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Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number

Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long

Time-series Return-stroke Current of Triggered
Lightning based on the Particle Swarm
Optimization Algorithm
Xiangpeng Fan1,2,3, Wen Yao1, Yang Zhang1, Liangtao Xu1, Yijun Zhang2, Paul R. Krehbel3,
Dong Zheng1, Hengyi Liu1, Weitao Lyu1, Shaodong Chen4, and Zhengshuai Xie1
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather (LASW), Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences & Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Fudan University, and CMA-FDU Joint
Laboratory of Marine Meteorology, China, Shanghai 200438, China
Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric Research, Geophysical Research Center, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, New
Mexico 87801, USA
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Regional Numerical Weather Prediction, Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine

Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Guangzhou 510080, China

Corresponding author: Y. Zhang (e-mail:
This research was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2019YFC1510103), the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grants 41875001, 41775009 and 41775007), the Basic Research Fund of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (Grant
2020Z009) and the National Science Foundation (AGS 1720600).

ABSTRACT The lightning research group of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences has carried
out observations and experiments with artificially triggered lightning for more than ten years, and it
accumulated thousands of channel base current data on the return stroke of artificially triggered lightning
prior to 2020. Based on these current data, this paper explores means of improving the constructed function
of a long time-series (400 ) return stroke and the parametric reconstruction of the current waveform. The
long time-series current can be divided into three components: the breakdown pulse current, corona current
and quasi-uniform current. The corona current and quasi-uniform current are constructed by a Heidler
function, while the breakdown pulse current is determined by the waveform characteristics of the current
peak head, which can be divided into the Heidler type and high-order exponential type. According to the
three-component model of the return-stroke current, a two-step parametric reconstruction method for the
long time-series lightning return-stroke current based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is
proposed. In this paper, the results of the parameterized reconstruction of 14 return strokes are given, and
the results of the multidimensional error analysis of 13 long time-series return strokes are given to illustrate
the accuracy of the improved parameterized model of the return-stroke current and the effectiveness of the
two-step reconstruction method based on the PSO algorithm.

INDEX TERMS artificially triggered lightning, channel base current, Heidler function, particle swarm
optimization, return stroke

I. INTRODUCTION quickly, thus producing various physical effects, such as

Lightning is a kind of strong electrical discharge in the optical radiation, electrical radiation, magnetic radiation, and
atmosphere. The peak current in the lightning return stroke thermal radiation, and chemical effects [1]. Disasters caused
can reach tens or even hundreds of kA. The peak temperature by lightning are usually related to these effects. The thermal
of the lightning discharge channel can reach 30000 K, which effects caused by a fast high current in the process of
is approximately five times the solar surface temperature [1]. producing lightning heat the air and cause a high temperature
It also develops very quickly, with the speed of light. This and pressure in the lightning channel, which may lead to
kind of fast, high-current discharge process heats the channel

VOLUME XX, 2020 1

Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
stroke Current of Triggered Lightning based on the Particle Swarm Optimization

