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Silent Holocaust

On January 1999 the European Parliament passed a resolution where it (in paragraph 27) calls for an international convention introducting a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings.

To whom it may concern

I require the European parliament, all the human rights organizations and the German government to prove and to stop the ex-stasi political crime organisation and World Justice to control and to hinder these dangerous people from all contacts with the outside world. I also require you to protect me and to take care of me as long as my case isnt public. All official and private persons collaborate with degrading crime organization in order to hide this case. They are also responsible of the death of tens of thousands of people. Theyre also responsible of my sorrow, of my physical harm and perhaps within some years also of my death. I will speak personally about the serious mobbing plots against me and you will see very clear the continuity and the coherence of the political crime organizations strategy. Enclosed you will find information regarding this topic I managed to gather. If possible, please give this information in an anonymous way to political journalist mentioning my name and my address so that this journalist can make the case public. I urgently need the cooperation with journalist to do a research in Berlin, Franfurt, India, Delhia, Pushkar, Mac Loud, Holland-Amsterdam, Belgium-Brussels. During the past 15 months, the political crime have been pushing and using the cooperation of hundreds of people in order to destroy my life. It will be easy to find the exhibits for this case.

Thank you for everything.

Best regards,

Andrea Laroche CASU- rue petit rampart 5 -1000 Brussels- Belgium

Silent Holocaust Summary about the chemical methods

Google: Todesfabrik in Bohnsdorf (East-Germany) (death factory in Bohnsdorf) In this death factory, the stasy used to do research on the chemical method used on people. They have been arrested for political reasons. All victims died on cancers. Google: Einleitung zur entfrung und mord how to kill / Schweriner Zeitung 1995 page 2 to 7: one of many other studies from the stasi academie of ministerium for state security. Its explained in details how to use chemical substances and which method has been used by the stasi till now to manipulate and destroy and kill. Page 7: Exhibit on the fact that the chemical substances used by the stasi came from the USA do to the research. Google: Federal organisation against mind control. You will find out that 99% of European witnesses and victims of the silent holocaust tell: this method began in 2000 probably after 1999, the crime ex-stasy made business of the complex method in Europe. You will also find thousand of thousands victims and witnesses in the USA -- > see CIA. Google: Verein gegen den missbrauch psychophysischer waffen E.V. The association against the abuse of Psychological, physical weapons in Germany. I have been contacting this organisation since August 2009. Im officially on the list of more than 200 witnesses and victims in Germany. You will find on the website of this organisation my declaration and photo documentation on my destroyed body. In this association are more that 200 witnesses and victims experiencing the same situation as I do. The summary of the declaration of all is absolutely the same information and experience as mine about the used methods. We all experience a complex method which destroys people with directed energy weapons, chemical methods in combination with heavy stalking and mobbing and defamation. Therefore I wrote in my declaration that no help is coming from official offices in Germany such as Police, Justice, German department or Press. Google: Ruth Gill Elektronische folter see page 4. After 1999, the CIA confiscated from Germany the document of the agents containing about 200 000 names of Ex-stasis. In 2002-2003 the CIA only gave a small part back to Germany in such a way that the documents could no longer be used. I appeal to all witnesses and all victims to make a declaration for treason. For checking the ex-stasi crimes, the CIA must give back the original documents containing 200 000 names of Ex-stasi to the German and European parliament. Google: The last information from 10 July 2009. Altermedia Germany hhtp: altermedia10/07/2009 ex-stasi. There are thousands of thousands crime Ex-stasi in Germany working in the Ministeries, the Justice, Police, State Security. One of the ex-stasi is a personal security commander of Angela Merkle( Bundeskanslerin).

Google/Internet: Research done on Exhibits & strategies on 16/06/2009 and 21/06/2009 All this information is from the present NOT from BEFORE 1989!

1. Information about the present activities of the Ex-stasi spies Spitzel Official news: about 100 000 Ex-stasi members ( Ex stasi means the Ex East German Communist State Security) Official: about 200.000 ex-stasi spies Spitzel The Ex-stasi Agents learnt the professionalism to destroy and kill people from the Ex-Stasi. After the soft revolution 1989 in East-Germany, they got unemployed. Tens of thousands ex East-German stasis and agents got a job in the new German Republic as private detectives, policemen, state security and spy (Spitzel). (see google : stasi recycling The Ex stasi are maybe/probably the biggest political crime organization in Europe, they collaborate amongst others with the Russian Mafia, NPD ( National Partei Deutschland Nazis) this party is again governing in the German government. This information dates back to 25/10/1993 Stutgart/W.G. Internation symposium Europe in the grip of Maffia Jrgen Roth journalist and author. (article about how the kidnapping and the killing is done by the Stasi) English: Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons Dr. Reinhard Munzert 6. Sept. 2002

The Ex-stasi head quarter was and is Eastern Berlin. After the soft revolution (after 1989), in the new German republic, the ex-stasi opened many detective agencies e.g. two ex-stasi opened one detective agency DESA in Berlin East; Friedrichshein. Many ex-stasi criminals and the spies got employed over there. This agency was the biggest stalking and spying organisation against e.g. Telekom, lawyers, journalists, etc. Ex-stasi crime activities 14/06/2009 see ex-stasi recycling Der lautlose Transfer der DDR-Spione. This official information will show you that my declaration about the stalking, the police and different agents exists. See declaration Evidence of courageous people from Berlin, India and Brussels. All those people informed and warned me about the crime organization and their method which consists in breaking me and bringing me to the hospital. For example see my declaration 08 January 2008 India local police and inspector.

