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1.Given the following network with activities and their respective ETs:

b 5
5 2

1.1 Find the IPA/s of each activity

1.2 Enumerate the paths and find the critical path
1.3 Draw this network indicating the ES, EF, LS, and LF of each activity. Also, indicate the slacks for each

2. You are managing a software development project consisting of 8 activities that need to be completed in
a specific order.

Activity Predecessors Optimistic Time Most Likely Pessimistic Time

(OT) Time (MT) (PT)

A - 3 days 5 days 7 days

B - 2 days 3 days 5 days

C A 4 days 6 days 8 days

D B 1 days 2 days 4 days

E A 2 days 3 days 5 days

F C,D 3 days 5 days 8 days

G E 1 day 2 days 3 days

H F,G 4 days 6 days 7 days

Using the PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) analysis, answer the following
2.1 Construct the network diagram.
2.2 Calculate the expected time (ET) for each activity.
2.3 Determine the critical path for the project.
2.4 Solve for the slacks using the forward pass and backward pass methods. To solve for this, provide
a table that contains the ES, EF, LS, and LF of each activity.
3. Jean Walker is making plans for spring break at the beaches in Florida. In applying techniques, she
learned in her quantitative methods class, she has identified the activities that are necessary to prepare for
her trip. The following table lists the activities, the activity times, and the immediate predecessors.

Draw the network for this project.

Find the ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack times for each activity. Then find the critical path.

4. A national conference is planned in a college. The activities are listed down along with their predecessors
and time taken. Prepare a network diagram and determine the critical activities.
The following table lists the jobs of a network along with their estimates.

5. Draw the project network diagram, and label the activities with the numbers above.
6. Compute for the normal cost, crash cost, and cost slopes.
7. Do compression process in 45 days, and compute how much will be the cost of finishing the project in
45 days.
8. Do expansion process, and compute how much will the cost be.
9. The following details are available regarding a project. Determine the critical path, the critical activities,
and the project completion time.
1. Solve for the cost slope of each activity.
2. Draw the network. Determine total cost, enumerate the paths, find the critical path and completion
time under the all-normal time network.
3. Determine total cost, enumerate the paths, find the critical path and completion time under the all-
crash time network.
4. Finish the project in the shortest time with the lowest cost. (Expand the non-critical activities in an
all-crash time network).
5. Finish the project in 10 weeks. Compress some of the critical activities in an all-normal time

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