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CASE NO: ___________

In the matter between:

_____________________________________ APPLICANT




I, the undersigned,


do hereby declare under oath as follows:

I am the applicant in this application, an adult male aged at _____ years with the following
personal particulars and background:

1. I was born on________________________ at ______________________________.

2. I do not have relatives outside the Republic of South Africa, and I do not have assets
outside the Republic of South Africa.
3. I have not travelled to foreign countries, and I do not possess a valid passport. _______
4. I attended my secondary school at ________________________________________
5. I do not have tertiary education. ____________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___
6. self-employed/ employed_______________________________
7. I am staying at _______________________________________________________
_______________ and I have been staying at this address for the past _______ years.

8. I submit that I will not change the above-mentioned address until the finalisation of this
case. However, where circumstances beyond my control force me to change the
address, I will notify this Honourable Court and the investigating officer.
9. I am single / married / divorced and I have _______ child / children________________
10. I was arrested on ______________________________and the nature of the
allegations against me was explained. I plead not guilty to the charge against me.
11. I wish to remain silent at this stage.
12. I have been informed by my attorney of the consequences of not fully disclosing my
previous convictions and pending cases against me.
13. My previous convictions and pending cases are as follows:
14. Therefore, I have to show and convince the court that it is in the interest of justice that
I be released on bail pending the finalisation of this matter.
15. In doing so, I rely on the provisions of section 60(4)(a) to (e) of the Criminal Procedure
Act, 51 of 1977 and submit as follows:
15.1 I will not endanger the safety of the public or any individual, as I do not have a
disposition towards violence, I have not made any threats to anyone and I
harbour no resentment towards anyone. I further submit that I will not commit
any Schedule 1 offence of the said Act while out on bail _________________

15.2 I will not evade trial, as I would like the matter to be brought to its finality. I was
informed by my attorney that if I evade trial a warrant for my arrest will be
issued, I will be arrested again and I will not be released on bail again

15.3 I will not interfere with State witnesses or tamper with any real evidence. I
submit that I do not have access to any real evidence relating to this matter
15.4 I submit that I will not undermine the criminal justice or bail system. I have not,
on any previous occasion, failed to comply with bail conditions, and I will abide
by any bail conditions that this Honourable Court may impose. I further submit
that I did not furnish any false information to the police officers at the time of
my arrest ______________________________________________________
15.5 My release will not undermine public order or peace as the offence I have been
charged with is not likely to induce a sense of shock or outrage in the
community. My release on bail will not put my life at danger as no one in the
community is against my release ___________________________________
16. I respectfully submit that the interest of justice permits my release on bail pending the
finalisation of this matter.
17. If bail is granted, I am in possession of R______________ which can be used to
secure my release.

18. If bail is granted and it is a condition that I report to the nearest police station, the
nearest police station is _______________________________ Police Station.

Thus dated and signed at Boksburg on this the ____ day of____________________2021.



Signed and sworn to before me at BOKSBURG on this the ____day of __________________

2021 by the deponent having solemnly declared that he/she knows and understands the
content hereof and it is true and correct, having no objection to taking the prescribed oath and
regards the oath as binding on his/her conscience.


Commissioner of Oaths

Name: ________________________________________

Designation: ___________________________________

Address: ______________________________________



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