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Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

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Theoretical analysis and predictions of burning in microgravity using a

burning emulator
Parham Dehghani, James G. Quintiere∗
Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Burning experiments are analyzed for 29 steady burning flames using a gas burner (BRE) to emulate
Received 6 October 2020 condensed-phase burning of 25 mm diameter flat surface. Mixtures of ethylene and nitrogen allow for
Revised 17 June 2021
23.6 and 47.2 kJ/g heats of combustion (LHV). Ambient conditions range from 21 to 40% oxygen and
Accepted 17 June 2021
pressures of 0.56 to 1 bar. The results are compared to predictions from analytic models developed to
determine the flame radiation fraction, flame convective and radiative heat fluxes, flame shape, and heats
Keywords: of gasification for steady burning. Steady burning is theoretically decided by ensuring the flame temper-
Diffusion flames ature is above a critical value of 1100 K. Good agreement is achieved between experiment and predicted
Laminar flames steady results. Further computations are made to determine the effect of ambient pressure and oxygen
Flame radiation
on burning for heats of combustion of 23.6 and 47.2 kJ/g, diameters up to 100 mm, and vaporization
Flat surfaces
temperatures of 80 and 350 ºC. It is found that for the range of analyzed conditions, heats of gasifica-
Fire safety
Heat flux, modeling tion of about 1 to 5 kJ/g, steady burning would result over a range of about 1 to 6 g/m2 s. Low pressure
appears to yield more stable flames. The results have implications on how the fire safety of materials in
microgravity should be determined.
© 2021 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction If one examines the study of burning in microgravity one finds

little on burning in place except for a candle, droplet or extrane-
This work is part of a long study to investigate the prospect ous items. This is why the burner experiments were established.
of steady burning for real solid materials by using a burner with The body of work that this paper pertains to is based on steady
a fixed fuel mixture supply and surface heat flux measurements burning data for a 25 mm diameter Burning Rate Emulator, BRE
[1–7]. The fuel mixture supply identifies the surrogate solid fuel’s [8]. The first round of tests was conducted aboard the International
heat of combustion. Here we take it at the LHV for complete com- Space Station to ensure long duration burning in microgravity. The
bustion, as the flames do not produce soot. The burner called the burner was installed inside a capsule with 100 liters of free volume
Burning Rate Emulator (BRE) is easily executed in microgravity before hardware installation. Three cameras recorded video footage
because ignition is readily accomplished and burning ensues. Al- and still images. Several remote radiometers were used to record
though the fuel mixture flow rate is fixed, the occurrence of a incident flame radiation that led to obtaining flame radiative loss
steady flame makes BRE identical to its surrogate solid fuel. At fraction. The details of experimental apparatus is discussed in ref.
steady conditions the heat of gasification can be computed by the [8]. The experimental conditions ranged over mass fluxes of 1 to
ratio of the average net flame heat flux to the surface with the 12 g/m2 s, ethylene-nitrogen fuel mixtures of 50% and 100% by vol-
average mass flux of the fuel mixture. In normal gravity, the re- ume, nominal ambient oxygen mole fractions of 0.21, 0.265, 034
quirement of identical smoke points is needed to insure the radia- and 0.40, and nominal ambient pressures of 0.56, 0.7 and 1 bar. 59
tion effects of soot [2,4,5]. To a lesser extent, surface temperature flames were ignited during the first round of tests. Twenty-nine of
is needed to match the solid’s burning surface temperature. This the flames reached “steady state” before the fuel flow was termi-
temperature is a weak requirement, and the burner temperature is nated. The rest of the tests were self-extinguished before fuel ter-
recorded but not regulated. mination. Ambient oxygen mole fraction played a significant role
on the duration of the tests where 21% oxygen did not favor steady
burning. Steady flames were observed in ambient oxygen mole

Corresponding author at: University of Maryland, Dept. of Fire Protection Engi- fractions of 26.5% and above [8]. Those steady data will be used
neering, 3104J.M. Patterson Building, College Park, MD 20742, USA. to assess the predictive modeling. Reference [8] should be a com-
E-mail address: (J.G. Quintiere).
0010-2180/© 2021 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

[6]. Here, the purely convective model will be modified by ad-

Nomenclature justing the heat of combustion, in that purely convective model,
by its radiative heat loss. The flame radiative fraction is used to
A Surface area make this adjustment. It will be shown that a model for the radia-
B Spalding B number tive fraction can be developed with dependence on an empirical
cp Gas specific heat constant. Given the radiative fraction, flame heat fluxes and flame
D Mass diffusivity temperature can be computed, while flame shape is independent
F f →s View factor of the burner surface with respect to of such. The flame temperature of 1100 K with radiation loss will
the flame sheet be used as a criterion for a stable flame or steady burning [10–14],
Fs→ f View factor of the flame sheet with respect to the i.e., no extinction. The radiation code RADCAL is used to develop
burner surface a model to predict flame emissivity and absorption coefficient
k Thermal conductivity [15–17]. It will be shown that it is possible to predict the condi-
L Heat of gasification tions for steady burning from known fuel properties, atmospheric
M˙ Total mass flow rate conditions, and fuel source diameter. This paper will demonstrate
m˙  Mass flux the accuracy of the modeling with the ISS steady data set found
P ec Peclet number [8]. It will also show how the model can be used as a predictive
p Ambient pressure or partial pressures tool to more broadly address fire safety and burning in micrograv-
Q˙ Heat loss rate ity.
q˙  Heat flux
R Burner surface radius 2. Summary of analytical transient solution for constant mass
r Radial location on the burner surface flux
S Stoichiometric molar air-fuel ratio
T Temperature The complete solution for the unsteady purely diffusive burning
t time of an oblate ellipsoidal surface with a uniform surface mass flux in
X Mole fraction time is given by Markan et al. [6]. The results are summarized here
Xr Radiant fraction because the formulas will be used throughout the paper as mod-
x vertical distance from burner center ified to include the heat of combustion reduced by a flame radia-
Y Mass fraction tion loss fraction, Xr , the ratio of radiant energy lost by the flame
YF b Fuel mass fraction at the burner surface to its combustion energy. The use of representing flame radiation
Z Mixture fraction effect by reducing the heat of combustion essentially assumes “a
transparent flame” according to Jiang et al. [18]. The original solu-
tion is based on thin flame theory with Schwab-Zeldovich variables
α Fuel-ambient air mass ratio
giving the mixture fraction as given in Eq. (1)
h c Enthalpy of combustion
YO −YO,∞
ε Emissivity c p (T − T∞ ) + hc S
Z= (1)
κ Absorption coefficient (m−1 ) c p (Ts − T∞ ) − 
hc O,S∞
κ˜ Effective absorption coefficient (m−1 bar−1 )
λ Dimensionless mass flux = 4k/(m π c R)
The temperature T and oxygen mass fraction YO are combined
into this mixture fraction variable, where YO,∞ is the ambient oxy-
ξ Ellipsoidal coordinate
gen mass fraction, hc is the heat of combustion per mass of the
ρ Density
prescribed fuel-diluent stream, c p is the specific heat of the gas
σ Stephan-Boltzmann constant
and S is the stoichiometric ratio which denotes the mass of oxy-
τ Dimensionless time = DR∞2 t
gen consumed per unit mass of fuel-diluent stream. It is assumed
Dimensionless radiation fraction variable
that the Lewis number Le ≡ k/ρ c p D = 1. Also, the diffusivity, D,
Subscripts is equal and replaced by the thermal diffusivity, k / rcp . Properties
CO2 Carbon-dioxide are constant, but the numerical choice of properties will be based
c Convective heat flux on a temperature judgment, as convective heat flux will depend
ext external on properties near the surface, and flame shape will depend on
f flame sheet or fuel properties near the flame. In the original work, a convective Peclet
g combustion products gas number (Pec ) is defined in terms of the total mass flow rate (M˙ )
H2O Water vapor over the entire ellipsoidal surface (top and bottom) which is given
o Without radiation loss by Eq. (2) and (3).
O Oxygen