damage to electronic equipment, damage to buildings, waveform, which is exactly consistent with the measured
explosions of oil tanks in warehouses, human and animal lightning return current in most cases. The current
casualties and other disastrous events. Many studies have construction model, which sums two Heidler functions or one
also confirmed that during the propagation of lightning, the Heidler function and one exponential function, can
channel current increases the content of nitrogen oxides and reconstruct the current waveform accurately only at the time
ozone in the atmosphere [2]–[6]. The "photoelectric, thermal, scale of a few microseconds to tens of microseconds, but in a
magnetic and chemical effects" of lightning are long time scale (hundreds of microseconds or even thousands
fundamentally related to the current in the lightning channel, of microseconds), the error of the constructed current
but in most cases, this current cannot be measured directly. waveform will increase significantly, and it is found that this
The lightning channel current is the key in studying many kind of construction error is usually larger for a strong return
kinds of atmospheric physical processes and phenomena stroke with a peak current of tens of kA. In addition, it is of
related to lightning, but only in a few cases can the current of physical significance to add a uniform current when
the lightning return stroke be measured directly, such as constructing the return-stroke current in some models, but
those of tower lightning and artificially triggered lightning. this uniform current is in conflict with observed facts. These
Therefore, it is of great significance to study and current construction methods have a certain accuracy in a
parameterize the lightning return current obtained from this short time series of tens of microseconds, but the current
kind of measurement; such study is helpful not only in constructed in a long time series has a large error compared
understanding the characteristics of the physical process of with the measured current, which limits the application
lightning but also to the development of relevant models; and scenarios of the constructed current and its corresponding
of course, it is of great reference value for various parameters.
engineering applications. Therefore, based on the observation and analysis of a large
Therefore, for a long time, constructing the lightning number of measured channel base-current waveform
return current accurately and parametrically has been an characteristics of artificially triggered lightning, this paper
important research direction, and function construction improves the constructor of the channel base current based
models for various lightning currents have been given [7]. on the Heidler function and proposes a two-step
Bruce and Golde [8] proposed constructing the channel base reconstruction method for the measured channel base-current
current with a double exponential function, which provided a waveform of artificially triggered lightning based on the
model for the simulation, theoretical research and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm.
engineering applications of the lightning return-stroke current
in the early stages of study. However, the problem with the II. EXPERIMENTS AND THE DATA OF ARTIFICIALLY
biexponential model is that its first derivative is not zero TRIGGERED LIGHTNING
when t = 0, which is meaningless in physics and makes the The Field Experiment Base on Lightning Science of the
function initially discontinuous [9]. At present, the most China Meteorological Administration was jointly established
widely used lightning current constructor is the Heidler by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences and the
function proposed by Heidler [10], which has been Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology,
recognized as an international standard (IEC 62305-1, 2010). and it is a key field experiment base of the China
Later, some studies found that, based on the Heidler function, Meteorological Administration. The experiment base was
two Heidler functions can be summed [11], [12], or a Heidler founded in 2005 and is located in Guangzhou, Guangdong
function can be summed with a double exponential function Province. There are more than 80 annual thunderstorm days
[13], which can better construct the return-stroke current of in this area, which provides good weather conditions for
the ground flash to a certain extent. In addition, as early as lightning observation and research. The experimental base is
the 1980s, Lin et al. [14] proposed a theoretical model of the mainly composed of three functional areas. The first
return stroke process, which divides the return-stroke current functional area is the artificially triggered lightning
into three components, namely, the breakdown pulse current, experiment site, which is 1.9 km away from the
corona current and uniform current. Nucci et al. [13] Guangliancun (GLC) station of the low-frequency e-field
reconstructed the return stroke current by summing a Heidler detection array (LFEDA) system [15]–[17]. It is mainly used
function and a double exponential function with a 3 kA for triggering artificial lightning and conducting
uniform current. These continuous improvements and comprehensive observations. Additionally, lightning
attempts aim to make the constructed channel base current protection experiments are carried out. The second functional
closer to the measured current, and the purpose of combining area is located in the Conghua Meteorological Bureau, and it
different functions is to give the constructed current the local is mainly used to carry out observations of natural lightning
characteristics of the measured current. and lightning early warning tasks. The third functional area is
However, it must be pointed out that there are some located in the Guangdong Meteorological Bureau, and it is
shortcomings in these current construction models. First, a mainly used to carry out the comprehensive observation of
single Heidler function cannot perfectly construct the current optical and electromagnetic fields related to lightning relate

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Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
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to tall objects in the city [18]–[23]. The actual lightning stations, communication towers, high-voltage transmission
current data involved in this paper are from the Guangdong lines, and wind turbines have been built. The optical
Comprehensive Observation Experiment on Lightning observation point for triggered lightning is approximately 1.9
Discharge (GCOELD) carried out in 2015. km from the field experiment site for triggered lightning and
The triggered lightning experiment field site covers an is equipped with comprehensive equipment for observing
area of approximately 36,000 m2, with a controllable area of sound, light, electricity and magnetism related to lightning.
approximately 1 km2. In addition, experimental facilities The layout of the experiment site is shown in Fig. 1.
such as control rooms, generator rooms, automatic weather

FIGURE 1. Triggered lightning experiment field site.

(a) Layout of the test equipment at the triggered lightning field experiment site [21]. a: Control room (rocket launches and data acquisition are
conducted from here). b: Wooden house (a lightning rod is installed above it, and current measuring equipment is contained in it). c: Region for
measuring electrical parameters. d: Iron tower (a model of a communications tower). e: Automatic weather station. f: Region for testing surge
protection devices. g: 10 kV overhead line. h: Wind turbine. i: Petrochemical instrument (sensor and power for the distribution control system). j:
Buried cables. k: Shields constructed from brick, concrete, and steel mesh. (b) Aerial photo of the experiment site. (c) Sample photos of artificially
triggered lightning.

