The Benefits of HIT

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At the Intersection of Health, Health Care and Policy

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Melinda Beeuwkes Buntin, Matthew F. Burke, Michael C. Hoaglin and David
The Benefits Of Health Information Technology: A Review Of The Recent Literature
Shows Predominantly Positive Results
Health Affairs, 30, no.3 (2011):464-471

doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2011.0178

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Health Information Technology

By Melinda Beeuwkes Buntin, Matthew F. Burke, Michael C. Hoaglin, and David Blumenthal
doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2011.0178

The Benefits Of Health

NO. 3 (2011): 464–471
©2011 Project HOPE—
The People-to-People Health
Foundation, Inc.

Information Technology: A Review

Of The Recent Literature Shows
Predominantly Positive Results
Melinda Beeuwkes Buntin
( is ABSTRACT An unprecedented federal effort is under way to boost the
director of the Office of
Economic Analysis, Evaluation,
adoption of electronic health records and spur innovation in health care
and Modeling, Office of the delivery. We reviewed the recent literature on health information
National Coordinator for
Health Information Technology
technology to determine its effect on outcomes, including quality,
(ONC), Department of Health efficiency, and provider satisfaction. We found that 92 percent of the
and Human Services, in
Washington, D.C. recent articles on health information technology reached conclusions
that were positive overall. We also found that the benefits of the
Matthew F. Burke is a policy
analyst at the ONC. technology are beginning to emerge in smaller practices and
organizations, as well as in large organizations that were early adopters.
Michael C. Hoaglin is a former
policy analyst at the ONC. However, dissatisfaction with electronic health records among some
providers remains a problem and a barrier to achieving the potential of
David Blumenthal is the
national coordinator for health health information technology. These realities highlight the need for
information technology. studies that document the challenging aspects of implementing health
information technology more specifically and how these challenges might
be addressed.

ealth information technology other key entities as they adopt electronic health
(IT) has the potential to improve records and achieve so-called meaningful use, as
the health of individuals and the spelled out in federal regulations.5
performance of providers, yield- The legislation and subsequent regulations
ing improved quality, cost sav- were designed to spur adoption and yield bene-
ings, and greater engagement by patients in their fits from health information technology on a
own health care.1 Despite evidence of these ben- much broader scale than has been achieved to
efits,2 physicians’ and hospitals’ use of health IT date. Building on that effort, the Affordable Care
and electronic health records is still low.3,4 Act of 2010 underscored the importance of
To accelerate the use of health IT, in 2009 health IT in achieving goals related to health care
Congress passed and President Barack Obama quality and efficiency.
signed into law the Health Information Technol- Specifically, establishing the Center for Medi-
ogy for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) care and Medicaid Innovation emphasized the
Act, as part of the American Recovery and Rein- importance of identifying and testing innovative
vestment Act. HITECH makes an estimated payment and care delivery models. Many of the
$14–27 billion in incentive payments available payment and care delivery model opportunities
to hospitals and health professionals to adopt in the legislation, and in the initial projects
certified electronic health records and use them specified by the Innovation Center, require an
effectively in the course of care.1 The legislation information technology infrastructure to coordi-
also established programs within the Office of nate care. For example, the medical home dem-
the National Coordinator for Health Information onstrations project in federally qualified health
Technology to guide physicians, hospitals, and centers that is an initial focus of the Innovation