r Radiation P ec = (2)
rr re-radiation 4π c ρ D
s Burner surface m˙  c p R
M˙ 2m˙  π R2
∞ Ambient P ec = = = (3)
4π Rρ D 4π Rk/c p 2k
In the current paper we replace the Peclet number by the di-
panion text for this paper, as it contains the data and analyses to mensionless mass flux (λ) from one side of flattened ellipsoid to
the extent possible without a predictive theory. The current pa- define the burner surface (see Eq. (4)).
per is intended to develop and examine a predictive theory for
those experiments. The data set also provided a basis for CFD sim- λ=   (4)
ulations that were discussed in ref. [9] for some of the flames at 4k
π cpR
normal atmospheric condition. The theoretical modeling is based
on an analytic transient model developed with demonstrated nu- Here λ is a prescribed constant, however, in the steady state
merical accuracy and good predictions with 5-s microgravity data burning theory, the corresponding burning eigenvalue is equiva-

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

lently found in terms of the solid fuel properties and B number With fuel mass fraction at surface given by Eq. (13)
as given by Eq. (5)
( 1 + α ) −λ
λ = In(1 + B) YF b = 1 − e (13)
(5) α
where Eq. (6) where α = S/YO,∞ .
def (YO,∞ (1 − Xr )hc /S − c p (Ts − T∞ ) By setting the mixture fraction equal to its value at the flame,
B= (6) the flame position is given for a given value of ξ in time.
It is important to observe that the solution for the flame po-
is the effective B number and Eq. (7) sition is primarily controlled by diffusion, ρ D = k/c p , and stoi-
def q˙ f,r + q˙ e − q˙ rr chiometry, S. This follows as hc /S = hO , the heat of combustion
Lm = L − (7) per unit mass of oxygen consumed, is generally almost constant,
and taken in this analysis for the experimental fuel, ethylene as
is the effective heat of gasification. In typical solutions for steady 13.76 kJ/g. The flame position has no dependence on flame radi-
burning problems, the results are given in terms of the fuel prop- ation because it is governed solely by diffusive effects. This will
erties: heat of combustion, heat of gasification, vaporization tem- prove extremely advantageous as it was found that the measured
perature; and in term of ambient conditions: oxygen, pressure and flame radiative fraction is a strong function of the flame height for
temperature. Here, for the burner, the solution is given in terms of steady burning [8]. Explicitly the complete transient flame position,
λ over L. This is a subtle, but distinct difference. In steady state, in terms of the mixture fraction on the flame sheet, can be com-
the substitution of Eq. (5) makes the two forms identical. But in puted from Eq. (14)
the BRE experiments we do not know L appriori. In BRE and in
steady burning of an evaporating liquid or solid, the heat of gasifi-    
YO,∞ 1 − exp 2πλ arctan ξ f − λ ξf
cation, L, (a material property) is found by Eq. (8) Zf = = er f c √
SYF b + YO,∞ 1 − exp [−λ] 2 τ
L = net (8)
m˙  (14)
where q˙ net is measured; it is generally composed of
Let us complete listing of the theoretical steady solutions for
q˙ net = q˙ f,c + q˙ f,r − q˙ rr + q˙ ext,r (9) flame temperature and convective heat flux. These now depend on
the flame radiative fraction.
Where each component is defined as:

q˙ f,c : Flame convective heat flux

2.2. Flame temperature
q˙ f,r : Flame incident radiative heat flux
q˙ rr : Surface radiative loss heat flux The theoretical flame temperature can be calculated by
q˙ ext,r : Incident external radiative heat flux Eq. (15) with Tf representing the flame temperature

