E February 19 2023 7th Ot A

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Year 36 No.

44 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green February 19, 2023

Pontifical Work of St. Peter the Apostle (Opus Sancti Petri)

in Christ
Fr. Ruben B. Orbeta Jr., SJ

I entered the Jesuit novitiate

in 2003. I remember
so vividly one of the first
beautiful. The readings
narrate to us once more
our privileged identity as
perfect.” The readings relay
a beautiful message, indeed!
Second, the readings are
conferences delivered by Christians. In baptism, we joltingly challenging. We
our novice master. He told are immersed in the life know how difficult it is to
us that we were then no of the Divine; hence, our follow the Holy God that
longer ordinary gentlemen— life is a participation in we worship. The message
engineers, accountant, the very life of God. The of the liturgical readings
doctor, teachers; we were words of the Lord to Israel sounds so beautiful, yet it is
gentlemen-Jesuit novices. about becoming holy as difficult to live by, if we are
Hence, my primordial the Lord is holy are but a just serious about it. Perhaps
memory of the “formation” reminder to this chosen that was the very reason why
process in the Jesuit novitiate people of who this God our novice master centered
is vocational identity. That that they worship is—holy; his first conference with us
conference stuck with me and in the process, they on the theme of vocational
from that day on, and it are led to realize that since identity. He prodded us that
stayed with me as I moved this God is holy, they, too, as Jesuit novices, all our
further in my Jesuit formation should be holy. In the same actions and decisions had
journey. fashion, St. Paul exhorts his to be scrutinized under the
Dear friends, that particular Corinthian community to be lens of our Jesuit identity.
conference came to the fore grounded once more in who I believe the message of
as I read and reflected upon they are—temples of God today’s readings is in the
the scriptural lections of and dwelling places of the same line.
today’s liturgical celebration. Spirit. Hence, they should Dear sisters and brothers,
They speak so potently about live holy lives. Ultimately, let us pray then for the
the importance of solid Jesus Christ, the fullness grace to be truly grounded
grounding in our vocational of the revelation of God, in our vocational identity as
identity as Christians. To emphatically challenges Christians. May all that we
me, the readings are both his listeners to be true to say and do, the very manner
meaningfully beautiful and their identity as believers that we live our life, be in
joltingly challenging. of God: “So be perfect, just accordance with who we
First, meaningful and as your heavenly Father is are—Christians.
Gloria Take no revenge and cherish
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES no grudge against any of your
Glory to God in the highest,
Entrance Antiphon people. You shall love your
(Ps 13[12]:6) and on earth peace to people
neighbor as yourself. I am the
(Recited when there is no opening song) of good will. We praise you, we
bless you, we adore you, we LORD.”
O Lord, I trust in your merciful glorify you, we give you thanks —The word of the Lord.
love. My heart will rejoice in for your great glory, Lord God, All—Thanks be to God.
your salvation. I will sing to the heavenly King, O God, almighty
Lord who has been bountiful Responsorial Psalm (Ps 103)
Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only
with me. Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb R—The Lord is kind and
Greeting of God, Son of the Father, you merciful.
(The sign of the cross is made here) take away the sins of the world,
P—Grace to you and peace have mercy on us; you take away
the sins of the world, receive   Dm

   
from God our Father and the  
our prayer; you are seated at  
Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord is kind and
All—And with your spirit. the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us. For you alone
Introduction 
Gm A7 Dm
are the Holy One, you alone 