Six rocket launchers are installed in the triggered lightning 90 m from the rocket launcher. Special grounding and
test field. The end of each rocket is connected to a drainage shielding designs were made for the control room to ensure
rod with copper wire. The lower part of the drainage rod is the safety of personnel and equipment in the room in case of
connected to the lightning current measuring equipment and short-distance lightning.
is well grounded. The lower part of the drainage rod is Fig. 2 shows the return-stroke current waveform of an
connected with a coaxial shunt as a lightning current artificially triggered lightning event acquired at 15:25 on
measuring device, with a resistance of only 1 mΩ and a August 14, 2015. In nearly 0.8 s, 14 return strokes occurred.
measuring range of 100 kA. The output voltage of the coaxial The minimum return-stroke peak current is 10.0 kA (R11),
shunt passes through the photoelectric converter, and the and the maximum return-stroke peak current is 30.8 kA
signal is recorded by a DL750 oscilloscope. The sampling (R12). The first return stroke occurred at 25.101 s, with a
rate is 10 MSa s-1, and the recording length is 2S. The rocket peak current of 13.3 kA. The local characteristics of the
launch control room is located in a steel room approximately current waveform of R1 are shown in Fig. 2b and c.

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Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
stroke Current of Triggered Lightning based on the Particle Swarm Optimization

FIGURE 2. At 15:25 on August 14, 2015 (No. 201508141525), the current waveform of a multiple-return-stroke triggered lightning event was obtained,
and there were 14 return strokes (a). (b). The long time-sequence (800 μs) current waveform of the first return stroke (R1). (c) The short time-sequence
current waveform of R1 (20 μs).

FIGURE 3. Flow chart of the PSO algorithm.

The main lightning monitoring instruments set up in the antenna (with a time constant of 6 s and a bandwidth of 10
triggered lightning experiment field site are the atmospheric Hz ~ 3 MHz) and the wide-band magnetic ring antenna (100
average electric field instrument, the fast antenna (with a Hz ~ 5 MHz). These devices are used to determine the
time constant of 2 ms and a bandwidth of 1 kHz ~ 2 MHz, launch time of the rocket and collect the electromagnetic
unlike the fast antenna of the LFEDA system), the slow signals of lightning triggered in the experiment.

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Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
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= t t1
, = 1 2 …… ,j= 1 2 …… . (2)
In this paper, the parametric reconstruction of the lightning
return-stroke current is based on PSO, which is a kind of To improve the convergence speed of PSO, the inertia
artificial intelligence algorithm. It is an evolutionary weight is added to the velocity equation (1). After the inertia
algorithm developed by J. Kennedy and R. C. Eberhart [24], weight is added, the particle velocity update equation of
[25]. It develops rapidly in application. The idea of PSO is formula (1) will change to:
derived from research on the predatory behavior of birds and t1
=th t t
fish, and it simulates the behavior of birds flying and ar i ar i
foraging. Birds achieve their goal through collective ,
cooperation, and PSO is an optimization method based on
this kind of particle swarm intelligence. The PSO algorithm = 1 2 …… ,j= 1 2 …… , (3)
is a kind of evolutionary algorithm. It starts from a random where W is the inertia weight. The process of the PSO
solution, finds the optimal solution by iteration, and evaluates algorithm is as Fig. 3:
the quality of the solution according to fitness. Since it was Generally, the stopping criterion of the algorithm is that
proposed, PSO has been widely used in many fields, such as the relative change in the fitness function or objective
computer science, engineering, biology, and economics [26]– function in the process of iteration is less than a certain
[35]. threshold value; the maximum number of iterations is
PSO is a group-based adaptive stochastic optimization reached; or the result of iteration is less than a threshold
algorithm. The PSO algorithm first creates initial particles value near the extreme value of the objective function. In this
and assigns them initial velocities. Then, the objective paper, to obtain the best iterative results, the algorithm
function of each particle position is evaluated, and the best stopping criterion is that the relative change of the fitness
function value and the best position are determined. Next, we function is less than a certain threshold value.
choose a new speed according to the current speed, the best The fitness function is an important concept of PSO. The
position of the particle and the best position of the group. We PSO algorithm selects the global optimal solution and the
iteratively update the particle swarm position (the new individual optimal solution for a single particle by comparing
position is the old position plus the speed, and the updated the fitness value of each particle. The expression of the
particle position remains within the boundary) and speed. fitness function is not unique to different problems. In this
The iteration process continues until the algorithm reaches paper, the expression of the fitness function is:
the stop criterion.
In an n-dimensional space (where n is equal to the number 1 i a
of unknown parameters), the position and velocity of particle itr = =1
, (4)
are represented by vectors X = (X 1,X 2,…X t) and where i is the data grid of the channel base current
= ( 1, 2,… t) , respectively. Let Xpbest and
participating in the PSO calculation at a 10 MHz sampling
Xgbest be the best individual position and the best global rate, and the data length is N (for a 10 MHz sampling rate
position of particle . On the basis of the speed and distance and a 400 time length, N = 4000).
of Xpbest and Xgbest, the speed and position of each particle
= t ar i
t ar i