The external radiative heat flux is not present in the experi-  1

c p T f − T∞ = [c p (Ts − T∞ ) + YF b (1 − Xr )hc ] (15)
ments but could be included in the theory to follow. It is well αYF b + 1
known that external radiation in room fires on Earth plays an im-
portant and perhaps essential role in the fire development. In the Based on Eq. (13), note the flame temperature dependence on
theoretical development herein, the net heat flux will be decom- λ.
posed into two predictive components: one for radiation and one
for convection or pure diffusion.
2.3. Convective heat flux
2.1. Flame position
The average steady convective heat flux is given as shown by
The solution for the transient mixture fraction is given as in Eq. (16)
Eq. (10)    
  2λ  4k λ hc (1 − Xr )YO,∞
 q˙ c = − c p (Ts − T∞ ) (16)
1 − exp π arctan (ξ ) − λ ξ π Rc p eλ − 1 S
Z= er f c √ (10)
1 − exp [−λ] 2 τ
The average convective heat flux is one term needed to derive L
in Eq. (8). But to illustrate the nature of the transient effect on the
with τ being the dimensionless time (τ = D∞ t
) and D∞ , the mass
convective heat flux, the transient local value is given by Eq. (17)
diffusivity of ambient air (D∞ = ρkc p ). In terms of the ellipsoidal
coordinate, ξ that can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates (x, r) hc (1−Xr )YO,∞ 2λ exp [−λ]
R (Ts − T∞ ) − Sc p
πτ + π 1−exp [−λ]
as q˙ c (r, t ) =
 12 r 2
1 2 1− R
ξ=√ x2 + r 2 − R2 + x2 + r 2 − R2 + (2xR )2 (11)
2R (17)
It can be shown that at r = 0, ξ (x, 0 ) = x
R. In Reference [8] it was shown that the transient toward steady
The fuel and oxygen are separated by the infinitesimally thin conditions is relatively fast for the heat flux, but slower for the
flame sheet that is located where oxygen and fuel become zero by flame growth. In the following, these solutions will be examined
equating the mixture fraction to its stoichiometric value which is against the steady data of reference [8]. To complete the solution
shown by Eq. (12) for all quantities except flame position, a means is necessary to
YO,∞ allow the prediction of the flame radiative fraction. This will be
Z = Zf = (12) empirically developed shortly in Section 4.
SYF b + YO,∞

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

is 0.35.
  x 2
rf f
= 1+c (20)
It may depart from the theoretical ellipsoidal solution as for
that case the problem is symmetric about the long axis while for
the burner this is not the case, and only one side applies.

4. Prediction of flame radiation fraction

It was observed in the analysis of the data that the measured

flame radiant fraction of the steady flames was a primary func-
tion of the flame height [8]. This prompted us to examine herein
a theoretical basis for the radiant fraction cast in dimensionless
terms. It will be shown that this exploration leads to a much more
general correlation for the flame radiant fraction in terms of more
variables than just flame height. Providing a prediction of Xr will
then allow us to theoretically compute flame temperature at steady
state, flame convective heat flux and model flame radiative heat
Fig. 1. measured vs. calculated flame height. flux from the initial information. This is how we will develop an
approximant complete steady solution.

3. Steady flame position: experiments compared to theory

4.1. Radiant fraction model formulation
The flame height along the axis normal to the burner at r = 0
is given by Eq. (18) The radiation lost by the flame, with no visible soot, can be at-
   tributed to the products of combustion and their distributed tem-
xf π ln αα+1 perature within a volume around the flame. The combustion prod-
= tan 1+ (18) ucts radiative heat flux is distributed through a surface area en-
R 2 λ
closing this volume. The rate of radiation lost by the flame can
For a given mass flux, value of ρ D = k/c p taken at nitro- be represented in terms of a temperature, the gas emissivity, and
gen properties of 1400 K, and stoichiometry, S found from S = its enveloping area. A dimensionless formulation is made based on
hc /hO , the steady axis flame height can be calculated. For the homogeneous gray gas radiation for a representative path height.
experimental conditions the steady values are compared to those The flame radiative fraction is defined as the ratio of the rate of
measured. radiant energy lost from the flame with the rate of energy released
Figure 1 shows a direct comparison between the measured by combustion (see Eq. (21)).
steady and predicted flame heights. The properties were evalu- Q˙ r
ated at 1400 K for nitrogen based on optimizing the results. As Xr = (21)
Q˙ c
the choice of properties in a constant property solution requires
judgment, we justify this choice since the flame position is in a The combustion energy rate is straightforward and represented
domain of the flame temperature and select this high value with in terms of the mass flux and heat of combustion as shown by
some justification. It can be seen from the figure, that for a wide Eq. (22):
range of mass flux, oxygen and pressure conditions, the results
show good accuracy for the predictions. It should be emphasized Q˙ c = m˙  π R2 hc (22)
that the prediction holds for fuels with heats of combustion of The rate of heat by radiation given off from the flame can be
23.6 and 47.2 kJ/g. The effect of oxygen is also accounted for over roughly written as Eq. (23) [19–21]
a range of mole fractions of 0.265 to 0.40, realizing that at 0.21 the
flames tended to extinguishment before any steady state could be Q˙ r ∼
= ε f σ T f4 A f (23)
where ε f is emissivity of the radiating gas, Tf is a representa-
Limited theoretical results have been examined to show that
tive flame temperature, Af is the flame enclosing surface area. The
the theoretical oblate ellipsoidal flame shape is not completely
emissivity is given in terms of the absorption coefficient com-
satisfied in the experiments. As experimental images show the
puted from the gas partial pressures and temperature. It is clear
flames growing to ellipsoidal and even spherical shapes away from
Eq. (23) is approximate but should be considered as representing
the base, but the measured flame radius at the burner surface
the maximum temperature and gas concentrations over the scale
(x = 0) is over-predicted [6]. So, the ellipsoidal shape is not sat-
of the region around the flame, to be taken as the flame length. An
isfied near the base. The formula for the base flame radius is given
integrated form of Eq. (23) will have these terms with some dis-
by Eq. (19)
tribution and stretching of geometry. With a hope of similarities in
  x 2
rf distributions, the final results might be considered general for the
= 1+ (19) fuel used here. An examination of this theoretical framework will
be assessed when empirically related to the current experimental
The similarity of the dimensionless base radius with the flame measurements for Xr .
height is shown for the data. The prediction can be assessed in The following scale approximations are made, anticipating the
Fig. 2. The theory clearly under-predicts, but the similarity is evi- derivation of an empirical dimensionless formula to be derived
dent. A modification of the formula in Eq. (20) gives an improved from data. The path length is taken as the flame height, and the
result and clearly shows the similarity. The value of the constant c flame area scales with its square:

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

Fig. 2. measured vs. predicted flame base radius, c = 1 (Left) and c = 0.35 (Right).

l = x f , the flame height, and Eq. (24) is used to estimated flame The total combustion energy release rate is written as shown
surface area. by Eq. (28)

Af ∼
= x2f (24) Q˙ c = m˙  π R2 hc (28)

