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Radiologic–Pathologic Conferences of The University of Texas M. D.

Cancer Center
Invasive Thymoma
Mylene T. Truong1, Bradley S. Sabloff, Gregory W. Gladish, Gary J. Whitman, Reginald F. Munden

A 43-year-old woman presented with a

2-day history of chest pain and short-
ness of breath. Chest radiography
showed left mediastinal widening and left pleural
Although most thymomas are encapsulated
with a histologically bland appearance, some may
be locally invasive or metastasize to distant or-
gans. Infiltration of the pleura, lung, great vessels,
include obliteration of fat planes in the mediasti-
num, pleural or pericardial thickening, encase-
ment of the mediastinal vessels, and irregular
interface with the adjacent lung. On MRI, thy-
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thickening (Fig. 1A). Chest CT showed a homoge- pericardium, chest wall, or diaphragm occurs in momas have intermediate signal intensity on
neous lobulated left anterior mediastinal mass adja- 30–50% of cases. The most widely used staging T1-weighted images and show increased sig-
cent to the aortic arch (Fig. 1B). Nodular left pleural classification of thymoma was devised by nal intensity on T2-weighted images, ap-
thickening extended into the major fissure and in- Masaoka et al. [4], based on the presence of cap- proaching that of fat. MRI can be used to
volved the diaphragm. CT-guided core needle bi- sular invasion. Stage I thymomas are completely evaluate for evidence of vascular invasion and
opsy revealed a lymphoid-predominant thymoma encapsulated macroscopically with no micro- diaphragmatic involvement.
(Fig. 1C). The patient was treated with cyclophos- scopic capsular invasion. Stage II thymomas For stage I thymomas, surgical resection is cura-
phamide, doxorubicin and cisplatin, followed by show invasion through the capsule into the medi- tive. Up to 12% of cases without gross or micro-
surgical resection. An extrapleural pneumonectomy astinal fat or pleura. Stage III thymomas show scopic evidence of invasion recur locally. En bloc
with diaphragmatic reconstruction was performed. macroscopic invasion into neighboring organs. removal of the thymus and adjacent mediastinal fat
Results of surgical pathology showed invasive thy- Stage IV thymomas are associated with pleural or has also been used to treat myasthenia gravis with
moma involving the lung, pleura, and diaphragm. pericardial implants or distant metastases. or without an associated thymoma. Thymomas are
Thymoma is an indolent epithelial neoplasm Histologically, thymomas can be classified ac- radiosensitive, and radiation therapy is used as an
of the thymus that accounts for nearly half of all cording to the predominant cell type. Mixed lym- adjunct to surgical resection for invasive disease.
primary tumors of the anterior mediastinum [1]. phoepithelial cell type is the most common, Recent trials of combined-modality therapy sug-
The peak incidence of thymoma is in the fifth followed by lymphoid predominant; epithelial gest that neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy
and sixth decades of life with no predilection for cell predominant is the rarest form of thymoma. may further improve long-term survival in patients
sex [2]. Thymoma is rarely seen in children. Ap- Marino and Muller-Hermelink [5] subdivided with advanced-stage thymomas.
proximately half of the patients are asympto- thymomas on the basis of the epithelial cell on-
matic, with the diagnosis made incidentally togeny. Subdivisions include cortical, medullary,
through chest radiographs obtained for other rea- and mixed types. References
sons. Symptoms may occur because of mass ef- On radiographs, thymomas are usually seen as 1. Morgenthaler TI, Brown LR, Colby TV, Harper CM
fect of the tumor on the trachea, the recurrent round or oval anterior mediastinal masses, which Jr, Coles DT. Thymoma. Mayo Clin Proc 1993;
laryngeal nerve, the esophagus, or the superior can protrude to one side or extend to both hemitho- 2. Wilkins EW Jr, Grillo HC, Scannell JG, Moncure
vena cava. Patients may present with chest pain, races. Although most thymomas arise in the ante- AC, Mathisen DJ. Role of staging in prognosis and
cough, dyspnea, respiratory tract infections, rior superior mediastinum, they can be found in management of thymoma. Ann Thorac Surg 1991;
hoarseness, dysphagia, or signs of superior vena the neck, the posterior mediastinum, the pleura, or 51:888–892
3. Lara PN Jr. Malignant thymoma: current status and fu-
cava syndrome. Forty percent of patients with the lung. Calcification may be detected in the cap-
ture directions. Cancer Treat Rev 2000;26:127–131
thymomas have paraneoplastic syndromes. sule or scattered throughout the tumor. Thymomas 4. Masaoka A, Monden Y, Nakahara K, Tanioka T. Fol-
These syndromes include myasthenia gravis, usually measure between 5 and 10 cm in diameter low-up study of thymomas with special reference to
pure red cell aplasia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and commonly have smooth lobulated borders. On their clinical stages. Cancer 1981;48:2485–2492
endocrinopathy, and connective tissues disorders. CT, thymomas are soft-tissue lesions that often en- 5. Marino M, Muller-Hermelink HK. Thymoma and
thymic carcinoma: relation of thymoma epithelial
Approximately 30–40% of thymoma patients hance uniformly with the IV administration of cells to the cortical and medullary differentiation of
have myasthenia gravis, and 10–15% of patients contrast material. Necrosis and hemorrhage may thymus. Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol
with myasthenia gravis have thymomas [3]. occur. CT findings suggestive of tumor invasion 1985;407:119–149

Fig. 1.—43-year-old woman with stage IV invasive thymoma.
A, Posteroanterior chest radiograph shows contour abnormality of left anterior mediastinum (arrow) with circumferential nodular left pleural thickening.
B, Chest CT scan confirms lobulated left anterior mediastinal mass (curved arrow) associated with nodular pleural implant (straight arrow) along lateral aspect of left hemithorax.
C, Photomicrograph of histopathologic specimens shows lymphocytes and epithelial cell clusters with thick fibrous bands, consistent with thymoma. (H and E, low power)
Received February 6, 2003; accepted without revision February 12, 2003.
All authors: Division of Diagnostic Imaging, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Box 57, Houston, TX 77030. Address correspondence to M. T. Truong.
AJR 2003;181:1504 0361–803X/03/1816–1504 © American Roentgen Ray Society

1504 AJR:181, December 2003

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