The variables include: The international standard IEC 62305-1 ed. 2 (IEC 62305-1,
k Number of iterations 2010) defines three types of lightning return-stroke current
Velocity of the i-th variable of the j-th particle in thepulses in iteration
lightning research and engineering applications.
The waveform of these return-stroke currents is defined by
Position of the i-th variable of the j-th particle in the k-th iteration
the Heidler function [10], [36] with specific parameters, and
Cognitive and social acceleration factors it is shown in equation (5).
N Number of unknown parameters The Heidler function has significant advantages in
Individual optimal value of the i-th variable of the j-th particle in the
constructing thek-th
return-stroke current waveform compared
ar i iteration with some previously used functions, such as the
ar i Global optimal value of the i-th variable in the k-th iteration
biexponential function [8]. For example, the first derivative
Uniformly distributed random numbers generated separatelyof the biexponential function for t = 0 is not zero; this is not
The speed of each particle is updated by formula (1), and meaningful in physics, and it means the function is not
the particle position is updated by the following formula: initially continuous [9]. Unlike the biexponential function,
the Heidler function is differentiable and continuous at time t

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Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
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= 0, and it has a better ability to construct the return-stroke The Heidler function contains five unknown parameters (I0,
current waveform. At present, the method of constructing the η, τ1, τ2, n), among which the current correction coefficient
return-stroke current based on the Heidler function is widely can be calculated from the other four parameters. Therefore,
used. equation (6) can be simplified and rewritten as follows:
t t
i i i i
i = i
t r 2 , (5) i = i
t r 2 , (7)
t1 t1
1 1

where is the peak current and 1 and 2 are the rise-time where = , which is called the corrected peak current
and decay-time constants of the return-stroke current pulse, in this paper. The return-stroke current function is now
respectively. When 2 , the current value decays to half of the composed of four unknown parameters (A, τ1, τ2, n). A
peak current; the parameter n is used to control the order of return-stroke current waveform constructed by the Heidler
the current function, and η is the current correction function is shown in Fig. 4a. The parameters are specified by
coefficient, which is defined as: IEC 62305-1 ed. 2 (IEC 62305-1, 2010) for the subsequent
1 t negative impulse.
1 2
= r t . (6)
2 1

FIGURE 4. The return-stroke current constructed by different current construction methods. (a) One Heidler function; (b) sum of two Heidler functions;
(c) sum of one Heidler function and one biexponential function; (d) sum of one Heidler function, one biexponential function and one uniform current.
(Note: for convenience of comparison, the current simulation time length is uniformly 100 μs),

Some studies have also shown that, on the basis of the scientific research applications under the condition of the
Heidler function, the sum of two Heidler functions (Fig. 4b) relatively limited electronic computing capacity available at
[11], [12] or the sum of a Heidler function and other the end of the last century.
functions (Fig. 4c and d) [13] can construct the ground However, there are some shortcomings in these current
flashback current well to a certain extent, and the current construction models. First, a single Heidler function cannot
components constructed by each Heidler function (or other perfectly construct the current waveform, which is exactly
functions) have different physical meanings. These models consistent with the measured return-stroke current. The
played an important role in understanding the physical current construction model, which sums two Heidler
process of lightning discharge and its engineering and functions or a Heidler function and an exponential function,

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Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
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can reconstruct the current waveform more accurately only strong return current with a peak current of tens of kA. In
on the time scale of a few microseconds to tens of addition, as is done in some construction models, a uniform
microseconds; on a long time scale (hundreds of current is added to the construction current (Fig. 4d).
microseconds), the error in constructing the current Although this has a physical meaning, it conflicts with the
waveform increases significantly (as shown in Fig. 5). This observed facts, and it prevents the current from decaying to 0.
kind of construction error is usually larger in constructing a

FIGURE 5. Taking R7 in Fig. 2 as an example, the current construction parameters of two Heidler functions are obtained by using the PSO algorithm
for 40 μs of measured current, and a comparison between the reconstructed current and the measured current on different time scales is made. (a) A
short time series of 40 μs; (b) a long time series of 400 μs.

