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In brief, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is

the only international organization dealing with
the global rules of trade. Its main function is to
ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably
and freely as possible.

Global trade rules

The overall objective of the and greater choice of the
WTO is to help its members finished products, components,
use trade as a means to raise raw materials and services they
living standards, create jobs and use. Producers and exporters
improves people’s lives. know foreign markets will remain
open to them.
The WTO operates the global
system of trade rules and helps This leads to a more prosperous,
developing economies build their peaceful and accountable
trade capacity. economic world. Decisions in
the WTO are typically taken
Global rules of trade provide by consensus among all
assurance and stability. members and they are ratified
Consumers and producers know by members’ parliaments.
they can enjoy secure supplies Trade frictions are channelled

into the WTO’s dispute other barriers between members important trade
settlement process, peoples and trading rights. They also bind
where the focus is on economies. governments to keep their
interpreting agreements trade policies transparent
and commitments and At the heart of the and predictable which is
how to ensure that system – known as to everybody’s benefit.
members’ trade policies the multilateral trading
conform with them. That system – are the WTO’s The agreements provide
way, the risk of disputes agreements, negotiated a stable and transparent
spilling over into political and signed by a large framework to help
or military conflict is majority of the world’s producers of goods and
reduced. trading economies, and services, exporters and
ratified in their parliaments. importers conduct their
By lowering trade barriers These agreements are business.
through negotiations the legal foundations for
among member global trade. Essentially, The goal is to improve the
governments, the WTO’s they are contracts, welfare of the peoples of
system also breaks down guaranteeing WTO the WTO’s members.

By lowering trade
barriers through
among member
governments, the
WTO’s system also
breaks down other
barriers between
peoples and
trading economies.

Trade negotiations
The World Trade Organization prosperous trading system
came into being in 1995. One of contributing to unprecedented
the youngest of the international growth.
organizations, the WTO is
the successor to the General The system was developed
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade through a series of trade
(GATT) established in the wake negotiations, or rounds, held
of the Second World War. under the GATT. The first rounds
dealt mainly with tariff reductions
So while the WTO is relatively but later negotiations included
young, the multilateral trading other areas such as anti-dumping
system that was originally set up and non-tariff measures. The
under the GATT is over 75 years 1986-94 round – the Uruguay
old. Round – led to the WTO’s
The past 75 years have seen
The past an exceptional growth in world The negotiations did not end
75 years trade. Merchandise exports there. In 1997, an agreement was
have seen an have grown on average by 6% reached on telecommunications
annually. This growth in trade services, with 69 governments
has been a powerful engine agreeing to wide-ranging
growth in for overall economic expansion liberalization measures that went
world trade. and on average trade has beyond those agreed in the
Merchandise grown by 1.5 times more than Uruguay Round.
exports have the global economy each year.
Total exports in 2022 were In the same year, 40 governments
grown on
250 times the level of 1948. successfully concluded
average by The GATT and the WTO have negotiations for tariff-free trade in
6% annually. helped to create a strong and information technology products,
and 70 members concluded a
financial services deal covering
more than 95% of trade in
banking, insurance, securities
and financial information.

In 2000, new talks started on

agriculture and services. These
were incorporated into a broader
work programme, the Doha
Development Agenda, launched
at the fourth WTO Ministerial
Conference in Doha, Qatar, in
November 2001.

The new work programme At the 9th Ministerial a decision to abolish

included negotiations Conference in Bali in 2013, agricultural export
and other work on non- WTO members struck subsidies, fulfilling one
agricultural tariffs, trade the Agreement on Trade of the key targets of
and the environment, WTO Facilitation, which aims the UN Sustainable
rules on anti-dumping and to reduce border delays Development Goal
subsidies, trade facilitation, by slashing red tape. on “Zero hunger”.
transparency in government When fully implemented,
procurement, intellectual this Agreement – the An amendment to the
property and a range of first multilateral accord WTO’s Intellectual Property
issues raised by developing reached at the WTO – will Agreement entered into
economies as difficulties cut trade costs by more force in 2017, easing poor
they face in implementing than 14% and will lift economies’ access to
WTO agreements. global exports by as much affordable medicines. The
as US$ 1 trillion per year. same year saw the Trade
Negotiations on these Facilitation Agreement
and other topics have The expansion of the enter into force.
resulted in major updates Information Technology
to the WTO rulebook. Agreement – concluded More recently, the
A revised Government at the 10th Ministerial 12th Ministerial Conference
Procurement Agreement – Conference in Nairobi in in June 2022 saw the
adopted at the WTO’s 8th 2015 – eliminated tariffs adoption of a landmark
Ministerial Conference on an additional 200 Agreement on Fisheries
in 2011 – expanded the IT products valued at Subsidies as well as
coverage of the original over US$ 1.3 trillion per multilateral responses to
agreement by an estimated year. Another outcome the food crisis and the
US$ 100 billion a year. of the Conference was COVID-19 pandemic.

