E February 05 2023 5th Ot A

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Year 36 No.

42 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green February 05, 2023

National Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking

Of the
Fr. Samy John C. Torrefranca, SSP

E very one of us can relate

to this: when we have the
flu, we lose our appetite and
used in a recipe. I did not
“google” or learn this from
life to the full and fulfill their
calling. We are the salt of
the “YouTube university.” the earth because when we
say, “Wala akong gana kasi Aha moments came when I dissolve our selfishness and
wala akong panlasa.” We may observed and experimented. empty ourselves for others,
then conclude that vigor and
Salt is definitely the magic we create flavors that give
zest are related to taste; thus,
flavors matter. ingredient in cooking. zest and vigor to people’s
lives. The world comes alive
At the height of the Th i s S u n d ay ’s G o s p e l because we continually
pandemic, especially during passage that follows the season it by responding to
the lockdowns, to maintain Matthean Beatitudes tells our purpose to be the salt of
sanity, many became expert us that as salt we must lead the earth.
gardeners, learned how to purpose-driven lives. Jesus
bake, or got their creative asks us to be life-givers, agents “You are the light of the
juices flowing. Personally, of life. We must help others world.” As light, we are called
I embraced the kitchen. showcase their flavors in life to make ourselves visible, not
I enhanced my skills in and create the best menu to shine but to illumine. Light,
cooking and wrote snippets that promotes synodality, in physics, is the fastest-moving
o f i n s p i ra t i o n f o r e ve r y interconnectedness, and reality. We are here to share
menu I prepared. One of the humanitarian concern. As our that quality, to move fast in our
realizations that I had was favorite “tuyo” is preserved mission to be the light of the
that salt not only gives taste by salt, so we are invited to world. Our burning desire to
to food and preserves, it but be catalysts to preserve the enlighten others is fulfilled by
also zaps out and boosts the beauty of life. Jesus wants making our lives a reflection of
flavors of every ingredient us to empower others to live Jesus, the one true light.
Gloria of the Lord shall be your rear
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES guard. Then you shall call,
Glory to God in the highest,
Entrance Antiphon and on earth peace to people and the Lord will answer; you
(Ps 95 [94]:6–7) of good will. We praise you, shall cry for help, and he will
(Recited when there is no opening song) say: Here I am! If you remove
we bless you, we adore you,
O come, let us worship God we glorify you, we give you from your midst oppression,
and bow low before the God thanks for your great glory, false accusation, and malicious
who made us, for he is the Lord Lord God, heavenly King, O speech; if you bestow your
our God. God, almighty Father. Lord bread on the hungry and satisfy
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten the afflicted; then light shall
Greeting Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, rise for you in the darkness,
(The sign of the cross is made here) Son of the Father, you take and the gloom shall become
P—The Lord be with you. away the sins of the world, have for you like midday.
All—And with your spirit. mercy on us; you take away the
—The word of the Lord.
sins of the world, receive our
All—Thanks be to God.
Introduction prayer; you are seated at the
(These [or similar words] may be used right hand of the Father, have Responsorial Psalm (Ps 112)
to address the assembly.) mercy on us. For you alone are
the Holy One, you alone are R—The just man is a light in
P— In today’s Gospel, Jesus darkness to the upright.
the Lord, you alone are the
calls his disciples “the salt of
Most High, Jesus Christ, with
the earth” and “the light of the Holy Spirit, in the glory of sr. m.c.a. parco, fsp
the world.” By these images, God the Father. Amen. F Dm
Jesus points to our dignity as         
well as our mission. Collect 
The justman is a light in
We also include in our P—Let us pray. (Pause)
prayers our brethren who are Keep your family safe, O Gm C7 F