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Center requires electronic record keeping, com- tative outcomes. Analyses that forecast the ef-
munication with patients, and e-prescribing. fects of a health IT component were included
Earlier reviews of the effects of health IT have only if they were based on effects experienced
found some evidence of the benefits of the tech- during actual use. Evaluations of health IT com-
nology. The reviews also revealed that benefits ponents not used in clinical practice were
accrued more often to large organizations that dropped. For example, a retrospective analysis
were early adopters of health information tech- of strategies to identify hospitalized patients at
nology. As a result, an important question is risk for heart failure was excluded because the
whether or not new evidence suggests that ben- methods were not implemented in a hospital.8
efits might be more widely attainable than pre- Using this framework, the review team re-
viously thought. This review will update policy moved 2,692 articles based on their titles. An
makers, innovators, health IT users, and those additional 1,270 articles were determined to be
contemplating adoption on the newer literature outside the study’s scope after the team exam-
about the technology’s effects on care delivery ined the article abstracts. For example, 269 ab-
and on provider and patient satisfaction. stracts focused solely on health IT adoption. By
the third review stage, the review team had 231
articles. An additional forty-three were excluded
Study Data And Methods after further review because they did not meet
Two previous articles presented results from sys- the criteria, and thirty-four review articles were
tematic reviews of the peer-reviewed literature dropped from the analyses because they did not
from 1994 to June 2007. Basit Chaudhry and present new work. This left 154 studies that met
colleagues6 covered articles from 1995 to January our inclusion criteria, 100 of which were con-
2004, and Caroline Goldzweig and colleagues2 ducted in the United States. This is comparable
examined articles from June 2004 to June 2007. to the 182 studies found over a slightly longer
We used the methods and selection criteria of time period that were evaluated by Goldzweig
these two studies to update their findings on and colleagues.2
the effects of health IT for the period July 2007 Classifying Studies Studies were classified
up to February 2010. by study design, care setting, health IT compo-
Other reviews evaluating effects of health in- nents, functions included in the meaningful-use
formation technology exist; our study turned criteria, and outcomes addressed.5 In terms of
up thirty-four during this period. But these re- study design, there were sixty-five that tested
views do not address the same set of health IT hypotheses quantitatively; fifty descriptive stud-
functionalities as the articles by Chaudhry and ies with quantitative results; thirty-two descrip-
Goldzweig and their colleagues. Similar to those tive qualitative studies; three case studies; and
two earlier reviews, we tried to be as comprehen- four predictive studies. Two different members
sive as possible and included peer-reviewed pub- of the review team classified each article. Differ-
lications assessing effects of electronic health ences between first and second abstractions were
records; computerized provider order entry; discussed. Final decisions involving 16 of the 154
clinical decision-support systems; health infor- articles were made by the study leader, Melinda
mation exchange; e-prescribing for outpatients; Beeuwkes Buntin.
patients’ personal health records; patient regis- Discussions of the health IT systems in the
tries; telemedicine or remote monitoring; infor- literature usually were not specific enough to
mation retrieval; and administrative functions. determine precisely which meaningful-use crite-
Using the same criteria as in the reviews by ria were met. As a result, we tracked the compo-
Chaudhry and Goldzweig and their colleagues, nents that were included in the criteria to the
we searched the online journal database MED- best of our abilities and coded only those func-
LINE for the period July 2007 up to Febru- tions that were explicitly mentioned in the ar-
ary 2010. The search resulted in a baseline of ticles. Articles were also categorized by overall
4,193 articles. Exact search terms and an “evi- conclusion as either: positive, mixed-positive,
dence table” depicting study purpose, clinical neutral, or negative. In addition, each outcome
setting, areas of health IT addressed, outcomes measure within each article was classified into
measured, and findings are provided in the on- one of the four categories.
line Appendix.7 Positive articles and outcomes were ones in
Following Chaudhry and Goldzweig and their which health information technology was asso-
colleagues, we decided that to be included in this ciated with improvement in one or more aspects
review, an article had to address a relevant aspect of care, with no aspects worse off. In articles that
of health IT, as listed in the Appendix;7 examine tested for significant differences, the improve-
the use of health information technology in clini- ments were statistically significant; in other ar-
cal practice; and measure qualitative or quanti- ticles, findings were classified as positive if they

