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Reflexes- no one taught us, we already know right from the beginning

1. The concept of the (schema- a series on how to conceptualized anything.)

Two types of schema:
assimilation, they use already developed schemas to understand new information
- If children have learned a schema for horses, then they may call the striped animal they see
at the zoo a horse rather than a zebra. In this case, children fit the existing schema to the
new information and label the new information with the existing knowledge

accommodation, create a new schema to accommodate new stimulus

- When a mother says, “No, honey, that’s a zebra, not a horse,” the child may adapt the
schema to fit the new stimulus, learning that there are different types of four-legged
animals, only one of which is a horse.

The stages of development

- Object permanence- an object is still exist even they cant perceive it.

Preoperational: develop Theory of mind- other people may perceive things different from you. See the
world differently. Discover different languages.

Concrete operational: What children concrete objects he can make operations with it. Like seeing a door
they know if it will be push it will be close.

- Conservation: If e pour ang water in different container nothing will change.

Formal operational: understand abstract concepts. Loving and sacrificing are abstract things.
Attachment Theory

Attach figure:

You can considered a person an attach figure if this Three conditions is met:

1. Proximity seeking- who do you seek out when you are stress
2. Safe haven- feel the safest to express who you are, if you experienced negative things you can go
to that person
3. Secure base- you have the confidence even that you explore you other stuff this person still
remains the person you can go home to. (Someone they can go home to when things feels

Place attachment- when you are attach to anything

Secure attachment style- A child with a secure attachment style usually explores freely while the mother
is present and engages with the stranger. The child may be upset when the mother departs but is also
happy to see the mother return.

It become insecure when:

Ambivalent (sometimes called insecure-resistant) you like to but you don’t. There were times you call for
help attach figure didn’t come. ANXIOUS. That person like you but they are emotionally unavailable.

Avoidant (sometimes called insecure-resistant). Not expecting being together to other people. Doesn’t
like being attach to others.

Disorganized (no consistent way of coping with the stress of the strange situation)

TEMPERAMENT- the innate personality characteristics of the infant

- your climate as a person


- Adolescence is defined as the years between the onset of puberty and the beginning of
1. Physical Changes in Adolescence PDF: page 806
Social Development in Adolescence

Identity-diffusion status- you chose not to have an identity

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