   

  
victims of Human Trafficking Lord, with unfailing care, that 
as today is also the National relying solely on the hope dark ness to the up right.
Day of Prayer and Awareness of heavenly grace, they may
against Human Trafficking. be defended always by your
protection. 1. Light shines through the
Penitential Act darkness for the upright;/
Through our Lord Jesus
P—Brethren (brothers and Christ, your Son, who lives he is gracious and merciful
sisters), let us acknowledge our and reigns with you in the and just./ Well for the man
sins, and so prepare ourselves to unity of the Holy Spirit, God, who is gracious and lends,/
celebrate the sacred mysteries. who conducts his affairs with
for ever and ever.
(Pause) justice. (R)
All—I confess to almighty God
2. He shall never be moved;/ the
and to you, my brothers and
sisters, that I have greatly sinned
Liturgy of the word just one shall be in everlasting
remembrance./ An evil report
in my thoughts and in my words, First Reading (Is 58:7–10)(Sit) he shall not fear;/ his heart is
in what I have done and in
By practicing works of justice and firm, trusting in the Lord. (R)
what I have failed to do, (Strike
your breast) through my fault, helping the oppressed and the afflicted, 3. His heart is steadfast; he
through my fault, through my God’s people can be the light that shall not fear. Lavishly he gives
most grievous fault; therefore I breaks forth like the dawn. to the poor;/ his justice shall
ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all endure forever;/ his horn shall
A reading from the Book of be exalted in glory. (R)
the Angels and Saints, and you, the Prophet Isaiah
my brothers and sisters, to pray
4. His heart is steadfast;/ he
for me to the Lord our God. THUS SAYS the Lord: Share shall not fear. Lavishly he gives
P—May almighty God have your bread with the hungry, to the poor; his justice shall
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, shelter the oppressed and the endure forever;/ his horn shall
and bring us to everlasting life. homeless; clothe the naked be exalted in glory. (R)
All—Amen. when you see them, and do
P—Lord, have mercy. not turn your back on your Second Reading (1 Cor 2:1–5)
All—Lord, have mercy. own. Then your light shall Paul reminds us that the cross of
P—Christ, have mercy. break forth like the dawn, and Jesus is the power of God. The cross
All—Christ, have mercy. your wound shall quickly be may be foolishness to the wise of this
P—Lord, have mercy. healed; your vindication shall world, but to those who believe, it
All—Lord, have mercy. go before you, and the glory stands for salvation made possible by
Christ’s suffering and death. Profession of Faith (Stand) C—For the Church: may
Po p e Fr a n c i s , b i s h o p s ,
A reading from the first Letter All—I believe in one God, priests, deacons, and the lay
of Saint Paul to the Corinthians the Father almighty, maker faithful, mirror your light in
WHEN I came to you, brothers of heaven and earth, of all our discernment and service
and sisters, proclaiming the things visible and invisible. toward each other. We pray: (R)
mystery of God, I did not come I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten Son C—For all who serve in the
with sublimity of words or government: may their service
of wisdom. For I resolved to of God, born of the Father
before all ages. God from to their countrymen reflect the
know nothing while I was splendor of your light and truth.
with you except Jesus Christ, God, Light from Light, true
We pray: (R)
and him crucified. I came God from true God, begotten,
to you in weakness and fear not made, consubstantial with C—For many of us gathered
and much trembling, and my the Father; through him all today who are undergoing
message and my proclamation things were made. For us great difficulties: may we find
were not with persuasive men and for our salvation consolation in the light brought
words of wisdom, but with a he came down from heaven, by the presence of the people
demonstration of Spirit and (at the words that follow, up to and we love. We pray: (R)
power, so that your faith might including and became man, all C—For our brothers and sisters
rest not on human wisdom but bow) and by the Holy Spirit who are victims of human
on the power of God. was incarnate of the Virgin trafficking: help us take concrete
Mary and became man. actions against systems and
—The word of the Lord.
All —Thanks be to God. Fo r o u r s a k e h e w a s circumstances that make human
crucified under Pontius Pilate, trafficking even a possibility.
Alleluia (Jn 8:12) (Stand) he suffered death and was We pray: (R)
buried, and rose again on the
All—Alleluia, alleluia. I am C—For our departed loved ones:
the light of the world, says the
third day in accordance with
Welcome them back into your
Lord; whoever follows me will the Scriptures. He ascended
eternal light. We pray: (R)
have the light of life. Alleluia, into heaven and is seated at