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were portrayed as improvements by the authors. Had we followed the exact methodology pre-
For a neutral rating, health information tech- scribed by Goldzweig and colleagues,2 thirty-two
nology was not associated with any demonstra- descriptive qualitative studies would have been
ble change in care or care setting according to the dropped, and thirty-four systematic reviews
criteria above. would have been included. However, applying
To earn our mixed-positive rating, either the their methodology would not have altered
authors had to draw a positive conclusion overall qualitatively any of the overall findings de-
in the abstract or conclusion, or, in the absence scribed below.
of a summary judgment, our best assessment of Limitations Our findings must be qualified
the evidence presented in the article had to be by two important limitations: the question of
that the positive effects of health IT outweighed publication bias, and the fact that we implicitly
the negative effects. However, the article or out- gave equal weight to all studies regardless of
come, or both, had to include at least one neg- study design or sample size.We elaborate on both
ative aspect. Articles in this category had roughly below.
three positive outcomes for every negative out- ▸▸ PUBLICATION BIAS : First, publication bias is
come (data not shown). always a concern when conducting a review. This
We created a mixed-negative rating for articles bias exists in two forms: Negative findings are
or outcomes with overall negative conclusions not published as often; and potential negative
but positive aspects. However, we found so few effects are not always sought or uncovered. A
mixed-negative and negative outcomes that we recent study found that for clinical trials, studies
categorized them together as negative. In nega- with positive results are roughly four times more
tive articles, therefore, health information tech- likely to be published than those without positive
nology was associated with at least one out- findings.10
come’s being worse off. Because the articles were limited to health IT
For articles that evaluated multiple outcomes, adopters, we anticipated that authors more often
we also assigned multiple outcome categories. approached studies looking for benefits rather
For example, a study that assessed the effect of than adverse effects. Similarly, we relied on the
a health IT system on both quality (effectiveness) standards of the journals in which the studies
and cost (efficiency) of care was assigned indi- were published to weed out situations in which
vidual effectiveness and efficiency conclusions financial relationships existed between the au-
and an overall conclusion. thors and the systems evaluated, but it is possible
Under this system, it is still possible to have a that ongoing vendor relationships would affect
mixed result with respect to the effect of infor- decisions to publish.
mation technology on the individual measure in It is important to note that although publica-
question. For example, a study that assessed the tion bias may lead to an underestimation of the
efficiency effects of a health IT implementation trade-offs associated with health IT, the benefits
could find that it both decreases transcription found in the published articles are real.
costs yet increases the time physicians spend ▸▸ EQUAL WEIGHT : Second, as noted above, we
performing administrative functions related to implicitly gave equal weight to all studies, re-
the electronic health record. gardless of study design or sample size. We did
We acknowledge the shortcomings of catego- this, however, with the realization that any
rizing often nuanced findings. It is also rarely method of weighting the evidence would be sub-
possible to capture every effect of implementing jective, given the wide variation in settings and
IT in a peer-reviewed publication. We felt, how- outcomes covered by this review. Hence, when
ever, that this rating system allowed us to aggre- discussing the evidence, we took into account—
gate the studies’ findings in a useful way. but did not attempt to formally weight—factors
Our criteria differed in two respects from the that can increase the generalizability of the evi-
earlier reviews. First, we included descriptive dence, such as sample size, inclusion of multiple
qualitative studies in order to capture focus- measures, and use of statistical methods.
group reports, studies using qualitative inter-
views, and firsthand assessments of health IT
implementations, which we considered impor- Results
tant evidence when aggregated as in this study. Of the 154 included studies, 96 (62 percent) were
Second, we excluded systematic reviews, be- positive, which means that health information
cause we reasoned that such reviews would cover technology was associated with improvement in
articles already included in our review or in prior one or more aspects of care, with no aspects
reviews. The opposite choice was made in a re- worse off; and 142 (92 percent) were either pos-
cent review of review articles published by Ashley itive or mixed-positive. As described in more de-
Black and colleagues.9 tail above, mixed-positive articles or outcomes

