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Reflection Artifact Rough Draft

A couple of my classmates and my professor were able to help me with feedback

by effectively reading my paper and having enough knowledge to inform me on things
that I need to correct. Some of my classmates reminded me on some of the
requirements that were discussed in the assignment so I can change it before actually
submitting it for a final grade. Even simple mistakes that I made were brought up by my
classmates that helped me improve my paper.

I think the most effective way of expressing my reflection as a diary format or

possible doing a podcast. I am leaning towards a podcast because it gives me the
freedom of not having a script but just being given a topic to openly discuss it. I would
be able to talk about it and ramble on and let the juices flow in my brain. I feel that it
would benefit me thinking on my feet rather than putting pressure and trying to write

I think using sources that come from a credible and reliable source would benefit
me. Using the information that I learned in this class I could utilize it when searching for
sources. Also getting feedback from others like my classmates or professor can also
help mae make sure that the information I am providing is benefiting and does actually
support my paper or assignment.

I am thinking that I was able to learn a lot this semester about writing and taking
a look at how I write. I never really would look back at myself when writing and analyze
my work, I always would turn it in and just leave it. I would forget about it and just repeat
the process because I never really cared. After going back to my work and reading it
and giving feedback and getting feedback I was able to learn how to look at my work.

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