Taking the current construction model of the sum of two From the research practice, we found that in a short time
Heidler functions as an example, we examine R7 in Fig. 2 series of 20 µs, the sum of two Heidler functions (formula 8)
(the peak current is 24.4 kA) and use the PSO algorithm to can be used to construct the return current, and a group of
determine the construction parameters of a group of two parameters can be found by the PSO algorithm that can
Heidler functions to minimize formula (4). As shown in Fig. reconstruct the current waveform accurately to a certain
5a, the current construction parameters obtained with a 40 μs extent [34], [35]. However, as described in Section 4.1, the
current waveform can make the measured current and the construction method of the sum of the two groups of
simulated current coincide well on a short time scale of 20 μs. functions is not suitable for the waveform reconstruction of a
After 20 μs, the difference between the measured current and lightning return-stroke current with a long time series.
the simulated current increases gradually; when using this set i
i i
of parameters to calculate the current waveform on a longer i = 1
t1 r 12 t 2
t2 r 22 (8)
time scale, the error increases significantly (as shown in Fig.
i i
t1 t1
11 21
5b). For such a strong return-stroke current, as shown in Fig.
5, the transferred charge ratio after 20 μs is close to The lightning research team of the Chinese Academy of
approximately 50% of the total charge transferred by the Meteorological Sciences has been engaged in observations
return stroke. Therefore, there is a large error in the current and research on triggered lightning. A fixed-field
reconstruction in the short time series, which limits the comprehensive lightning observation base has been
application scenarios of the constructed current and the established in the Conghua district, Guangzhou, China
construction parameters. (GCOELD). For more than ten years, observations and
experiments with natural and triggered lightning have been
carried out during the summer. By 2020, the research team
TRIGGERED LIGHTNING RETURN-STROKE CURRENT had successfully created more than 200 artificially triggered
lightning events and accumulated channel base current data

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Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
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for thousands of triggered lightning return strokes. Based on of the current waveform has a "shrinking" form, with fast
the Heidler function, the following functions are proposed as rising and falling edges; i.e., the current has a high rate of
constructors of the triggered lightning return current by change. This waveform feature can be constructed by the
studying the characteristics of the long time-series classical Heidler function. Therefore, we say that a current
waveforms of a large number of measured current data: with this morphological feature is of the Heidler type. The
t other type is shown by the red line in Fig. 6. The head feature
t r 2 =2 =h of the current takes an "outward expansion" form, with
relatively slow rising and falling edges. The rate of change of
i = i
i i
i h1
the current is relatively slow compared with that of the
=1 i
t r 2 t h i
th r Heidler type. The exponential part of the Heidler function is
t1 t1
1 h1 not sufficient to construct the falling edge of this type of
=1 =2 1 t
current. Therefore, for the second type,i weh transform
i h1 the
where, in formula (10), = h2 Heidler function into the form of h i th r h1
h1 h1 .
From the definitions of (9) and (10), we can see that based formula (10), referring to the construction
h1 method
t1 of the
on the Heidler function, according to the waveform exponential function used in some studies [37]–[44].
characteristics of the return-stroke current, triggered lightning According to the inversion calculation of the measured
return-stroke currents can be divided into two types. As current waveform by PSO, it is found that for this type of
shown in Fig. 6, the difference between the two current current waveform, the value of m is greater than 1, so we call
waveforms shows that they have different head waveform this type of current waveform a high-order exponential type
characteristics. As shown by the blue line in Fig. 6, the head (for example, as shown in Table I, m = 2.14 for R1).

FIGURE 6. Comparison of the return-current waveforms of two different head features (the left coordinate is the current value of the blue curve, and
the right coordinate is the current value of the red curve).

Number 11 12 1 21 22 2 h1 h2 h
t1 t2 th
kA kA kA

R1 0.13 21.95 7.87 1.49 0.31 152.31 3.40 6.76 0.67 78.76 2.88 38.56 5.36 2.14
R11 0.20 13.10 3.47 16.60 0.0001 124.12 2.46 1.00 0.40 1.69 4.13 2.57
R13 0.024 37.01 10.90 1.00 0.195 126.16 6.80 79.44 0.35 3.58 6.81 2.46

The value of N in formulas (9) and (10) varies, because for two functions is usually sufficient for the construction of the
a weak current (a peak current of several kA) or a return full current waveform.
stroke process with a weak continuous current, the sum of Regarding the components of the long-term series return-
stroke current, we noted that as early as the 1990s, some

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scholars proposed a similar current construction model and C. TWO-STEP PARAMETERIZED RECONSTRUCTION
applied the constructed current to the study of the return METHOD
stroke model [14]. It is believed that the return-stroke current Our study shows that a Heidler function can be used to
of the ground flash consists of three components—namely, construct the quasi-uniform part of the long time-series
the breakdown current, corona current and uniform current return-stroke current exactly. Similar to the proposal of Lin et
(as shown in Fig. 4d)—which fits with the idea of return- al. [14], another Heidler function can be used to construct a
stroke current reconstruction adopted in this paper. However, current component similar to the corona current. Lin et al.
as seen in the analysis above, a uniform current does not exist [14] considered the waveform of the head of the return
in the actual measured return-stroke current. In early research, current to be generated by the breakdown process, and it is
an approximation of the uniform current was used to called the breakdown pulse current. This is similar to our
represent the quasi-uniform part of the current waveform strategy of using a Heidler function or a high-order
with the longest duration and the slowest change. As shown exponential function to construct the local waveform of the
in Fig. 5, the summation of the two functions cannot head of the return-stroke current waveform. Therefore, in this
construct the feature of slow change in the long time-series paper, we follow their representation of current component
return-stroke current. However, at the end of the last century, characteristics and call the three components in the long
the approximation of the uniform current under the condition time-series return-stroke current waveform constructor the
of limited electronic computing capacity was of great breakdown current, corona current and quasi-uniform current,
physical and practical significance. as shown in Fig. 7. This is the basic model used to calculate
the current components and achieve the parametric
reconstruction of the measured current with the PSO

