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Letters to Santa Date Nov. 20-23rd 2023

Subject/Grade Time
Writing (Grade 3) 30 minutes
Level Duration


General Organizing Idea: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of
Learning writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
GLO: Students will investigate writing and research processes that support informed written expression.
Specific SLO: Create written texts that draw upon a variety of sources of inspiration
Learning - edit writing for spelling, punctuation, and grammar
Outcomes: - sequence sections of writing in a logical order
- create drafts of writing that maintain audience interest by focusing the number of ideas in sentences
and limiting repetitions.


Students will:
1. Use writing processes to organize and share messages including:
a. drafting
b. editing
2. Avoid repetitions and run-on sentences
3. Provide three to five sentences that add detail or description to ideas to construct a paragraph
4. Consider audience and purpose
5. Express background knowledge of global citizenship
6. Print written letter
7. Persevere through challenges that may arise in the creative expression of ideas
ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))

● Students will have completed the objective when they have successfully completed a final, good draft of their writing. This
writing will be free of punctuation errors, grammatical errors, and spelling errors. This writing will clearly communicate
their personalized expressions and incorporate their understanding of global citizenship in their writing.

● Understand basic grammar ● Paper

● Understand proper spelling and punctuation ● Pencil

● Have a basic understanding of communicating ● SmartBoard & Pen

personal thoughts clearly
● Spelling Dictionaries
● How to use capitalization
● Duotang
● Create proper sentences
● White Board and Marker
Introduction Differentiation Time
Students will be introduced to a new writing lesson. They are to begin writing a letter to Providing a baseline for
Santa. In this letter, it will be explained that the main focus is for the students to reflect the letter encourages 4
on how they have been a good citizen throughout the year. As students are learning students who become min

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe
global citizenship in Social, reflecting on prior knowledge and building foundational stuck or have difficulty
knowledge becomes a priority for myself as the teacher. Students will be asked to think conjuring personalized
about how they have helped others, how they have helped the environment, and ideas are able to form a
consider what is happening to others around the world. We will have a short reflection of letter that still includes
how students believe they have been global citizens and I will write the answers on the their creativity.
white board. I will remind students of the meaning behind someone asking “have you Additionally, students
been good this year?” by understanding what good truly means (good citizens). who may forget what
Guidelines for the letter will be as followed: comes next or how to
- date frame the expectations
- greeting of the letter can refer to
personalized question the example provided.
3 reasons why they are a good citizen
one present wish

Letter Steps:
- write rough draft
- checked by a teacher
- good copy
- color border
- picture for santa

Baseline for Letter:

- November 20, 2023
- Dear Santa,

- Hello Santa! How are you? I am very excited for Christmas this year! I
was wondering _______________.

- I wanted to share a bit about how I have been a good citizen this year. I
________________. I also ______________. Something else I did was
- For Christmas this year I would like _______________. Thank you for giving
presents to all the boys and girls around the world. Merry Christmas!

- Love,
Body Differentiation Time
Students will begin silent writing for twenty five minutes. There will be a slide provided For behavioral students
with a guideline for students if they become lost, and a checklist of what must be included such as B.N., circulation
in their letter. Students will be encouraged to write more than the minimum is the most effective
expectations. While students are beginning to write, expectations will be made that this means of keeping them
time is a quiet period that is meant for them to tell Santa exactly how they have been a on task. Any behavior
good citizen, connect personally with Santa while asking him questions, and asking for that is unnecessary will
one present for Christmas at the very end. If students need assistance with their spelling, follow a 1, 2, 3 rule that
it will be encouraged for them to first use their spelling dictionaries and then raise their communicates the
hand if they need assistance. expectation of myself
and the consequence if
3 is reached.
Closure/ Cleanup/Recess Transition Differentiation Time

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe
Students will be asked to put their sheets into their duotangs if they have not done so
already and clear off their desks of any remaining materials. Students will be asked to line
up at the door for gym class and applauded for their hard work. 1

Sponge Coloring sheets vary in
Coloring Sheets
Activity/Activities difficulty to accommodate
Assessment: (How will my students demonstrate their learning? How
willI collect evidence of learning?)
● Students will be writing a personalized letter that expresses
their individual style of writing and comprehension of
grammar, punctuation, spelling, and personalized questions.
Letters will be collected and responded to once complete.
Using Assessment Data: (How does this assessment data inform my
next steps?)
● Seeing the growth and areas of need for students through
their writing helps encourage myself as the teacher how we
can further improve and expand on their learning in a variety
of subjects.

Lesson Reflections

This went well:

This could have been better:

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe
Next time:

Additional Notes:

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

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