Exhibits: see the file of doctor Munzert Erlangen on 4 September 2002 the exstasi ( inter Police state security) took doctor Munzert against his will to the mind hospital and he was taken to the isolated room to break his publications and work on the ex-stasi crime activity mikrowellen and to manipulated his information to diagnose the doctor as being paranoiac. ( see google: Doctor Reinhart Munzert Erlanger or see google: ex-stasi Carina Stein 09/11/2007) I experienced the same as doctor Reinhart Munzert Erlangen see die ausgespitzelte Republik einestages/ Stasi im Westen e_republik.html On 29 June 2009 I had a phone call with Dr. Munzert about my drastic situation. Im very thankful to him for the advice he gave me and also I thank the ex-lawyer for political affairs Clauss Platinko for his support. See my declaration Ex-stasi cooperation with NPD-Nazis. See declaration for example August 2008 or June 2008 Nazis have been stalking my friend and me when being in Vienna (more explanation can be given personally). See google Ex-stasi contacts between ex-stasi and NPD Nazis, about 1140 /informations, see for example 23/05/2009 or 17/11/2007 etc. The ex-stasi also used a strategy in which the Neo-Nazi turned against me in order to frighten me and my friend. See my declaration on September 2008 till now on US agents in India (more information can be given personally) Till 16 June 2009 I kept wondering why US agents were also involved in this plot. Now I think having found the answer > see Schweriner Volkszeitung Anleitung zu Entfrung, Mord und Totschlag from 4 March 1995 Lehrgangsskripte page 2 to 7. See page 7/7 160376 declaration from Nagel Substances from USA to the DDR as Forschungsbedarf DDR/MFG /AS SUBSTANCES FOR THE RESEARCH. See google : 1.1140 articles on verbindung zwischen ex stasi un neo nazi See google: cooperation between CIA & Ex-stasi For instance: Ex-stasi Spy Chief Markus Wolf See my declaration on the chemical substances and the poison to kill: Derfall Eigendorf see page 2/3 and 3/3 (the handwritten document from 19/09/1983 32 pages on how they destroyed Mr. Eigendorf using chemical substances and poison having his death as a result. This one out of thousands of examples shows you that I have been more three times in the same situation. After they used the chemical substances and drugs, I could have lost my life through very dangerous situations.

2. Information about Psychiatry related to the Ex-stasi methods

Abuse of the Psychiatry Ex Stasi use a double strategy: radiation on the one hand using poison, drugs, etc. and on the other hand they pretend the victim to be mentally ill (mad) so that Police, Justice and Press would not discover the facts, the reality and therefore not help the victim. Point e : Missbrauch der Psychiatrie 12/06/2003 Ex-stasi Aktivitten 6730 ex stasi activities after 1989 (see Google Ex-StasiAktivitten fter 1989/Wende)

Related websites with information in German and English about these activities:,1518,484561,00.html,10580,10580

Reference: Discovery of ex-STASI methods in Berlin on the 2th of may 2008. Methods that destroy people lifes by empoisoning with different chemical substances. Mostly in gas form. This is the case in my life since 2nd of May 2008. (Ive written a full version of 4 pages of these methods). Personal details: Name: Laroche, Andrea e-mail: tel: 0032 (0) 492531782 address: Rue de petit rempart 5-casu, 1000 Brussels --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2001-2003 Since 2001-2003 there have been other criminal activities against me in Berlin. KRIPO-Berlin reported these crimes. Facts: After I found out these methods I received death threats, Ive been bullied, stalked and shadowed and Ive been suffering from bodily harm (photographical evidence of the reaction of my body to the chemical substances). Between 14/11/2008 until 02/09 they canceled 40 different faxes that I sent to many help organizations. E-mails Ive sent have been manipulated (exhibits). In august 2008 I spoke with two lawyers about these methods. In the past it were criminal activities against me, afterwards it worsened and became political crime situation): they started to use state security from East-Germany and other agents. These officials used false information against me everywhere I went (Berlin, India, Brussels) to manipulate people in my environment (all witnesses were obliged to keep silence). All this has been done to silence me and to secure the information about the methods. After witnesses and people whove helped me had been blackmailed, I decided to protect them and travel to India. This journey just worsened my situation (I refer to the full version of my declaration). Assistance I asked the help of many organizations: - On 8th of September 2008 in Dehli I asked help of the German Embassy. They advised me to keep silence. They promised to contact me and to help me, but they never did. - 23th February 2009 I travelled to Amsterdam and I spoke with a member of Amnesty International who read my file. He said: I see you find yourself in a drastic situation, but Amnesty International is not competent to deal with a situation within a ex-STASI organization is involved. I got this answer from many other small human right organizations. They all advised me to find help in Germany, because of the origin of this ex-STASI organization.

25th February 2009 I arrived in Brussels to find official help for this political crime situation. On 18th April 2009 I telephoned with a very renowned lawyer in criminal law. He said: Dont count on help from Germany, because most lawyers and journalists of political affairs are scared of the politic crime organizations in Germany. ALL THIS MOVED ME TO ASK FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM IN BELGIUM ON THE 28TH OF APRIL 2009.

But I keep asking myself: Why did this happen to me?

I wasnt active in politics and Im not involved in religion activities. I spoke with two lawyers and they told me many different reasons exist for these crimes against me: I was born in Prague, I come from a aristocratic family, my grand-mother is Jewish, But there are two logical (possible) reasons: 1. In 2001-2002 I received a letter from the District Court Charlottenburg in Berlin. They wrote me my telephone line had been monitored for three months (11/01-01/02). Reason: according to them I had had contact with a woman from East-Europe (Russian). It was the first time I heard of this name in my life. I was shocked and burnt the letter. Probably this woman knew confident information about STASI activities and they thought she passed this information on to me. However, I think this has nothing to do with this political crime situation. There is an interval of three years between the last incident (my front door and name shield were vandalized with blood) in 2002 and the recommence of the attacks in 2006. 2. My lawyers and me prefer the following reason: In 1997, before I started suffering from physical symptoms, doctors made the diagnosis of morbus basedow (thyroid gland hyperactivity) too late. Due to this illness I got in November 2005 invalidity pension from the German Department (Grundsicherung bei Erwerbsunfhigkeit und im Alter) for three years (30/05/09). In May 2006 I applied for financial help to renovate my apartment. An official (about 55) of the Grundsicherungsamt visited my apartment to check it. Perhaps he was from EastGerman origin; he was full of enemy against my way of living and against my person. After he visited my apartment, incidents started to happen again: June 2006: Opened up letters. August 2006: I was shadowed on the market by this official of the Grundsicherungsamt. October 2006: I noticed that I was shadowed the whole day by different people. 1st May 2008: I took a photograph of the stalker and showed resistance (I cleared my throat). After this incident I decided to write a declaration of the incidents/methods. 2nd May 2008: Because of my resistance, my stalkers started to spit on me and they very often cleared their throat. Turning point: From this day (02/05) on, the incidents worsened (attacks with chemical substances, poison, etc). I underwent these attacks and found out their methods: they poison people in different ways. They didnt count that I would find out this kind of

information. (Please read Die ex-Stasi method for more details.) On 18th may 2008 ex-Stasi-members came to me and blackmail me because I spoke with doctors about what happened. One member said: Wherever you go, you cannot escape the chemical substances and poison. The other said: When you continue to talk about it, also about ex-Stasis, thatll be the death of you.

