a meta-​ For instance, two studies from general population
analysis, see King et al., 2008). These disparities in samples have shown that sexual minority men had
depression appear to be most pronounced among an earlier age of onset of major depression than het-
gay men, who have been found across numer- erosexual men (Cochran & Mays, 2000; Gilman
ous studies to have a higher lifetime prevalence et al., 2001).
of DSM-​diagnosed major depression (Cochran &
Mays, 2000; Cochran, Mays, & Sullivan, 2003; Persistence/​Chronicity
Gilman, Cochran, Mays, Ostrow, & Kessler, 2001) Sex differences in major depression episodes
than heterosexual men. Although some studies have could reflect the fact that women are more likely to
shown higher rates of depression in sexual minor- experience first onsets, longer depressive episodes,
ity women compared to heterosexual women (e.g., a greater risk of recurrence of depression, or all
Gilman et al., 2001), others have shown no statis- of these. Data from several studies of adults (e.g.,
tically significant group differences (e.g., Cochran Kessler, McGonagle, Swartz, Blazer, & Nelson,
et al., 2003), which may in part be due to low sta- 1993) and children or adolescents (e.g., Hankin
tistical power given the small sample sizes of sexual et al., 1998), however, indicate that the sex differ-
minorities in most population-​based studies. ence in depression is explained by a greater propor-
tion of first onsets in girls and women compared
Age of Onset/​Developmental Trends to boys and men, and not to longer durations or
The prevalence of major depression varies mark- greater recurrence.
edly across the life-​ course. A meta-​ analysis of As previously mentioned, sexual minorities are
depression in youth reported that the prevalence of already at higher risk for depression than their het-
depression is only 2.8% in children under the age of erosexual peers during adolescence. In turn, ado-
13 years and increases to 5.6% in adolescents aged lescents who have experienced a major depressive
13–​18 years (Costello, Erkanli, & Angold, 2006). episode are at a pronounced risk for recurrent prob-
By adulthood, the lifetime prevalence of depres- lems with depression and for relapse in adulthood
sion is 16.2% with 6.6% of adults experiencing a (e.g., Lewinsohn, Rhode, Klein, & Seeley, 1999).
major depressive episode in a given 1-​year period Using data from the National Health and Nutrition
(Kessler et al., 2003). The incidence of depression Examination Survey-​III (NHANES III), Cochran
remains relatively low until about 11 years of age and Mays (2000) found that sexual minority men

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experienced greater recurrent depression than het- environment, such as low-​quality family interac-
erosexual men. Moreover, data from the NCS tions or father absence, are thought to contribute to
indicated that sexual minorities had numerically early pubertal onset; conversely, early maturing girls
elevated odds (ORs = 1.6 for men and 3.1 for have lower-​ quality relationships with family and
women) for persistence of major depression rela- peers and are at a higher risk for physical and verbal
tive to heterosexuals, although the differences did abuse from romantic partners (Graber et al., 2010).
not reach statistical significance. Thus, the extent The combination of early pubertal timing and sub-
to which sexual minorities are at elevated risk for sequent stressful life events, particularly peer stress-
disorder severity, including persistence, warrants ors, is associated with an elevated risk for depression
greater attention in future research. (Conley & Rudolph, 2009; Ge, Conger, & Elder,
2001). The relationship between early puberty and
Explanations of Group Differences depression in females may also be mediated by self-​
in Depression esteem and body dissatisfaction (Negriff & Susman,
Many different explanations of these group dif- 2011; Stice, Presnell, & Bearman, 2001).
