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Personal Information:

Name (Optional): _______________________________________________

Dear Respondents,


We are the student of Pagsanghan National High School and currently grade 12 students. We
would like to invite you to be part of our research study entitled, "Level of sexual awareness among
senior high school student of Pagsanghan National High School. We are supervised by Mrs. Marivic I.
Rodriguez. In the regard, we are asking for your precious time and effort to answer all the questions in
the survey questionnaire that are important and helpful for the completion of the study. Rest assured that
all data gathered from you will be kept in the highest level of the confidentiality. Your positive response
in this request will be valuable contribution for the success of the study and will highly appreciate. Thank
you so much for your cooperation.


The Researcher

Survey Questions:

Directions: Put a check (/) mark on the appropriate boxes provided.

I. Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. Age: ____ B. Gender: Male (_)

Famale (_)

C. Grade Level 12(_) 11(_) D: Strand: GAS (_) HUMSS (_) TVL (_)
Directions: Kindly put a check mark (/) on the following statements which implies to you. Use
the rating scale in assessing the Level of Sexual Awareness

5 - Highly Agree 4 -Agree 3 - Neutral/undecided

2 - Disagree 1 - Strongl Diasagree

II A. Level of Sexual Awareness in terms of:

A. Human Body and Development 5 4 3 2 1

I understand the changes that occur during puberty and their impact on physical
and emotional development.

I am aware of the reproductive organs and their functions.

I am confident in my knowledge of the factors influencing human growth and


B. Healthy Relationship

Communication is a key element in my relationship.

I feel comfortable expressing my thoughts and feelings within my relationship.

I am aware of the emotional aspects of sexual relationships.

C. Sexuality and Sexual Behaviors

I am knowledgeable about safe sex practices.

I understand the potential consequences of risky sexual behaviors.

I feel confident in making informed decisions regarding my sexual health.

A. Impact of Sexual Awareness to senior high school students of Pagsanghan National
High School in terms of:

A. Peers 5 4 3 2 1

I am comfortable discussing sexual topic with my peers.

My peer’s opinions/insights affect my views on sex.

Peer discussion influence my decisions.

B. Family

My religions belief guides my sexual decisions.

Religious teachings influence my views on sex.

I incorporate my religious values into my sexual choices.

C. Religion

My religious belief guides my sexual decisions.

Religious teachings influence my views in sex.

I incorporate my religious values into my sexual choices.

B. Significant relationship between the level of sexual awareness among grade 11 and
12 students of Pagsanghan National High School:

5 4 3 2 1

The school provides sufficient information on sexual

health and relationship.
I feel well-informed about sexual health and reproductive

I am aware of the available resources for sexual health

support within the school.

I believe the school should provide more comprehensive

sexual education.

Directions. Put a check (/) mark on the appropriate boxes provided if it is applicable for you.

A. Problem encountered by the students related to sexual awareness.

1. I find it challenging to find accurate information about sexual health.
2. I face criticism or judgement from peers based on my sexual health.
3. I have encountered misinformation about sexual health.
4. There is a lack of open communication about sex within my family.
5. There is shortage of educational resources on sexual health in our school.

B. Program that can help the senior high school students in sexual awareness.

1. (DepED) Sex Education

2. Family Planning Programs
3. Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)
4. HIV/AIDS Prevention

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