The officer of the Grundsicherungsamd has lots of hostility against me because they consider me as someone to say it with a German word Unbequem, as someone who is otherlooking, other-thinking, other-speaking, other-feeling, Im democratically open-minded, a non-German whos going to India to receive alternative healing, etc. This office used to give to many unemployed Ex Stasis spitzels ( an informer in a negative way, a spy) a mission/a job to stalk me for several reasons. At first to frighten me to make sure that Id feel stressed and unsafe. Secondly to find something against me which proves that Im acting against the German law, simply to have a reason to destroy me. But there was nothing to find about me. I was the ideal victim for the Ex Stasi criminals. They thought that it would be easy to destroy me because of my illness, my early pension for three years, the difficult symptoms of Morbus Basedow in the physical and psychological way. I was alone in German: without family, without husband or partner, etc. I was an easy prey for this degrading and despising crime organization. On 1 May 2008 (and after having written the first declaration at the end of April 2008 about the crime activities against my person), I had the courage to resist the crime organization see declaration. On 2 May 2008: the reason to start to use the chemical method (drugs, poison) was clearly an act of revenge for the courage I had shown and their hatred for foreigners and my other way of life. After 2 May 2008 I found out the chemical method of the ex Stasi and a drastically political crime plot was organized against me in order to hide this case, they use chemical method substances (poison, drugs) to destroy and kill people. Please have a look at all the Stasi methods, and then you will find the answer to all your questions.
Yours sincerely,

Andrea Laroche Ps please note: Enclosure: Document on the Stasi-methods. A full declaration of the incidents. Document with proof from other people.

Subject: 02.05.2008/Kantstrae 96, Charlottenburg/Berlin/ Discovery of ex-stasi methods. Decomposition

and isolation. Methods that destroy people lifes by empoisoning them with different chemical substances. Mostly in gas nd form. This is the case in my life since 2 of May 2008. I still suffer from dangerous bodily injuries, death threats, extortion, stalking, bullying and monitoring of phone calls. 40 fax I sent to help organizations have th been cancelled on the 14 of November 2008 till February 2009. Also many cd e-mails I sent to several organizations have been manipulated. I suffer also from political manipulation by Staatssicherheit and I have been shadowed by agents and police. They manage to track me down everywhere I go; Delhi, Berlin, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Brussels. They spread false information and documents to turn people against me and force them to cooperate with their activities to reassure that Ill keep secret there awful ex-stasi methods. (Since 2002 there have been several attacks against my personality in Berlin, one registered by Kripo Berlin).

Facts in chronologic order:

- June 2006: Ripped open letters in my mailbox. - October 2006: Stalking. In October I first noticed that mostly older men from East-Germany spied on me from early in the morning until the evening (see: list of witnesses and addresses). - April 2008: I wrote a report about my situation at the end of April, after I received information about the Lidl affair and the fact that stalking is in contravention of the law. I gave this report to several people to cover myself. At the very same moment I began to take photographs of the stalkers with my cell phone (see: photographs of a few stalkers are available). - 01.05.2008: I took photographs of a stalker, exceptional of Turkish origin, who shadowed me in the past two weeks. I frightened him with by clearing my throat which was a loud noise. - 02.05.2008: After 01.05.2008 the manner of stalking changed: younger, professional stalkers were used against me and spit 6 times on me and made me vomit several times. They also cleared their throats very often, like I did the other day. - Afternoon: I noticed immediately when I got home that the book report about the stalking lay opened on a chair in the living room. I covered it up with a pillow. - Night: When I went to bed my eyes started burning, my face was itching and it was softly paralyzed. I got an awful bitter taste in my mouth and my tongue became stringy. When I went to the toilet, I suffered several minutes from rigor. - 03.05.2008: In the morning I noticed parts of my eyes were burned (see photographs). After I drank coffee at home I had circulatory problems, my mind became cloudy (the same effect as taking drugs). After this effect subsided, I had a terrible headache and nausea. My mouth was extremely dry and I was thirsty. When the symptoms reappeared in bed and after drinking or eating, I began observing everything very closely. th th The 3 and 4 day I clearly noticed that someone entered my house when I went out and sprinkles chemical substances (mostly gas; sometimes I could smell it) on my bed and puts chemical substances on my food and in my drinks (see report from June, July 2008 with all effects and symptoms). - 07.05.2008: I informed a doctor and friends, who knew already about the stalking or who witnessed it. - 18.05.2008: Death threats. In Berlin on Sundays I used to help an 84-year-old friend to set up his stand with incense on the flea market in Mauerpark/ Berlin. - 9.30 a.m.: A 55-year-old East-German comes straight at me and starts talking about various chemical substances and poisons. Obviously his performance had something to do with my situation. In the end he emphasized: Wherever you go and wherever you are, you cannot withdraw from the chemical substances and poisons. - 16.30 p.m.: A second East-German comes to me, even more threatening than the first one, and told me: When you continue to talk about it, also about Stasis and Nazis, thatll be the death of you. When I asked him Why me, Im not a big fish, he replied a little fish has to be eliminated before it becomes bigger. In