ferences in depression have been proposed. In this Adolescence is characterized by marked increases
section, we adopt a multilevel approach to exam- in physiological reactivity to stress, both in the
ining potential explanations for these differences, hypothalamic–​ pituitary–​
adrenal (HPA) axis and
reviewing evidence for risk factors for depression, in the autonomic nervous system (Stroud et al.,
including biological (e.g., hormones, differences in 2009). This increase in stress reactivity occurs to a
limbic system reactivity), cognitive/​affective (e.g., greater degree for female adolescents as compared to
rumination), interpersonal (e.g., rejection sensi- males (Stroud, Papandonatos, Williamson, & Dahl,
tivity, victimization/​
abuse), and structural (e.g., 2004). Stressful life events, particularly chronic
social conditions and institutional policies) levels. stressors occurring in interpersonal domains, can
Although a comprehensive review of each of these lead to dysregulation in physiological stress response
potential explanatory factors is beyond the scope systems (Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007). Evidence sug-
of this chapter, we refer the reader to more com- gests that female adolescents experience higher lev-
prehensive reviews of the literature on depression els of interpersonal stressors than males, particularly
in women and men (Hyde, Mezulis, & Abramson, in peer and family domains (Rudolph & Hammen,
2008; Nolen-​ Hoeksema & Hilt, 2009) and on 1999). As these systems become more attuned to
mental health in sexual minorities and heterosexu- the social environment in adolescence, interper-
als (Hatzenbuehler, 2009; Meyer, 2003) for more sonal stressors might be particularly likely to alter
thorough discussions of different explanations. stress response system functioning in females, ele-
vating the risk for major depression. Dysregulated
Neurobiological Explanations cortisol regulation has been observed in depressed
A variety of neurobiological factors might youths, with the most commonly reported pattern
underlie sex differences in the emergence of depres- involving elevated evening cortisol levels (Goodyer,
sion during adolescence. Early pubertal onset has Park, & Herbert, 2001; Lopez-​Duran, Kovacs, &
been associated with an elevated risk for adoles- George, 2009). The degree to which this dysregula-
cent depression among females in multiple studies tion is a precursor to or consequence of depression
(Graber et al., 2007; Graber, Nichols, & Brooks-​ itself remains unclear, although in a prospective
Gunn, 2010). Determining whether the biological study elevated cortisol-​to-​dehydroepiandrosterone
factors that lead to early pubertal onset play a role (DHEA) ratio (a measure of anabolic balance) pre-
in explaining the sex difference in depression inci- dicted major depression onset in a high-​risk adoles-
dence during adolescence represents an important cent sample (Goodyer, Herbert, & Tamplin, 2003).
goal for future research. Moreover, although the By adulthood, few neurobiological factors have
consistently documented association between early been identified that might contribute to sex dif-
pubertal timing and depression risk in females might ferences in the risk for major depression. Women
reflect underlying neurobiological vulnerability, the exhibit greater limbic system reactivity to stress as
pathways linking pubertal onset and depression compared to men, who exhibit greater activation in
also involve a variety of psychosocial factors. For regions of the prefrontal cortex following stressors
example, poor-​quality family, peer, and romantic (Wang et al., 2007). Sex differences in serotonin
relationships are both a predictor and consequence synthesis in the brain have also been documented
of early pubertal onset. Stressors in the family (Nishizawa et al., 1997), but their role in underlying

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differences in depression is unknown. Finally, it severity of major depressive episodes (for a review,
has been suggested that genetic vulnerabilities to see Nolen-​ Hoeksema, Wisco, & Lybomirsky,
depression operate differently for males and females, 2008). Consistent evidence indicates that begin-
such that certain genetic polymorphisms are asso- ning in adolescence females engage in rumination
ciated with depression among females but not significantly more than males (Hankin, 2008), and
among males (Eley et al., 2004), although evidence this sex difference in rumination has been shown to
for such differences is inconsistent across studies. account statistically for the sex difference in depres-
Taken together, evidence for neurobiological factors sion in multiple studies (e.g., Nolen-​ Hoeksema,
underlying sex differences in depression is stronger Larson, & Grayson, 1999).
