Persuasive Essay

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Persuasive essay refers to the kind of writing, which presents reasons and examples to effect thought

and/or action. It requires the clear statement of an opinion and reasons or specific examples to support said opinion.
With the intention to persuade or to convince the readers, the writers usually follow this structure:
1. Statement of the thesis, or the theme/topic of an argument. It usually presents a controversial topic
and the writer’s stand about it. A good thesis should state a truth (e.g. Divorce is not allowed in the
Philippines.) or advocate a cause of action (e.g. English should be used as the medium of instruction
in all public and private institutions.) Likewise, the thesis should be something that can be proven.
2. Enumeration of a set of reasons supporting the thesis. This part elaborates on the necessity of the
proposal, its advantages and workability.
3. Presentation of explanations that substantiate the reasons and strengthen the thesis. They should
appeal to reason or logic, to ethics, and to emotions.
4. Conclusion which reinforces the thesis and calls for action.

Is it specific and reasonable? Does it clearly Reason
present only the scope that needs to be Are there varied range of reason Do the
proven? reasons strengthen the argument?
Persuasive Argument
Language and Style
Are the analogy or comparisons, if any, and
conclusions clear and valid? Are opposing Is the writing style and tone suited for the
views acknowledged and countered/refuted to subject/topic and the intended audience? Are
minimize the writer’s personal bias? the word choice and language appropriate?

Why Women Should Not Have an Abortion

(from Lengua Inglesa IV)

Many women in the entire world have abortions. Women believe there are many reasons to abort such as
fear of having or raising a child, rape, or not having enough money. But whatever the situation, there is
never an acceptable reason to get an abortion. Some important reasons why women should not abort have
to do with human values, religious values, and values of conscience.

Women should not have an abortion because of basic human values. Women need to think about their
unborn babies who are not responsible for this situation. These unborn babies should have the privilege to
live and grow into a normal person. Women need to be more humanitarian and less egoistic with these
babies. On the other hand, the baby doesn’t know how or why he is here. It is not necessary to kill a life;
there are many other solutions to resolve this problem short of abortion.

The second reason why women should not abort has to do with religious values. In almost all religions, a
woman is not permitted to have an abortion. If they do, their religions will punish them. In some religions,
for example, a woman cannot take communion after having an abortion, and before taking communion
again, she must do many things as a form of penitence. In whatever religion, abortion is punished and for
this reason, women should not abort.

Finally, women should not abort because of their conscience. When a woman has an abortion, she will
always think about the baby she might have had. She will always think about the future that could have
happened with her baby which will always remind her that she killed it. Because she has had an abortion,
she will never have a good life, and her conscience will remind her of what she had done. Because a woman
who has an abortion can’t forget about what she has done, these thoughts will always be with her, and the
results can be calamitous.

There are many reasons why women should not have an abortion. The truth is that women need to think
about the consequences that can occur before having sexual relations. I think that the effects of an abortion
can be very sad for everyone involved, both for the woman who has the abortion and for the family who lives
with her.

Thesis statement
Introduction of the topic and its background
Explanation of Reason
Study the following persuasive essay and identify its Thesis statement, Introduction of the topic and its background,
Reason, Explanation of Reason and Conclusion.

Women: The Bigger Victims

(1)There is now solid evidence that the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have fallen more heavily on
women. (2)There are at least four ways that the adverse impacts of the pandemic and the resulting recession are
lopsided against women worldwide.

(3)First, the medical and economic frontliners, who have been most exposed to the virus, are predominantly
women. (4)Many of the frontliners are women because they are our primary healthcare providers such as nurses
and care givers.

(5)Second, women also dominate the jobs in the economy that are hardest hit by the pandemic recession.
(6)These jobs are in restaurants, hotels, and tourism establishments; retail establishments, personal services like
hair and beauty salons, and in schools.

(7)Third, the brunt of housework and child care responsibilities—including mentoring children on their online
classes — has fallen on women, especially where women work from home while their husbands don’t. (8)Mothers
are more likely to meet the majority of the demands for housework and caregiving during the pandemic, compared
with fathers.

(9)Fourth, women have suffered from increased domestic violence that the pandemic has brought about in
many places. (10)This is due to increased social isolation.

(11)As we plan our way out of the pandemic crisis, we clearly need to pay due attention to the welfare of
women, who, through no fault of their own, have been its bigger victims.

Homework Ban Yet Again

Homework is an additional task given to students to be done at home. It can be an advance lesson or a
follow-up activity for a lesson discussed. Homework is necessary, especially if it is reasonable, well-planned, and
monitored or checked properly for it encourages a bonding time with parents, bridging gaps for suspension of
classes, keeps students aways from gadgets and helps in deepening a lesson’s understanding.

Students says that homework keeps them away from gadget addiction. Because of the pile of assignments,
students tend to prioritize them more instead of playing games or watching videos or using other social networking

Homework can also encourage the involvement of parents, especially when they tutor or assist their children
in doing the task -- a bonding time of sorts. It also lets them see how the child is progressing and what topics are
taught in school.

In cases of class suspension due to inclement weather, or when a student incurs many days of absence from
school, homework assignments are important in ensuring that no student will be lagging behind in mastering the
necessary competencies.

Students believe that the assignment is necessary to understand course material therefore homework
assignments are vital in education. When there is an assignment, learners tend to review the lesson making them
have more practice and understanding.

Quite obviously, whether or not teachers should give homework assignments is not the million-dollar
question. It’s about the quality of instruction.

If policy makers only intend to allow learners to have quality time with their families, or to help them balance
academic development and personal growth, perhaps they should look first into how homework assignments can be
regulated (not prohibited) so as not to compromise the students’ family time. They could also organize programs that
would help educators in improving the quality of their instruction so that every discussion, task and homework
maximizes student learning.

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