(These [or similar words] may be used

are the Lord, you alone are the     

to address the assembly.)
Most High, Jesus Christ, with me r ci ful.
P—Jesus tells us today that as the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
God’s children we have to imitate God the Father. Amen. 1. Bless the LORD, O my soul;/
his love, which does not limit and all my being, bless his
itself to good people alone. As Collect holy name./ Bless the LORD,
believers, we are not called to P—Let us pray. (Pause) O my soul,/ and forget not all
remain passive before evil and Grant, we pray, almighty his benefits. (R)
injustice around us. May this God, that, always pondering
Eucharist be the source of our 2. He pardons all your iniquities,/
spiritual things, we may carry heals all your ills./ He redeems
inspiration and strength in loving out in both word and deed
our brothers and sisters. your life from destruction,/
that which is pleasing to you. crowns you with kindness and
Penitential Act Through our Lord Jesus compassion. (R)
Christ, your Son, who lives
P—Brethren (brothers and and reigns with you in the 3. Merciful and gracious is
sisters), let us acknowledge the LORD,/ slow to anger and
our sins, and so prepare unity of the Holy Spirit, God,
abounding in kindness./ Not
ourselves to celebrate the for ever and ever.
according to our sins does he
sacred mysteries. (Pause) All—Amen. deal with us,/ nor does he requite
All—I confess to almighty God us according to our crimes. (R)
and to you, my brothers and Liturgy of the word
sisters, that I have greatly sinned 4. As far as the east is from the
First Reading (Lv 19:1–2, 17–18) west,/ so far has he put our
in my thoughts and in my words, (Sit) transgressions from us./ As a
in what I have done and in father has compassion on his
what I have failed to do, (Strike The Lord commanded the Israelites to
children,/ so the L ORD has
your breast) through my fault, love their fellow countrymen. Christian
compassion on those who fear
through my fault, through my love makes no distinction between races,
him. (R)
most grievous fault; therefore I beliefs, and even one’s moral standing.
ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all Christian love transcends all boundaries. Second Reading (1 Cor 3:16–23)
the Angels and Saints, and you, A reading from the Book of The apostle Paul reminds us that the
my brothers and sisters, to pray Leviticus Holy Spirit dwelling in us makes us
for me to the Lord our God. God’s temple. If we are God’s holy
P—May almighty God have The LORD said to Moses,
“Speak to the whole Israelite dwelling, we ought to respect and love
mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
community and tell them: Be each other.
and bring us to everlasting life.
All—Amen. holy, for I, the LORD, your
A reading from the First Letter
P—Lord, have mercy. God, am holy.
of Saint Paul to the Corinthians
All—Lord, have mercy. “You shall not bear hatred
P—Christ, have mercy. for your brother or sister in your BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Do
All—Christ, have mercy. heart. Though you may have to you not know that you are the
P—Lord, have mercy. reprove your fellow citizen, do temple of God, and that the
All—Lord, have mercy. not incur sin because of him. Spirit of God dwells in you? If
anyone destroys God’s temple, you may be children of your of the dead and the life of the
God will destroy that person; heavenly Father, for he makes world to come. Amen.
for the temple of God, which his sun rise on the bad and Prayer of the Faithful
you are, is holy. the good, and causes rain to
Let no one deceive himself. fall on the just and the unjust. P—Let us pray to the Father
If anyone among you considers For if you love those who that he may help us keep
himself wise in this age, let love you, what recompense Christ’s word so that his love
him become a fool, so as to will you have? Do not the tax may truly be perfected in us
become wise. For the wisdom collectors do the same? And if as we say:
of this world is foolishness in you greet your brothers only, R—Father, perfect in us your
the eyes of God, for it is written: what is unusual about that? Do love.
God catches the wise in their not the pagans do the same? C—Loving Father, empower and
own ruses, and again: The Lord So be perfect, just as your guide Pope Francis, bishops,
knows the thoughts of the wise, heavenly Father is perfect.” priests, deacons, and the lay,
that they are vain. towards unconditional love in
So let no one boast about —The Gospel of the Lord.
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus every decision we make and
human beings, for everything Christ. action we do. We pray: (R)
belongs to you, Paul or Apollos
or Cephas, or the world or life C—Loving Father, may those
Homily (Sit)
or death, or the present or the who work in the government
future: all belong to you, and Profession of Faith (Stand) become faithful channels of
you to Christ, and Christ to God. your love. We pray: (R)
All—I believe in one God,
the Father almighty, maker C—Loving Father, may those of
—The word of the Lord. of heaven and earth, of all us who are currently undergoing
All —Thanks be to God. things visible and invisible. great suffering, materially,
I believe in one Lord Jesus emotionally, or spiritually,
Alleluia (1 Jn 2:5) (Stand)
Christ, the Only Begotten Son experience the love they need
