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Rhona Mae B.


Assessment of Learning 1 has been an enlightening and transformative experience for me.
Throughout the course, I have gained a deeper understanding of various assessment methods and
their significance in evaluating student learning. In this position paper, I will discuss the key
takeaways from Assessment of Learning 1 and how it has shaped my perspective on assessment
One crucial lesson I learned in Assessment of Learning 1 is the significance of clearly defined
learning objectives. Setting clear goals and expectations helps guide the assessment process and
ensures that assessments align with desired learning outcomes. By establishing specific and
measurable objectives, educators can design assessments that accurately measure student
achievement. Assessment of Learning 1 introduced me to a wide range of assessment methods
beyond traditional exams and quizzes. I discovered the value of using formative assessments
such as class discussions, group projects, and portfolios to gauge student progress throughout the
learning process. These alternative assessment methods provide a more comprehensive view of
students' abilities and allow for personalized feedback. Another important concept explored in
Assessment of Learning 1 is the idea of authentic assessments. Authentic assessments mirror
real-world scenarios and require students to apply their knowledge and skills in practical
contexts. This approach promotes deeper learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills,
preparing students for future challenges beyond the classroom.
One negative aspect of Assessment of Learning 1 is the time constraints associated with
completing assignments and projects. The workload can sometimes feel overwhelming,
especially when balancing other academic or personal commitments. Another negative aspect is
the potential for technical challenges when engaging in online assessments or virtual discussions.
Technical issues can disrupt the learning experience and create frustration for both students and
Assessment of Learning 1 has been a valuable learning experience that has broadened my
understanding of assessment practices. I have come to appreciate the importance of clear
learning objectives, diverse assessment methods, authentic assessments, and feedback in
fostering student growth and development. Also, that it has enhanced my understanding of
assessment practices. Through engaging discussions, practical examples, and case studies, I have
gained insights into effective assessment strategies that can benefit both students and educators.

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