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were those in which the authors drew a positive study found that clinical decision support de-
conclusion overall but the article demonstrated creased the amount of time dialysis center staff
at least one negative aspect of health information spent with patients for anemia management by
technology. These 154 studies tracked 278 indi- nearly 50 percent, but clinical outcomes were
vidual outcome measures. Of these measures, maintained.14
240 (86 percent) had at least mixed-positive out- On the inpatient side, a clinical decision-
comes (Exhibit 1). support tool designed to decrease unnecessary
Positive Findings In the 92 percent of articles red blood cell transfusions reduced both trans-
with positive overall conclusions, most either fusions and costs but did not increase patients’
used statistical methods to test hypotheses length-of-stay or mortality.15 A study addressing
(sixty-two studies) or were descriptive studies health IT in forty-one Texas hospitals found that
that included quantitative findings (forty-five hospitals with more-advanced health IT had
studies). Indeed, studies using statistical meth- fewer complications, lower mortality, and lower
ods to test hypotheses, assessing two or more costs than hospitals with less-advanced health
outcomes of health ITuse, or including efficiency IT.16 On the negative side, one of these articles
or effectiveness were more likely to have positive reported that “most wired” hospitals had higher
conclusions than those that did not (Exhibit 2). costs than those less wired during the study
For example, studies that used statistical hy- period, although mortality was lower for heart
pothesis testing were more than twice as likely attack patients in these hospitals.17
(2.1 times greater) to produce an overall positive We included sixty-nine studies that assessed
conclusion compared to those that did not use electronic health records, forty-four that ad-
statistical hypothesis tests. Studies that assessed dressed computerized provider order entry,
provider or staff satisfaction were less likely to and forty-four that assessed clinical decision-
reach positive conclusions than those that did support systems (categories are not mutually
not, as were descriptive studies, as indicated by exclusive, which accounts for the fact that the
an odds ratio less than 1. In these studies, pro- total exceeds the number of articles included in
viders often cite unsatisfactory technology or our study). These represent increases in the
technology support as barriers to adopting and number of articles with these functionalities
realizing the benefits of health IT.3,4,11,12 over those found by Goldzweig and colleagues.2
Of the eighteen qualitative articles that did not There was also suggestive, but not significant
address provider or staff satisfaction, sixteen (p < 0:10), evidence that studies assessing more
had at least mixed-positive conclusions overall. complete electronic health records, compared to
Most negative findings within these articles re- specific health IT tools, were more likely to reach
late to the work-flow implications of implement- more positive findings (data not shown). Of the
ing health IT, such as order entry, staff interac- included studies, fifty-four evaluated health in-
tion, and provider-to-patient communication. formation technology outside the United States.
We also found that articles addressing more International studies were no more positive or
health IT functionalities included in the mean- negative than those from the United States (data
ingful-use regulation5 had slightly higher num- not shown).
bers of positive findings on individual measures
(0.2 more positive findings on average,
p < 0:05) compared to articles that did not ad- Exhibit 1
dress such functionalities. This was not because
of the statistical artifact of articles’ including Evaluations Of Outcome Measures Of Health Information Technology, By Type And Rating
more meaningful-use criteria that incorporated
more measures (and thus more positive ones),
so this is limited evidence that addressing Neutral
meaningful-use criteria yields positive benefits. Negative
We included fourteen studies assessing both
quality and efficiency outcomes, none of which
was categorized as negative overall. Eleven of the
fourteen used statistical methods to test hy-
Among these fourteen articles, one study
found that patient mortality and nurse staffing
levels decreased by as much as 48 percent and
25 percent, respectively, in a three-year period
after three New York City dialysis centers imple- SOURCE Authors’ analysis of published peer-reviewed studies. NOTE A total of 278 outcome mea-
mented an electronic health record.13 Another sures were evaluated across all studies included in our final sample.

