Practice 2

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Writing – page 322

How difficult could be to restart in another country? When President Castillo won the Presidential
Elections on June 2021, it was a very concerning surprise for everybody because it was the first
time after several decades of democracy environment in Peru when a communist government
arised in the political scope. It would be frustrating for professionals like me very accustomed to
work in public institutions with good standards on working environments, so my family and me
thought it was the great opportunity to prepare us to leave Peru if all would be very bad for
people who do not believe in communist ideas. We should have to study languages and English as
one the first alternatives and then we should study other postgraduate courses to enhance our
possibilities to leave Peru, looking for a better life.

First of all, studying English is so important for people who want to travel for little time or to
emigrate to other countries where Spanish is not the official language. English is the language of
the world since XX century after the Second World War. Who want to travel to USA, Europe, Asia
or Oceania and whether do not speak English would not talk to people or would not get a job or
would not study to enhance their economic situation.

On the hand, studying other postgraduate courses in English language, help people to increase
their possibilities to get a new and better job and to know other people who have the same
knowledge and the most important thing, to increase the social relationships to get the goals in a
easier way.

In conclusion, one communist government won the elections in Peru in 2021 and it made people
to think better about real possibilities to continue having a good life. My family and me thought it
would be better to prepare us to leave Peru and get other alternatives to have a better job or
better studies. For that reason it is so important so study English and study other postgraduate

Introductions cannot be longer than body paragraphs.


Who thinks deforestation is the solution for crowding in small areas is wrong. Historically
Deforestation was considered one of the best ways to create too much space to bring people who
live in small part of a territory. It is important to talk about advantages and disadvantages of

First of all, there are some advantages about deforestation. People who do not have own lands
can have own land in deforested areas and work in agriculture and enhance their lives. Also, there
is too much rain in deforested areas to support crops.

But all is not good for deforested areas. It is not sustainable, the water cycle changes after some
years and it is not good for crops and animals. Creation of new abroad spaces means displacement
of local tribes who lived in those territories for thousands of years. There is a critical expose to
diseases and a loosing of future cure for diseases because devastation of environment (plants,
animals and insects). Finally, forests remove carbon dioxide from environment so deforestation
means more carbon dioxide in environment and increasing of greenhouse effect, producing more
heat and melting ice from the poles. All these is bringing use closer to next ice age.

Concluding, deforestation has several several advantages and more disadvantages. It is good to
create more space for people who do not have lands but is very bad for environment.

This not the format for the Integrated Task. I am attaching a sample from a classmate so that you
can follow it.

The reading passage states that, unlike what most people would believe, deforestation actually
entails many benefits that outweight its possible negative effects; whereas the lecturer challenges
each argument supporting this position.

First, the text claims that deforestation supports economic growth by providing more land for
commercial farming and; hence, encouraging food production and economic sustainability.
However, the lecturer outlines the reasons why deforestation may not be that beneficial, which
include the lower soil quality of a farming land, the excessive amount of rain needed to support
the crops and the eventual need to cut down more trees to keep the farming system sustainable.

Second, the reading advocates the idea of providing native tribes with new places to live by
reducing the space occupied by rainforests. The lecturer, on the contrary, points out that assigning
a new place to local tribes is detrimental for them in the long term as the tribes are already used
to a way of living that could be disturbed if they left the rainforests and they could also be exposed
to dangerous diseases brought from an unfamiliar environment.

Finally, both the text and the lecturer tackle the environmental aspect of deforestation. While the
passage presents the ban of deforestation as detrimental due to carbon credit law (the idea of
carbon becoming cheaper because more money has been invested in saving the rainforests), the
lecturer points out negative aspects such as the loss of natural habitats, medicinal plants and the
most important weapon against global warming.

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