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CCC101 - Introduction to Programming 1
Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor

Department of Computer Science

College of Computer Studies
MSU - Iligan Institute of Technology
‣ to learn how to declare and use arrays for storing
collections of values of the same type

‣ to understand how to use a subscript to reference

the individual values in an array

‣ to learn how to process the elements of an array in

sequential order using loops

‣ to understand how to pass individual array elements

and entire arrays through function arguments

2 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Your Task
Write a program that reads 10 numbers from the keyboard and then
stores them

3 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Your Task
Write a program that reads 10 numbers from the keyboard and then
stores them

Solution 1

int num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7,

num8, num9;

printf(“Enter a number 1: ”);

scanf(“ %d”, &num0);

printf(“Enter a number 2: ”);

scanf(“ %d”, &num1);

. . .

printf(“Enter a number 10: ”);

scanf(“ %d”, &num9);
4 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07
‣ is a collection of data items of the same element type

‣ to solve many programming problems, it is more

ef cient to group data items together in main memory
than to allocate an individual memory cell for each

‣ a collection of two or more adjacent memory cells

called array elements that are associated with a
particular name

‣ is an ordered list of values

5 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

To setup an array in memory, we must declare both the
name of the array and the number of cells associated with it:

double x[8];

The declaration above will instruct the compiler to associate

8 adjacent memory cells with the variable name x.

Each element of array x may contain a single type double

value, so a total of 8 such numbers may be stored and
referenced using the array name x.

6 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

To process the data stored in an array, we reference each
individual element by specifying the array name and
identifying the element desired using a subscripted

x[2] is element 3 of array x

An array of size N is indexed from zero to N-1

7 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Declaration and Initialization

Declare and initialize an array of oats:

float prices[3] = {1.2, 2.3, 3.4};

or you can also initialize it later:

float prices[3];

prices[0] = 1.2;
prices[1] = 2.3;
prices[2] = 3.4;

8 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Declaration and Initialization

Declaring an array of characters of size 3:

char letter[3] = {‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’};

or we can skip the size and leave it to the compiler to

estimate the size of the array:

char letter[] = {‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’};

9 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Sample Manipulation of the elements of array x

10 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Your Task
Write a program that reads 10 numbers from the
keyboard and then stores them

Solution 2

int i, numbers[10];

for(i=0; i<10; i++){

printf(“Enter number %d”,i);
scanf(“%d”, &numbers[i];

11 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07


#define N 10

int i, numbers[N];

for(i=0; i<N; i++){

printf(“Enter number %d”,i);
scanf(“%d”, &numbers[i]);

for(i=0; i<N; i++){

printf(“ %d”,numbers[i]);
12 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

What will be the output of the following code?


int main(){

int a[5] = {5, 1, 15, 20, 25};

int i, j, m;

i = ++a[1];

j = a[1]++;

m = a[i++];

printf("%d, %d, %d", i, j, m);

return 0;

13 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Array as Formal Parameters
‣ when an array with no subscript appears in the argument
list of a function call, what is actually stored in the
function’s corresponding formal parameter is the address
of the initial array element or the base address of the array

‣ when an array is passed as an argument to a function, the

function will be able to manipulate the original array and
not a copy of the array

‣ in C, it is illegal for a function to have an array as return


14 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Array as Formal Parameters

void fill_array(int list[], int n, int value){

int i;


list[i] = value;

15 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Array as Formal Parameters
Example (continuation..)

int main(){

int i, size=5,
y[size], value=1;

fill_array(y, size, value);

printf("%d ",y[i]);

return 0;

16 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07
Array as Formal Parameters

When an array without

a subscript is passed
as an argument to a
function call, the base
address of the array or
the address of the
initial element of the
array is passed.

17 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Multidimensional Arrays
‣ an array with two or more dimensions

Two-Dimensional Array

‣ we will use to represent tables of data, matrices and other two-dimensional objects


data_type array_name [size1][size2] … [sizen];


double table[ROW_SIZE][COLUMN_SIZE];
void process_matrix(int in[][4], int out[][4], int row_count);

‣ the size of the rst dimension is the only size that can be omitted

‣ multidimensional arrays are initiialized by listing values that are grouped by row

18 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 07

Multidimensional Arrays

char tictac[3][3] = {{‘x’,’o’,’x’},

{‘o’,’x’,’o’}, {‘o’,’x’,‘x’}};

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