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A computer is an electronic device, which executes software programs. It consists of two

parts-hardware and software. The computer input data through input devices like mouse and
keyboard. processes the data by doing some mathematical and logical operations using
Processor and gives us the desired output. The computer displays output through output
devices like monitor and printer.

Input devices
Webcam: A low resolution video camera used to provide visual input that can be easily
transferred over the internet.

Microphone: An acoustic sensor that provides input by converting sound into electrical

Output devices
Printer: It produces hard copy materials
Monitor: device which operates like a TV set lets the user see how the computer is
responding to their commands.
Audio output devices
Speakers: Are device that produce sound when connected to a sound system. The computer
sound system consists of a sound card, software, and the output devices(speakers).
Headset: Are devices worn on the head, with a speaker that rests over each ear. This device
produces sound when connected to a sound system. The computer sound system consists of a
sound card, software, and the output device (headphones).
Webcam: A low resolution video camera used to provide visual input that can be easily
transferred over the internet.
Audio input devices
Microphone: An acoustic sensor that provides input by converting sound into electrical

Data: Term used to describe basic facts about an identity, a person, a thing or a business. It is
a manifestation of an economics event or a scientific event or a purely social events or

imaginary assumed events which involves an unorganized fact and served as basic rudiments
for organizational data processing.

Data refer to a collection of facts, usually collected as the result of experience, observation or
experiment, or processes within a computer system, or a set of premises. This may consist of
numbers, words, or images, particularly as measurements or observations of a set of
variables. Data are often viewed as a lowest level of abstraction from which information and
knowledge are derived.

Uses of Data in Science and Computing

Raw data is a collection of numbers, characters, image or other outputs from devices to
convert physical quantities into symbols, in a very broad sense. Such data is typically further
processed by a human or input into a computer. Raw data is a relative term; data processing
commonly occur by stages, and the “processed data” from one stage may be considered the
“raw data” of the next.

Information: - This can be described as processed data. Information are data that has
undergone manipulation through a transformation process.

Information as a concept has a diversity of meanings, from everyday usage to technical

settings. Generally speaking, the concept of information is closely related to notions of
constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge meaning, mental
stimulus, pattern, perception, and representation.

Attribute of Information for the Management

Value of Information: Information is knowledge and understanding that is useable by the
recipient. Both the user and the sender are involved in the transformation of data into
information. There is a process of taught and understanding involved and it follows that a
given message can have different meaning of different people. It follows also that data which
have been analyze, summarize or process in some other version to produce a message or

report which is conventionally deemed to be management or operational information only
becomes information if it is understood by the recipient i.e. it is the user that determines
whether the report contain information or not.

Appropriate information reduces uncertainty and also has surprise value. If message or report
does not have this attribute as far as the recipient is concern, it contains merely data and not
information. Without an efficient means of filtering an aggregating data, a manager could be
data and information poor.

Information is said to be only good if it improves the resulting decision otherwise it has no
value. Two things determine the value of information namely. Appropriateness and
Relevance for solving the problem Understanding by the user.

Appropriateness/Relevance Understanding by User Value of Information

of Info. of Problem Solving
None None None
High None None
None Some None
Some Good Moderate
High Good High
Critical Good Maximum

Characteristics of Good Information

Good Information has been described as that which is used and which create value.

Relevance for its Value-Information: - Must be relevance to the problem being considered.
Too often, report, message, tabulation, and etc. contain irrelevant part, which makes
understanding more difficult and cost frustration to the user.

Accuracy: - The level of accuracy must be related to the decision involved. Information
should be sufficiently accurate for it to be relied upon by the recipients and for the purpose
for which it is intended.

Completeness: - It has to be complete enough for solving the problem. Ideally, all the
information required for a decision should be made available. The main requirement is that
the information should be complete in respect of the key elements of the problem. This
therefore means that there must be a close interaction between information providers and
users to those key factors are identified.

Confidence of the source: - For Information to be used manager must have confidence in
the source. Confidences in enhanced when the source have been reliable in past

There is good communication between information producer and the user. At strategic levels.
Management wills cross-checked information from various sources to increase confidence in
the message.

Communication to the right person: - Each manager has a define sphere of activity and
responsibility and should receive information to help him carrying out his designated task.
However, it is not uncommon for information to be supplied to the wrong level in

Timeliness: - For us to have good information, it must be communicated in times to be used.

Therefore, there should be a compromise between speed and accuracy thought with modern
processing method, computer produces information very rapidly. There should be tradeoff
between these characteristics. Delays in data gathering, processing and communication can
transform potentially vital information into worthless waste paper. Information should be
produced as a frequency that is related to the type of decision /activities involved. Some
reports may need to be produced routinely i.e. daily, weekly, etc. while some may be
produced at much longer intervals at other levels.

Detailed: - Information should contain the least amount of details consistent with effective
decision – making. When we give or have superfluous character, we are incurring storage,
more processing, extra assimilation and possibly poorer decision.

Communicated by the appropriate channel of communication: - Information must be

communicated by means of communication process. Communication is the means whereby
people in an organization information regarding the operation of that enterprise. It is the

exchange of ideas, facts, and even emotion by two or more persons by the use of words,
letters and symbols. Face-face is the most effective communication process. other
communication process takes the form of telephone call, formal and informal meetings,
conferences, memoranda, letters, reports and tabulation among a host of them. So whichever
one you use, good communication results when the sender and the receiver are in accord over
the meaning of a particular message.

Function of Information
It reduces uncertainly
It aids monitoring and controlling of performance
It supports decision-making process
It serves as a memory supplement.

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