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Fluency Intervention Lesson Plan Template

Name: Patrick Ramminger Grade Level: 9th

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Decoding and Commas Date: 10/02/2023

State Learning Standards R.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases, including figurative and connotative meanings. Analyze the
Identify relevant grade level standards impact of specific word choices on meaning, tone, and mood. Examine technical or key terms and how language
and Learning Outcomes from the State differs across genres. (RI&RL)
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning
Learning Targets/Objectives Understanding smoothness
What should the students know or be Using the understanding of decoding of a word to use this in your readings.
able to do after the instruction? Use a Understanding phrasing
common format with a measurable verb Using the understanding of commas in a reading to take a breath at each one.
that matches the cognitive domain Working on reading more flute reading.
standard. This should be a small piece of
the standard stated in measurable
Working on decoding difficulty words.
Grouping n/a
Describe how and why students will be
divided into groups, if applicable
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random /
based on ability, interest, social
purposes, etc.)
Differentiation This lesson will be one on one
If either or both lessons are whole class,
how is the lesson(s) differentiated for
the focal student?
Assessment Student will demonstrate progress by doing another fluency assessment.
How will students demonstrate that the
focal student is making progress in
toward their fluency goals?


Minilesson One For lesson one we will work on decoding words.
1. Introduction (including setting
expectations and establishing We will be working in a different classroom then the other students.
procedures and instructions)
2. Activate/Connect To Prior Going to work on decoding difficulty words from the assessment.
3. Fluency Activity (including
modeled, guided, and independent To start we will activate prior knowledge of seeing if you have ever heard of decoding and if you know how to
practice, as needed) use.

We will have an activity that we are going to use, and it is called take the word apart then put it back together.

We will take a word that the student had struggled with and break it into parts so they can sound it part by
We will take words from the Amusement park reading that the students had struggled with. We are going to
take these words and work on them to learn how to decode each word. With each word we are going to break
them apart and learn how to decode them and then work and putting the sounds together to say the word.

Then we will start working together on the words.

Always have the student start first with the word and then if help is needed to help.

Then we work for a little bit together.

Lastly have the student work on it all by themselves and have them put the words in different piles if they are
still struggle with a word or if they got the word.

Minilesson Two For lesson two we will be working on intonation, expression.

1. Introduction (including setting
expectations and establishing We will be working in a different classroom then the other students.
procedures and instructions)
2. Activate/Connect To Prior Going to work on phrasing
3. Fluency Activity (including
modeled, guided, and independent To start we will activate background knowledge on commas in a sentence. By showing the student what a
practice, as needed) comma looks like and what they are used for.

We will be using an activity called punctuation inside a sentence.

To start we will work on understanding that a comma in a sentence means to take a breath at that comma.

Then work on reading all the words up to the comma.
All together we are going to work on seeing commas from the reading amusement park. To start we are going
to find all the commas in the reading. Then after that we are going to talk about what we are going to do at
each of the commas. We are going to keep using the paper that we circled all the commas on to understand
where they are at. Then we are going to start reading up to each of the commas and learn to take a breath by
me as the teacher doing it first to model with the students. Then after that the student is going to work on
reading the passage with the page that has the commas circled. Then after we have practiced for some time,
the student will get a black paper with just no guidance on the reading. This will close at the lesson with the
student reading without help and becoming better with commas.

Then have them point to the comma that we will pause at.

Having the student read a good passage that has a good number of commas in them.

Then having the student read that passage out loud and working on pausing where there is a comma.

Instructional Materials, Reading Strategies book page 115 and page 98.
Equipment and Technology
List equipment or technology that needs
to be available. Attach a copy of ALL
materials the teacher and students will
use during the lesson; e.g., handouts,
questions to answer, overheads,
PowerPoint slides, worksheets.

Patrick Ramminger


EDU 443


The experience that I had with assessing a student's fluency was very good. A lot of the

students that my mentor teacher works with have an IEP goal that requires a fluency assessment.

So with that, the student was very understanding of what was needed from them. The student

participated very well and I had no problems with the student at all. My thoughts about assessing

is that it is very important. The fact that giving these at the start of schooling can help the student

and even the teacher. The purpose of these is to see how a student is progressing in reading. The

best time that I would say to give these to students is throughout elementary school. Now some

students are at grade level and even above they can work out of having the fluency assessment

after elementary school. But within special education, these are so important to a student and to

the special education teacher. Giving this assessment can show us what a student can be

struggling with in reading. Then it can help us determine IEP goals for that student. Then we can

regive the assessment and move the student up as we see them get better at reading. My process

for creating the mini-lesson was seeing that the student still needed some help in taking pauses in

the reading at the correct time and working on decoding words. So the student did pause at

commas at times but other times the student did not stop at a comma. So I want to work with

them to understand that we should take a pause at each comma and then continue reading. It does

not have to be such a long pause is what I also want to explain to them as well. Then with

decoding words. The student did have some trouble with words that were explained in the
assessment report. I just want to work with them to understand the words they struggled with in

the reading and help them gain the confidence to know the word and go after it. I would work

with the words from the reading that they struggled with.