addition to that he said You know nothing about politics, politicians are like the mafia. He said all this in front of my old friend. After this incident chemical attacks worsened and the stalking increased (see report about the used methods). The stalkers seemed athletic and most of them had a short haircut (police agents?). June/July 2008: I went to Vienna to see my friend whos having a small child. After a short time I found myself in the same situation as in Berlin. By the time all three of us got ill and we went to see the same doctor. She gave me a medical certificate. July 2008: I went to Prague and stayed with my half-sister. I found myself in the same situation. 17.07.2008: My half-sister and I returned to Berlin. After six weeks of absence I found all my household appliances (washing machine, new vacuum cleaner, CD-player ) out of order. (see extra report about strange objects and changes in my home). When my half-sister saw what was going on, she got scared and advised me to leave Germany and go to India and secure myself. 07.08.2008: My doctor gave a medical certificate to Interpol about the increasing symptoms in the previous 3 months. (Further doctors HNO- Vienna, Berlin: eye specialist, Berlin). The whole time I liked to go to the police to inform them about the criminal incidents, but a policewoman advised me against it because 80% of the police officers from East-Germany work in West-Berlin and many of them still have contact with ex-stasi members and Nazis. 12.08.2008: I asked my neighbor, who is a lawyer, for help. Since he was in West-Germany, I had to visit him a week later. 18.08.2008: I spoke to a lawyer in front of our house. I had to visit him in the office. When I came home in the evening, Nazis were waiting in front of my house and on the other side of the street. They all stared at me. I called my friend and witness who live in the neighborhood. She immediately came and was shocked to see all those Nazis. (Personal details). She called her brother, who was informed already a month about my situation without my knowledge. He advised to call her mother to get help. 20 minutes later her mother arrived. She brought me to her home in Wedding. During the ride, we were escorted by several black vehicles with an East-German registration number. When we parked the car, another car blocked ours and the passenger stared intensively at me several minutes. Without a doubt they built in cameras in her home, like in mine, before we arrived. On that evening I talked to the mother of my friend about my situation and when I asked what those Ex-Stasis wanted from me, I got a very clear answer: You know about their methods and they fear that youll make it public. What happened to us the next day(s), I only declare in person, because it was so drastically. 19.08.2008: My witness called the lawyer to inform him about the incidents with those Nazis and she also informed the lawyer about the stalkers. 20.08.2008: I gave a full explanation to two lawyers and they advised me to start a process against this criminal organization. After we all suffered from that terrible incident in the home of my friends mother and after I realized that my friends, lawyers and later on also my doctor got blackmailed and were put under pressure, I decided to go to India to protect all the witnesses and myself. 24.08.2008: I flew to India In the (false) hope to escape from the ex-stasi organization. 26.08.2008: Rajastan, Pushkar. Because of big corruption problems in India, my situation even got worse. In the hotel where I stayed it first came to my attention that I was followed by U.S. agents. Later on, this was confirmed in MC LEOD. In India I realized that my discovery of methods with chemical substances had bigger consequences on my life than I first thought. 08.09.2008: Delhi, embassy of Germany. As my lawyer advised me, I went to Delhi in search for help. I talked in great detail about the information I possessed with a detective inspector of the embassy. He advised me not to talk about it and he told me he would contact me to take further measures. I received no phone call and no help. 10.09.2008: I stayed in Mc Leod until 17.02.2009. I attended the teaching courses of Dalai Lama on 25 September. The first day it was required to hand over our mobiles. A man, an American I assume, asked me whether Id like to put my cell phone in his bag, together with his to leave it in the Tibetan museum. I collected my mobile (which was in the on-mode) in the afternoon and I noticed the text messaging program was out of

order. I could take pictures but since the text messaging program was out of order I couldnt send any text message anymore. In India, the attacks with chemical substances became more aggressive. I had several burn marks and wounds. By text messaging I sent photographs of these injuries to three persons in Europe on 23 and 24 September. (See outbox) I asked to see the Dalai Lama, but unfortunately hes ill. As alternative I got several appointments with Karmapa Lama. Thanks to his human support and the support of other Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leaders I had more courage and strength to fight for my life and the life of other people, who find themselves in the same situation but who are not aware of it. It became clear to me that people are being slowly executed in a cruel and malicious way. 18.10.2008: Somebody sent me to a German journalist in Mc Leod who would help me to publish the information. From the first moment I saw the man I knew that he was involved. He said to me: well come at night that nobody can see us and then well bring you to a place where nobody will find you. On that moment I decided to contradict by telling him that if anything would happen to me (if I ended up in hospital) there were several people in Europe who knew about my findings and that they immediately would go to the press. I emphasized once more that I would give the information about my findings to the European Parliament, the press and other media. Just then he started to lose his kindness and started to argue. At the end he dangerously said that if I would publish it, the organization would kill me. After this conversation they aimed there attacks on my eyes during 14 days. From that period on, I suffer from bad eyesight. (see photographs). 14.11.2008 February 2009: During 3 months I sent over 40 faxes demanding for help to different help organizations. In the meantime I had made a CD with documents, reports and numerous photographs on which people can see the aggressive results of the attacks with chemical substances on my body. I sent this CD by email to many help organizations. (see evidence). 04.01.2009: Courageous people informed me that my faxes have been cancelled and that my emails have been manipulated to keep everything secret. I already suspected it myself as I received no answers. My condition worsened because of the information that I received. I refer to bullying, attacks with chemical substances, extortion and conspiracies. Between 18.10.2008 and February 2009: I have been blackmailed, made unsure and intimidated by three EastGerman women and one East-German man (5/12/2008). 07.01.2009: I made an attempt to send a fax to Interpol Delhi. Afterwards I phoned from a STD-shop with Interpol Delhi. They confirmed me the faxes had arrived, but I had the feeling something was wrong. When I said that I would phone them again in the morning to discuss the matter, they replied that Interpol was closed th th on the 8 of January because it is a feast day. Immediately after the phone call I checked: on the 8 of January there is no feast day in India and all the offices were open. It went on: 08.01.2009: The owner of the guesthouses (I have lived there for three months) son called me. He came to me with two police officers. They asked to join them to the office. An inspector informed me that someone made an anonymous phone call from a STD shop from Delhi. I had sent a report to Delhi She started writing a report about my situation, without me asking for it. It didnt escape my notice that she didnt insert the information into the report. In the meanwhile the owner of the guesthouses son was also being questioned and gave wrong answers. The inspector said that they would take me to the hospital to treat my injuries and I neednt have to pay for it. In Berlin and India they informed me about the Ex-Stasi organizations strategy. (See report on people and myself- who have been poisoned, bullied and exposed to psychological cruelties to provoke a mental or physical breakdown). They wanted to bring me to the hospital to manipulate my findings and to keep this matter secret. I assumed that I never was connected with Interpol in the STD shop and that the Interpol Police in Delhi never got my faxes. The purpose of the offer for medical treatment was to render me harmless. 20.02.2009: Delhi-Frankfurt: Even at the airport the mood was nervous on my person because I cancelled the ticket to Berlin. I found myself in a hostel. There I would have noticed immediately if I was being shadowed. On top of the appearance of the Staatssicherheit and police, people in the hostel also informed me about it. A courageous person advised me to leave Germany as soon as possible because of the big crime organization.

