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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Computer Systems Servicing

Preservice Teacher: Daryviel S. Ardimer

I Objectives

Within one hour socialized classroom discussion the 2nd year students with atleast 80% level of
accuracy should be able to:

a.) identify the computer components necessary to complete the work in accordance with
established procedures and check against system requirements;
b.) value the importance of each computer components in a computer system;
c.) describe the function of each component.

II Subject Matter
Topic: Computer parts and components (Input, Process, and Output computers Parts)
Materials: laptop, TV, and Powerpoint presentation

III Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
-Checking of attendance
- Review of previous lesson

What did we learn last meeting? Our lesson was all about software
applications and operating systems.
Before we will start to our next topic. Let’s play a
game a “Guessing Game”. I will group you into
three. Each group will be given 30 seconds to
prepare and 1 minute to answer. Which group has
higher score will be get 20 points. (Students do the game)
Group 1 got 20 points. The other groups got 15
points. Congratulations! Keep up the good work

While doing the game, do you think those pictures (Students’ answers may vary.)
are important?

Based on the activity conducted, what are they? Students’ answer (Input, output, process,
storage, barcode, keyboard, monitor, unit
system, mouse, and printer)

It is now clear about our lesson for today.

Mr. Chua, kindly read the following objectives. (Mr. Chua read the objectives given)

Within one hour socialized classroom

discussion the 2nd year students with
atleast 80% level of accuracy should be
able to:

a.) identify the computer

components necessary to
complete the work in
accordance with
established procedures
and check against system
b.) value the importance of
each computer
components in a
computer system;
c.) describe the function of
each component.

B. Presentation of the Lesson

With the same group, let’s have another activity. Meaning: is the part of a computer that
“Scramble” houses the primary devices that perform
Directions: Arrange the scramble letters to reveal operations and procedure results for
the mystery word. complex calculations.
1. UNIT SYTEM Meaning: a small device that a computer
2. MOUSE user pushes across a desk surface in
3. KEYBOARD order to point to a place on a display
4. MONITOR screen and to select one or more actions
5. PRINTER to take from that position.

Meaning; has many keys.

Meaning: an output device that displays
information in pictorial or textual form.

Meaning: a device that accepts text and
graphic output from a computer.

Congratulations to all of you! Job well done!

C. Lesson Proper

To discuss thoroughly about the topic, here is a

video presentation of our lesson today. (After watching the video presentation) Student’s answer (Input, Output,
What are the major components of our computer?
When you are in a department store like
technologies appliances, what devices are used to
gather data such as price of the item, Ms. Enclonar? Ms. Enclonar’s answer “Barcode reader,
Yes, that correct. Very good Ms. Enclonar. You may
sit down.

Who or what calculated our total payment, Ms.


That right. Great job Ms. Tabal.

“When the barcode reader fetches the
prices from the items bought, the
Where will those information be displayed, Ms. computer will automatically compute the
Ledesma? total payment.”- Ms. Tabal.

You got the point in your answer, Ms. Ledesma.


How about when you withdraw money from an “It is displayed on the screen or
ATM machine, what is used to encode your pin, Ms. monitor”- Ms. Ledesma

Are there somebody who manually computes the “ATM keypad or touchscreen”- Ms. Dacer
remaining balance or cash withdrawal when you are
transacting to an ATM machine? Who or what does
it, Mr. Hermata?

Yes, that correct. Nice job! Mr. Hermata, you got it “It is not manually computed but the
right. machine automatically did it.

With those scenarios, where do you think the

information will be stored, Mr. Chua?

What do you think will happen if one computer

component is missing? Like there are processing
and output device but input is missing, Ms. “I think it will be stored in a storage
Ledesma? device known as hard drive.”

“The user request will not be completed

or satisfied. Since it is important to have
input devices to accept and gather the
Essential Questions: data that we need to key in. Every,
components have its functions to do and
What have you learned today, Ms. Tabal? is very important in performing a
computer useless.

“I have learned the different components

of computer. Those are input, storage,
and output. Input devices are used for
Well explained! Thank you, Ms. Tabal. data entry. Storage device is used to keep
files for a certain time, and output
D. Application devices are printer, monitor, and speaker.

With the same group, you are given 8 minutes to do

it and 2 mins presentation for each group. First
group is assigned for input device, 2nd group will do
the task storage device and the last group will be
assigned output device.
Aside from what has mentioned earlier, think of an (The students preparing their tasks)
office, business, or an organization within Aleason
or PPALMA, which uses a computer component
assigned to you and describe its function. Write
your answer on the paper given to you.
For student’s Guide:

Name of Name of Function

Business/ Component

Criteria for rating:

Creativity-------- 30%
Originality------- 40%
Clarity of idea--- 20%
Accuracy --------- 10%

Ms. Tabal, please behave, sit here and do this

instead! Ms. Enclonar, kindly help Ms. Tabal in doing
this task.

Your time starts now!

Time is up! Let’s check your answers. (They are starting doing their assigned
Okay, how did you come up with your answers? tasks)
Any representative from each group?

Group 2 got the higher score. Congratulations!

Group 3 is the second, excellent! and third is group
1, good job! (They are done with their tasks)
(Each group raising their hands)
Let’s have a quiz. Get one whole sheet of paper.
Write your name and the date today. (The students do what is asked.)

IV. Evaluation

A. Enumeration: Give what is asked. Write

your answer in a one whole sheet of paper.

1. What are the five basic parts of computer?

- Monitor
- Keyboard
- Printer
- Unit system
2. What are the components of computer?
- Input device
- Output device
- Storage device

B. Fill in the blanks.

monitor mouse output Barcode


computer keyboard printer

input storage Unit


1. A keyboard has many keys.

2. Input devices are used for data entry.
3. Storage device is used to keep files for a
certain time.
4. Output device are printers, monitor and
5. Barcode reader are devices are used
together data such as price of the item.
6. Unit system is the part of a computer that
houses the primary devices that perform
operations and produce results for complex
7. Mouse a small device that a computer user
pushes across a desk surface in order to
point to a place on a display screen and to
select one or more actions to take from that
8. Printer a device that accepts text and
graphic output from a computer.
9. Monitor an output device that displays
information in pictorial or textual form.
10. Barcode reader is an optical scanner that
can read printed barcodes.

All of you got the perfect score!

Outstanding! Keep up the good work class!
Now, I will give an assignment. Advance
study and this is our next topic.

V. Assignment

Research about background and borders and it’s

functions. Write it on your one whole sheet of

That’s all for today! See you in our next class!

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