Let these terms be selected to best represent the problem with Then the radiation fraction becomes (see Eq. (29))
the intention to identify the controlling dimensionless groups for σ T f4 (1 − eκ f x f )x2f
Xr . Xr ∼
= (29)
m˙  π R2 hc
Consider our ethylene flames at various fuel mole fractions, Xf , in
a nitrogen mixture; various ambient oxygen mole fractions, XO , and where the temperature can be evaluated from the theory as given
atmospheric pressure, p. Stoichiometry for complete combustion is in Eq. (15) or
justified, as no soot is observed and the chemical reaction is shown    
by Eq. (25): Tf
− 1 + YF,b cp Th∞c (1 − Xr )
 =1+ (30)
  T∞ (αYF b + 1 )
(1 − XC2 H4 ) 1 − XO
C2 H4 + N2 + 3 O2 + N2
XC2 H4 XO and it is a function of Xr .
 Arranging as dimensionless quantities to represent Xr gives an
1 − XO (1 − XC2 H4 ) implicit relationship (g is an unknown function) for Xr , as the
→ 2C O2 + 2H2 O + 3 + N2 (25)
XO XC2 H4 flame temperature depends on it (see Eq. (31)).
The partial pressure for water vapor and carbon dioxide, are to 1 σ T∞4  x 2  T 4
κ f f
be equal, and given as shown by Eq. (26). Xr = g (1 − e )f xf
⎧ ⎫ π m˙  hc R T∞
⎨ ⎬
2 We could make the substitution for the flame tempera-
pH2 O = pCO2 =   p (26)
⎩2 + 2 + 3 1 −χO 2
1−XC2 H4 ⎭ ture and obtain an implicit theoretical solution for Xr . This
XO2 XC2 H4 would be tedious and may not be accurate in the end.
As an alternative, let us make the RHS of Eq. (30) as a
In general, the partial pressures of the radiating species consid-
known quantity by defining a known characteristic tempera-
ered, water vapor and carbon dioxide, can be expressed in terms of
ture, Tf,o , flame temperature with no radiation loss as given by
total pressure, the mole fractions of pure fuel in the supply mix-
Eq. (32)
ture, and the oxygen in the ambient. Here we just consider ethy-   
lene as that was the fuel used in the experimental data set [8].
T f,o
− 1 + YF,b cp Th∞c
Therefore, in the following there is an implicit fuel effect implied.
=1+ (32)
Moreover, the fuel itself can be a radiation participant and that fuel T∞ αYF,b + 1
effect is assumed to be contained in any correlation with the BRE
ethylene data here. Now a dimensionless flame radiation parameter in terms
The radiation from the flame will be represented here in terms of known quantities that also are dimensionless is found from
of the stoichiometry values of the water vapor and carbon diox- Eq. (33). In other words, Xr is a function of , Xr = f ( ), with
ide associated with a path length. The pathlength is taken as the   x 2  T 4
flame height, xf . These might be considered extremes but should σ T∞4 −κ f x f f f,o
= 1−e (33)
be representative scales given similarity for these particular flames m˙  hc R T∞
by theory.
The emissivity of the flame gasses is then represented as given The emissivity or absorption coefficient now
by Eq. (27) needs to be determined as all other terms are
known or can be computed, i.e., flame height from
ε f = 1 − e −κ f x f (27) Eq. (18).

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

Fig. 3. absorption coefficients normalized by partial pressures of combustion prod- Fig. 4. BRE flames emissivity vs. fuel mixture mass flux.
ucts of ethylene.

value for CO2 is about 10 (m-bar)−1 and 2 (m-bar)−1 for H2 O at

4.2. Model for emissivity and absorption coefficient 1400 K, respectively [17]. It can be observed that these numbers
compare in order of magnitude to the 8.5 (m-bar)−1 for a path
A common way to evaluate emissivity for CO2 and H2 O gasses length of 10−6 m in Fig. 3. The result of this singular graph is em-
is to use Hottel’s charts [17,21]. In doing so, one must select a path pirical and only holds for the ambient conditions of the experi-
length for a given partial pressure and temperature. The absorption mental data [8] andethylene soot-less combustion, but it can be
coefficient can then be found from Eq. (27). It is pointed out by computed for other fuels, and we have shown singular curves hold,
deRis [22] that for flames without soot, the absorption coefficient κ˜ (l ). It should be mentioned that multiple data points overlap in
will depend on path length, approaching the Planck value in the the figure, and do not obviously reveal the results of the collapsed
small limit. The Planck absorption coefficient for CO2 is about 10 data curve.
(m-bar)−1 and 2 (m-bar)−1 for H2 O at 1400 K [17,23]. Note that From Fig. 3 we now have an empirical and convenient way
the absorption coefficient of Eq. (27) can be determined from the to compute the needed emissivity term in Eq. (23). It should be
Planck value by multiplying it by the partial pressure of the gas. pointed out that the path length used in this analysis was the
Ultimately, we would like to have a relationship for the absorption flame height. It varies for the BRE data from about 5 to 50 mm,
coefficient in terms of the partial pressures of CO2 and H2 O indicating a modified absorption coefficient of about 7.5 to 4.5 (m-
Following encouraging estimations from the Hottel charts, we bar)−1 , respectively. This corresponds to emissivity in the range of
sought a more easily used computational method and used RAD- 0.01 to 0.1, as shown in Fig. 4 for the steady BRE data [8]. Also
CAL [15,16] to calculate the gas mixture emissivity. RADCAL is a Fig. 4 reveals all of the steady data used in Fig. 3 but is not
narrow-band model often used to estimate emissivity and absorp- evident due to overlapping symbols. If the experimental data of
tion coefficient for these gasses. The absorption coefficient of RAD- Fig. 3 are used to compute the emissivity from the correlation of
CAL is found by calculating the received intensity at a point located Fig. 3, then those data are presented as shown in Fig. 4. For high
at a distance l by taking into account the emission from the par- oxygen and pressures the flames can survive with emissivities as
ticipating gas at temperature Tg with the surroundings at a fixed high as 0.09 and flame heights of 40 mm, but for lower oxygen
blackbody temperature of 300 K. The total emissivity calculated by and pressures the emissivities are lower: 0.01 to 0.04.
RADCAL also yields an effective absorption coefficient defined in The absorption coefficient can be computed from the fitted
the same way as Eq. (27) for a given path length, l. Eqns. (35 and 36)
RADCAL was run for partial pressures of water vapor and car- 
bon dioxide from Eq. (26), ambient temperature (300 K), radiating κ˜ m−1 bar−1 = 7.96e−9.85x f f or x f ≤ 0.1 m
gas temperature selected at 1400 K, no soot, and path length, l. Op- κ˜ m−1 bar−1 = 0.94x−0
f or x f > 0.1 m
erating the RADCAL code for the set of fuel, ambient pressure and
oxygen conditions of our ISS experimental data [8], a general re- ⎧ ⎫
lationship is found for the absorption coefficient. Specifically, this ⎨ ⎬
was put in terms of κ˜ , principally as a function of path length. κ m−1 = p(bar ). κ˜ m−1 bar −1
Here a modified absorption coefficient, κ˜ is defined as ⎩2 + 2 + 3 1−XO
1−XC2 H4
XC2 H4