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Exhibit 2

Health Information Technology: Study Design And Scope Factors Associated With Positive Overall Conclusions
Number of applicable Odds ratios for overall
articles positive effect p value
Study design
Statistical methods used to test
hypotheses 65 2.13 0.03
Descriptive, qualitative 32 0.38 0.02
Included two or more outcome measures 67 2.39 0.001
Included efficiency effects as a measure 73 2.34 0.01
Included effectiveness/quality effects
as a measure 45 2.75 0.01
Included provider/staff satisfaction as a
measure 44 0.16 0.001

SOURCE Authors’ analysis of published peer-reviewed studies. NOTES Odds ratios compare the odds of a positive overall finding for the
category shown against the relevant reference group. The reference groups are as follows. For hypothesis tests: descriptive studies
(qualitative or quantitative), case studies, or predictive analyses; for descriptive qualitative studies: hypothesis tests, descriptive
studies with quantitative results, case studies, or predictive analyses; for measurement variables: included less than two outcome
measures, did not include efficiency effects, did not include effectiveness/quality effects, did not include provider/staff satisfaction.

Negative Findings We categorized ten studies ership turnover, an unrealistic schedule, and a
as containing negative overall findings. These vendor whose products were not ready on time.
represent potential problems associated with The implementation was associated with an in-
the implementation and use of health informa- crease in patient care errors, including medica-
tion technology. Two of these studies used stat- tion errors, procedure errors, and patient falls.
istical methods to test hypotheses; four of them Had the IT system been better planned and
were qualitative in nature. In addition, negative implemented, the authors believe that these pit-
articles addressed fewer meaningful-use criteria falls could have been avoided.20
than did articles with neutral, mixed-positive, or Another article found that use of an electronic
positive overall conclusions (data not shown). health record inhibited interaction during ward
Of the two negative articles testing hypothe- rounds compared to use of paper charts.21 Two
ses, one evaluated e-prescribing at three ambu- negative studies addressed electronic orders.
latory care sites. After the site was adjusted for, One qualitative study found that work-flow prob-
e-prescribing took marginally longer than hand- lems emerged at an Australian pathology lab
written prescriptions. However, the article did after the lab began receiving orders electroni-
not evaluate the accuracy of prescription orders cally.22 In a second qualitative study at an Aus-
from the electronic application versus a paper- tralian emergency department, providers be-
based method.18 The second article evaluated as- lieved that the computerized provider order
sociations between patient factors and using entry system was not usable, did not meet their
health information exchange to access patient expectations, and improperly altered their
data. The study concluded that providers’ use responsibilities.23
of health information exchanged with other The remaining negative articles addressed
providers was positively correlated with patients’ other issues. A US study addressing a clinical
prior utilization, chronic conditions, and age. decision-support system for depression found,
In other words, providers were more likely to in pilot testing, that variability in computer lit-
access information via exchanges for higher-risk eracy and information systems led to unsuccess-
patients than for those who received less- ful implementations.24 After adopting electronic
frequent care. As a result, the authors concluded health records, some Norwegian physicians
that expectations of use reductions from health found that the overall availability of patient rec-
information exchanges may have to be re- ords improved but that the comprehensiveness
examined.19 of information within each record, especially for
Among the descriptive studies with negative chronically ill patients, was worse.25
conclusions, one evaluated the implementation A study in the Netherlands focused on the out-
of health IT in a small rural hospital. According comes of implementing computerized provider
to the authors’ assessments, the hospital faced a order entry in six internal medicine wards of an
lack of clinical leadership, staff skepticism, lead- academic medical center. The article found that