FIGURE 7. The three components of the triggered lightning return-stroke current (the current parameters in the diagram are from the PSO calculation
results for R13 in Fig. 2).
Yang et al. [34] applied the PSO algorithm to the waveforms (8 unknown parameters, with components
calculation of the measured current reconstruction 11 12 1 t1 21 22 2 t2 ).
parameters of triggered lightning and reconstructed the However, we find that although the PSO algorithm can
channel base current waveform of a 40 μs, relatively short obtain the solutions of 8 unknown parameters, it cannot find
time-series with the parametric model of the sum of two 12 (formula (9)) or 14 (formula (9)) position parameters
Heidler functions. As shown in Fig. 5, employing the sum of when the swarm is 100 times larger, so formula (4) is the
two Heidler functions to reconstruct the return-stroke current minimum case. We think that this is because when three
waveform is only effective on a time scale of tens of groups of parameters are identical or approximately the same,
microseconds. Although the reconstructed current is the PSO algorithm easily falls into a local minimum solution
somewhat accurate, the reconstructed current waveform is and cannot find the global optimal solution.
completely distorted when the construction parameters Therefore, on the basis of three current component models,
obtained are used to calculate the current waveform of a to accurately obtain the parameters of a lightning return-
longer time series. The work of Yang et al. [34] shows stroke current using the PSO algorithm and to perform the
objectively that the PSO algorithm can play a role in the parametric reconstruction of a long time-series channel base
parametric reconstruction of multiparameter current current, this paper proposes a two-step reconstruction method
for the lightning return-stroke current waveform based on the

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Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
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PSO algorithm. As shown in Fig. 8, the main flow of the μs in width. We calculate the residual current and set the
two-step reconstruction method is to find the construction residual current equal to the difference between the base
parameters of and t with the PSO algorithm based on current and ( t t ); then, we judge whether the current is
the morphological characteristics of the return-stroke current a Heidler type or high-order exponential type according to
waveform so that t t is consistent with the base current the waveform characteristics of the residual current to select
to the greatest extent. In this way, the difference between the the appropriate constructor. Then, we use the PSO algorithm
base current and t t is only the part shown by the to find the breakdown current component (as shown in Fig.
dotted line in Fig. 8a and b, that is, the peak head of the 8c).
return-stroke current waveform, which is usually less than 10

FIGURE 8. Schematic diagram of the two-step current reconstruction method. (a) Find t ; (b) calculate the residual current, i.e., the base current
minus t ; (c) calculate according to the residual current. (The current parameters in the schematic are from R11 in Fig. 2 and its PSO
calculation results.).

4), the error of the current change rate ( i , evaluated by

V. CURRENT RECONSTRUCTION AND EVALUATION formula 4), the peak current error and the error of the
OF MULTIPLE-STROKE TRIGGERED LIGHTNING transferred charge (time integration of the current).
By using the two-step method proposed in this paper, we As shown in Fig. 9a, a complete reconstruction of the
carry out the parametric reconstruction of the measured triggered lightning current with 14 return strokes shown in
return-stroke current waveform of triggered lightning. Fig. 2 is achieved by the two-step reconstruction method
According to the current examples, based on the parametric proposed in this paper. R2 is reconstructed by a 20 μs short
model and reconstruction method, the parametric time-series current, and the other 13 return strokes are
reconstruction of the channel base current waveform can be reconstructed by a 400 μs long time-series current. This is
achieved almost perfectly. Here, we take the example of because R2 has a large M component after the peak time of
multi-return-stroke triggered lightning as shown in Fig. 2 and 22 μs, which means the current waveform of the long time
illustrate the accuracy of the parametric model and the series does not conform to the reconstruction model of
effectiveness of the reconstruction method on the basis of formula (9) or (10). In addition, in the current waveform of
four characteristics: the waveform error of the measured the 14 return strokes, except for R1 and R2, the shape of
current and the reconstructed current (evaluated by formula is of the Heidler type.

