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Topic: Technology made children more creative than they were in the past

- Technology allows children to develop different skills at the same time

- The access to more information increase children’s creativity

The human being had evolutionated thanks to the technology .It is widely known that the use
of different devices could distract children, which is why so many parents do not let them to
use technology for a long time. However, there is a lot of benefits and that is why I consider,
that technology made children more creative than they were in the past. Among several
reasons, technology allows children to develop differents skills at the same time and the acess
to more information increase children’s creativity, are the ones that support my position.

Fristly, technology allows children to develop different skills at the same time. It is widely
known that when a human being is in his early years all the stimuli helps to grown mentaly and
physically. According to NBC news, eigthy percent of the young students that had to go to
virtual classes increased their scores in arts and music classes. The experts said that this
happened because students could use different virtual programas to improve their creativity
day by day.This reflects how the use of an computer develop different skills in order to boost
the human creativity.

Secondly, the access to more information increase children’s creativity. Based to an Netflix
documentary called “Every day Inspiration”. All the Arts professionals said that the best way to
increase creativity is to be influence by anothers artists around the world. They recommend to
search every day differents kind of art pieces in order to learn and give the brain new ideas to
the future. Besides, the use of technology allows children to look whatever they want in order
to increase their creativity. This strategy was impossible to reach in the past because internet
was not exists yet.

In conclusion, because Technology allows children to develop different skills at the same time
and the access to more information increase children’s creativity, I will definitely consider that
technology made children more creative than they were in the past.
Topic: Playing computer is not a waste of time and Children should be allowed to play them.

- Video games makes children work in teams

- Online games improve decision making

Gamers are the future of the country. It is widely known that playing video games could be a
difficult topic to those parents which hate that their children spend many hours in front a
computer. However, what people do not know is that playing video games has a lot of
benefits in order to increase children’s social skills. That is why I consider that playing
computer is no a waste of time and children should be allowed to play them. Among several
reason, video games make children work in teams and online games improve decision makis,
are the ones that support my position.

Firstly, Video games makes children work in teams. It is widely known that to have success in
life, people must learn how to deal with different kind of people and difficult contexts like
school, work and family. According to NBC news, last year many teams of esports in Europe say
that their secret to win all the matches was to focus on work like a solid team. Every member
had his own task and the communication is the key to success. Experts said that one of the
most skills that gamers must develop is to know how to work in team and this involve empathy
and companionship in and out of the games. This reflects that video games has a positive
impact in human development.

Secondly, Online games improve decision making. Based on an ESPN’S Documentary called
“Esports Kings”, all the best gamers conclude that the thing that let them to be winners was to
know how to take the correct decision in the perfect time. Experts start and experiment to
analyze how is the gamer’s brain reacts to difficult decision to take. They conclude that
gamers have a better way to solve problems since they start to play video games. This happens
when a match turns difficult to win and in this situations gamers must use their creativity to
solve any problems like in the real life. This shows how video games helps to develop social
skills in order to be a better every day.

In conclusion, because video games make children work in teams and online games improve
decision making, I will definitely consider that playing computer is not a waste of time and
Children should be allowed to play them.
Topic: Internet provides people a lot of valuable information

- People can search anything no matter the situation

- The quality of the school’s classes has increased since the launch of the internet

Internet save humanity. It is widely known that the use of internet had change everyone’s life
on earth. Some people hate the huge amount of information that internet brings to people
because this could create problems. However, people do not know all the benefits that the
internet has in order to provide information to people. That is why I consider that; internet
provides people a lot of valuable information. Among several reasons people can search
anything no matter the situation and the quality of the school’s classes has increased since the
launch of the internet, are the ones that support my position.

Firstly, people can search anything no matter the situation. It is widely known that one of the
best characteristics of the internet is that no matter where people are, they can use it with no
problems. According to an NBC news, when people travel, they usually have problems finding
a street or avenue. Last year all the foreign people that came to America said that the best way
to adapt easily to the country was using internet in their phone. They say that the big amount
of information found on the internet helped them to know better the location of everything
and to learn about the culture where they were leaving. This reflects how all the internet’s
information helps people to be safe.

Secondly, the quality of the school’s classes has increased since the launch of the internet.
Based on a Netflix’s documentary called “Smarter Children”, last year four of five children have
improved their IQ since the internet was implemented has a useful tool to learn in classes. For
example, all the students after using internet for research they started a discussion about the
topic worked and this exercise increased the knowledge. The quality of the information
discussed has evolved thanks to all the information found in the internet. This shows how the
correct use of the huge amount of information in the internet could help to have better
students year by year.

In conclusion, because people can search anything no matter the situation and the quality of
the school’s classes has increased since the launch of the internet, I will definitely consider that
Internet provides people a lot of valuable informati
Topic It is better to have broad Knowledge of many academic subjects than to specialize in one
specific subject

- People with different knowledge has more jobs opportunities

- Acquiring knowledge from various disciplines develops the brain

Only people who knows a little bit of everything will survive. It is widely known that in
academic life people must have a career with a specialization in order to be ready por the
corporate market. However, people do not know the importance of have different fields of
knowledges in order to be professional more intelligent and ready por solve any problems.
That is why I consider that it is better to have broad Knowledge of many academic subjects
than to specialize in one specific subject. Among several reasons, people with different
knowledge have more jobs opportunities and acquiring knowledge from various disciplines
develops the brain, are the ones that support my position.

Firstly, People with different knowledge has more jobs opportunities. It is widely known that
after the covid pandemic the majority of people lost their jobs thanks to the economic disaster
that covid brought. According to an NBC News, all the professionals that maintain their jobs
had multiple knowledges in different kind of fields. This reflects that to be a good professional,
people must learn as much as they can about everything in order to be irreplaceable.

Secondly, acquiring knowledge from various disciplines develops the brain. Based on an ESPN’S
documentary called “Super Humans”, people that have more than one career are more
intelligent than people that only studied one thing. For example, they show an experiment
between two different kinds of professionals. The first person had multiple studies in
mathematics, sciences and history. The second persons had only a bachelor in economics. The
results shows that the first person had more development in the front size on the brain. This
growth is linked with the multiple knowledge that the persona had. Doctors said that all the
persons that have broad Knowledge of many academic subjects will live longer.

In conclusion, because people with different knowledge have more jobs opportunities and
acquiring knowledge from various disciplines develops the brain, I will definitely consider that
it is better to have broad Knowledge of many academic subjects than to specialize in one
specific subject

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