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nurse-physician medication collaboration was ticipants in focus groups did not view as an ad-
impaired by the implementation of computer- vantage the ability to have secure e-mail commu-
ized provider order entry.26 A study in New Jersey nication with providers through the patient
after the state implemented electronic reporting portal.30
for suspected Lyme disease cases found that the Single-Institution Studies And Health IT
number of reports increased, yet the percentage Leaders Goldzweig and colleagues also exam-
of positive cases after investigation decreased, ined studies of leaders in health information
which suggested that the e-reporting system technology.2 We added the Department of De-
facilitated overreporting.27 fense to their health IT leaders list, which in-
In addition to ten articles with negative overall cluded institutions such as Intermountain
conclusions, five individual negative findings Healthcare in Salt Lake City, Utah; Partners
were included in the group of mixed-positive Healthcare in Boston, Massachusetts; Regen-
articles. These additional findings related to pa- strief Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana; and
tient safety, efficiency of care, patient satisfac- Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee. The list also
tion, and provider satisfaction. included leaders at care systems including the
The negative outcomes on patient safety and Veterans Affairs system, the Kaiser Permanente
provider satisfaction occurred during imple- health system, and the National Health Service
mentation of an inpatient computerized pro- in the United Kingdom, all of which have been
vider order entry system at the aforementioned recognized for their pioneering efforts in health
Dutch academic medical center.28 Although com- information technology.
puterized provider order entry improved pre- Twenty-eight articles (18 percent) included in
scription legibility and completeness, it intro- our study came from health ITleaders, compared
duced work-flow problems that clinicians were with thirty-six (20 percent) in the study by
dissatisfied with and thought might compromise Goldzweig and colleagues2 and sixty-four
safety. (25 percent) in the study by Chaudhry and col-
In addition to the negative finding regarding leagues.6 These studies did not differ systemati-
costs in the “most wired” hospitals mentioned cally from the others in terms of overall conclu-
above, a negative efficiency finding was dis- sions, use of statistical methods, number of
cerned in a third study by the same authors at outcome measures, or number of meaningful-
a Dutch academic medical center that imple- use criteria explicitly addressed (Exhibit 3).
mented a computerized provider order entry More than half (98, or 64 percent) of our 154
system.29 Qualitative interviews found that studies addressed health IT in a single institution
although the implementation improved the or tightly integrated network. Of these, twenty-
transfer of medication-related information from eight came out of the health IT leaders discussed
physicians to nurses or pharmacists, the system above: twelve from Partners Healthcare, five
did not allow transactions in both directions, from Veterans Affairs, four from Kaiser Perma-
and it could not account for different medica- nente, three from the UK National Health Ser-
tion-related tasks of different disciplines, such vice, two from Intermountain, and one each
as having a physician review a current medica- from Regenstrief and Vanderbilt.
tion list or having nurses or pharmacists verify a
new prescription and dosage. To overcome these
barriers, professionals reverted to traditional Discussion
methods of communication. A large majority of the recent studies show meas-
The negative finding on patient satisfaction urable benefits emerging from the adoption of
was observed in a US study. It reported that par- health information technology. However, with

Exhibit 3

Outcomes And Study Methods: Health Information Technology Leaders Compared To All Others
From health IT leader All others p value (two-tail)
Number of studies 28 126
Reached positive overall conclusion 19 (68%) 83 (61%) 0.25
Used statistical methods to test a hypothesis 13 (46%) 52 (41%) 0.31
Mean number of outcomes 1.64 1.52 0.20
Mean number of meaningful-use criteria 1.89 1.63 0.18

SOURCE Authors’ analysis of published peer-reviewed studies.