alleluia. the right hand of the Father. C—Let us pray for the urgent
He will come again in glory concerns of our community
Gospel (Mt 5:13–16) to judge the living and the and our personal intentions
dead and his kingdom will (pause). We pray: (R)
P—A reading from the holy
Gospel according to Matthew have no end. P—Guide us by your Light, O
All—Glory to you, O Lord. I believe in the Holy Spirit, Father, that we may also shine
the Lord, the giver of life, who your light to all people of good
JESUS said to his disciples: proceeds from the Father and will and creation. We ask this
“You are the salt of the earth. the Son, who with the Father through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
But if salt loses its taste, with and the Son is adored and All—Amen.
what can it be seasoned? It is glorified, who has spoken
no longer good for anything Liturgy of
through the prophets.
but to be thrown out and the eucharist
I believe in one, holy,
trampled underfoot. You are catholic, and apostolic Presentation of the Gifts
the light of the world. A city Church. I confess one Baptism (Stand)
set on a mountain cannot be for the forgiveness of sins P—Pray, brethren…
hidden. Nor do they light a and I look forward to the All—May the Lord accept the
lamp and then put it under resurrection of the dead and sacrifice at your hands for the
a bushel basket; it is set on the life of the world to come. praise and glory of his name,
a lampstand, where it gives Amen. for our good and the good of
light to all in the house. Just all his holy Church.
so, your light must shine Prayer of the Faithful Prayer over the Offerings
before others, that they may
P—Brethren, today we are P—O Lord our God, who
see your good deeds and
called by the Lord to be salt once established these created
glorify your heavenly Father.”
of the earth and light of the things to sustain us in our
—The Gospel of the Lord. world. Let us ask then for the frailty, grant, we pray, that
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus grace towards the building up they may become for us now
Christ. of God’s Kingdom as we say: the Sacrament of eternal life.
Homily (Sit) Through Christ our Lord.
R—Father, you are our light. All—Amen.
Preface (Ordinary Time VIII)
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the Lord.
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.
For when your children
were scattered afar by sin,
through the Blood of your Son
and the power of the Spirit,
you gathered them again
to yourself, that a people,
formed as one by the unity
of the Trinity, made the body
of Christ and the temple of the
Holy Spirit, might, to the praise my roof, but only say the word P—May God keep your hearts
of your manifold wisdom, be and my soul shall be healed. attentive to his words, that they
manifest as the Church. may be filled with everlasting
And so, in company with Communion Antiphon
(Ps 107 [106]:8–9) gladness.
the choirs of Angels, we praise All—Amen.
you, and with joy we proclaim: Let them thank the Lord for
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God his mercy, his wonders for the P—And so, may you always
of hosts. Heaven and earth are children of men, for he satisfies understand what is good
full of your glory. Hosanna in this thirsty soul, and the hungry and right, and be found ever
the highest. Blessed is he who he fills with good things. hastening along in the path
comes in the name of the Lord. of God’s commands, made
Hosanna in the highest.(Kneel) Prayer after Communion coheirs with the citizens of
(Stand) heaven.
Acclamation (Stand) All—Amen.
P—Let us pray. (Pause)
All—We proclaim your Death, O God, who have willed P—And may the blessing of
O Lord, and profess your Resur- that we be partakers in the one almighty God, the Father, and
rection until you come again. Bread and the one Chalice, the Son, + and the Holy Spirit,
grant us, we pray, so to live come down on you and remain
THE COMMUNION RITE that, made one in Christ, we with you for ever.
The Lord’s Prayer may joyfully bear fruit for the All—Amen.
salvation of the world.
All—Our Father… Through Christ our Lord. Dismissal
P—Deliver us, Lord… All—Amen.
All—For the kingdom, the P—The Mass is ended. Go in
power and the glory are yours THE CONCLUDING RITES peace, glorifying the Lord by
now and forever. your life.
P—The Lord be with you. All—Thanks be to God.
Invitation to Peace All—And with your spirit.

Invitation to Communion Solemn Blessing DO YOU WANT TO

(Kneel) P—Bow down for the blessing. DIGITAL MISSALETTE?
P—Behold the Lamb of God, For inquiries and orders:
behold him who takes away May almighty God always
keep every adversity far from Facebook: Sambuhay Missalette
the sins of the world. Blessed
are those called to the supper you and in his kindness pour gmail: sambuhay@stpauls.ph
of the Lamb. out upon you the gifts of his
Tel. no.: (02) 8895-9701
All—Lord, I am not worthy blessing.
that you should enter under All—Amen.

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