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In the following chapters I have tried to describe how HSS modules (AVG and ESM)
should be configured to be integrated with a MME node into an EPC network for an LTE
Solution. This is not an official document and I have generated it with my experiences
during LTE Trial Project.


1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................1
2 HSS_AVG Module.......................................................2
2.1 HSS-AvgConfigurationContainer.........................2
2.2 HSS-AvgA4KeyContainer....................................3
2.3 HSS-AvgFSetContainerName...............................4
2.4 HSS-AvgUsimReqNode.......................................5
2.5 HSS-AvgUsimUserContainer...............................5
2.6 Additional Parameters...........................................6
3 HSS_ESM Module......................................................7
3.1 HSS-EsmConfigurationData.................................7
3.2 HSS-EsmPlmnContainer......................................7
3.3 HSS-EsmMme......................................................8
3.4 HSS-EsmApnContainer........................................8
3.5 HSS-EsmApnConfigContainer.............................9
3.6 HSS-EsmProfileContainer....................................9
3.7 HSS_EsmSubscriptionContainer........................10


This charpter was described how to add user data in HSS,Two HSS modules are used for
these two attach phases:

 HSS_AVG  Authentication Vector Generation

HSS LTE TdE Trial Configuration – Laura Tejerina – May-June 2010

 HSS_ESM  Subscription Data

At this configuration stage, it is assumed that Diameter over SCTP between HSS and MME
is already configured and its status is UP:


 HSS 12B with TSP 6.1

2 HSS_AVG Module

2.1 HSS-AvgConfigurationContainer

 Define AvgCustomerKey

HSS LTE TdE Trial Configuration – Laura Tejerina – May-June 2010

HSS-AvgCustomerKey: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF

This is 32 HEX digit string that it can be chosen as you want. Once it is introduced in the
system you won’t be able to see it again

HSS-AvgKeyPlainTextEnable: TRUE

If set to TRUE allows you to enter HSS-Avg4Key and HSS-AvgFSetOp in plain text (not
encrypted), otherwise you will need to provision HSS-Avg4EncryptedKey and HSS-

2.2 HSS-AvgA4KeyContainer

 Define AvgA4Key

HSS-AvgA4Key: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF

This is a 32 HEX digits string. It is the key used at AES ciphering algorithm to encrypt the
K subscriber values. Although you provision it in plain text, the system shows you an
encrypted value. You can choose whatever value you want.

The ciphering algorithm used to encrypt the keys is AES and can the tool can be found at
the following link:

HSS-AvgA4KeyInd: this value will be used at the subscriber’s key definition to indicate
the system which is the K used for the encryption.

2.3 HSS-AvgFSetContainerName

HSS LTE TdE Trial Configuration – Laura Tejerina – May-June 2010

HSS-AvgFSetOp: D5AB7E3DBA5B5932F8917DA52FD34486

This is a 32 HEX digit string. It is the OP value that uniquely identifies the Operator
Variant Algorithm used at the network. Represents the OP value that is configured at
subscriber’s IMSI. Although you provision it in plain text, the system shows you an
encrypted value. You can choose whatever value you want.

HSS-AvgFSetName: Indicates which is algorithm used.

HSS-AvgFSetInd: this value will be used at the subscriber’s key definition to indicate the
system which is the algorithm used.

2.4 HSS-AvgUsimReqNode

2.5 HSS-AvgUsimUserContainer

HSS LTE TdE Trial Configuration – Laura Tejerina – May-June 2010

HSS-AvgImsi: 244990000001021

IMSI value associated to the LTE subscriber

HSS-AvgEncryptedKey: 8C4C802F4C1303F724A950F8B395A47E

This is a 32 HEX digit string. This is the eKi value associated to each subscriber, it is
generated by the encryption algorithm introducing the key (HSS-Avg4Key) and K value
associated to the subscribers IMSI.