- 21.02.2009: I went to Amsterdam. I asked the help of Amnesty International. Although they called my situation drastic, they wouldnt support me because they didnt want to interfere in criminal activities of the Ex-Stasi organization. In other words: this organization is incompetent. - 24.02.2009; I went to Brussels in the first place because I had contact with an EU Parliament office. The second reason is that I hoped in vain to get official help for the politic criminal situation I find myself in. Amongst others a few organizations for human rights in Brussels and two lawyers, who I asked for help couldnt support me because they consider themselves as being incompetent. (I received a true answer to my situation on 03.04.2009). I received 1500 from the Berliner Bank to pay for faxes, phone calls and hostels. After 6 weeks there was no money left. From that moment on, due to financial reasons Im staying at the social organization CASU for homeless people. Its unnecessary to write that apart from my drastic situation that is getting out of hand, this is an additional burden for me. - 03.04.2009: A Buddhist centre in Brussels. I wanted to question a Tibetan Lama from India about my situation. I received the real answer for my situation: The whole world knows about the Chinese use of violence in Tibet, but nobody dares to intervene because the matter is too big to handle People fear their own lives; they see danger in things that are far away. These words have weakened me, because I already knew myself that my situation is too big. - 04.04.2009: I once more went to see the Lama. Ive been shadowed, as usual. On this day the Lama advised me to keep it silent and not to publish it, so they will release me. I replied like I always do that as long as Im alive Ill carry on. I will find the right lawyers and journalists. I think each time of the suffering of other people who have been slowly executed with these methods on political, religious or private grounds. Because I showed courage, the attacks with chemical substances became worse and were focused on my respiratory tracts. It caused a strong dry and irritable cough for several minutes and I couldnt retain urine. In the evening I suffered from respiratory tract pain and an earache. - 05.04.2009: Several incidents happened in the hospital. These showed again how well organized this activity is against me. (see: two police officers, urine analysis, the hospital reception and the thick air remark of an employee. Up till now there is no diagnosis. nd When I left the hospital, I went to an internet caf. On the 2 of April I spoke to a young man from Hannover (West-Germany) about the matter. I also told him that they gave potassium cyanide to people in the DDR to weaken them physically and mentally. The young man immediately did research on the internet. We found lots th of information concerning the subject. On the 5 of April I went to an internet caf to calmly read about potassium cyanide and Stasi. I entered Stasi poison Instead of potassium cyanide. The information I found out about Stasi (Todesfabrik in Bohnsdorf) didnt surprise me. The methods with chemical substances and poison can only be further completed by my personal suffering experience. nd Now I think that my situation has become so extravagant since 05.04.2009 because I found out more on the 2 of May about these methods with chemical substances than I thought. - A brief summary of my life: st - Andrea Laroche, born in Prague on the 1 of February 1960. - Film and theater college of further education in Prague - Moved to Germany (BRD) in 1979 (Political Asylum) - Worked as a set designer; opening of a gallery in Heilbronn - Writing for the Heilbronner Stimme; art teacher in JFH Berlin West - A drama in front of the camera education with y Sa Lo - Assistance in directing with the senate for social matters, with the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie in Berlin - Actress in several film productions - Intership with the Freies Berlin television channel, dramaturgy - Assistance in the art college in Berlin, department theater, - Since 1985 in West-Berlin Kantstrae 96 10627 Berlin - 1995: I started to have several physical complaints.

- 1997: Doctors diagnosed Morbus Basedow too late. This illness changed my life. Several years I was in Thiamazol therapy. I suffered from side effects. When they informed me that this illness in incurable I decided to have alternative healing methods. I regularly went to India where I partially liberated myself from Morbus Basedow through meditation and homoeopathy. - November 2005:I received an industrial disability insurance with a subsistence income at an advanced age, which will end on 31.05.2009.The grounds for the industrial disability insurance were: Morbus Basedow, Thiamazol therapy and psychological suffering involved. - Why me: In Berlin we (my lawyers, friends and acquaintances) sought for an appropriate reason. See short declaration. Its unnecessary to write that in the meanwhile all my friends, witnesses, my lawyers, doctors and even my step-sister have been silenced. New crimes: 15/05/2009 Brussels: My annex 26 was stolen (police report). 23/05/2009 Brussels: My handbag was stolen ( see police report) among which my mobile phone containing very important photographs of the stalkers from Berlin (Exhibits). 4/06/2009 Brussels: after the long interview with the CGRA-CGVS there were 2 new crime activities against me. On Sunday 7 June 2009 one person can testify on what happened to me that day. Perhaps these two young Moroccan young men got the mission from the political crime organization to steam my big leather bag containing the original documents and my mobile phone containing important information and videos related to this subject. On Tuesday 09/06/2009 my second mobile ( a new and expensive one) is not working anymore. Around mid- June 2009 I got the negative decision from the CGRA/CGVS. The reason for their decision: Not enough exhibits about the existence of the ex-stasi One organization told me that its impossible to ask for political asylum when being an EU-national. On 16 June I started doing research in google again to find more exhibits. You will see the result of my commitment in the annexes. Afterwards my eyes have been attacked by means of gas on 17 June. medical certificate of the doctor from CASU strong allergic reaction of my eyes. Also inflammation in my right ear and the presence of dead skin on my hands. 17 & 18 June 2009: I was send to the federal police Brussels to the DAC/SPC service FENO. I spoke with one inspector about my political crime situation. This inspector sent all my information and declarations to some higher office in order to find a doctor who can examine my body on poison and chemical substances. ( More details can be given personally) 21 June 2009 I did research on the internet and I found more and more important coherent information. In the night from 21 to 22 at 3 a.m. did someone throw gasoline on the entrance of Casu and put it on fire. The fire brigade and police came over. It was an attack probably done by a Kurdish person who had done this several times before, some informed me

