Genre and Style-Specific Dance Techniques

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For Skill Acquisition


4 First Quarter
Topic Genre and Style-Specific Dance Techniques
GradeLevel Grade
TimeAllotment 40 minutes
Teacher Paul John Taguinod
Learning The student should be able to:
Competencies a.) identify and define at least three distinct dance genres and their characteristic styles;(Cognitive)
b.) Execute a choreographed sequence incorporating genre-specific movements with precision,
fluidity, and coordination; (Psychomotor)
c) express genuine enthusiasm and admiration for the aesthetic qualities of three distinct dance
genres, demonstrating an emotional connection to the art form. (Affective)

ValuesIntegration Cleanliness, Good Character, Peaceful Mind and Healthy Life

Time allotment 40 minutes
Materials PPT and other instructional materials


5 minutes
Teacher Activities Student Response
1. Prayer
Before we start our class let us pray first. Yes sir (Yes sir. (Dear Lord and father of all. Thank you for
today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us, for your
protection and love. Guide us by your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around us. We ask all this in the
name of Jesus. Amen!)

Good morning Sir Paul, good morning classmate it’s nice to

see you. Mabuhay!
2. Greetings
Good morning class

It’s nice to see you all. Mabuhay! (Students will tell who's absent for the day)
(Checking of attendance)

Wow that is great, I am glad that everyone is motivated

to attend in school "Yes it was great sir!"
"Yes Sir!"
"So how's your day? Is it good so far?"
"That’s good to know. So, are you ready to discuss our "Yes Sir!"
new topic today?’Okay that’s good, so let’s begin this
with agroup activity! Are you ready?

3. Energizer – “Dance Freeze”

Now, we will be going to do some exercise to stretch our
(The student is performing)
body. Okay everyone stands up.

Very good everyone, you may take your sit.

4. Establishing Class Rules

• Be on time.
• Be attentive
• Be active
• Be respectful to one another.

Class, I hope that we can apply this classroom rules in

my class. Are we okay with that? Yes sir
6 minutes PPT/Other IM’s
A. Review
So today, is our first discussion. Everyone listens
carefully because we will be going to start this academic
year with full of learning and energy.

Are you all ready?

Yes sir!
Very good!

Ask and tell portion
When it comes to dance genre or dance style what A dance came from different country sir for example the
comes in your mind? samba which is originated in brazil that has different style
compared to different dances like hip-hop.
Do you think knowing the dance genre is important to
our daily life style? Yes sir, so that we can identify what country it came from and
their style of dance sir.

Thank you for your wonderful ideas that may help you to
understand our new topic for today but before that we
will be having an activity first before we properly
proceed to our lesson proper.

The teacher will present the motivation

B. Motivation
Activity 1:

Dance Vision Board

The tracher will ask the students to create a "Dance

Vision Board" using images, words, and symbols that (the house is divided into 3)
represent their dance aspirations and goals. The house
will be divided into 3 groups. Magazines, scissors, glue,
and large sheets of paper or digital platforms are
provided for creating virtual vision boards. Try to think
about you're dream performances, desired dance styles,
and the emotions they want to convey through dance.
The teacher will pick a student who are going to share
what they included on their boards and explain the
significance of each element.

Times up, were done writing the ideas and now let’s
proceed to presentation.

Jeyrald, John ray, and Sara please come here in front

and share your group idea. Yes, sir.

Thank you for everyone effort and collaborative ideas.

Please go back to your sits and pick up pieces of paper.

Do you find the activity difficult and exciting class ? No sir, because everybody had their own ideas that made the
activity easier and it excite us because through that activity we
can set long term goals if we persue dancing courses.

Very good, nice observation.


15 minutes PPT/OTHER IM’s
Topic: Genre and Style-Specific Dance Techniques

Our topic for today is all about Genre and Style-Specific

Dance Techniques but before we continue to our proper
discussion everyone read our learning outcomes.
The student should be able to: OBJECTIVES:
a.) identify and define at least three distinct dance The student should be able to:
genres and their characteristic styles;(Cognitive) a.) identify and define at least three distinct dance genres and
b.) Execute a choreographed sequence incorporating their characteristic styles;(Cognitive)
genre-specific movements with precision, fluidity, and b.) Execute a choreographed sequence incorporating genre-
coordination; (Psychomotor) specific movements with precision, fluidity, and coordination;
c) express genuine enthusiasm and admiration for the (Psychomotor)
aesthetic qualities of three distinct dance genres, c) express genuine enthusiasm and admiration for the aesthetic
demonstrating an emotional connection to the art form. qualities of three distinct dance genres, demonstrating an
(Affective) emotional connection to the art form. (Affective)

Very good class, at the end of the lesson we will be

going to achieve that learning objectives.

Now the teacher will be going to discuss the Genre and

Style-Specific Dance Techniques

(Discuss the Genre and Style-Specific Dance


Genre and Style-Specific Dance Techniques

A dance genre is simply a dance style or a type of

dance.... Some of the most popular kinds of dance
include ballet, modern and contemporary dance,
hip-hop and various types of social and ballroom
dance. These large hierarchical dance genres can be
further divided into subcategories.
This is the end of our proper discussion

Did you understand our topic? (Everyone listening)

Do you think it important to learn? and why?

Do you think we can apply this in our daily living? How?