Dear: Parents

Hello, my name is Patrick Ramminger and I'm your student special education teacher. I

have been working with your student this year on fluency. This report today is for a fluency

assessment that we had done with your student. This is to see how your student is doing with her

fluency and to see if there is any work that we will do to help the student in school. The

assessment that we did today is a fluency assessment. The student had a reading called The

Amusement Part. The student would read for 60 seconds. Doing that time I was recording how

the student was doing during that time. I have attached a copy of the reading that can show how

the student did. Then I assessed the student in four different areas that we are going to talk about.

The four areas that I have assessed are expression and volume, phrasing, smoothness, and pace.

The student had worked on reading The Amusement Park. The student had done very well in

expression and volume. The student had a very good pitch when reading. She was not loud and

also not quite it was the perfect pitch for reading out loud. There were times when she was

reading with enthusiasm and sometimes not so much. I would say though that she did show

enthusiasm when she did have it in the reading and it was very well done. The way that the

student showed this is when reading this out loud to me “I have been looking forward to this trip

all week!”. The student knew that there was an exclamation point and knew to read with an

excited voice. There will be a review on making sure that she understands enthusiasm and no

need for a whole lesson on it. The student did well with enthusiasm and I was very happy with
where the student's progress is at. Then phrasing generally reads with good phrasing, adheres to

punctuation stress and intonation, and is adequate to attention to phrasing for expression. The

student did struggle at times with understanding when to pause for commas. She did good with

punctuation at the end of the sentence. There were commas that she had read right through and

some of them came after a period so one example was "Victor and Andrea. Boy, was"(line 106).

There was a very good understanding of punctuation at the end of a sentence. I really wanna

work with her on the understanding of commas and to look ahead for them to know where they

all are and to take a pause when you get to them. So with smoothness which is reads with some

breaks but word and structure difficulties are resolved, reads with no or rare breaks since

difficulties are resolved quickly through self-correction. She did struggle with decoding words

that she didn't know. Then there also were some hesitations when reading. The hesitations came

when she didn't know the word and would just go past the word and not try it. So with that, we

are going to work on the decoding of the words she struggles with in the reading like

“counselors, crammed”. Other words will be worked on for the student that is going to be pulled

directly from the reading passage. Then with pace, that is consistently reads at a conversational

pace throughout the reading. There were times that she would slow down but speed up again.

The pace was inconsistent at times but the way she was reading was very good. During the

reading, the students skipped over words that they didn't know how to say. Some words that the

student had skipped over our “Mountain, Counselors and crammed”. So from that also I'm going

to use decoding to help with not skipping over words but at least trying them. There is no area

for concern at this point. When she understands all the words from the reading I feel the pace

will be strong again and that we won't have to worry about making goals for her in pace. This

assessment was given on September 29, 2023. The student had scored a three on Expression and
volume. She also scored a three on phrasing, a two on smoothness, and a three on pace. For

expression, I want to work with her on showing more enthusiasm when reading and making it

fun to read. To help with phrasing we are going to work on commas and learning what they

mean in a reading. Then with smoothness, she worked on decoding words from the text that she

struggled with and worked on that. With pace just working on not skipping words when reading

and to try them to keep a good pace when reading. Now there are two major goals that I have

made for the students to better themselves as a reader. One major goal is decoding words that

you may struggle with. Now with this goal, I want the student to understand what decoding is

and how to decode words that you may struggle with. So we are going to do a lesson called take

the word apart and then put it back together. With this lesson, we will pull words from the

reading that I had underlined that the student struggled with and break them into parts. Now with

that, the student will look at the word that is put into a piece and sound it out that way. Then

once they get the hang of the word they will put it all together and say the word. This can be used

for so many words and can even be done at home. The second major goal is that understand

where commas are in the reading and know when to pause at that comma. With this goal, we are

going to do a lesson called punctuation inside a sentence. Now with this lesson, we will be

pointing out all the commas in the reading passage. Then we will then work on reading up to

comma. Then know that when you reach the comma take a pause and then continue reading. This

lesson will help us find the commas in the sentence and then also know to pause at the comma.

This is the assessment report on how the student did on the reading fluency assessment that was

given to the student on September 29, 2023. Before we go here I wanna give you an at-home

strategy that you can use with your child. There is an at-home strategy that you can try with the

student for decoding. You can use flashcards to break the word into pieces and then make the
student say that sound that is on the flash card. Then when the student understands all the sounds

for the word you can then put all the flashcards together for the student to say the whole word. I

can give you the words that she is working on for the reading so the student can get that extra

practice. Thank you for reading this report on the fluency assessment the student did a great job

with reading to me. The student is working very hard on decoding words and understanding

commas. The student is ready to take another assessment at any time now with all the hard work

that they have been doing. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

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