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Audrey Hill

Cell: (801) 473-3496


Brigham Young University
Expected Graduation December 2024

Spanish Fork High School, Spanish Fork, Utah

Graduate May 2018
GPA 3.991
Sterling Scholar - Visual Arts

Food Photographer
Work closely with graphic designers, web developers, and clients to develop
promotional materials that will be displayed both in print and online
May 2022- Current Position

Resident Assistant
Community Development Meetings, Meeting the needs of the residents, Building
checks, Helping residents feel like they are a part of a community
February 2021 - December 2021

Full Time Volunteer for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Community Outreach and Service, Leadership Positions, Assisted in Leading and
Training Other Volunteers
Montana Billings Mission
June 2019 – December 2020

Cash Register, Stocked Shelves, Inventory, Scooped Ice Cream
BYU Creamery Outlet
June 2018 - April 2019

Spanish Fork Youth City Council

Public Relations Officer, Various committees, Organized and participated in several
service projects
2015 - 2018

● Advanced Photoshop and Lightroom user
● Videography
● Photography
● Manage and Direct Facebook Pages

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