10 VOLUME XX, 2020

Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
stroke Current of Triggered Lightning based on the Particle Swarm Optimization

FIGURE 9. (a) The reconstructed waveform of the multistroke artificially triggered lightning (No. 201508141525); (b) The comparison between the
reconstructed current of R1 and the measured current, where the current components are shown in the figure; (c) The reconstructed current of R1 is
amplified locally for 10 μs, and the shape of its is a high-order exponential type (formula (10)).

To facilitate research and application, Table I lists the In addition, considering that in many engineering
parameters of the reconstructed current of the three return- applications, the change rate ( ) of the return current is an
stroke examples shown in this paper. important parameter for calculating the various effects of the
After constructing the parametric model, proposing the return stroke, the error between the measured current ( i) and
two-step reconstruction method for triggered lightning the reconstructed current ( ) is also calculated by formula
return-stroke current, and achieving the parametric (4). Since the fast range of the return-stroke current is usually
reconstruction of triggered lightning current cases, we only the first few microseconds, the time range for
evaluate the accuracy of the model and the effectiveness of calculating the error of is only the first 20 μs of the current.
the reconstruction method from the perspectives below. It In Fig. 10, the error of the measured current and the
should be noted that R2 is reconstructed from a short time reconstructed current (Fig. 10a) and the error of (Fig. 10b)
series, and the number of data points is far less than that are shown. The dotted lines in the figures represent the error
obtained for 400 μs at 20 μs and 10 M sampling rates. For the of the measured white noise signal and axis 0 and the error of
error evaluation method defined by formula (4), the value of the measured white noise change rate and axis 0. Generally,
N is too different from that in the other cases to be the error between the reconstructed current waveform and the
comparable to them. Therefore, R2 is not considered in the measured current waveform of the 13 return strokes is small
following evaluation and comparison, and only the 13 other in the long time series of 400 μs, and the reconstructed
return strokes are considered. current and measured current may almost be the same.
(a) Error of the current I and current change rate : Especially for the of the first 20 μs of current, the i of the
i i
The core idea of the PSO algorithm is to determine a set of reconstructed current is more consistent with the i of the
parameters so that the measured signal and the simulated measured current, and the error between the two is almost
signal are as similar as possible (the error is the smallest), equal to the error between the change rate of the white noise
where the error of the two signals is defined by formula (4). and the 0-axis. In Fig. 10, the cases with slightly larger errors
Therefore, the error between the measured current and the are all due to the weak disturbance current in the measured
reconstructed current of 400 μs is calculated by formula (4). current in the observed time window.

VOLUME XX, 2020 11

Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
stroke Current of Triggered Lightning based on the Particle Swarm Optimization

FIGURE 10. The error between the measured current and reconstructed current and the error in the current change rate. The dotted lines in the figures
represent the error between the measured white noise and the 0-axis (a) and the error between the change rate of the measured white noise and the 0-
axis (b).

FIGURE 11. Error in the peak value of the reconstructed current and the statistics of the transferred charge and error. (a) Absolute error of the peak
value of the reconstructed current; (b) Relative error of the peak value of the reconstructed current; (c) Statistics of the transferred charge of the
reconstructed current in a long time series of 400 μs; (d) Absolute error of the transferred charge of the reconstructed current in a long time series of
400 μs.

(b) Error in the peak current and error in the transferred tens of amperes, which is equivalent to the amplitude of the
charge quantity: Gaussian white noise in the measured current. Accordingly,
Fig. 11a and b show the absolute and relative errors, the relative error of the peak current is less than 1%. All of
respectively, between the peak value of the reconstructed these results show the accuracy of the improved parametric
current and the measured current. Compared with the peak scheme for triggered lightning return-stroke current and the
value of the measured current, the absolute error of the peak excellent performance of the two-step reconstruction method
value of the reconstructed current is generally small, only based on the PSO algorithm.

12 VOLUME XX, 2020

Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
stroke Current of Triggered Lightning based on the Particle Swarm Optimization

