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Completa las oraciones con el adverbio de frecuencia adecuado:

She __________ forgets her keys; she's very organized.

a) always

b) usually

c) rarely

d) seldom

We go on a family picnic __________ in the summer

a) always

b) often

c) occasionally

d) never

My grandparents visit us __________ during the holidays.

a) frequently

b) seldom

c) almost always

d) almost never

I __________ have time for a morning run before work.

a) never

b) sometimes

c) hardly ever

d) usually

The bus is __________ late; it's very reliable.

a) seldom

b) almost always

c) rarely

d) frequently

I __________ go to the gym on weekends.

a) almost never

b) usually

c) always

d) occasionally

She __________ reads a book before bedtime.

a) rarely
b) sometimes

c) almost always

d) never

We __________ take the scenic route when driving to the mountains.

a) frequently

b) seldom

c) almost never

d) always

They __________ forget to water the plants in the garden.

a) usually

b) hardly ever

c) occasionally

d) never

I __________ buy new clothes; I prefer to wear what I have.

a) almost always

b) rarely

c) sometimes

d) never

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