WTO agreements
How can you ensure that trade is of about 30 agreements and
as fair as possible, and as open separate commitments (called
as is practical? By negotiating schedules) made by individual
rules and abiding by them. members in specific areas, such
as lower tariffs and services
The WTO’s rules – the market-opening.
agreements – are the result
of negotiations between the Through these agreements,
Each member members. The current set is WTO members operate a non-
receives largely the outcome of the 1986- discriminatory trading system
guarantees 94 Uruguay Round negotiations, that spells out their rights and
which included a major revision of their obligations. Each member
that its the original General Agreement receives guarantees that its
exports will on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). exports will be treated fairly and
be treated consistently in other members’
fairly and The Uruguay Round created new markets. Each promises to do
consistently rules for dealing with trade in the same for imports into its own
services and intellectual property market. The system also gives
in other and new procedures for dispute developing economies some
members’ settlement. The complete set runs flexibility in implementing their
markets. to some 30,000 pages consisting commitments.

Goods Dispute settlement

It all began with trade in goods. From The WTO’s procedure for resolving trade
1947 to 1994, the GATT was the forum conflicts under the Dispute Settlement
for negotiating lower tariffs and other Understanding is vital for enforcing the
trade barriers; the text of the GATT spelt rules and therefore for ensuring that
out important rules, particularly non- trade flows smoothly. Governments bring
discrimination. disputes to the WTO if they think their
rights under the WTO agreements are
Since 1995, the Marrakesh Agreement being infringed. Judgements by specially
Establishing the WTO and its annexes appointed independent experts are based
(including the updated GATT) has become on interpretations of the agreements and
the WTO’s umbrella agreement. It has individual members' commitments.
annexes dealing with specific sectors
relating to goods, such as agriculture, The system encourages members to settle
and with specific issues such as product their differences through consultation
standards, subsidies and actions taken with each other. If this proves to be
against dumping. A recent significant unsuccessful, they can follow a stage-
addition was the Trade Facilitation by-stage procedure that includes the
Agreement, which entered into force in possibility of a ruling by a panel of experts
2017. and the chance to appeal the ruling on
legal grounds. Confidence in the system is
Services borne out by the number of cases brought
Banks, insurance firms, telecommunications to the WTO – more than 600 cases since
companies, tour operators, hotel chains and the WTO was established compared with
transport companies looking to do business the 300 disputes dealt with during the
abroad enjoy the same principles of more entire life of the GATT (1947-94).
open trade that originally only applied to
trade in goods. Trade monitoring
The WTO's Trade Policy Review Mechanism
These principles appear in the General is designed to improve transparency, to
Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). create a greater understanding of the trade
WTO members have also made individual policies adopted by WTO members and to
commitments under the GATS stating assess their impact. Many members see the
which of their service sectors they are reviews as constructive feedback on their
willing to open to foreign competition, and policies. All WTO members must undergo
how open those markets are. periodic scrutiny, each review containing
reports by the member concerned and the
Intellectual property WTO Secretariat.
The WTO’s Intellectual Property
Agreement contains rules for trade in In addition, the WTO undertakes regular
ideas and creativity. The rules state monitoring of global trade measures.
how copyrights, patents, trademarks, Initially launched in the wake of the financial
geographical names used to identify crisis of 2008, this global trade monitoring
products, industrial designs and exercise has become a regular function of
undisclosed information such as trade the WTO, with the aim of highlighting WTO
secrets – “intellectual property” – should members' implementation of both trade-
be protected when trade is involved. facilitating and trade-restricting measures.

Building trade capacity in

developing economies
Over three-quarters of WTO The Aid for Trade initiative,
members are developing or launched by WTO members
least-developed economies. in 2005, is designed to help
All WTO agreements contain developing economies build
special provisions for them, trade capacity, enhance their
including longer time periods infrastructure and improve their
to implement commitments, ability to benefit from trade-
measures to increase their trading opening opportunities. So far,
opportunities and support to over US$ 500 billion has been
help them build the infrastructure disbursed to support Aid for
needed to participate in world Trade projects. A Global Review
trade. of the initiative is held every two
years at the WTO’s headquarters.
A WTO Committee on Trade
Committee and Development looks at The Enhanced Integrated
on Trade and developing economies’ special Framework (EIF) is the only
Development needs. Its responsibility multilateral partnership dedicated
looks at includes implementation of the exclusively to assisting least
WTO agreements, technical developed countries (LDCs) in
cooperation and the increased their use of trade as an engine for
economies’ participation of developing growth, sustainable development
special economies in the global trading and poverty reduction. The EIF
needs. system. partnership of 51 countries,

24 donors and eight partner

agencies, including the WTO,
works closely with governments,
development organizations, civil
society and academia. The EIF
has invested in over 170 projects,
with US$ 220 million committed
to supporting the poorest
countries in the world.