Andrea Laroche CASU Rue du petit rempart 5 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Mobile : 0032 (0) 492531782 Email :

List with names, addresses, places for research

Reference: Discovery of ex-STASI methods in Berlin on the 2th of may 2008. (Ive written a detailed version of 4 pages about these methods). Methods that destroy people lifes by empoisoning them with different chemical substances. Mostly in gas form. This is the case in my life since 2nd of May 2008. I still suffer from dangerous bodily injuries, death threats, extortion, stalking, bullying, monitoring of phone calls, 40 cancelled e-mails and cd-e-mails I sent on the 14th of November 2008 to help organizations, political manipulation by Staatssicherheit, shadowing by agents and police. They manage to track me down everywhere I go; Delhi, Berlin, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Brussels. They spread false information and documents to turn people against me and force them to cooperate with their activities to reassure that Ill keep secret there awful ex-stasi methods. (Since 2002 there have been several attacks against my personality in Berlin, registered by Kripo Berlin). Personal details: Name: Laroche, Andrea e-mail: tel: 0032 488 82 50 17 address: Rue de petit rempart 5-casu, 1000 Brussels --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2001-2003 Since 2001-2003 there have been other criminal activities against me in Berlin. KRIPO-Berlin reported these crimes. Facts: After I found out these methods I received death threats, Ive been bullied, stalked and shadowed and Ive been suffering from bodily harm (photographical evidence of the reaction of my body to the chemical substances). Between 14/11/2008 until 02/09 they canceled 40 different faxes that I sent to many help organizations. E-mails Ive sent have been manipulated (exhibits). In august 2008 I spoke with two lawyers about these methods. In the past it were criminal activities against me, afterwards it worsened and became political crime situation): they started to use state security from East-Germany and other agents. These officials used false information against me everywhere I went (Berlin, Delhi, Brussels) to manipulate people in my environment (all witnesses were obliged to keep silence). All this has been done to silence me and to secure the information about the methods. After witnesses and people whove helped me had been blackmailed, I decided to protect them and travel to India. This journey just worsened my situation (I refer to the full version of my declaration). Assistance I asked the help of many organizations:

On 8th of September 2008 in Delhi I asked help of the German Embassy. They advised me to keep silence. They promised to contact me and to help me, but they never did. 23th February 2009 I travelled to Amsterdam and I spoke with a member of Amnesty International who read my file. He said: I see you find yourself in a drastic situation, but Amnesty International is not competent to deal with a situation within a ex-STASI organization is involved. I got this answer from many other small human right organizations. They all advised me to find help in Germany, because of the origin of this ex-STASI organization.

25th February 2009 I arrived in Brussels to find official help for this political crime situation. On 18th April 2009 I telephoned with a very renowned lawyer in criminal law. He said: Dont count on help from Germany, because most lawyers and journalists of political affairs are scared of the politic crime organizations in Germany. ALL THIS MOVED ME TO ASK FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM IN BELGIUM ON THE 28TH OF APRIL 2009.

But I keep asking myself: Why did this happen to me: Racial hatred and hostility to strangers.
I wasnt active in politics and Im not involved in religion activities. I spoke with two lawyers and they told me many different reasons exist for these crimes against me: I was born in Prague, I come from a aristocratic family, my grand-mother is Jewish, But there are two possible reasons: 3. In 2001-2002 I received a letter from the District Court Charlottenburg in Berlin. They wrote me my telephone line had been monitored for three months (11/01-01/02). Reason: according to them I had had contact with a woman from East-Europe (Russian). It was the first time I heard of this name in my life. I was shocked and burnt the letter. Probably this woman knew confident information about STASI activities and they thought she passed this information on to me. However, I think this has nothing to do with this political crime situation. There is an interval of three years between the last incident (my front door and name shield were vandalized with blood) in 2002 and the recommence of the attacks in 2006. 4. My lawyers and me prefer the following reason: In 1997, before I started suffering from physical symptoms, doctors made the diagnosis of morbus basedow (thyroid gland hyperactivity) too late. Due to this illness I got in November 2005 invalidity pension from the German Department (Grundsicherung bei Erwerbsunfhigkeit und im Alter) for three years (30/05/09). In May 2006 I applied for financial help to renovate my apartment. An official (about 55) of the Grundsicherungsamt visited my apartment to check it. Perhaps

he was from East-German origin; he was full of enemy against my way of living and against my person. After he visited my apartment, incidents started to happen again: June 2006: Opened up letters. August 2006: I was shadowed on the market by this official of the Grundsicherungsamt. October 2006: I noticed that I was shadowed the whole day by different people. 1st May 2008: I took a photograph of the stalker and showed resistance (I cleared my throat). After this incident I decided to write a declaration of the incidents/methods. 2nd May 2008: Because of my resistance, my stalkers started to spit on me and they very often cleared their throat. Turning point: From this day (02/05) on, the incidents worsened (attacks with chemical substances, poison, etc). I underwent these attacks and found out their methods: they poison people in different ways. They didnt count that I would find out this kind of information. (Please read Die ex-Stasi method for more details.) On 18th may 2008 ex-Stasi-members came to me and blackmail me because I spoke with doctors about what happened. One member said: Wherever you go, you cannot escape the chemical substances and poison. The other said: When you continue to talk about it, also about ex-Stasis, thatll be the death of you.
In case you want more information, please read the more detailed version of the facts.

Yours sincerely,

Andrea Laroche

Ps please note: Enclosure: - Document on the Stasi-methods. - A full declaration of the incidents. - Document with proof from other people.

