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Office of International Admissions

Financial Statement of Responsibility and Affidavit of Support Form

Please carefully read and follow these instructions, failure to do so may result in delays in I-20
processing. The Form I-20 is the required document needed to apply for an F-1 Visa, Eastern Michigan
University follows internal and SEVIS-related regulations and policies when processing I-20s. This form
is used for F-1 or F-3 student Visa applicants who are required to certify that they have sufficient funds
to cover their expenses while attending Eastern Michigan University. Please do not fill out this form if
you are a U.S. Citizen, or plan to study on another visa. EMU reserves the right to deny financial
documents for any reason.

Acceptable Documents
Eastern Michigan University will only accept LIQUID accounts as proof of funding. Your financial statements must
list the following information in order to be accepted.
1. Statement Date (No more than a year old from the time of program start date)
2. Name of the bank on letterhead or bank seal with signatures
3. Account Holder
4. Account Type (Checking, Savings, Current, Private, etc.)
5. Type of Currency
6. For Fixed/Term Deposits, statement must list maturity date (must be BEFORE the intended program start date) or
that the funds are able to be withdrawn without penalty
7. All statements must be in English

If your financial statement does not contain all of the above requirements, you can submit supplemental documents
from the bank proving the account's liquidity.

Types of financial statements that are unacceptable:

1. Screenshots of account details will not be accepted
2. Any type of investment or investment account
3. Mutual Funds
4. Student Loans
5. Real Estate Holdings
6. Fixed/Term Deposits that mature AFTER the intended program start date
7. Company account or any similar account deemed to not be personal account
8. Any other type of account that is determined to not be liquid

FINR Form Submission

Please send pages 2 and 3 of the completed FINR form, along with acceptable financial statements and a copy of your
passport, via email to:

The Office of international Admissions will review your documents and respond back to you via email regarding
acceptance or denial of your documents and provide follow-up instructions.

I. APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: (please enter name as shown on your passport, make sure to write your
information as clearly as possible)

Last Name (Surname/Family Name) / First Name (Given) / Middle Initial / EMU Student number

Applicant’s Home Country Address (required for I-20):

Permanent Address Line 1:_____________________________________________________________________________________

Permanent Address Line 2: ________________________________City: ________________ Province/Region: __________________

Country: __________________ Postal/Mailing code: _________ E-mail: ____________________ Phone number: _______________

Current Visa Status (F-1, J-1, H-4, H-1B, Other-specify, or not applicable):__________________________________________

Gender: ________________ Marital Status (Single, Married):______________ Date of Birth(mm/dd/yyyy):_________/_____/________

Birth Country: ________________________ Country of Citizenship: ________________________ Birth City: __________________

Expected Visa Type (F-1, J-1, F-3):_____________________________________________

Degree Level Sought (Bachelors, Masters, Certificate, Doctorate):____________________________________________________

Academic Term (Fall, Winter, or Summer): _____________________________________

Indicate the program you intend to study (Required for I-20): __________________________________________________________

II. Dependant Information (if applicable)

Will your spouse or children come with you? Yes No Enter the total number of dependents:__________

If Yes, include a copy of their passports and complete all information below: (use additional sheets if necessary)

Last Name First Name Relationship to Date of Birth Country of Birth City of Birth Country of Citizenship Passport Copy
Applicant (mm/dd/yyyy) Included


III. SEVIS Transfer Information (if applicable)

Are you currently enrolled in a U.S. academic institution under F1 Visa Status? Y / N (circle your response)

If you answered yes to having an F1 Visa, what is your SEVIS (N) Number? N________________________
If on F/J VISA, what US institution are you transferring from? __________________________________________________________________
SEVIS release date: ____/___/______ (mm/dd/yyyy)

Transfer Students: submit the International Student Advisor Letter

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IV-a. SELECT YOUR ESTIMATED COSTS: The dollar figures in the plans below include costs projected for tuition and fees,
transportation, books, room & board (not for F3 applicants), and mandatory health insurance. Costs are for one academic year for
an international student at EMU using current school year rates. Totals are shown in United States Dollars (USD) for minimum
full time enrollment. (Place an “X” next to your selection)

Plan 1 Plan 2
F-1 or J-1 VISA Applicants Fall & F-3 VISA Canadian Commuters Fall &
(full-time enrollment) Winter (part-time enrollment, I20 issued Winter
F1/J1 Graduate $43,546 F3 Graduate $27,560
F1/J1 Undergraduate $32,600 F3 Undergraduate $18,605
F1/J1 Graduate Ph.D. $46,933 F3 Graduate Ph.D. $30,524


If you plan on bringing dependents you must calculate the additional required Living Expenses per dependent in the section below.
Health insurance is optional.

Additional expenses (use the box to the right to add your plan + additional expenses
- Living Expenses for each additional family member (Required) $6,325
- Health Insurance per Dependant (Optional) $2,244

Number of Dependants (____) x $6,325 = *Total Cost for Dependants (__________________)

*Add Optional Insurance if Applicable


(Multiple sponsors must sign separate forms)

Check the box below that indicates the level of support that you, the sponsor, will be providing:

I will provide full financial support for the applicant.

I will provide partial financial support for the applicant for one academic year in the amount of ______________USD.

Sponsor Name (Print) Relationship to Student

Sponsor Signature Date

The above costs reflect the average cost for 1 year of minimum enrollment and do not include costs for additional credit hours that are not mandatory
per year. Students are responsible for all costs for the entire length of study at EMU as tuition rates and living expenses may increase without notice.
By signing below you attest that the documents provided meet the minimum requirements for liquid funds as outlined by the EMU Office
of International Admissions. EMU reserves the right to deny submitted documents for any reason.


Applicants Name (Print) Applicant’s Signature Date

3 FINR/FASP 10/2023

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