def κ (36)
κ˜ = (34)
pCO2 + pH2O
This parameter is similar in form but not identical to the Planck 4.3. Correlation result
mean absorption coefficient and is motivated because the absorp-
tion coefficient tends to be dependent on the gas partial pressure. All the terms in Eq. (33) for can now be computed as known
Figure 3 shows that for the steady data set with 9 conditions ex- quantities. The accuracy of the correlation is now explicitly demon-
amined in this way by using RADCAL. As indicated by deRis [22], strated in the plot for steady experimental data as shown in Fig. 5
a singular relationship results for the modified absorption coeffi- where the flame radiation fraction is shown to approximate a sin-
cient as a function of path length. The optically thin mean Planck gular function of . A best-fit equation for the steady data is given

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

Fig. 5. radiant fraction correlation.

Fig. 7. flame temperature as a measure of extinction based on calculated radiant


governed by the Damkohler number, as the ratio of the time for

diffusion divided by the time for the chemical reaction. More com-
pletely it is controlled by the energy release of the chemical re-
action and the heat loss from the system by both diffusion and
radiation. In all cases the flame temperature is most critical as it
governs all of these processes. The flame temperature can be com-
puted from Eq. (15). It is well known that the flame cannot survive
below a critical temperature [10–14,24–28]. This has been exam-
ined in References [24,25] using the same type of burner in nor-
mal gravity for a variety of gaseous fuels relying on flame tem-
perature to predict extinction. The flame temperature becomes a
surrogate for the Damkohler number, and in this case addresses
both diffusive and radiative heat losses as described by Eqn 15.
Fig. 6. calculated vs. measured radiant fraction. In normal gravity for buoyancy driven flames a critical tempera-
ture of 1600 K is accepted in the literature [24–26]. It is known
that the critical flame temperature is a function of the local flame
strain rate [10,27,28] where 1600 K corresponds to about a strain
Xr = 0.0633 ln ( ) + 0.452 (37) rate of 10 s − 1 , and 1100 K to a strain rate of 1 s − 1 . The
former is used for purely buoyant flames in 1-g, and the lat-
This result together with Fig. 3, now allow a full prediction of
ter is commonly used in microgravity as an extinction criterion
the microgravity steady burning. Let us examine this process and
[10–14,27,28]. Figure 7 shows the computed values of flame tem-
its accuracy.
perature for the ISS steady data [8] where the radiation fraction
The steady theory [6], Eq. (18), allows the computation of flame
is predicted for all of the steady data (Figure 5 and 6). The data
height for a given burner radius in terms of k/cp , S and oxygen
points with lower heats of combustion have higher flame tempera-
mass fraction of the atmosphere. This is done for properties of ni-
ture because the flames radiation fraction varies inversely with the
trogen at 1400 K. Figure 3 and Eq. (37) allow the computation of
heat of combustion. We will examine these trends more carefully
the flame radiation fraction for steady flames. Fig. 6 shows the pre-
later using the predictive model in a more appropriate display. For
diction of the flame radiation fraction with the experimental mea-
now, it is clear from Fig. 7 that all of the steady results theoreti-
surements. The prediction is within 10% of the experiment.
cally correspond to flame temperatures above 1100 K. This is now
Now additional quantities can be computed; namely, the
a straightforward predictive tool to assess whether steady burning
flame temperature Eq. (15) and the convective flame heat flux
in microgravity can occur.
Eqs. (16,17). An estimation of the flame radiative heat flux is also
needed to complete the theoretical determination of the heats of
gasification that correspond to steady microgravity burning.
6. Prediction of heat flux
5. Flame temperature as a measure of extinction
Now that we can compute the flame radiation fraction from
Given now the flame radiative fraction, the flame temperature known quantities with respect to the fuel and atmosphere, the
can be computed from Eq. (15). This is key to determining if the convective and radiative components of the flame hat flux can be
flame can survive. The extinction of a diffusion flame is commonly estimated.

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

Fig. 9. calculated flame radiative heat flux compared to the average net flame heat
Fig. 8. calculated convective heat flux compared to the average net flame heat flux flux based on calculated radiant fraction .
based on calculated radiant fraction.