The Ex-Stasi methods (short summary)

I FIRST FOUND OUT THAT THESE METHODS WERE USED IN MY HOME ON 02.05.2008 BECAUSE OF PERSISTING ATTACKS WITH CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. ON THE STREET, IN THE SUBWAY, OUTSIDE MY HOME IN GENERAL I FOUND OUT THAT OTHER METHODS WERE USED BY THE EX-STASI ORGANIZATION. THOSE METHODS WERE USED ON ME BY MEN PASSING BY, FOLLOWING EACH OTHER AT A SHORT DISTANCE BECAUSE THE EFFECT OF THE PRODUCTS ONLY LASTED 2 UNTIL 4 MINUTES. 1) PRIVATE: The first method was used in all rooms (e.g. home, guesthouse): During my absence they entered by the use of computer chips. (After I changed 3 times the lock of my door in Berlin, a lawyer said that they use computer chips to break into a home). They prepared my bed, linen, clothes, cosmetics, bathroom, floor, walls, food, drinks etc with an arsenal of chemical substances. Those products all have different effects. Most of the time they used gas and sometimes I could smell it vaguely. (They used it very often in the surroundings of my bed because the poison in the substances has a better result at night when the metabolism is slower and the body tends to take it in more. They possibly prepared my linen with a higher concentrate and thats why I sometimes could smell gas. - They used gases on purpose because gas probably loses its effect after a while and this makes it difficult to prove. They had to prepare it all over again every time and thats why they entered my home so many times. - They also put low amounts of poison and drugs in my food, drinks and medication (vitamins ). 2) PRIVATE: second method: Since august 2008 they started to use a second method in my home. I think they installed extremely narrow tubes into every socket during my absence. And in most cases they also used the lights (In India they used the fans above the bed). Apart from gases (of which I noticed the use very quickly) and little drops (which I saw often on my hands and forearms) I could slightly hear a squeezing sound. It made the same noise as a water pistol. Afterwards, small amounts of the substance reached the object. By using cameras they could aim their attacks: on the feet, eyes, scalp, face and respiratory tracts. (In India they often aimed their attacks on my nipples). Each time this is confirmed by someone who lives in the apartment next door or by someone who was in the apartment. Kantstrae: The apartment of my friends mother, the guesthouse They entered through my front door or through pipes of central heating. They have high-tech equipment at their disposal. 3) OUTSIDE: (street, subway, office, church ) MOBILES were used in 70% of the cases. Amongst people passing by, some come close to me and spray gas on my feet, scalp and respiratory tracts. (e.g. They use a special gas that penetrates my leather boots and which causes soar feet). CAMERAS were used the same way as mobiles. DIRECTLY ON THE HANDS: Passers-by have to approach me more conspicuously and stretch out their arms (with their hands in her direction and afterwards they wipe of their hands on their jacket or pants). Sometimes they directed a ballpoint at her. PUT HAND IN TROUSERS POCKET, put hand in coat pocket. The passers-by approach me and activate a little bottle in their pocket. I could see something pointing out. Most of the time the passers-by come close to me and sit or stand beside me. Just a couple of seconds are enough to spray gas on me. The attacks happened shortly after one another because the effect of the gases only lasts 2-3 minutes. A few times they could reach me from a bigger distance. Everything is very well organized, but its remarkable: when you are informed about these methods its easy to recognize the incidents which take place in just a couple of minutes, no matter where you go. TYPE OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES: Gas (80%), drops of chemical substances, powder, poison, drugs.

The Ex-Stasi methods (short summary)

SCENT A vague smell of gas. Several gases have a sweet scent. Some substance smells like synthetic menthol, mustard, synthetic garlic. Gases are often odorless, etc. TASTE Bitter or sweet. For example some substance tastes like wet sand in my mouth. Another paralyses the tongue and mouth (and smells sweet). Theres a gas that tastes synthetically strong like menthol/ether. In Berlin thee chemical substances tasted like acids. (In one transparent cosmetic cream in Berlin did I find some blue substance inside) Since 02.05.2008 they apply non-stop an extreme sticky chemical substance which reacts to body warmth, sun and warm water. The released vapors cover the body from head to toe. Another substance feels like lacquer and also reacts to warmth. Both substances stick together skin and mouth and it has the same effect on stomach and respiratory tracts. These chemicals are not washable as a result of which the skin seems to be varnished. This is easy to prove by the marks on my skin and on my clothes. In Berlin I wanted to iron a slightly wet towel when suddenly a strong vapor like fog arose which became stronger without ironing. I was suffocating and I got burned on my right arm. THE EFFECTS: The effects are completely different because they use an arsenal of chemical substances and poisons. A) Heavy legs. B) Legs become cramped so that one can barely walk. C) Muscular system of the face hardens. D) Muscular system of the face cramps. E) Extreme circulation problems (hands become so cold that one can barely feel them and you feel that youre going to die because of it). F) Some cause cold sensations. G) Nerve gas (the whole nerve system trembles. H) Often after a sweet scent: cloudy consciousness. CH) Headache, nausea, stomachache, muscular pain, aching bones. I) Heavy respiratory tract pains. A gas irritates the respiratory tracts so extremely that one cant hold his or her urine because of heavy irritating coughs during several minutes. J) Burning eyes during a half an hour up until an hour. Burning feet: gas gets under the toenails and causes horrible pain. The gas penetrates quickly through leather boots and causes heavy pain etc. After I wore open summer shoes, this chemical substance lost about 60% of its power because of the presence of oxygen. K) A gas dehydrates the respiratory tracts and it becomes difficult to breathe. L) Drops of chemical substances and gas aimed on the scalp and spread all over it in just a few seconds and caused pain. One of the gasses feels like ammonia. This gas is mostly used at night time and you can be very tired but this gas enters your nose, goes to your mind and it keeps you awake whether you want it or not. M) The synthetic menthol /ether they used during the winter causes extreme colds on the respiratory tracts. N) Drugs in food and drinks cause serious concentration disorders. One can hardly move and suffers from cloudy consciousness. The effects last more than an hour. After the effects have disappeared one has an extreme dry mouth, a thick tongue and one is extremely thirsty and tired and afterwards you get very strong headache and stomachache. O) A light paralyzed face. P) Burns that couldnt heal because of new attacks. R) Skin inflammation brief allergic reactions of the skin, eyes and respiratory tracts. S) After been giving several poisons furuncles and abscesses developed. (I had a artifishel pink face for three weeks, followed by extreme sweating in berlin.see :photodocumentation. T) Violent shivering fit U) I cant write anything about my organs because I have to be examined by non-manipulable doctors (nose bleedings, ear bleedings etc) In November 2008 I lost (black) blood for two weeks. W) In the night of 23/06/09, the eiderdown has been prepared with new chemical substance which gives a very unpleasant feeling to your body causing the reaction or the feeling that youre sleeping and awake at the same time. Please notice that these chemical substances react even more with sunny warm weather. This is only a short summary, I prefer to give any more details personally.