Fig. 11c shows the time integration of the 13 measured judge whether it is a Heidler type or a high-order exponential
currents, i.e., the amount of charge transferred by the return type in order to select the appropriate constructor; then, we
stroke: use the PSO algorithm to obtain the breakdown current ( )
i component.
= i= . In this paper, the parametric reconstruction results of
It can be seen from the figure that the amount of artificially triggered lightning with 14 return strokes are also
transferred charge of these 13 return strokes varies from 0.32 given, and the accuracy of the reconstructed current of 13
C (R8) to 2.1 C (R12), with a wide range of variation. Fig. return strokes in a long time series (400 μs) is compared with
11d shows that the error of the transferred charge calculated the measured current from multiple perspectives. The results
by the reconstructed current can be ignored. The maximum show that the reconstructed current has a high accuracy in
error of R14 is 0.0046 C, which is much larger than that of terms of the error between the reconstructed current
the other return strokes. This is because there is a certain waveform and the measured current waveform, the error
amplitude of the disturbance current at the end of the R14 between the change rate of the reconstructed current and the
current, which leads to a local deviation between the measured current (current differential i ), the error of the
reconstructed current and the measured current. current peak value and the amount of charge transferred by
the current (time integration of the current), etc. Thus, it is
VI. CONCLUSION shown that the parametric construction model of the long
It is of great significance to study the measured return-stroke time-series return-stroke current of triggered lightning given
current of artificially triggered lightning and to reconstruct it in this paper is accurate, and the two-step current
parametrically. This is helpful not only in understanding the reconstruction method based on the PSO algorithm proposed
characteristics of the physical process of lightning but also in in this paper is reliable.
developing related models; it is also of great reference value
for various engineering applications. In this paper, the
The authors would like to thank the Editors and the
improvement of the constructor of the return-stroke current
Anonymous Reviewers for their constructive comments and
waveform in a long time series and its parametric
suggestions, which greatly helped them to improve the
reconstruction method are explored.
technical quality and presentation of this paper.
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Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Lanzhou, China, in 1989 and 1998, respectively.
Xiangpeng Fan received a B.S. degree He is a currently a Professor at the Department of
in atmospheric sciences from Lanzhou Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/Institute of
University, Lanzhou, China, in 2008 Atmospheric Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
and a M.Sc. degree in atmospheric His research interests include atmospheric electricity,
physics from the Cold and Arid lightning physics, and thunderstorm electricity.
Regions Environment and Engineering
Research Institute, Chinese Academy Paul R. Krehbiel received B.Sc. and
of Sciences, Lanzhou, China, in 2011. M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering
He received a Ph.D. degree in (with a physics option) from the
atmospheric sciences from the Chinese Academy of Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2019. in 1963 and 1966, respectively, and a
He is currently an Associate Professor at the State Key Ph.D. degree in physics from the
Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of University of Manchester Institute of
Meteorological Sciences. His research interests include Science and Technology in 1982.
lightning physics and lightning detection. He is currently a Professor of Physics with the Physics
Department and Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric
Wen Yao received a M.S. degree in Research, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
atmospheric sounding from Nanjing Socorro, New Mexico.
University of Information Science and
Technology, Nanjing, China, in 2001. Dong Zheng received a B.S. degree in
She is currently a Professor at the atmospheric sciences from Lanzhou
Chinese Academy of Meteorological University in 2002 and M.S. and Ph.D.
Sciences. Her research interests degrees in atmospheric sciences from
include the key technologies of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in
meteorological observation instruments, the application of 2005 and 2008, respectively.
meteorological observational information, and severe Since 2016, he has been a Professor
weather forecasting. with the State Key Laboratory of
Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological
Sciences. He is the author of more than 100 articles. His
Yang Zhang received a Ph.D. degree research interests include thunderstorm and lightning,
in physical electronics from the severe weather, lightning detection, lightning physics, and
Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008. lightning warning and forecasting.
He is presently a Professor with the
State Key Laboratory of Severe Hengyi Liu was born in Hebei, China,
Weather, Chinese Academy of in 1981. He received a B.Sc. degree
Meteorological Science. His research from Hebei University, Hebei, China,
interests include thunderstorm in 2004 and a Ph.D. degree from the
detection, lightning location, and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
lightning physics. China, in 2012.
He is currently an Associate
Liangtao Xu received a B.S. degree in Professor at the State Key Laboratory

VOLUME XX, 2020 15

Fan et al.: Parametric Reconstruction Method for the Long Time-series Return-
stroke Current of Triggered Lightning based on the Particle Swarm Optimization

of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological

Sciences. His research interests include lightning physics
and lightning detection.

Weitao Lyu received a Ph.D. degree in

atmospheric physics from the
University of Science and Technology
of China, Hefei, China, in 2003.
Currently, he is a Professor with
the Chinese Academy of
Meteorological Science, Beijing, China.
His research interests include lightning
physics, lightning detection, and lightning protection.

Shaodong Chen (M’17) received B.Sc.,

M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in
meteorological science from Nanjing
University of Information Science and
Technology, Nanjing, China, in 2001,
2004, and 2010, respectively. Currently,
he is a Research grade Senior Engineer
with the Institute of Tropical and
Marine Meteorology, CMA,
Guangzhou. His research interests focus on lightning
physics and lightning protection.

Zhengshuai Xie received a bachelor

degree in atmospheric sounding from
Chengdu University of Information
Technology, Chengdu, China, in 2017.
Currently he is studying for a
master degree in atmospheric physics
from Chengdu University of
Information Technology. His research
interests include lighting physics, image correction.

16 VOLUME XX, 2020

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