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so few negative articles and findings, there is

only suggestive evidence that more advanced sys-
The “human element”
tems or specific health IT components facilitate
greater benefits.
is critical to health IT
In fact, the stronger finding may be that the implementation.
“human element” is critical to health IT imple-
mentation. The association between the assess-
ment of provider satisfaction and negative
findings is a strong one. This highlights the im-
portance of strong leadership and staff “buy-in”
if systems are to successfully manage and see with delivery system reforms can reinforce the
benefit from health information technology. translation of research into broad practice.
The negative findings also highlight the need President Obama and Congress envisioned
for studies that document the challenging as- that the HITECH Act would provide benefits in
pects of implementing health IT more specifi- the form of lower costs, better quality of care,
cally and how these challenges might be ad- and improved patient outcomes. This review of
dressed. Taking a cue from the literature on the recent literature on the effects of health in-
continuous quality improvement, every negative formation technology is reassuring: It indicates
finding can be a treasure if it yields information that the expansion of health IT in the health care
on how to improve implementation strategies system is worthwhile. Articles addressing both
and design better health information technolo- efficiency and effectiveness—the outcomes most
gies. Specific data on the aspects of electronic in line with national goals—are more positive,
health records and other tools that physicians and have more sophisticated study designs,
find most difficult to use, the training and sup- than those that do not—most notably, articles
port needed before implementation begins, and addressing single outcomes or focusing on pro-
the unintended consequences of technology vider satisfaction. Thus, with HITECH, providers
adoption could be fed into product development have an unparalleled opportunity to accelerate
and technical assistance programs for providers. their adoption of health information technology
In terms of assessing how the evidence has and realize benefits for their practices, institu-
changed, perhaps the most important point of tions, patients, and the broader system.
contrast with earlier reviews is that the newer In addition, studies of innovative uses of
studies are no more robust and the findings are health IT continue to emerge. The challenge
no more positive for health IT leaders than for for federal policy makers will be to monitor these
organizations outside that group. In other developments, spur the development of new in-
words, providers other than the large integrated formation tools, and disseminate the most
care models that have led health IT adoption promising findings more widely.
seem to be experiencing effects similar to those In this way, the broad base of electronic health
of early health IT leaders. record use fostered by the HITECH Act will be
When considering new federal efforts de- only the beginning. The Innovation Center cre-
signed to bring forth benefits from health IT ated under the Affordable Care Act, together with
on a broad scale, this is perhaps the most im- the actions of private-sector health plans and
portant finding. Federal funding was tradition- providers, will be able to build on this foundation
ally used to spur basic research in science, tech- to test innovative care delivery and payment
nology, and medicine. More recently, policy strategies. What’s more, through the broad use
makers and clinicians have recognized the im- of health information technology, they will be
portance of translational research and behav- able to test innovations in care delivery and pay-
ioral factors in the diffusion of medical innova- ment in diverse practice settings, capture data on
tion. Health information technology is an arena the effects of those strategies, and feed data back
in which new federal efforts to align payment into the cycle of innovation. ▪

Preliminary findings, trends, and Research Meeting, Boston, Maryland, College Park, October 8–9,
literature were presented at the Massachusetts, June 27–29, 2010; the 2010. The authors thank Gwen Cody and
Healthcare Information and Management National Conference on Health Matthew Swain, who categorized
Systems Society (HIMSS) 2010 Annual Statistics, Washington, D.C., August articles and provided data entry
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, March 16–18, 2010; and the Workshop on support, and Fred Blavin, who provided
1–4, 2010; the AcademyHealth Annual Health IT and Economics, University of helpful comments and feedback.

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N Engl J Med. 2010;362(5):382–5. implementation among health in- come orders—a formative investiga-
2 Goldzweig CL, Towfigh A, Maglione formation management professio- tion into the impact of a computer-
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health information technology: new and analysis. Perspect Health Inf a pathology laboratory service. Int J
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DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.28.2.w282. tronic patient record use on mor- reports of the impact of electronic
3 DesRoches CM, Campbell EG, Rao tality in end stage renal disease, a ordering on an emergency depart-
SR, Donelan K, Ferris TG, Jha A, model chronic disease: retrospective ment. Stud Health Technol Inform.
et al. Electronic health records in analysis of 9 years of prospectively 2009;150:678–82.
ambulatory care—a national survey collected data. BMC Med Inform 24 Trivedi MH, Daly EJ, Kern JK,
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