mostly covers over the surface. In some cases, the flame stands off
6.1. Convective heat flux a distance δ f from the surface reducing this view factor slightly.
The approximate view factor is estimated from Eq. (39).
The convective heat flux follows from the purely diffusive solu-
tion, but with the radiation loss accounted for now by reducing the
arctan δ f /r f
Fs→ f = 1 − (39)
heat of combustion according to the fraction of energy remaining π
in the flame system. The equation is repeated here for continuity. We will consider δ f small and negligible. The view factor of the
  ! hc (1−Xr )YO,∞  burner surface with respect to the flame sheet is now given by the
q˙ c = 4k λ − c p (Ts − T∞ ) (38) reciprocity rule (Eq. (40)):
π Rc p eλ −1 S
Fs→ f As
It depends primarily on the properties k/cp , the radiant frac- F f →s = (40)
tion, the mass flux, and the ambient oxygen concentration. It also
depends on pressure through Xr . The properties here are evalu- And the flame sheet surface area, Af , is estimated by assuming
ated for nitrogen at 350 K. Again, this choice is by optimization a half ellipsoid shape for the flame and that area is calculated by
and judgment, and might be justified as the convective heat flux Eq. (41).
is due to the gradient of temperature at the relatively cold wall ⎛  1. 6
 ⎞ 11.6
of the burner. Figure 8 shows this computed convective heat flux 2π r 3f .2 + 2 r f x f
compared to the net flame heat flux measured for the steady data Af = ⎝ ⎠ (41)
set. The experimental data are the arithmetic average of two-point
measurements on the burner surface as described for the exper-
imental apparatus in ref [8]. The difference with the computed The flame incident radiative heat rate to the burner surface is
convection could be attributed to the flame’s radiative component. now given as the view factor to the surface multiplied by ½ of
Most of the convective prediction is about 50% lower than the total the energy radiated away from the flame. The corresponding heat
measured net heat flux. flux over the circular burner surface of radius, R, is then found as
shown by Eq. (42).
6.2. Flame incident radiative heat flux Ff →s Q˙ r /2 Ff →s Xr m˙  hc
q˙ f, = = (42)
r πR 2 2
We now construct a model for the flame radiative heat flux
The results for the computed radiation heat flux are compared
consistent with the flame radiation fraction predictable to us. Half
to the average of the measured heat flux by two heat flux sensors
of the radiation leaving the gasses engulfing the flame goes either
in Fig. 9. The computed radiation flux to the burner surface is seen
towards or away from the burner surface. Although the radiation
to be nearly equal to the measured total heat flux for low heat flux
comes from a gas volume region around the flame, the exchange
but as low as 1/3 for higher overall heat fluxes. Next, we can now
with the burner surface is assumed to act on view factor principles,
see how the computed net heat flux compares to that measured.
as if the radiation comes only from the flame surface (optically
thin flame sheet is assumed). Consider the thin flame sheet and
6.3. Net heat flux to the burner
estimate the flame sheet surface area. Radiation view factor alge-
bra with the reciprocity rule is utilized. Then one can obtain an es-
The net flame heat flux to the burner can be computed from
timation of the average radiative heat flux that impinges onto the
Eq. (9) with the re-radiation component given as
burner surface. The view factor of the flame sheet (f) with respect
to the burner surface (s), Fs→ f ,is close to unity because the flame q˙ rr = εs σ Ts4 − T∞

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

be imposed. Its confidence is lower than point sensor result. In

Fig. 11 the prediction is within about 20% for most of the averaged
point data. We think we have the essence of the flame radiative
and convective components understood based on this result.

7. Overall general predictive process and illustration

In this section the solution computations will be explored to

show the effect of pressure, oxygen concentration, and heat of
combustion. Values chosen are motivated by the experimental con-
ditions. In summary, the following conditions are selected:

• Atmospheric pressure: 0.56 and 1 bar

• Atmospheric oxygen mole fraction: 021, 0.265 0.34 and 0.40,
representing NASA considered atmospheres [30,31].
• Material heat of combustion: 23.6 and 47.2 kJ/g, representing a
wide range of plastics.
• Material vaporization temperature: 80 ºC (Later 350 ºC is con-
• Also, properties are chosen for nitrogen at 1400 K in computing
flame size, k/cp = 65 g/s-m, and 350 K in computing convective
Fig. 10. calculated average heat flux vs. measured average heat flux from calorime- heat flux, k/cp = 21.5 g/s-m.
ter (q˙  conv + q˙  f, r − q˙  rr ).
The computation process proceeds as follows:

1. The atmospheric conditions are specified for a given fuel-

nitrogen mixture. This will fix the mass flux and heat of com-
2. The flame height is computed, Eq. (18), then the absorption
coefficient, Eqs. (35, 36), non-dimensional radiation term “ ”
from Eq. (33) and the flame radiation fraction, Eq. (37).
3. The flame temperature is then computed from Eq. (15). If it is
above 1100 K, then the flame is considered as a stable steady
4. The convective and radiative heat fluxes can then be computed
by Eqn. (16 and 42).

7.1. Flame temperature

Flame temperature is key, as it will theoretically indicate cases

above 1100 K that are expected to be steady [10–14,27,28]. This
allows a flammability mapping to be made to ultimately consider
real solid fuel ranges for heat of combustion and heat of gasifi-
cation properties that indicate the possibility of steady burning in
microgravity at specific atmospheric conditions of oxygen concen-
tration and pressure. (Of course, the solid fuel’s vaporization tem-
Fig. 11. calculated average heat flux vs. measured average heat flux from arithmetic perature needs to also be accounted for, but as its effect is rela-
average of the two heat flux sensors (q˙  conv + q˙  f, r − q˙  rr ). tively small, it will be fixed at a small value of 80 ºC, represen-
tative of the experiments.) Fig. 12 shows the results. Actually, the
flame radiative fraction must be computed first, before the flame
where εs = 1 [29] and q˙ rr varies from 0.14 to 1 kW/m2 for all of temperature is computed. In doing so, all the values of radiation
the experimental data based on the direct measurement of the sur- fraction are used in computing the flame temperature, but the re-
face temperature. The measured surfaces temperatures are gener- sults in Fig. 12 are terminated at 1100 K. In subsequent computa-
ally below 100 ºC. tions the results will reflect those conditions above 1100 K.
The net heat flux depends primarily on flame height, mass flux It is striking in Fig. 12 that the lower atmospheric pressure
and heat of combustion. There is a pressure effect through the yields a wider range of burning conditions. This suggests that
flame emissivity. The results for the steady net heat flux data are lower pressure favors burning. Some overall observations follow
shown in Figs. 10 and 11 that are based on measured calorimeter flame temperature, greater than 1100 K and indicates steady burn-
net heat flux [1] and arithmetic average of the two local sensors ing happens more likely at:
on the burner surface [8], respectively. As one sees the calorimeter
values are higher than the average of the two-point values [8]. We • Low pressure
have high confidence in the point values, but recognize an arith- • Lower heats of combustion (because Xr increases)
metic average is assumed. The calorimeter measure was supposed • Higher oxygen concentrations
to capture the true integrated average of the heat transfer, but its • Lower surface temperatures (But we might explore this effect
operation was compromised, and a theoretical correction had to later).

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

Fig. 12. calculated flame temperature vs. mass flux for 25 mm burner and different oxygen mole fractions and p = 1 atm (Left) p = 0.5 atm (Right).

Fig. 13. calculated flame radiant fraction vs. mass flux for 25 mm burner and different oxygen mole fractions and p = 1 atm (Left) p = 0.56 atm (Right) .

