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Q1 Reported cost for 5 orders under the new system per unit.

Cost per Unit A B C D E

Base Motor 304 304 304 304 304
Components 39.6 79.2 118.8 198 396
Order 210.3 210.3 210.3 210.3 210.3
Component 60 120 180 300 600
Total 613.9 713.5 813.1 1012.3 1510.3

Order Processing Cost / Unit = 13800000/65625

= 210.3

Cost of Component Handling = 19500000/325000


Q] Reported cost for 5 orders under the Old system per unit

Cost per Unit A B C D E

Base Motor 247 247 247 247 247

Components 32.2 64.4 96.6 161 322
Support 97.72 108.99 120.26 142.8 199.15

Total 376.92 420.39 463.86 550.8 768.15

Q3] Why are cost per unit different in both these systems?
The traditional approach allocated the different support and administrative overhead charges
35% of the manufacturing total expenses. However, under the new system, this support
overhead was split between the two costs: the processing cost (which depends on the total
number of orders) and the cost of components handling orders (which depends on the number
of special components). Because of this, the cost per unit that resulted from using this process
varied significantly.

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