during adolescence than adulthood. There are many possible reasons for why
Just as biological explanations of sex differences females have a greater tendency to ruminate
have focused on putatively immutable character- than males. One is that girls are socialized to use
istics between men and women, so too have bio- emotion-​focused coping strategies, whereas boys
logical explanations of sexual orientation addressed are socialized to cope in a more direct manner
differences between heterosexual and minority (e.g., problem solving). There is some evidence
populations (for a history of these arguments, see for this in observational and empirical work with
Fausto-​Sterling, 2000). Researchers have used mul- child–​parent interactions (e.g., Adams, Kuebli,
tiple methods to pursue these putative biological dif- Boyle, & Fivush, 1995). Another possibility is
ferences, such as electroencephalography (EEG) and that females are more likely to experience envi-
assessments of circulating androgen levels (for a com- ronmental stressors that promote rumination.
prehensive review, see Mustanski, Chivers, & Bailey, Indeed, conceptualizations of the sex difference in
1999). For instance, several studies have reported depression have often noted that women are more
that gay men exhibit female-​ typical patterns in likely than men to experience the kinds of uncon-
EEGs during spatial and verbal tasks (e.g., Wegesin trollable interpersonal stressors that might be
1998). Similarly, some studies of finger length ratio especially likely to lead to rumination (e.g., sexual
(e.g., Williams et al., 2000) have reported that the abuse, harassment at work) (Nolen-​ Hoeksema,
right hand 2D(index finger):4D(ring finger) ratio 2001; Nolen-​Hoeksema et al., 1999). It is also
for lesbians is not significantly different from that of possible that sex differences in rumination are
heterosexual men (but is significantly smaller than not the result of environmental experiences, but
heterosexual women). However, these results have rather reflect innate differences in processing style
not always been consistent (Mustanski et al., 1999). or a propensity for self-​reflection.
Furthermore, in cases in which group differences Research has also indicated that rumination is
have been found, researchers have rarely considered an important mechanism explaining sexual ori-
how and whether these differences may contribute entation disparities in depressive symptoms. In a
to sexual orientation disparities in depression. There longitudinal study of adolescents, Hatzenbuehler,
are some notable exceptions, including recent stud- McLaughlin, and Nolen-​Hoeksema (2008) found
ies exploring sexual orientation differences in HPA that sexual minority youth were more likely than
axis reactivity (e.g., Juster, Smith, Ouellet, Sindi, their heterosexual peers to ruminate, and group
& Lupien, 2013; Hatzenbuehler & McLaughlin, differences in rumination accounted for the higher
2014), which represents an important area for levels of depressive symptoms among sexual minor-
future study on neurobiological risk factors that ity youth. Furthermore, a daily diary study found
may explain group differences in depression based that sexual minority young adults were more likely
on sexual orientation. to ruminate on days in which stigma-​related stress-
ors (e.g., perceived discrimination) occurred; in
Cognitive and Affective Explanations turn, rumination statistically accounted for the
Rumination relationship between these stigma-​related stressors
Rumination is defined as the tendency to think and psychological distress (Hatzenbuehler, Nolen-​
passively and brood about negative thoughts and Hoeksema, & Dovidio, 2009).
feelings in a repetitive manner (Nolen-​Hoeksema,
1991). Individual differences in people’s ten- Negative Attributional Style
dency to ruminate are associated with a risk and Hopelessness
for major depression, such that higher levels of Negative attribution style—​defined as the
rumination predict the onset, persistence, and tendency to attribute negative events to stable

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and global causes, to assume that negative events Interpersonal Factors

invariably lead to negative consequences, and to Interpersonal theories of depression highlight a
assume that negative events reflect internal defi- variety of social behaviors that contribute to and
cits or failings (see Chapter 13)—​is a cognitive maintain depressive symptoms, including excessive
factor that may contribute to the sex differences reassurance seeking, negative feedback seeking, and
in depression (Hyde et al., 2008). Negative attri- basing your self-​worth on the opinions of others
butional style is strongly associated with depres- (see Chapter 51; Joiner & Coyne, 1999). In this
sive symptoms and interacts with stressful life section, we review several interpersonal factors that
events to predict increases in depression over may contribute to differences in depression based
time (e.g., Alloy et al., 2000). There is some evi- on sex and sexual orientation. We focus in particu-
dence that adolescent girls are more likely to have lar on those factors that are common across women
a negative attributional style than boys (Hankin and sexual minorities, including rejection sensitivity
& Abramson, 2002). Furthermore, the relation- and interpersonal stressors. This necessarily selective
ship between a negative attributional style and approach will not address factors that have not yet
depressive symptoms is stronger for adolescent been adequately studied with one or both groups
girls than for boys (Gladstone, Kaslow, Seeley, & (e.g., interpersonal orientation; Feingold, 1994).