7.2. Flame radiation fraction

The flame radiation fraction can be computed from the given

parameters and the results are shown in Fig. 13. Steady experi-
mental data are also included in the figure. Here the results are
shown only for the stable flames with flame temperatures above
1100 K. Also, the experimental results are included to show the
trends are in harmony with the theory, and the theory is extrap-
olated to higher steady mass fluxes. The complete set of experi-
mental data points are shown in Fig. 14 [8]. The trends are similar
in magnitude for the low mass flux, but the data do not show the
theoretical leveling off at higher mass fluxes The lower pressure at-
mosphere can support much higher burning rates. The results even
show burning can exist at 21% oxygen for very low mass flux val-
Some qualitative results can be discerned.
Flame Radiative Fraction:

Fig. 14. measured radiant fraction vs. fuel mixture mass flux for 25 mm burner .
1. Increases sharply with mass flux, then levels off
2. Can support higher burning mass flux at the lower pressure
3. Increases with oxygen mole fraction except for very low mass 7.3. Flame size
4. Decreases with heat of combustion by about 50% to 15% as Here the flame height on the burner central-axis and the flame
the burning mass flux increases where the heat of combustion base radius are computed. The “c-correction” is used for the radius.
drops from about 47.2 to 23.6 kJ/g. The results are shown in Fig. 15 along with some limited data. So

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

Fig. 15. calculated flame height vs. mass flux for 25 mm burner and different oxygen mole fractions (Top) calculated flame radius vs. mass flux for different oxygen mole
fractions (Bottom).

height of about 40 mm, but theoretical flames at low pressure and

high oxygen could extend to 120 mm. Some observations:
Flame size

• Increases with mass flux

• Decreases with oxygen concentration
• Increases with S = hc /hox or heat of combustion
• Larger flames possible at lower pressure

7.4. Calculated convective heat flux

The calculated convective heat flux is primarily affected by the

radiation fraction, and thus through pressure. Figure 17 shows the
theoretical results. The low-pressure flames can survive to higher
mass fluxes. They decrease with mass burning rate and range from
10 to 0.1 kW/m2 , a very low value for Earth flames. Some observa-
Convective heat flux:
Fig. 16. measured flame height vs. fuel mixture mass flux for 25 mm burner .
• Decreases with mass flux
• Increases with ambient oxygen mole fraction
• Decreases with heat of combustion
there is a pressure effect here as well, as bigger flames can exist at
lower pressures. Figure 16 shows the complete steady flame height 7.5. Calculated radiative heat flux
data over a similar range of conditions, but note that it only ranges
over 1 to 6 g/m2 s. The theory and the data are in harmony, but The radiative heat flux depends primarily on the flame radiative
the theoretical plot reveals many more steady flame possibilities. It fraction and the flame size. Figure 18 shows the theoretical results.
should be noted that experimental flames had a maximum flame The radiation drops rapidly with burning rate.

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

Fig. 17. calculated flame convective heat flux vs. mass flux for 25 mm burner and different oxygen mole fractions and p = 1 atm (Left) p = 0.56 atm (Right).

Fig. 18. calculated radiative heat flux vs. mass flux for 25 mm burner and different oxygen mole fractions and p = 1 atm (Left) p = 0.56 atm (Right).

Some observations similar to convective heat flux: Eq. (8) where the burning mass flux is specified, and the heat
Radiative heat flux: fluxes can be computed from the steady flame theory. Typical non-
charring plastics have L values of 2 to 3, with charring materials
• Decreases with mass flux effectively higher. So applicable realistic solids might range from 1
• Increases with ambient oxygen mole fraction to 5 [23,26].
• Decreases with heat of combustion
• Has similar pressure dependence, except lower ambient pres-
sure allows longer burn time 7.6.1. Heat of gasification dependence on burning rate
Figure 19 gives results where the surface vaporization temper-
7.6. Heat of gasification, L ature was representative of the experimental burner emulator, 80
ºC with some representative experimental data. Here L increases
The key parameter after all of this analysis is the heat of with oxygen and decreases with heat of combustion. A plot of heat
gasification. While an ideal quantity for the steady burning of of combustion vs heat of gasification for the various atmospheric
thick solids with evaporative pyrolysis characteristic, it serves as conditions over the range L: 1 to 5 kJ/g and hc : 23.6 to 47.2 kJ
an approximate property that indicates the ability of a material /g would give a flammability mapping of what solids could burn
to release flammable gasses upon heating. It is computed from in microgravity. Figure 20 shows how the complete steady data

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

Fig. 19. calculated heats of gasification vs. mass flux for different oxygen mole fractions and p = 1 atm (Left) p = 0.56 atm (Right).

7.6.3. Heat of gasification dependence on fire diameter

Now examine the effect of the diameter of the burning material.
The diameter is doubled twice from 25 mm to 50 mm to 100 mm.
Figures 22 and 23 show the results. For the range of realistic L val-
ues, the effect of size does not significantly change the results. In-
deed, a careful examination over the 25 to 100 mm range shows
nearly the same results of L for mass flux over 1 to 5 g/m2 s. For a
wide range of plastics, L values of 1 to 5 kJ/g and heats of combus-
tion of 23.6 and 47.2 kJ/g can be representative.
There is a subtle effect of size. The time to reach steady con-
ditions is much longer as the burning diameter increases. The fac-
tor erfc( 2√ τ
) controls the time for the flame to grow to its steady
value, with that when erfc( 2√ τ
) = 1. If ξ is related to the flame
height and considered of the O(1), then erfc (0.01) = 0.99.
√ = 0.01 or τ = 2500
2 τ
D∞ t k
τ= , D∞ =
R2 ρ cp

D∞ t
Fig. 20. heats of gasification based on calculated total average surface heat flux vs. = 2500, D∞ = 2.7 x 10−4 m2 /s
experimental fuel mixture mass flux and ambient conditions (dashed line indicates R2
experimental results trend-line for steady flames) . Time to steady state = 10R2 (mm )2 at 99% steady
for R = 12.5 mm steady time is estimated as 1560s; for 25 mm
6250 s; and for 50 mm 250 0 0s. These are astounding times, but
yielded the L plot. The data generally follow the theoretical trends
this is math not physics. In practical terms for about 95% of steady
for the effect of pressure, oxygen and heat of combustion.
state, the
Time to steady state = 0.4R2 (mm ) at 95% steady