The K value associated to an IMSI can be generated in the following way:

= xxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy012345678 (hex)
xxxxxxxx = last 8 digits of IMSI (as decimal value)
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy = all 15 digits of IMSI (as decimal value)

IMSI= 244990000001021 (decimal)
K= 00000001244990000000001012345678 (hex)

To generate the EKi value introduce this data in the AES encryption algorithm:

Eki= 056d49ee6f124d38a47583feb7a31bb5 (hex)

2.6 Additional Parameters

HSS LTE TdE Trial Configuration – Laura Tejerina – May-June 2010

For some UE (User Equipment) , as for example, Samsumg dongles, two additional values
need to be configured:

To set up values to this additional variables, first it is necessary to configure HSS-

AvgEpcDeployment = TRUE at HSS-AvgGlobalConfigurationContainer.

HSS-AvgAmf: 8000

It stores the value for the Authentication Management field.

HSS-AvgAmfSeparationbitPosition: 1

1.- For Hard-coded Samsumg the following values are configured:

HSS-AvgAmf: 0001
HSS-AvgAmfSeparationbitPosition: 1

2.- For Burnt USIM Samsumg the following values are configured:

HSS-AvgAmf: 8000
HSS-AvgAmfSeparationbitPosition: 0

Before starting the HSS_AVG module configuration, it is good practice to prepare an excel
sheet with all the values you need. Find attached here an example:


3 HSS_ESM Module

At this module is where context and apn values associated to each LTE subscriber are

The association is as follows:

Subscriber  Profile  Context  APN

HSS LTE TdE Trial Configuration – Laura Tejerina – May-June 2010

3.1 HSS-EsmConfigurationData

3.2 HSS-EsmPlmnContainer

HSS_EsmPlmId: 24499

PLMN Id is defined here. This value contains MNC and MCC for each Operator. For our
particular case: MNC: 099 , MCC: 244  PLMNId: 24499

3.3 HSS-EsmMme

HSS LTE TdE Trial Configuration – Laura Tejerina – May-June 2010

HSS-EsmMmeId: Host&Realm

3.4 HSS-EsmApnContainer

HSS-EsmApnId: 1
Identifies the APN to be linked into a Context

HSS-EsmApnName: cmnet

Name of the APN that will be associated to a Context. This value needs to be agreed with
the Customer.

3.5 HSS-EsmApnConfigContainer

HSS-EsmContextId: 11

It identifies the Context that will be associated to a Profile.

HSS-EsmAmbrMaxDl: 41943030 - 40Mbps

Maximum bit rate for DownLink associated to the defined APNs in this context.

HSS LTE TdE Trial Configuration – Laura Tejerina – May-June 2010

HSS-EsmAmbrMaxUl: 110000000  100 Mbps

Maximum bit rate for Up associated to the defined APNs in this context.

HSS-EsmApnId: 1

APN Associated to this Context

3.6 HSS-EsmProfileContainer

HSS-EsmProfileId: HSS-EsmProfile_1

HSS-EsmAmbrMaxDl: Maximum bit rate for DownLink associated to a Subscriber’s


HSS-EsmAmbrMaxUl: Maximum bit rate for UpLink associated to a Subscriber’s Profile


Contexts associated to this Profile.

HSS-EsmApnOIReplacement: mnc099.mcc244.gprs

Fqdn string that the MME will add to APN ( in

order to query the DNS where is the PDN Gateway (in our case the CPG node)

3.7 HSS_EsmSubscriptionContainer

HSS LTE TdE Trial Configuration – Laura Tejerina – May-June 2010

HSS-EsmImsi: 244990000001021

IMSI corresponding to a subscriber

HSS-EsmMsisdn: 358990001021

MSISDN associated to the subscriber


Here you should configure one of the ProfileNames defined at HSS-EsmProfileContainer

(see section 3.5), as consequence, you associated a Context, a APN and QoS parameters to
a specific subscriber.

NOTE: When the subscriber has been successfully attached to the LTE network, HSS-
EsmLocationState will be LOCATED and HSS_EsmMmeAddress will be the fqdn that
corresponds to the MME.

HSS LTE TdE Trial Configuration – Laura Tejerina – May-June 2010

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