Another partnership supported

by the WTO is the Standards
and Trade Development Facility
(STDF), set up to help developing
economies meet international
standards for food safety, plant
and animal health and access
global markets. The WTO
houses the Secretariat and
manages the STDF trust fund,
which has provided financing
of over US$ 50 million to
support projects in low-income

Technical assistance
and training
The WTO organizes hundreds of
technical cooperation missions to
developing economies annually.
It also holds many trade policy
courses each year in Geneva for
government officials. Regional
seminars are held regularly in
all regions of the world, with
a special emphasis on African
countries. In 2022, some
9,000 participants benefited from
technical assistance activities
and e-learning courses aimed
at improving understanding of
WTO agreements and global
trade rules.

How the WTO is organized

Functions The WTO’s top level decision-
The WTO’s overriding objective is making body is the Ministerial
to ensure trade flows as smoothly Conference, which meets usually
and predictably as possible and every two years.
to help its members use trade as
a means to raise people’s living Below this is the General Council
standards. It does this by: (normally ambassadors or heads
of delegation based in Geneva
• administering trade but sometimes officials sent from
agreements a member’s government) which
• acting as a forum for trade meets several times a year in
negotiations the Geneva headquarters. The
• settling trade disputes General Council also meets as
• reviewing national trade the Trade Policy Review Body
policies and the Dispute Settlement Body.
• building the trade capacity of
developing economies At the next level, the Goods
• cooperating with other Council, Services Council and
international organizations Intellectual Property (TRIPS)
Council report to the General
Structure Council.
The WTO has 164 members,
accounting for 98% of world Numerous specialized
trade. A total of 25 countries are committees, working groups and
negotiating membership. working parties deal with the
individual agreements and other
Decisions are made by the entire areas, such as the environment,
membership. This is typically development, membership
by consensus. The WTO’s applications and regional trade
agreements have been ratified in agreements.
all members’ parliaments.

The WTO has 164 members,

accounting for 98% of world
trade. A total of 25 countries
are negotiating membership.

Committees on: Conference
Trade and Environment
Trade and Development
Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries General Council
meeting as General Council
Regional Trade Agreements meeting as Dispute
Balance of Payments Restrictions Trade Policy
Review Body Settlement Body
Budget, Finance and Administration

Working parties on:


Working groups on:

Trade, debt and finance
Trade and technology transfer Council
Dispute settlement
Inactive panels
Relationship between Trade and Investment
Interaction between Trade and Competition

Plurilateral Council for
Council for Trade-Related Council for Trade in Civil Trade
Trade in Aspects of Trade in Aircraft Committee Negotiations
Goods Intellectual Services Government Committee
Property Rights Procurement

Committees on: Committees on: Doha Development Agenda:

Agriculture Trade in Financial Services Trade Negotiations Committee
Anti-Dumping Practices Specific Commitments and its bodies
Customs Valuation
Import Licensing Working parties on:
Special sessions of:
Market Access Domestic Regulation
Rules of Origin GATS Rules Services Council / TRIPS Council /
Safeguards Dispute Settlement Body /
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agriculture Committee /
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Trade and Development Committee /
Technical Barriers to Trade Trade and Environment Committee
Trade Facilitation
Trade-Related Investment Measures Negotiating groups on:
Participants on the
Expansion of Trade in Information Market Access
Technology Products Rules

Working party on:

State Trading Enterprises

Reporting to General Council (or a subsidiary)

Reporting to Dispute Settlement Body
Plurilateral committees inform the General Council or Goods Council of their activities, althogh these agreements are not signed by all WTO Members
Trade Negociations Committee reports to General Council

WTO Secretariat
The WTO Secretariat, The Secretariat’s main The Secretariat also
based in Geneva, has duties are to supply provides some forms
around 620 staff and is technical support for of legal assistance in
headed by a Director- the various councils/ the dispute settlement
General. It does not have committees and the process and advises
branch offices outside ministerial conferences, to governments wishing to
Geneva. Since decisions provide technical assistance become members of the
are taken by the WTO’s for developing economies, WTO. The annual budget
members, the Secretariat to analyse world trade and contributed by members
does not itself have a to explain WTO activities to is roughly 197 million
decision-making role. the public and media. Swiss francs.

LOCATION: Geneva, Switzerland

ESTABLISHED: 1 January 1995

CREATED BY: Uruguay Round negotiations (1986–94)

MEMBERSHIP: 164 members representing 98% of world trade

BUDGET: 197 million Swiss francs for 2023


HEAD: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Director-General)

• Administering WTO trade agreements
• Forum for trade negotiations
• Handling trade disputes
• Monitoring trade policies
• Technical assistance and training for developing economies
• Cooperation with other international organizations


• 10 things the WTO can do (available from Rue de Lausanne 154,

the WTO Online Bookshop and CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland
downloadable from the WTO website) Tel.: +41 (0)22 739 51 11
• WTO Annual Report (available from the
WTO Online Bookshop and downloadable WTO Information and External Relations Division
from the WTO website) e-mail:
• WTO Website:
• WTO iLibrary: WTO Publications

WTO Online Bookshop

WTO iLibrary
This work is published under the responsibility
of the WTO Secretariat. The opinions
expressed and arguments employed herein © World Trade Organization 2023
do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views Print: ISBN 978-92-870-7486-7
of WTO members. PDF: ISBN 978-92-870-7376-1

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