Internship Reflection

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Internship Reflection

One of the most valuable aspects of my internship has been the exposure to real-
world applications, as Dick have always told me to pay attention to these problems.
While my academic studies have primarily focused on learning theories, this internship
has allowed me to implement these theories in practical scenarios. This hands-on
experience has provided me with a deeper appreciation for the relevance of my
education and has strengthened my motivation to excel academically and pursue
education to a higher level.

Throughout my internship, I have noticed a significant transformation to my

mindset. The experience has contributed to my personal growth, making me more
mature and critical in my thinking. The ability to approach problems methodically and
work collaboratively with my mentors has been a transformative aspect of this
internship. During the meetings with my mentors, there are always areas for
improvement in my work, and requires multiple revisions. The constant revisions and
feedback loops during my projects have taught me the importance of perseverance and
continuous improvement. Rather than being discouraged by setbacks, I have learned to
embrace them as opportunities for growth. This adaptive mindset has been instrumental
in my ability to refine my work and achieve better outcomes. Since my projects mainly
require critical thinking and brainstorming, they aren’t as practical as some other jobs,
but completing the first project brought me a sense of accomplishment. It was
rewarding to contribute to the company’s effort in resolving precision machining design
problems, and it allowed me to apply the theories I had learned in class to real-world

Working in Taiwanese company has been a pleasant surprise, as the atmosphere

is much more casual and friendly than I initially anticipated. Despite the hierarchical
structure, my interactions with both my mentors feel like discussions among equals
rather than a typical boss-subordinate relationship. I have come to realize that voicing
my opinions and asking questions is not only acceptable but also encouraged. We
frequently exchange ideas, and I have learned to comfortably seek clarification
whenever I feel uncertain. Initially, I was apprehensive about expressing myself too
directly, fearing it might be seen as offensive. However, after two months of working
closely with them, I have discovered that open communication is not only accepted but
also valued. Engaging in discussions with my mentors has allowed me to receive
valuable feedback, and I genuinely found the process enjoyable. As someone who
naturally takes pleasure in exploring engineering problems, the opportunity to engage
in these discussions and receive opinion from someone possessing greater expertise and
experience in the field played a pivotal role in expanding my knowledge base.

In conclusion, my internship has been transformative and enriching. Dick’s

mentorship has taught me the importance of mastering fundamentals and approaching
learning with patience and diligence. My second mentor, Jason, who, despite his
typically busy schedule, has been instrumental in teaching me how to approach and
resolve problems from an engineer’s perspective. Through our interactions, I have
gained insights into how to approach and tackle challenges with a practical mindset. As
someone with no prior professional experience and solely relying on theoretical
knowledge acquired during my university studies, I sometimes devise solutions based
on my analysis, but these solutions might not always translate effectively into real-
world applications. Jason has been patient in discussing alternative approaches and
helping me understand the more effective ways to address these issues. I am truly
grateful of his patient responses to my questions, as it allows me to learn and find
answers that I might not have discovered on my own. His willingness to share his
knowledge and offer guidance has been immensely valuable to my growth. Additionally,
working on the projects has broadened my knowledge and practical skills, emphasizing
the significance of understanding basics before delving into complex subjects. This
internship has left a lasting impression on my academic and personal journey. The skills,
knowledge, and experiences gained during this period will undoubtedly shape my
future endeavors and contribute to my success in my chosen field. I am grateful for the
opportunity to have participated in this internship and excited about the prospect of
applying these valuable lessons in my future career.

I would also like to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation to Sara

for her unwavering support throughout this journey. From the very first day I arrived in
Taichung, Sara has been a constant source of encouragement and assistance. Starting
from her kind gesture of personally picking me up, inviting me to hang out together and
having fun, these simple yet meaningful gestures have left an indelible impression on
me. They have made me feel genuinely valued and cared for, and I am truly grateful for
her kindness.

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