Lewinsohn, 1997), which may contribute to sex
differences in depression. The degree to which cog- Interpersonal Stressors
nitive vulnerability predicts depressive symptoms Exposure to stress is common in the lives of
following interpersonal stressors, specifically peer depressed people (Hammen, 2005). Although there
rejection experiences, has also been found to be is a great debate about the operationalization and
stronger among adolescent females as compared to measurement of stress, even studies that focused
males (Prinstein & Aikins, 2004). The degree to only on “independent” or fateful events that could
which sex differences in the associations of nega- not have been due to the individual’s depression
tive attributional style and depression persist into or other characteristics have shown a link between
adulthood is unknown. In addition to rumination stressful life events and an elevated risk of experi-
and negative attributional style, Hyde and col- encing depression (see Hammen, 2005; Monroe,
leagues (2008) suggested that women’s greater ten- 2008). Both the differences in depression between
dency to attend to their bodies and to have lower women and men, and between sexual minorities
body esteem as compared to men may represent and heterosexuals, have been attributed in part to
an important cognitive factor in risk for female differences in exposure to stressors. Below, we dis-
depression. Sex differences in body image and cuss interpersonal stressors that may contribute to
satisfaction that emerge during adolescence may sex and sexual orientation differences in depres-
therefore play a role in explaining sex differences sion, with a particular focus on victimization and
in depression. violence.
Although there is no research on negative attri- Females are more likely to be exposed to mul-
bution style as it relates to sexual orientation dif- tiple forms of interpersonal violence than males,
ferences in depression, there is some research on including rape, sexual assault, and stalking (Kessler,
hopelessness, a related construct. Hopelessness is Sonnega, Bromet, Hughes, & Nelson, 1995; Tolin
defined as the belief that negative events will occur & Foa, 2006). Having been the victim of rape more
(or, conversely, that desired events will not occur) than doubles your chances of developing depres-
and that there is nothing the individual can do to sion (Burnam et al., 1988), and it is estimated that
change the situation (Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 10–​15% of women have been victims of rape dur-
1989). Hopelessness is a potent risk factor for the ing their lifetime (Kessler et al., 1995). In addition
onset of major depression that may contribute spe- to rape, other types of interpersonal victimization,
cifically to sexual orientation differences in depres- such as intimate partner violence and sexual abuse,
sion. Studies have indicated that sexual minority also confer a risk for developing depression (Weiss,
adolescents are more likely to feel hopeless than Longhurst, &Mazure, 1999). Although boys and
their heterosexual peers (e.g., Russell & Joyner, men are also victims of childhood maltreatment,
2001); group differences in hopelessness predicted females are more likely to experience sexual abuse
higher rates of depressive symptoms among sexual than males (Finkelhor, Hotaling, Lewis, & Smith,
minority adolescents relative to their heterosexual 1990), and this may partially explain the higher rates
peers (Safren & Heimberg, 1999). of depression in women. For example, one review

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estimated that about one-​third of the sex difference (Downey et al., 1998). This finding was not true of
in adult depression could be attributed to the higher romantic partners of men high on rejection sensitiv-
rates of childhood sexual abuse in girls (Cutler & ity, which suggests that the fulfillment of women’s
Nolen-​Hoeksema, 1991). Other work suggests that rejection expectations may have a greater impact on
exposure to other forms of victimization, such as their interpersonal relationships than is the case for
intimate partner violence, might also contribute to men. This study did not examine depression, but
sex differences in depression (Campbell, 2002). points to a potential mechanism that may contrib-
Sexual minorities are also disproportionately ute to higher rates of depression in women.