Since 02.05.2008 they attack me with chemical substances 24/24: drugs in my food and drinks, death threats, bullying, a psychological war, attacks on my eyes (my current eyesight is very bad), bodily harm, burns. Since 03.04.2009 I suffer from a hearing defect on the right ear and from physical and emotional pain. Im being shadowed, monitored (telephone), my emails have been manipulated, faxes have been cancelled and my friends, witnesses, lawyers, doctors and many other people who have something to do with me have been blackmailed. Its a cross-border political criminal action of great extravagance with or without knowledge supported by Staatssicherheit, agents and also by U.S. agents to keep dark my findings which are very important for society. After a certain period of time these Ex-Stasi methods drive one to a slow death. Well camouflaged murders: one gets tortured and executed in a cruel way, one has a circulatory collapse, a respiratory tract failure and the use of chemical substances can provoke cancer, a nerve disease. Either the doctors who fill out the death certificates know about these methods being used everywhere or they dont.

Laroche/Evidence/Important information from courageous people

1) PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION: Numerous photographs of my whole body prove the use and effects of the chemical substances and poison. 2) My doctor provided me a certificate of health on my increasing physical symptoms from May until August 2008 for Interpol. BEFOR SHE WROTE IT; SHE PROOFED WITH ONE OTHER COLLEGE MY BLOOD .THERE WAS NOTHING TO FIND. THAT MEANS /URSACHE UNBEKANNT/ THE REASEN FOR THE SYMPTOMS IS NOT KNOWE IT. Further diagnosis made by: an ENT specialist in Vienna, an eye specialist in Berlin, an ENT specialist in Berlin and in the hospital Saint-Pierre in Brussels /URSACHE UNBEKANNT/THE REASEN FOR THE SYMPTOMS IS NOT KNOW IT, ETC. 3) SINCE 2.5.2008 TILL NOW YOU CAN SEE CONTIUNETLY IN THE CERTIFICATES OF HEALTH AND IN THE PHOTODOCUMENTATION THE AGRESSIV RESULTS FROM THE CHEMICAL ATTACKS. 4) DOCUMENTS: I received a confirmation of sending 40 reports by fax to help organizations between 14.11.2008 and February 2009. These faxes have been cancelled in reality. Copies of direct emails to Interpol in Lyon (France), crime submit who have been obviously manipulated. Copies of numerous CD/emails with photographic documentation, reports and documents which have been manipulated and partly have been cancelled. Personal confirmation of the EU parliament anje bultena adm; - also paivi to whom I sent 3 times on three different days from different internet shops the CD/Emails and they received nothing. (see confirmation and phone calls). The European Commission delegation in Delhi confirmed in person that it didnt receive the three faxed reports however I had faxed them on different days and from different internet centers. 5) List of witnesses from Berlin about the stalking. 6) Registration (e.g. Kripo-Berlin) of criminal activities against my person in 2002-2003. 7) Names, addresses of people who cooperated with the Ex-Stasi. Description of two Ex-Stasi members on 18.05.2008. 8) My hair and other evidence for laboratory research. 9) My body and hair serve as ideal prove, for the examinations and analysis of urine, saliva, bowel movements, hair, nails, etc. (clothes) Everywhere in the world (Berlin, India Pushkar, Delhi, McLeod-, Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Brussels) hundreds of people have been blackmailed and manipulated by the Staatssicherheit, police agents, agents and U.S. agents through false and negative information about me. They had to cooperate or they were kept silent. For safety reasons Ill only publish the exact list for research personally. In Berlin, India, Frankfurt and Brussels courageous people helped and informed me about the following: 1. The strategy used against me of the political criminal action: on the one hand the use of chemical substances, poison and drugs and on the other hand large-scale bullying, psychological cruelties, stress, up to causing a physical or mental breakdown. The main goal was to hospitalize me and to manipulate my findings about the methods. I suppose they did it by using false analysis and manipulated diagnoses which suggest the mental condition of the witnesses to be unstable. I was informed in detail about both ways. This speculation is possibly of great importance because I received an invalidity assurance with a subsistence income for three years until 31.05.2009. (See report the short declaration why me). 2. Everywhere I went, they sent agents, Staatssicherheit and police before I arrive somewhere in order to provide people with false and negative information about me and to force them officially to cooperate. 3. People are afraid and are blackmailed in order to cooperate or to keep silent. 4. They are after me because of the following reasons: They accused me several times of stealing things. I stole something once or they also told that I am dangerous. Some people also told me that they were forced not to talk to me because someone can kill them if they would do so.. Since I arrived in Brussels they use even harder false methods against me. In many cases people, who were involved, were shocked or stiffened.

A journalist (a correspondent in Paris) who works in Berlin informed me in April about the existence of a similar case. Until that moment only my friends from East-Germany informed me that the Stasi often uses potassium cyanide on people to weaken them and break the resistance physically and mentally and the will to fight for the truth, as goes for my case with chemical substances. At the beginning of April I talked to a man from Hannover about my drastic situation. We sat in front of a computer and he looked up information on the Internet by inserting the terms potassium cyanide and Stasi. A lot of information appeared on the screen. 05.04 I did some research myself about Stasi and poison. My findings didnt surprise me. Todesfabrik in Bohnsdorf, 1999 and Tea for two and a little poison added, 15.12.2006 (Tea for two, ein bisschen Gift dazu, CNN report, etc.). I can complete the information in the articles about the many Stasi methods with experiences of my own dreadful situation and attacks with chemical substances. Im sure that my information will put a light on many unsolved matters and I realize I find myself in a very dangerous position. After writing all this, I can only hope to find the right person (s) in time to get help to make the information public and stop these actions against me and to protect potential victims of these (inhuman) practices.

With kind regards,

Andrea Laroche

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