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EGYPT history,

cultures, tradition
and beliefs
By Chinua Achebe
Chinua Achebe is a renowned Nigerian novelist, poet, professor, and critic. His works highlight
the clash of Western and traditional African values. His style reflects Igbo oral tradition. The
narration is peppered with folk stories, proverbs, and oratory. Among his many works, ‘Things
Fall Apart’, ‘Arrow of God’ is very popular. His works highlight the clash of Western and
traditional African values. Here in the story “The Voter” we see how the democratic exercise of
the west corrupts the innocent Igbo people. Marcus Ibe was a Mission school teacher.
He plunged into politics and won the election. The people of Umuofia elected him without any
monetary demands. He became the Minister of Culture in the PAP government. Politics had
changed his life phenomenally: he gained wealth, titles, and honours. On the opening ceremony
of his new house, he had arranged a great feast for his villagers. The people realized the magic
of politics. They did not want to vote for him in the next election for free. Roof was a loyal
follower of Marcus Ibe and very popular in his village. He understood the pulse of the people very
well. He vehemently campaigned for Marcus even striking a bargain of 4 shilling with the
However, on the night of the election, the leader of the POP campaign team met Roof and
offered him 5 pounds to vote for Maduka. He accepted the offer swearing on Iyi hoping that his
one vote would not make any difference. On the voting day, he was in a dilemma. He came up
with an idea. He tore the ballot paper into two pieces and put one half in each box and came out
as happily as ever.
Summary of the story

Roof returns to his village to help the illiterate people

Roof (Rufus Okeke) is an educated person who returns to his village in order to help the illiterate people in
his own way. He had worked as a bicycle repairer’s apprentice in Port Harcourt but out of a free will, he
gave up his brighter future and returned to the village to help his people. However, their village Umuofia had
already produced a minister of Culture Chief the honorable Marcus Ibe in the outgoing government and was
now running for another election with his party ‘People’s Alliance Party’ (PAP).
It was at the time of the elections that he involved himself completely both to meet his selfish needs and a bit of social
concern. Roof was the perfect adviser for Hon. Marcus during the elections as he required a person of Roof’s nature to act
as the Campaign manager. We are further told that;
The villagers had had five years in which to see how quickly and plentifully politics brought wealth, chieftaincy titles,
doctorate degrees, and other honors. They kept wondering how politics makes people very rich in a short time because
Marcus had been a mission school teacher before he joined the politics that came to their village. In a short time, he had
become Chief the Honorable with two big cars, and had built himself the biggest house ever in that area and christened it
“Umuofia Mansion” in honor of his village. However, he is credited that despite his success he was still devoted to his
people. At times he left the good things of the city and returned to his village which had neither running water nor
electricity. He had just installed a private plant to supply the electricity in his new house.
Summary of the story

Marcus throws a feast for the villagers

On the day it was opened by the archbishop, he had slaughtered five bulls and countless goats to
entertain the village people. They all praise him but after the feasting, they become aware of how
they had underrated the power of the ballot paper. Marcus was prepared for satisfying his voters this
time around. He had drawn five months’ worth of salary in advance and changed a few hundred
pounds into shillings and gave the money to his campaign boys so that he could meet the
expenditures. Roof we are told was the most trusted of these campaigners.
The hectic day right before the voting day was when Roof met five elders from the village in the house
of Ogbuefi Ezenwa and gave them 2 shillings each hoping that it would make them support Marcus.
He reminds them that Marcus is a son from their own village and his part that is in power has
promised them pipe-borne water. They inform him that it is true what he tells them but it would be
shameful to take two shillings from Marcus because he is no longer poor. He is now rich and does his
things like a great man. They give him a proverb that
“But today is our day; we have climbed the iroko tree today and would be foolish not to take down all
the firewood we need” 4
Summary of the story

Roof bribe the villagers to support Marcus

He understood what they meant by “firewood” because he too has been benefiting from the
firewood from Marcus. So, he added one shilling for each but they still objected and finally,
he gave each man another shilling. He said if they don’t like then they may go and vote for
the enemy, referring to the Progressive Organisation Party (POP). This was formed by the
tribes down the coast to save themselves from total political, cultural, social, and religious
annihilation. It was said that the party had let loose so much money in Umuofia just for
buying votes.
On that same night, Marcus received a strange visit. A few of the POP campaign boys
entered Roof’s house and tempted him with five ponds and ask him to vote for Maduka. He
takes the money then they ask him to swear by the local deity “Iyi” from Mbata. He was left
with no other alternative but to obey.

Summary of the story

Roof split his vote into two

On the day of the election, Roof watched the reaction of Marcus quite often because he did
not want Marcus to suspect him. Marcus sat in his car shaking hands of the people who
came to congratulate him in advance. Roof and other organizers gave the last-minute
instructions to the voters. He tells them that if they vote for the car they will one day ride in
it. Although he was expected to win Marcus never wanted to lose any vote after all had cast
their votes, he asked his campaign boys to go for voting starting with Roof. When Roof was
asked to cast his vote, he did not know what to do. He did not want to betray Marcus even
in secret. He thought of returning the five pounds but it was too much money to turn down
just like that.
All of a sudden, a grand idea struck him. Without a second thought, he tore the ballot
paper into two halves and put the first half into Maduka’s box, and verbally proclaimed that
he has first voted for Maduka and put another half in Marcus’s box and moved out.
The story gives the message to most African countries and people who do not conduct
free and fair elections. In most African countries, politicians bribe the voters so that
they can win. The author, therefore, intends to correct these vices and injustices done
by the political leaders during campaigns, elections, and when they are in power. “The
Voter ”is a beautiful story symbolic of the entry of a new system of governance into the
innocent settlements of native people in Africa. It shows how Igbo people fall prey to
the snares of the western systems. The story also depicts how the democratic exercise
of the west introduced in Africa corrupts the innocent Igbo folks.

The title, The Voter, clearly expresses the unsatisfied
poor African voter who has been pictured as the voter.
He is used by the politicians. Because of money and
other promises, he is unable to maintain his or her
loyalty during election. The Voter has been confused
with bribes and wonders whom to he should vote for
because he has taken the bribe from both two political
The story is set in Umuofia Village, Nigeria.

The Plot
The story talks about Mr. Rufus Okeke. He is a bicycle repairer who influences people in his village in political affairs. He is
popularly known by his people as Roof. The whole villagers support the People’s Alliance Party (PAP), the party that Roof
campaigns for. The party’s candidate is Mr. Marcus Ibe. Marcus Ibe was formerly a school teacher but he later on becomes
the politician and the Minister for Culture. Ibe is a Member of Parliament as well. He is very tough in his constituency that
he does not want any person to oppose him during election.
Roof is again behind Mr. Marcus Ibe who again wants to participate in the fourth coming election. Roof is believed to have
a great convincing power. Thus, he is almost listened by all people of different ages and status. The writer says about
“He had become a real expert in election campaign at all levels – village, local government or national.”
Normally, voters do not need money form their leaders but to solve their problems like construction of infrastructures,
better healthcare, and education for their
children. But most of the time, voted leaders do not remember the voters. It is even said that it is only their money which
helps them to be elected. Even after five years of being in leadership, they go back to the local people to ask for the vote.
This is what happens to the people of Umuofia village.
Thank you

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