exposed to victimization and violence relative to This research on rejection sensitivity in inter-
heterosexuals. Balsam, Rothblum, and Beauchaine personal contexts has been extended to examine
(2005) found that LGB individuals experienced sensitivity to status-​based rejection. For example,
more forms of victimization over the life course expectations of rejection based on race impairs the
than their heterosexual siblings. In particular, LGB functioning of African-​American students across a
participants reported more childhood psychological variety of domains, including affiliation and trust
and physical abuse by parents and caretakers, more within institutional settings (Mendoza-​ Denton,
childhood sexual abuse, more partner psychological Downey, Purdie, Davis, & Pietrzak, 2002). At
and physical abuse in adulthood, and more sexual least one study has linked high levels of rejection
assault experiences in adulthood than their hetero- sensitivity to depressive symptoms among sexual
sexual siblings. Previous studies also suggest that minority men (Hatzenbuehler, Nolen-​Hoeksema,
disproportionate exposure to physical and sexual & Erickson, 2008).
abuse is associated with elevations in depressive
symptoms among sexual minorities as compared to Structural Explanations
heterosexuals (McLaughlin, Hatzenbuehler, Xuan, Social Conditions and Institutional
& Conron, 2012). Policies/​Practices
LGB adolescents are also more likely than their There is a body of literature that considers
heterosexual peers to be victims of peer violence gendered social structure and interactions as fac-
(e.g., Russell, Seif, & Truong, 2001). Studies with tors that can explain sex differences in mental
representative samples of youth have demonstrated disorders, including depression (e.g., Lennon,
that these group differences in peer victimization 1995; Simon, 1995). One focus of this line of
partially account for the association between sexual work has been on chronic strain related to gen-
orientation and risk of suicide (Russell & Joyner, der roles. Evidence from multiple epidemiologi-
2001). It is important that future researchers deter- cal studies indicates that the benefits of marriage
mine whether peer victimization can account for are greater for males than for females, and that
disparities in depressive symptoms based on sexual females experience greater stress related to mar-
orientation. riage than males (Bebbington, 1998). Women
report more chronic strain related to the fam-
Rejection Sensitivity ily, finances, parenting, and workload inequali-
Rejection sensitivity is defined as the tendency to ties within marriages (Nolen-​ Hoeksema et al.,
“anxiously expect, readily perceive, and overreact to 1999). These chronic strains partially explained
rejection” (Downey, Freitas, Michaelis, & Khouri, the sex differences in depression in multiple stud-
1998, p. 545), and is associated with depression, ies (e.g., Nolen-​Hoeksema et al., 1999). Similarly,
particularly in the context of interpersonal stress- Rosenfield (1989) documented that sex differences
ors and relationship loss. For example, rejection in depressive symptoms were no longer observed
sensitivity is associated prospectively with increases when familial demands between men and women
in depression among women who experienced a were equal (i.e., sex differences in depressive symp-
partner-​initiated break-​up, but not among those toms are reduced to nonsignificance), indicating
who initiated a break-​up or experienced noninter- that demands are a mediator of the relationship
personal stressors (Ayduk, Downey, & Kim, 2001). between sex and depressive symptoms. Women are
In a daily diary study, the romantic partners of also more likely to be single parents than men, and
women high in rejection sensitivity were more likely the prevalence of depression has been found to be
to experience relationship dissatisfaction when con- particularly high among unmarried women raising
flict arose; these rejection-​ sensitive women also young children and in the postpartum period for
considered their partners to be more withdrawn women without a cohabiting partner (Brown &

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Moran, 1997; Hobfoll, Ritter, Lavin, Hulsizer, & These events occurred between two waves of data
Cameron, 1995). collection in a nationally representative, prospec-
In addition to chronic strains related to gender tive study of U.S. adults. Respondents were first
roles, research has also focused on ways in which interviewed in 2001 and then the same respondents
women’s lower social status may contribute to sex were reinterviewed in 2005 following the passage of
differences in depression. For instance, a cross-​ the same-​sex marriage bans. This provided a natu-
national comparison of psychiatric disorders in 15 ral experiment that provided researchers with the
countries from the WMH surveys showed a signifi- opportunity to examine changes in the prevalence