Yes, teacher

Yes, sir because through those history we can identify a dance

where it come from base on its movement and also the style.

Yes sir, especially to the cultural context through that we can

express our unsaid thoughts through dancing
5 minutes PPT
Story Time


The house will be divided into 3 groups. Each

group will create a simple story telling through (Everyone proceeds to their groupings)
dance. The group with the best presentation will
be the winner

Class, did you understand our instruction?

Okay Jayce can you explain it again.
(Jayce will explain the instruction again that everyone can
understand the instruction)

Each group prepares their own story routine.

Very good group one you perform very well telling story
through dances.

(The rest of the group will perform the steps of their (The remaining group will perform)

After the performance of all groups the winner will be

Congratulation kids. Our Lesson for today can really
help to be healthy and free from diseases.

Guide Question
1. Did you enjoy our activity? Yes sir.
2. Do you think we can apply this in our daily living? (The students will answer the question)
In what way?
3. Do you want to share your learnings today to Yes sir (The students will answer the question)
your family
4. How can we apply this learning in time of (The students will answer the question)
situation such as covid-19)
9 minutes PPT
Performance Task
Global Dance Showcase
So now, we will have a performance


1. The class will be divided into 4 groups.

2. Each group will chose one global dance.
3. Must not have the same dances.
4. 30 seconds dance routine of the chosen dance
5. The group who perform best will be the winner
(Perform within 2 minutes)
This is the rubrics as basis of your performance. Do
your best and enjoy and learn with thus activity.


Excellent Satisfactor Needs

(10) y (5) Improvemen
t (3) (Perform within 2 minutes)
Content The output The output The output
includes all includes the does not
the important include the
important details and important
details and some ideas details and
the ideas are aligned the ideas are
are aligned to the topic. not aligned to
to the topic. the topic.
Creativity/ The output The output The output (Perform within 2 minutes)
Originality displays lacks lacks
creativity creativity creativity and
and free and free it is being
from from copied from
plagiarism. plagiarism. the internet.
Performance The The The
performance performance performance
is excellent is excellent is not
but does not
master the
excellent and
does not
(Perform within 2 minutes)
the concept concept of master the
of their the output. concept of
output. the output.
Teamwork The The The
members members members do
contributed contributed not
their ideas their ideas contribute
and but merely their ideas
participated participated and not
in making in making participated
the output. the output. in making the
Total: 40pts

After all the presentation the teacher will announce who

will be the winner.

Since, we already done with our performance. Prepare

¼ sheet paper for our quiz.

The teacher will present the quiz.

Now, you can start answering.

Multiple choice
Instruction: Encircle the correct answer

1. What is the primary purpose of dance in many

ancient civilizations?

 a) Entertainment
 b) Religious and ceremonial expression
 c) Physical fitness
 d) Political propaganda

2. Which historical period saw the emergence of

court dances like the pavane and galliard?

 a) Renaissance
 b) Baroque
 c) Medieval
 d) Classical

3. Who played a significant role in the development

of ballet during the Baroque period?

 a) Martha Graham
 b) Isadora Duncan
 c) King Louis XIV
 d) Vaslav Nijinsky

4. What characterizes the Romantic era in dance?

 a) Narrative ballets with emotional and fantastical

 b) Formalized court dances
 c) Experimental and avant-garde movements
 d) Strict adherence to classical ballet technique

5. What was a key development in 20th-century

dance that emphasized freedom of movement and
individual expression?

 a) Classical ballet
 b) Modern dance
 c) Baroque dance
 d) Flamenco

6. In the late 20th century, what dance forms gained

global popularity, originating from urban

 a) Classical ballet
 b) Folk dances
 c) Contemporary dance
 d) Hip-hop and street dance

7. What is a common characteristic of traditional

dances in various cultures?

 a) Strict adherence to a universal dance style

 b) Frequent changes in choreographic patterns
 c) Connection to rituals, ceremonies, and cultural
 d) Emphasis on individual expression over
community connection

8. How has globalization influenced dance in the Yes sir!

21st century?

 a) It has led to the disappearance of traditional

dance forms.
 b) It has isolated cultures, preventing the
exchange of dance styles.
 c) It has facilitated the exchange of dance styles
and led to fusion and cross-cultural
 d) It has standardized dance movements across
all cultures.

Class, are Done?

Okay pass your paper forward.

Before we end our class, this is our assignment for the

next meeting.

Direction: Short Essay (15 points):

Write a short paragraph on the historical and social

significance of the dance.

I hope you learn something for today’s discussion.

Excellent Satisfactory Needs

(8) (5) Improvement
Content/ The The The
Accuracy reflection reflection reflection
paper paper paper does
includes all includes the not follow
the aspects aspects of the proper
of the proper the proper writing and
writing and writing and the ideas
the ideas some ideas are not
are aligned are aligned aligned to
to the topic. to the topic. the topic.
Creativity/ The The The
Originality reflection reflection reflection
paper paper lacks paper lacks
displays creativity in creativity
creativity in writing and and it is Goodbye sir, goodbye classmate see you tomorrow.
writing and free from being copied MABUHAY!
free from plagiarism. from the
plagiarism. internet.
Neatness The The The
reflection reflection reflection
paper is paper has paper is not
clean and few clean and
no erasures. erasures there are
Total: 24pts

Goodbye class



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