All—Alleluia, alleluia. Whoever of God, born of the Father from the people around them.
keeps the word of Christ, the before all ages. God from God,
We pray: (R)
love of God is truly perfected Light from Light, true God from
in him. Alleluia, alleluia. true God, begotten, not made, C—Loving Father, preserve
consubstantial with the Father; in your love those who are
Gospel (Mt 5:38–48) through him all things were currently struggling in their
made. For us men and for our mental health. We pray: (R)
P—A reading from the holy salvation he came down from
Gospel according to Matthew heaven, (at the words that follow, up C—Loving Father, embrace into
All—Glory to you, O Lord. to and including and became man, your perfect love our departed
all bow) and by the Holy Spirit loved ones. We pray: (R)
JESUS said to his disciples: was incarnate of the Virgin C—Let us pray for the urgent
“You have heard that it was Mary and became man. concerns of our community
said, An eye for an eye and For our sake he was crucified and our personal intentions
a tooth for a tooth. But I say under Pontius Pilate, he (pause). We pray: (R)
suffered death and was buried,
to you, offer no resistance P—Loving God, perfect in us
and rose again on the third
to one who is evil. When day in accordance with the your love that our lives may
someone strikes you on your Scriptures. He ascended into always be directed towards
right cheek, turn the other heaven and is seated at the your plan of communion and
one as well. If anyone wants right hand of the Father. He will salvation through Jesus Christ,
to go to law with you over come again in glory to judge our Lord.
your tunic, hand over your the living and the dead and All—Amen.
cloak as well. Should anyone his kingdom will have no end.
press you into service for one I believe in the Holy Spirit, Liturgy of
mile, go for two miles. Give the Lord, the giver of life, who
proceeds from the Father and the eucharist
to the one who asks of you,
and do not turn your back on the Son, who with the Father Presentation of the Gifts
and the Son is adored and (Stand)
one who wants to borrow.
glorified, who has spoken
“ Yo u h ave h e a r d t h a t through the prophets. P—Pray, brethren…
it was said, You shall love I believe in one, holy, All—May the Lord accept the
your neighbor and hate your catholic, and apostolic Church. sacrifice at your hands for the
enemy. But I say to you, love I confess one Baptism for the praise and glory of his name,
your enemies and pray for forgiveness of sins and I look for our good and the good of
those who persecute you, that forward to the resurrection all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P—As we celebrate your
mysteries, O Lord, with the
observance that is your due,
we humbly ask you, that
what we offer to the honor of
your majesty may profit us for
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface (Ordinary Time VIII)
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the Lord.
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, Invitation to Peace P—Bow down for the blessing.
almighty and eternal God. (Pause)
For when your children Invitation to Communion May almighty God bless
were scattered afar by sin, (Kneel) you in his kindness and pour
through the Blood of your Son out saving wisdom upon you.
and the power of the Spirit, P—Behold the Lamb of God,
behold him who takes away All—Amen.
you gathered them again
the sins of the world. Blessed P—May he nourish you always
to yourself, that a people, are those called to the supper
formed as one by the unity with the teachings of the faith
of the Lamb. and make you persevere in
of the Trinity, made the body All—Lord, I am not worthy holy deeds.
of Christ and the temple of the that you should enter under All—Amen.
Holy Spirit, might, to the praise my roof, but only say the word
of your manifold wisdom, be and my soul shall be healed. P—May he turn your steps
manifest as the Church. towards himself and show you
Communion Antiphon the path of charity and peace.
And so, in company with (Jn 11:27)
the choirs of Angels, we praise All—Amen.
you, and with joy we proclaim: Lord, I have come to believe P—And may the blessing of
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God that you are the Christ, the almighty God, the Father, and
of hosts. Heaven and earth are Son of the living God, who is the Son, + and the Holy Spirit,
full of your glory. Hosanna in coming into this world. come down on you and remain
the highest. Blessed is he who with you for ever.
Prayer after Communion
comes in the name of the Lord. (Stand)
Hosanna in the highest.(Kneel) Dismissal
P—Let us pray. (Pause)
Acclamation (Stand) Grant, we pray, almighty P—The Mass is ended. Go in
God, that we may experience peace, glorifying the Lord by
All—We proclaim your Death, the effects of salvation which
O Lord, and profess your Resur- your life.
is pledged to us by these All—Thanks be to God.
rection until you come again. mysteries.
Through Christ our Lord. DO YOU WANT TO
THE CONCLUDING RITES For inquiries and orders:
All—Our Father…
P—Deliver us, Lord… P—The Lord be with you. Facebook: Sambuhay Missalette

All—For the kingdom, the All—And with your spirit. gmail: sambuhay@stpauls.ph
power and the glory are yours Solemn Blessing Telephone no.: (02) 8895-9701
now and forever.

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