7.6.2. Heat of gasification dependence on surface burning gives for R = 12.5 mm an effective estimated steady time of 63 s;
temperature for 25 mm 250 s; and for 50 mm 10 0 0s. In any event, the gas-
Let us examine how a more realistic vaporization temperature phase transient in flame size depends strongly on the burning ra-
might affect these results. A temperature representative of burning dius. However, the time governing the flame heat flux achieving
plastics is selected as 350 ºC for illustration. The surface temper- steady conditions is much shorter. Experimental data is needed
ature affects surface re-radiation heat flux and the net heat flux here to fully understand the effect of size on burning time.
accordingly. Heat of gasification is decreased when surface tem- A close examination of the theoretical and experimental results
perature is increased for a given mass flux. Figure 21 gives these for the heat of gasification suggests some similarity for the results,
results. They are similar to Fig. 19, but only are steady for a lower especially over the range of realistic fuels in the range of 1 to
range of burning rates. 5 kJ/g. Figure 24 shows a composite for the extreme (maximum

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

Fig. 21. calculated heats of gasification vs. mass flux for different oxygen mole fractions and p = 1 atm (Left) p = 0.5 atm (Right) for surface temperature of 350 ºC and
surface diameter of 25 mm.

Fig. 22. calculated heats of gasification vs. mass flux for different oxygen mole fractions and p = 1 atm (Left) p = 0.5 atm (Right) for a burner of 50 mm in diameter.

Table 1
effect of atmosphere, heat of combustion and mass flux on burning parameters (+: increase, -: decrease).

Parameters Pressure Oxygen Heat of combustion Burning mass flux

Flame radiation fraction + and expands + + +

Flame size expands – + +
Convective heat flux expands + – –
Radiation heat flux expands + – –
Heat of gasification expands + – –

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

Fig. 23. calculated heats of gasification vs. mass flux for different oxygen mole fractions and p = 1 atm (Left) p = 0.5 atm (Right) for a burner of 100 mm in diameter.

Fig. 24. heat of gasification composite for size (25, 50, 100 mm diameter), surface temperature (80 and 350 ºC), heat of combustion (47.2 and 23.6 kJ/g), and ambient
conditions (0.56 and 1 bar ambient pressure; 0.21, 0.34 and 0.40 oxygen mole fractions).

and minimum) curves for each of the three material sizes (12.5, measurements allowed us to correlate flame radiative loss frac-
25 and 50 mm) and surface temperature of 350 °C to bracket the tion with a dimensionless parameter, . The parameter includes
results and to show this footprint. All the graphs, varying in pres- the effects of ambient conditions (i.e., ambient pressure, oxygen
sure, oxygen, heat of combustion, surface temperature and burner mole fraction), fuel heat of combustion, surface temperature, and
size up to 100 mm in diameter cover the same portion of the re- flame emissivity. (See Eqs. (4,18,32-36).) Since BRE flames in mi-
sults with the mass flux varying from about 1 to 5 g/m2 s. This is crogravity do not contain soot, it is assumed that flame emissiv-
a remarkable result. It says that burning in microgravity for sur- ity only depends on carbon dioxide and water vapor. However, the
faces up to 100 mm in diameter will typically range from about 1 empirical parameter does depend on the fuel, and here only
to 5 g/m2 s. ethylene-nitrogen mixtures were examined. RADCAL was used at
a nominal flame temperature (1400 K) to determine the emissivity
8. Conclusions for a given path length. It was shown that if the RADCAL output
absorption coefficients is divided by the sum of partial pressures
An analytical solution, based on classic diffusion flame theory, of radiating components of the combustion products, all data will
was used to analyze microgravity flames generated by a gaseous collapse on an empirical curve that suggests it only depends on
fuel-supplied burner that emulates condensed-phase fuels burn- path length. The path length is taken as the center flame height
ing. An empirical analysis based on flame radiation theory and calculated analytically. Being able to calculate radiation fraction al-

P. Dehghani and J.G. Quintiere Combustion and Flame 233 (2021) 111572

lows us to compute flame temperature and 1100 K is taken as a and for given ambient oxygen mole fraction and pressure with also
criterion for flame extinction [10–14]. It also allows calculation of consideration of external radiant heat flux. NASA Flammability Test
convective heat flux with a radiation correction on the heat of 2, the Cone Calorimeter or equivalent, has the means to classify
combustion. The radiation heat flux is computed based on geo- materials into these properties. This is a pathway for establish-
metrical view factor analysis along with Xr to estimate the radiant ing a science-based fire safety evaluation methodology for mate-
heat flux that impinges on the surface. The net heat flux is com- rials used in spacecrafts. A follow up analysis to this paper should
posed of the algebraic sum of convective, radiative and re-radiation investigate these fire conditions and safety implications for space
from surface that allows the heat of gasification to be computed flight materials.
for a specified fuel-mixture mass flux. The effect of burner size
and surface temperature (350 ºC that represents real fuels burn- Declaration of Competing Interest
ing) are also investigated. It is shown that as burner diameter is
increased, flame radiant fraction is increased and heats of gasifica- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
tion are decreased in an asymptotic-like behavior. Surface temper-
ature introduces substantial change in heat of gasification in which Acknowledgements
re-radiation heat loss decreases the burning rates, i.e., Figs. 19 and
21. However, external radiation can offset this effect, and increase Helpful discussions with Prof. P. B. Sunderland, Dr. H.R. Baum
the mass flux. As in Earth-based fires, external radiation is key to (especially his rendition of the original diffusion flame solution),
massive fire growth; it is likely this can be an issue in micrograv- Dr. J. L. deRis and D. P. Stocker are greatly appreciated. This inves-
ity as well. The analytical algorithm given in this paper has been tigation is funded by NASA’s ISS Research Program through agree-
shown to accurately predict steady conditions of burning for a sur- ment 80NSSC20M0119. The authors are grateful to the engineering
face of 25 mm diameter and has been analytically examined for and operations teams, especially Angie Adams, Operations Lead;
larger diameters. This analysis gives one a powerful analytical tool Melani Smajdek, Planning Lead; Dennis Stocker, Project Scientist;
to predict the steady burning in microgravity as a function of fuel and Uday Hegde, Deputy Project Scientist.
properties and ambient conditions.
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