cant narrowing of sex differences in major depres- of psychiatric disorders among LGB respondents
sion resulting from changes in gender ideology, who were assessed before and after the same-​ sex
including women’s labor force experience, education marriage bans were passed. Of relevance to the cur-
levels, median age of marriage, and contraception rent chapter, LGB adults who lived in states that
use (Seedat et al., 2009). Within the United States, passed same-​sex marriage bans experienced a 35%
state-​level policies related to reproductive rights have increase in major depression between the two waves
also been linked to the prevalence of major depres- (Hatzenbuehler et al., 2010). In contrast, LGB
sion among women; specifically, the odds of depres- respondents in states without these bans experienced
sion are lower among women living in states with a 14% decrease in major depression during the study
legal and policy protections of women’s reproductive period. Furthermore, rates of depression among het-
health rights (McLaughlin, Xuan, Subramanian, & erosexuals were largely unchanged during this period,
Koenen, 2011). This association could reflect either providing evidence for the specificity of these policies
the fact that women in these states are denied access to LGB populations.
to services they need or that these policies reflect a
climate that is hostile to women’s rights. Future Directions and Conclusions
Social/​structural factors are also related to Although depression is a debilitating disorder,
depression among sexual minorities. Several stud- its consequences are disproportionately experienced
ies have documented that social policies that differ- by certain segments of the population, including
entially target gays and lesbians for social exclusion women and sexual minorities. Beginning in mid-​
are strongly related to mental health outcomes in adolescence and continuing throughout the rest of
LGB populations (for a review, see Hatzenbuehler, the life-​course, females are more likely than males
2010). In one study, Hatzenbuehler, Keyes, and to develop major depression, with elevated risk
Hasin (2009) coded states for the presence or observed specifically for first onsets of depression
absence of policies that confer protection to gays but not for episode persistence. Similarly, members
and lesbians—​ namely, hate crime statutes and of sexual minority groups are at an increased risk
employment nondiscrimination policies that for depression compared to heterosexuals, and this
include sexual orientation as a protected class. This disparity begins in adolescence.
policy information was linked to individual-​level We highlighted correlates and determinants
data on mental health and sexual orientation from a of group differences in depression related to sex
nationally representative survey of U.S. adults. The and sexual orientation. In particular, research has
prevalence of psychiatric disorders was significantly identified numerous biological, intrapersonal (i.e.,
higher among LGB adults living in states with poli- cognitive/​ affective), interpersonal, and social/​
cies that did not confer protection to gays and les- structural factors that may contribute to sex and
bians, compared to LGB individuals living in states sexual orientation disparities in the lifetime preva-
with protective policies. For instance, sexual orien- lence of major depression. Although this literature
tation disparities in dysthymia were not evident in has provided significant insights, there is a dearth
states with protective policies; however, LGB adults of research that examines the ways in which these
who lived in states with no protective policies were multilevel factors operate together to increase the
nearly 2.5 times more likely to have dysthymia than vulnerability to depression among women and
were heterosexuals in those same states. sexual minorities. This lack of multilevel research
In a follow-​up study, Hatzenbuehler, McLaughlin, may be due to the fact that depression researchers
Keyes, and Hasin (2010) used longitudinal data to tend to focus on risk factors in isolation from their
evaluate the impact of social policies on LGB men- respective disciplines. Psychologists, for instance,
tal health. During 2004, 16 states passed constitu- tend to focus on neurobiological and intrapersonal
tional amendments banning same-​ sex marriage. factors, whereas medical sociologists and social

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epidemiologists typically focus on social-​structural is used in those instances in which specific studies have used
factors. Progress in understanding the determi- measures of self-​identification.
nants of disparities in depression based on sex and
sexual orientation will be advanced by developing References
Abramson, L. Y., Metalsky, G. I., & Alloy, L. B. (1989).
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